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== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_49627" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_49627" /> ==
<p> <strong> ARBELA </strong> . The discrepancy between 1Ma 9:1-73 and Jos. [Note: Josephus.] <em> [[Ant]] </em> . XII. xi. 1, our only authorities, makes uncertain the route of [[Bacchides]] in his march on Jerusalem. [[Josephus]] makes him pitch his camp at [[Arbela]] in Galilee: 1 Mac. brings him ‘by the way that leadeth to Gilgal,’ to ‘Mesaloth which is in Arbela.’ [[His]] course thence points to <em> Jiljilia </em> as Gilgal, about 5 miles N. of <em> Bîr ez-Zeit </em> , where the battle was fought with Judas. <strong> [[Mesaloth]] </strong> might then he sought in <em> Meselieh </em> , about 3 miles S.E. of Dothan. But no name resembling Arbela, either of town or district, is found in the neighbourhood; although [[Eusebius]] ( <em> [[Onomasticon]] </em> ) seems to have known an Arbela not far from Lejjun. [[On]] the other hand, Arbela in [[Galilee]] survives in the modern <em> Irbil </em> or <em> Irbid </em> , a ruin on the S. lip of the gorge, <em> Wâdy Hamâm </em> , which breaks westward from Gennesaret. There is, however, no trace of a Mesaloth here, unless indeed Robinson’s ingenious suggestion is right, that it may be the Heb. <em> mesillîth </em> , referring to the famous caverned cliffs in the gorge, whence Bacchides extirpated the refugees. </p> <p> W. Ewing. </p>
<p> <strong> ARBELA </strong> . The discrepancy between 1Ma 9:1-73 and Jos. [Note: Josephus.] <em> [[Ant]] </em> . XII. xi. 1, our only authorities, makes uncertain the route of [[Bacchides]] in his march on Jerusalem. [[Josephus]] makes him pitch his camp at [[Arbela]] in Galilee: 1 Mac. brings him ‘by the way that leadeth to Gilgal,’ to ‘Mesaloth which is in Arbela.’ His course thence points to <em> Jiljilia </em> as Gilgal, about 5 miles N. of <em> Bîr ez-Zeit </em> , where the battle was fought with Judas. <strong> [[Mesaloth]] </strong> might then he sought in <em> Meselieh </em> , about 3 miles S.E. of Dothan. But no name resembling Arbela, either of town or district, is found in the neighbourhood; although [[Eusebius]] ( <em> [[Onomasticon]] </em> ) seems to have known an Arbela not far from Lejjun. On the other hand, Arbela in [[Galilee]] survives in the modern <em> Irbil </em> or <em> Irbid </em> , a ruin on the S. lip of the gorge, <em> Wâdy Hamâm </em> , which breaks westward from Gennesaret. There is, however, no trace of a Mesaloth here, unless indeed Robinson’s ingenious suggestion is right, that it may be the Heb. <em> mesillîth </em> , referring to the famous caverned cliffs in the gorge, whence Bacchides extirpated the refugees. </p> <p> W. Ewing. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_819" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_819" /> ==
<p> '''''ar''''' -'''''bē´la''''' ( <span> ἐν Ἀρβήλοις </span> , <i> '''''en Arbḗlois''''' </i> ): This place is mentioned in 1 Macc 9:1ff, and in <i> [[Ant]] </i> , Xii , xi, 1, describing the march and encampment of Bacchides. The former says that "Demetrius sent [[Bacchides]] and [[Alcimus]] into the land of [[Judea]] ... who went forth by the way that leadeth to Galgala, and pitched their tents before Masaloth, which is in Arbela, and after they had won it they slew much people." [[Josephus]] says that Bacchides "marched out of [[Antioch]] and came into Judea and pitched his camp at Arbela, a city of Galilee, and having besieged and taken those that were there in caves (for many people fled into such places) he removed and made all the haste he could to Jerusalem." It was from the caves near the village of [[Arbela]] in [[Galilee]] that [[Herod]] dislodged the robbers ( <i> Ant. </i> , Xiv , xv, 4 f; <i> BJ </i> , I, xvi, 2ff). Josephus fortified the caves of Arbela in lower Galilee ( <i> Vita </i> , 37), "near the lake of Gennesar" ( <i> BJ </i> , II, xx, 6). </p> <p> The references in Josephus point plainly to the caves in the cliff forming the south wall of the tremendous gorge of <i> '''''Wādy el''''' </i> - <i> '''''Ḥamām''''' </i> which opens on the plain of Gennesaret, west of the village <i> '''''el''''' </i> - <i> '''''Mejdel''''' </i> . A series of these caves, skillfully adapted to purposes of refuge and defense, is still known as <i> '''''Qal‛at ibn Ma‛ān''''' </i> , "fortress of the son of <i> '''''Ma‛ān''''' </i> ." [[On]] the height above stand the ruins of <i> '''''Irbid''''' </i> or <i> '''''Irbil''''' </i> (both forms are heard today), which unquestionably represent the Arbela of Josephus. The army from Antioch may quite well have come this way. [[No]] name however in the least resembling [[Masaloth]] has