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== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_53019" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_53019" /> ==
<p> <strong> [[Naphtuhim.]] </strong> Fourth son of [[Mizraim]] (&nbsp; [[Genesis]] 10:13 , &nbsp; 1 Chronicles 1:11 ). Many suggestions have been made to account for the name, which does not appear exactly in [[Egyptian]] or [[Assyrian]] inscriptions, but in Ashurhanipal’s <em> Annals </em> (col. 1. 94, 99) a district <em> Nathu </em> , probably in Lower Egypt, occurs, which may be the same. An Egyptian <em> n-idhw </em> , ‘the marshes,’ used in contrast to Pathros, may be intended; but the discovery of Caphtor, so long a puzzle, may warn us to wait for further evidence. </p> <p> [[C.]] [[H.]] [[W.]] Johns. </p>
<p> <strong> NAPHTUHIM. </strong> Fourth son of [[Mizraim]] (&nbsp; [[Genesis]] 10:13 , &nbsp; 1 Chronicles 1:11 ). Many suggestions have been made to account for the name, which does not appear exactly in [[Egyptian]] or [[Assyrian]] inscriptions, but in Ashurhanipal’s <em> Annals </em> (col. 1. 94, 99) a district <em> Nathu </em> , probably in Lower Egypt, occurs, which may be the same. An Egyptian <em> n-idhw </em> , ‘the marshes,’ used in contrast to Pathros, may be intended; but the discovery of Caphtor, so long a puzzle, may warn us to wait for further evidence. </p> <p> C. H. W. Johns. </p>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_36810" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_36810" /> ==
<p> [[A]] Mizraite tribe (&nbsp;Genesis 10:13; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:11) coming in order after the [[Lehabim]] or Libyans. Niphaiat is [[Coptic]] for the country [[W.]] of the Nile. on Egypt's [[N.W.]] borders, about the Mareotic lake. The Na-petu. the people called "the [[Nine]] Bows," are mentioned in the Egyptian monuments [[(G.]] Rawlinson). [[Gesenius]] from [[Plutarch]] (de Isaiah 355) thinks the [[Naphtuhim]] were on the [[W.]] coast of the Red Sea, sacred to the goddess Nepthys wife of Typhon. Knobel derives Naphtuhim from the deity Phthah. </p>
<p> A Mizraite tribe (&nbsp;Genesis 10:13; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:11) coming in order after the [[Lehabim]] or Libyans. Niphaiat is [[Coptic]] for the country W. of the Nile. on Egypt's N.W. borders, about the Mareotic lake. The Na-petu. the people called "the [[Nine]] Bows," are mentioned in the Egyptian monuments (G. Rawlinson). [[Gesenius]] from [[Plutarch]] (de Isaiah 355) thinks the [[Naphtuhim]] were on the W. coast of the Red Sea, sacred to the goddess Nepthys wife of Typhon. Knobel derives Naphtuhim from the deity Phthah. </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_74121" /> ==
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_74121" /> ==
<p> '''Naph'tuhim.''' ''(border-people).'' [[A]] Mizraite, (Egyptian), nation or tribe mentioned only in the account of the descendants of Noah. &nbsp;Genesis 10:13; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:11. If we may judge from their position in the list of the Mizraites, the Naphtuhim were possibly settled, at first, either in Egypt or immediately to the west of it. </p>
<p> '''Naph'tuhim.''' ''(Border-People).'' A Mizraite, (Egyptian), nation or tribe mentioned only in the account of the descendants of Noah. &nbsp;Genesis 10:13; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:11. If we may judge from their position in the list of the Mizraites, the Naphtuhim were possibly settled, at first, either in Egypt or immediately to the west of it. </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_67837" /> ==
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_67837" /> ==
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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_52460" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_52460" /> ==
<p> (Heb. Naphtuhim', נִפְתֻּהַים, prob. of Egyptian origin, but of uncertain meaning [see below]; Sept. Νεφθαλείμ '','' &nbsp;Genesis 10:13; Νεφθαλίμ &nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:11, v.r. Νεφθωσεείμ, Νεφθουείμ; Vulg. ''Nephtheim'' and Nephthuim), a Hamitic tribe of Mizraim's descendants (&nbsp;Genesis 10:13; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 10:11). The plural form of the name seems to indicate a tribe sprung from ''Nalphteh.'' [[Jonathan]] ''(Chald. Chron.)'' interprets it פנטסכנאי, ''Pentaschoeni,'' i.e., inhabitants of Pentaschoenum, a city in Lower Egypt, twenty Roman miles from Pelusium. Saadias renders it ''Curamanii.'' Bochart ''(Phal.'' 4:29) compares ''Nephthys,'' the name of an Egyptian goddess, sister and wife of Typhon; which, according to Plutarch ''(De Iside,'' c. 38), means Τῆς γῆς τὰ ἔσχατα καὶ παρόρια, the ends of'the earth or ''land,'' i.e., the sea-shore; and so the Coptic interprets Naphtuhim. Michaelis (Spicileg. 