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Pelatiah <ref name="term_7186" />  
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_37097" /> ==
<p> ''''' pel ''''' - ''''' a ''''' - ''''' tı̄´a ''''' ( פּלטיה , <i> ''''' pelaṭyāh ''''' </i> , "Yahweh delivers"): </p> <p> (1) One who "sealed" the covenant ( Nehemiah 10:22 ). </p> <p> (2) A descendant of Solomon, grandson of [[Zerubbabel]] ( 1 Chronicles 3:21 ). </p> <p> (3) A S imeonite, one of the captains who cleared out the [[Amalekites]] and dwelt on the captured land ( 1 Chronicles 4:42 , 1 Chronicles 4:43 ). </p> <p> (4) A prince of the people whom Ezekiel (in Babylon) pictures as 'devising mischief' and giving 'wicked counsel' in Jerusalem. He is represented as falling dead while Ezekiel prophesies ( Ezekiel 11:1 , Ezekiel 11:13 ). His name has the "-u," ending. </p>
<p> 1. 1 Chronicles 3:21. </p> <p> 2. 1 Chronicles 4:42. </p> <p> 3. Nehemiah 10:22. </p> <p> 4. One of the 25 princes; ringleader of the scorners "devising mischief." Like [[Ananias]] (Acts 5:5) stricken dead; an earnest of the destruction of the rest, as Ezekiel foretold (Ezekiel 11:1-13). The prophet fell on his face thereupon saying, "Ah! Lord God! wilt [[Thou]] make a full end of the remnant of Israel?" The people regarded [[Pelatiah]] as a mainstay of the city. His name suggested hope, from paalat "to escape," or Υah pileet , "God delivers." Is that hope to be disappointed? asks Ezekiel; is his death a token that all, even the remnant, shall be destroyed? </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_74510" /> ==
<p> Pelati'ah. (delivered by Jehovah). </p> <p> 1. [[Son]] of Hananiah, the son of Zerubbabel. 1 Chronicles 3:21. (B.C. after 536). </p> <p> 2. One of the captains, of the marauding band of Simeonites, who in the reign of [[Hezekiah]] made an expedition to Mount [[Seir]] , and smote the Amalekites. 1 Chronicles 4:42. (B.C. about 700). </p> <p> 3. One of the heads of the people, and probably, the name of a family, who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah. Nehemiah 10:22. (B.C. about 440). </p> <p> 4. The son of Benaiah, and one of the princes of the people, against whom Ezekiel was directed, to utter the words of doom recorded in Ezekiel 11:5-12. (B.C. about 592). </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_33160" /> ==
<li> One of the twenty-five princes of the people against whom Ezekiel prophesied on account of their wicked counsel (Ezekiel 11:1-13 ). <div> <p> [[Copyright]] StatementThese dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated [[Bible]] Dictionary, [[Third]] Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> Bibliography InformationEaston, Matthew George. Entry for 'Pelatiah'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/p/pelatiah.html. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_68260" /> ==
<p> 1. [[Son]] of Hananiah, a descendant of David. 1 Chronicles 3:21 . </p> <p> 2. [[Captain]] in the tribe of [[Simeon]] when they smote the Amalekites. 1 Chronicles 4:42 . </p> <p> 3. One who sealed the covenant. Nehemiah 10:22 . </p> <p> 4. One seen in a vision by Ezekiel, described as son of Benaiah, and who devised mischief and gave wicked counsel in the city, He died when Ezekiel prophesied. Ezekiel 11:1,13 . </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_43045" /> ==
1 Chronicles 3:2121 Chronicles 4:422Ezekiel 11:111:13Jeremiah 27:1-3Jeremiah 37:537:737:114Nehemiah 10:22
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_53264" /> ==
<p> <strong> PELATIAH. </strong> 1. A ‘prince of the people’ ( Ezekiel 11:1 ); he died as the prophet delivered his message ( Ezekiel 11:13 ). It is difficult to decide whether Pelatiah’s death is to be understood as actual or merely symbolical. 2. A grandson of [[Zerubbabel]] ( 1 Chronicles 3:21 ). 3. A [[Simeonite]] ( 1 Chronicles 4:42 ). 4. A signatory to the covenant ( Nehemiah 10:22 ). </p>
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_48518" /> ==
<p> [[Son]] of Hananiah. (1 Chronicles 4:42) There was another of this name in the days of Ezekiel, (Ezekiel 11:1). Derived from Palat, to deliver—and Jah, the Lord. </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_54963" /> ==
<p> (Heb. Pelatyah', פְּלִטְיָה , delivered of Jehovah; also in the prolonged form Pelatyau ‘ hu, פְּלִטְיָהוּ Ezekiel 11:1; Ezekiel 11:13; Sept. Φαλετία, Φαλεττία, Nehemiah Φαλτία , in Ezekiel Φαλτίας ), the name of four Jews. </p> <p> 1. [[Son]] of Ishi, of the tribe of Simeon, and one of the captains of the five hundred men who made a successful attack on the [[Amalekites]] in Mount Seir, in the reign of [[Hezekiah]] (1 Chronicles 4:42). B.C. cir. 700. </p> <p> 2. The son of Benaiah, and one of the princes of the people against whom Ezekiel was directed to utter the words of doom recorded in Ezekiel 11:5-12. The prophet in spirit saw him stand at the east gate of the Temple, and, as he spoke, the same vision showed him Pelatiah's sudden death (Ezekiel 11:1; Ezekiel 11:13). B.C. cir. 592. </p> <p> 3. The first named of two (three) sons of Hananiah, among the descendants of [[David]] (1 Chronicles 3:21). B.C. post 536. </p> <p> 4. One of the heads of the people who joined in the covenant with Nehemiah (Nehemiah 10:22). B.C. cir. 440. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_7186" /> ==
<p> ''''' pel ''''' - ''''' a ''''' - ''''' tı̄´a ''''' ( פּלטיה , <i> ''''' pelaṭyāh ''''' </i> , "Yahweh delivers"): </p> <p> (1) One who "sealed" the covenant (Nehemiah 10:22 ). </p> <p> (2) A descendant of Solomon, grandson of [[Zerubbabel]] (1 Chronicles 3:21 ). </p> <p> (3) A S imeonite, one of the captains who cleared out the [[Amalekites]] and dwelt on the captured land (1 Chronicles 4:42 , 1 Chronicles 4:43 ). </p> <p> (4) A prince of the people whom Ezekiel (in Babylon) pictures as 'devising mischief' and giving 'wicked counsel' in Jerusalem. He is represented as falling dead while Ezekiel prophesies (Ezekiel 11:1 , Ezekiel 11:13 ). His name has the "-u," ending. </p>
==References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_37097"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/fausset-s-bible-dictionary/pelatiah Pelatiah from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_74510"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/smith-s-bible-dictionary/pelatiah Pelatiah from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_33160"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/easton-s-bible-dictionary/pelatiah Pelatiah from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_68260"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/morrish-bible-dictionary/pelatiah Pelatiah from Morrish Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_43045"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/holman-bible-dictionary/pelatiah Pelatiah from Holman Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_53264"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-bible/pelatiah Pelatiah from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_48518"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hawker-s-poor-man-s-concordance-and-dictionary/pelatiah Pelatiah from Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_54963"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/pelatiah Pelatiah from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_7186"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/pelatiah Pelatiah from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_7186"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/pelatiah Pelatiah from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>