been recovered in this district. We may mention Robinson's suggestion ( <i> BR </i> , II, 398, note), that it may stand for the [[Hebrew]] <i> '''''meṣillōth''''' </i> , "steps, stories, terraces," and may apply to the fortress in the rocks. </p> <p> On the other hand the writer of 1 Macc is an earlier authority than Josephus. [[If]] we accept his guidance, Bacchides must have crossed the plain of [[Esdraelon]] and followed the main highway southward through Samaria. [[Galgala]] may then be identified with <i> Jiljilia </i> , about 8 miles [[North]] of Bethel, and Masaloth with <i> Meselieh </i> , about 3 miles [[Southeast]] of Dothan. <i> [[Onomasticon]] </i> mentions an Arbela in the great plain, 9 miles from Legio ( <i> '''''Lejūn''''' </i> ), but it is now unknown. The phrase <i> '''''en arbḗlois''''' </i> might mean that Masaloth was in the district of Arbela; but there is no trace of this name as attaching to any tract in this neighborhood. </p> <p> [[One]] or other of these routes must have been taken. While no certain decision can be reached, special weight attaches to the statement of Josephus, on account of his acquaintance with the localities in the region, and his unquestionable familiarity with the history. [[See]] also [[Beth-Arbel]] . </p>
<p> '''''ar''''' -'''''bē´la''''' ( ἐν Ἀρβήλοις , <i> '''''en Arbḗlois''''' </i> ): This place is mentioned in 1 Macc 9:1ff, and in <i> [[Ant]] </i> , Xii , xi, 1, describing the march and encampment of Bacchides. The former says that "Demetrius sent [[Bacchides]] and [[Alcimus]] into the land of [[Judea]] ... who went forth by the way that leadeth to Galgala, and pitched their tents before Masaloth, which is in Arbela, and after they had won it they slew much people." [[Josephus]] says that Bacchides "marched out of [[Antioch]] and came into Judea and pitched his camp at Arbela, a city of Galilee, and having besieged and taken those that were there in caves (for many people fled into such places) he removed and made all the haste he could to Jerusalem." It was from the caves near the village of [[Arbela]] in [[Galilee]] that [[Herod]] dislodged the robbers ( <i> Ant. </i> , Xiv , xv, 4 f; <i> BJ </i> , I, xvi, 2ff). Josephus fortified the caves of Arbela in lower Galilee ( <i> Vita </i> , 37), "near the lake of Gennesar" ( <i> BJ </i> , II, xx, 6). </p> <p> The references in Josephus point plainly to the caves in the cliff forming the south wall of the tremendous gorge of <i> '''''Wādy el''''' </i> - <i> '''''Ḥamām''''' </i> which opens on the plain of Gennesaret, west of the village <i> '''''el''''' </i> - <i> '''''Mejdel''''' </i> . A series of these caves, skillfully adapted to purposes of refuge and defense, is still known as <i> '''''Qal‛at ibn Ma‛ān''''' </i> , "fortress of the son of <i> '''''Ma‛ān''''' </i> ." On the height above stand the ruins of <i> '''''Irbid''''' </i> or <i> '''''Irbil''''' </i> (both forms are heard today), which unquestionably represent the Arbela of Josephus. The army from Antioch may quite well have come this way. No name however in the least resembling [[Masaloth]] has been recovered in this district. We may mention Robinson's suggestion ( <i> BR </i> , II, 398, note), that it may stand for the [[Hebrew]] <i> '''''meṣillōth''''' </i> , "steps, stories, terraces," and may apply to the fortress in the rocks. </p> <p> On the other hand the writer of 1 Macc is an earlier authority than Josephus. If we accept his guidance, Bacchides must have crossed the plain of [[Esdraelon]] and followed the main highway southward through Samaria. [[Galgala]] may then be identified with <i> Jiljilia </i> , about 8 miles North of Bethel, and Masaloth with <i> Meselieh </i> , about 3 miles Southeast of Dothan. <i> [[Onomasticon]] </i> mentions an Arbela in the great plain, 9 miles from Legio ( <i> '''''Lejūn''''' </i> ), but it is now unknown. The phrase <i> '''''en arbḗlois''''' </i> might mean that Masaloth was in the district of Arbela; but there is no trace of this name as attaching to any tract in this neighborhood. </p> <p> One or other of these routes must have been taken. While no certain decision can be reached, special weight attaches to the statement of Josephus, on account of his acquaintance with the localities in the region, and his unquestionable familiarity with the history. See also [[Beth-Arbel]] . </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_20669" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_20669" /> ==