1:268 sq.) understands the name to belong to the desert between Egypt and Asia. near the Sirbonian lake, which the [[Egyptians]] call the exhalations of Typhon. See also Jablonsky, Opusc. 1:161; Schulthess, Paradies, page 152. But [[Miss]] [[F.]] Corbaux ("Rephaim," in the Journ. of Sac. Lit. 1851, page 151) identifies this tribe with the original Memphites, whose capital, "the dwelling of Ptah," Na-Ptah, is contracted in [[Hebrew]] into Naph (נָ ). "If we may judge from their position in the list of the Mizraites, according to the Masoretic text (in the Sept. in Genesis x they follow the [[Ludim]] and precede the Anamim, Ε᾿νεμετιείμ), immediately after the Lehabim, who doubtless dwelt to the west of Egypt, and before the Pathrusim, who inhabited that country, the Naphtuhim were probably settled at first, or at the time when Genesis 10 was written, either in Egypt or immediately to the west of it. In Coptic the city Marea and the neighboring territory, which probably corresponded to the older Mareotic nome, is called ''piphaiat'' or ''piphaiad,'' a name composed of the word ''phaiat'' or ''phaiad,'' of unknown meaning, with the plural definite article ''pi'' prefixed. </p> <p> In hieroglyphics mention is made of a nation or confederacy of tribes conquered by the Egyptians called 'the Nine Bows,' a name which Champollion read ''Naphit,'' or, as we should write it, [[Napetu,]] 'the bows,' though he called them 'the Nine Bows' (or 'nine peoples,' Brugsch, ''Geogr. Inschr.'' 2:20). It seems, however, more reasonable to suppose that we should read (9) [[Petu,]] 'the Nine Bows,' literally. It is also doubtful whether the Coptic name of Marea contains the word 'bow,' which is only found in the forms pite [[(S.]] masc.) and phit [[(M.]] fern. 'a rainbow'); but it is possible that the second part of the former may have been originally the same as the latter. It is noteworthy that there should be two geographical names connected with the bow in hieroglyphics, the one of a country, [[Meru-Pet,]] 'the island of the bow,' probably [[Meroe,]] and the other of a nation or confederacy, 'the Nine Bows, and that in the list of the [[Hamites]] there should be two similar names, PIhut and Naphtuhim, besides Cush, probably of like sense. </p> <p> No important historical notice of the Nine Bows has been found in the Egyptian inscriptions: they are only spoken of in a general manner when the kings are said, in laudatory inscriptions, to have subdued great nations, such as the Negroes, or extensive countries, such as Kish, or Cush. Perhaps, therefore, this name is that of a confederacy or of a widely spread nation, of which the members or tribes are spoken of separately in records of a more particular character, treating of special conquests of the Pharaohs or enumerating their tributaries." "It appears more probable, however, to identify the Naphtulhim with the city of Naphata or Napata, the capital of an ancient [[Ethiopian]] kingdom, and one of the most splendid cities in Africa (Strabo, 17, page 820; Pliny, Hist. Nat. 6:35; Ptolemy, 4:7). [[Strabo]] states that Napata was the royal seat of queen Candace, a fact which may connect one of the most ancient tribes of the Old [[Testament]] with an incident in apostolic history (&nbsp;Acts 8:27). The city and its territory lay upon the southern frontier of Mizraim, at the great bend of the Nile in Soudan, and having the desert of Bahiuda on the south. The ruins of the city on the banks of the river are extensive and splendid, consisting of pyramids, temples, sphinxes, and sculptures. The modern name is ''Meroe'' or ''Merawe;'' though some geographers do not adopt this view (Ritter, ''Erdkunde,'' 1:591). The connection of this city with Egypt is shown by the character of its ruins. There, is a temple of [[Osiris]] and another of Ammon; and there is a necropolis on whose gateway Osiris is figured receiving gifts as the god of the lower world. Two lions of red granite of beautiful workmanship were found here, and brought to [[England]] by lord Prudhoe, afterwards duke of Northumberland. They are at present in the British Museum (Hoskins, Travels, pages 161, 288; Lavard, Nin. and Bab. page 157; Kalisch, On Genesis, page 265; Smith, Dict. of Gr. and Rom. Geog. 2:396)." </p>