<p> ( <span> τὰ </span> <span> Ἀρβήλα </span> ) <span> , </span> mentioned in <span> 1 [[Maccabees]] 9:2 </span> , as defining the situation of Masaloth, a place besieged and taken by [[Bacchides]] and [[Alcimus]] at the opening of the campaign in which [[Judas]] Maccabaeus was killed. According to [[Josephus]] <span> (Ant. </span> 12:11, 1) this was at [[Arbela]] of [[Galilee]] ( <span> ἐν </span> <span> Ἀρβήλοις </span> ) <span> , </span> a place which he elsewhere states to be near Sepphoris, on the lake of Gennesareth, and remarkable for certain impregnable caves, the resort of robbers and insurgents, and the scene of more than one desperate encounter (comp. Ant. 14:15, 4 and 5; War, 1:16, 2 and 3; 2:20, 6; Life, 37). These topographical requirements are fully met by the existing Irbid, a site with a few ruins, west of Mejdel, on the south-east side of the [[Wady]] Hamam, in a small plain at the foot of the hill of Kurun Hattin. The caverns are in the opposite face of the ravine, and bear the name of Kulat Ibn Maan (Robinson, 2:398; Burckh. 331; Irby, 91). [[As]] to the change in the name, the Arbela of [[Alexander]] the [[Great]] is called Irbil by the [[Arabic]] historians (Robinson, 2:399). Moreover, the present Irbid is undoubtedly mentioned in the [[Talmud]] as [[Arbel]] (see Schwarz, Palest. 189; Reland, Palest. 358; Robinson, 3, 343 note). There seems, therefore, no reason to doubt the soundness of this identification (first suggested in the Muinch. Gel. Anzeigen, Nov. 1836). The army of Bacchides was on its road from [[Antioch]] to the land of [[Judaea]] ( <span> γῆν </span> <span> Ι᾿ούδα </span> ) <span> , </span> which they were approaching "by the way that leadeth to Galgala" (Gilgal), that is, by the valley of the [[Jordan]] in the direct line to which <span> Irbid </span> lies. Ewald, however <span> (Gesch. Isr. </span> 4:370 note), insists, in opposition to Josephus, that the engagements of this campaign were confined to Judaea proper, a theory which drives him to consider "Galgala" as the Jiljilia north of Gophna. [[See]] GILGAL. But he admits that no trace of an Arbela in what direction has yet come to light. Arbela is probably the BETH-ARBEL (See [[Beth-Arbel]]) (q.v.) of <span> [[Hosea]] 10:14 </span> <span> </span> Smith. </p> <p> ( <span> Ἀρβηλά </span> ), another city mentioned by [[Eusebius]] and [[Jerome]] <span> (Onomast. </span> s.v.) as situated beyond Jordan, near Pella; doubtless the present <span> Irbid, </span> a large village with extensive ruins near Wady Shelaleh, visited by several travelers (Ritter, <span> Erdk. </span> 15:1054 sq.). </p>
<p> (τὰ Ἀρβήλα ), mentioned in 1 [[Maccabees]] 9:2, as defining the situation of Masaloth, a place besieged and taken by [[Bacchides]] and [[Alcimus]] at the opening of the campaign in which [[Judas]] Maccabaeus was killed. According to [[Josephus]] (Ant. 12:11, 1) this was at [[Arbela]] of [[Galilee]] (ἐν Ἀρβήλοις ), a place which he elsewhere states to be near Sepphoris, on the lake of Gennesareth, and remarkable for certain impregnable caves, the resort of robbers and insurgents, and the scene of more than one desperate encounter (comp. Ant. 14:15, 4 and 5; War, 1:16, 2 and 3; 2:20, 6; Life, 37). These topographical requirements are fully met by the existing Irbid, a site with a few ruins, west of Mejdel, on the south-east side of the [[Wady]] Hamam, in a small plain at the foot of the hill of Kurun Hattin. The caverns are in the opposite face of the ravine, and bear the name of Kulat Ibn Maan (Robinson, 2:398; Burckh. 331; Irby, 91). As to the change in the name, the Arbela of [[Alexander]] the [[Great]] is called Irbil by the [[Arabic]] historians (Robinson, 2:399). Moreover, the present Irbid is undoubtedly mentioned in the [[Talmud]] as [[Arbel]] (see Schwarz, Palest. 189; Reland, Palest. 358; Robinson, 3, 343 note). There seems, therefore, no reason to doubt the soundness of this identification (first suggested in the Muinch. Gel. Anzeigen, Nov. 1836). The army of Bacchides was on its road from [[Antioch]] to the land of [[Judaea]] (γῆν Ι᾿ούδα ), which they were approaching "by the way that leadeth to Galgala" (Gilgal), that is, by the valley of the [[Jordan]] in the direct line to which Irbid lies. Ewald, however (Gesch. Isr. 4:370 note), insists, in opposition to Josephus, that the engagements of this campaign were confined to Judaea proper, a theory which drives him to consider "Galgala" as the Jiljilia north of Gophna. See GILGAL. But he admits that no trace of an Arbela in what direction has yet come to light. Arbela is probably the BETH-ARBEL (See [[Beth-Arbel]]) (q.v.) of Hosea 10:14 — Smith. </p> <p> (Ἀρβηλά ), another city mentioned by [[Eusebius]] and [[Jerome]] (Onomast. s.v.) as situated beyond Jordan, near Pella; doubtless the present Irbid, a large village with extensive ruins near Wady Shelaleh, visited by several travelers (Ritter, Erdk. 15:1054 sq.). </p>
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