<p> (Heb. Naphtuhim', נִפְתֻּהַים, prob. of Egyptian origin, but of uncertain meaning [see below]; Sept. Νεφθαλείμ '','' &nbsp;Genesis 10:13; Νεφθαλίμ &nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:11, v.r. Νεφθωσεείμ, Νεφθουείμ; Vulg. ''Nephtheim'' and Nephthuim), a Hamitic tribe of Mizraim's descendants (&nbsp;Genesis 10:13; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 10:11). The plural form of the name seems to indicate a tribe sprung from ''Nalphteh.'' [[Jonathan]] ''(Chald. Chron.)'' interprets it פנטסכנאי, ''Pentaschoeni,'' i.e., inhabitants of Pentaschoenum, a city in Lower Egypt, twenty Roman miles from Pelusium. Saadias renders it ''Curamanii.'' Bochart ''(Phal.'' 4:29) compares ''Nephthys,'' the name of an Egyptian goddess, sister and wife of Typhon; which, according to Plutarch ''(De Iside,'' c. 38), means Τῆς γῆς τὰ ἔσχατα καὶ παρόρια, the ends of'the earth or ''Land,'' i.e., the sea-shore; and so the Coptic interprets Naphtuhim. Michaelis (Spicileg. 1:268 sq.) understands the name to belong to the desert between Egypt and Asia. near the Sirbonian lake, which the [[Egyptians]] call the exhalations of Typhon. See also Jablonsky, Opusc. 1:161; Schulthess, Paradies, page 152. But [[Miss]] F. Corbaux ("Rephaim," in the Journ. of Sac. Lit. 1851, page 151) identifies this tribe with the original Memphites, whose capital, "the dwelling of Ptah," Na-Ptah, is contracted in [[Hebrew]] into Naph (נָ ). "If we may judge from their position in the list of the Mizraites, according to the Masoretic text (in the Sept. in Genesis x they follow the [[Ludim]] and precede the Anamim, Ε᾿νεμετιείμ), immediately after the Lehabim, who doubtless dwelt to the west of Egypt, and before the Pathrusim, who inhabited that country, the Naphtuhim were probably settled at first, or at the time when Genesis 10 was written, either in Egypt or immediately to the west of it. In Coptic the city Marea and the neighboring territory, which probably corresponded to the older Mareotic nome, is called ''Piphaiat'' or ''Piphaiad,'' a name composed of the word ''Phaiat'' or ''Phaiad,'' of unknown meaning, with the plural definite article ''Pi'' prefixed. </p> <p> In hieroglyphics mention is made of a nation or confederacy of tribes conquered by the Egyptians called 'the Nine Bows,' a name which Champollion read ''Naphit,'' or, as we should write it, NAPETU, 'the bows,' though he called them 'the Nine Bows' (or 'nine peoples,' Brugsch, ''Geogr. Inschr.'' 2:20). It seems, however, more reasonable to suppose that we should read (9) PETU, 'the Nine Bows,' literally. It is also doubtful whether the Coptic name of Marea contains the word 'bow,' which is only found in the forms pite (S. masc.) and phit (M. fern. 'a rainbow'); but it is possible that the second part of the former may have been originally the same as the latter. It is noteworthy that there should be two geographical names connected with the bow in hieroglyphics, the one of a country, MERU-PET, 'the island of the bow,' probably MEROE, and the other of a nation or confederacy, 'the Nine Bows, and that in the list of the [[Hamites]] there should be two similar names, PIhut and Naphtuhim, besides Cush, probably of like sense. </p> <p> No important historical notice of the Nine Bows has been found in the Egyptian inscriptions: they are only spoken of in a general manner when the kings are said, in laudatory inscriptions, to have subdued great nations, such as the Negroes, or extensive countries, such as Kish, or Cush. Perhaps, therefore, this name is that of a confederacy or of a widely spread nation, of which the members or tribes are spoken of separately in records of a more particular character, treating of special conquests of the Pharaohs or enumerating their tributaries." "It appears more probable, however, to identify the Naphtulhim with the city of Naphata or Napata, the capital of an ancient [[Ethiopian]] kingdom, and one of the most splendid cities in Africa (Strabo, 17, page 820; Pliny, Hist. Nat. 6:35; Ptolemy, 4:7). [[Strabo]] states that Napata was the royal seat of queen Candace, a fact which may connect one of the most ancient tribes of the Old [[Testament]] with an incident in apostolic history (&nbsp;Acts 8:27). The city and its territory lay upon the southern frontier of Mizraim, at the great bend of the Nile in Soudan, and having the desert of Bahiuda on the south. The ruins of the city on the banks of the river are extensive and splendid, consisting of pyramids, temples, sphinxes, and sculptures. The modern name is ''Meroe'' or ''Merawe;'' though some geographers do not adopt this view (Ritter, ''Erdkunde,'' 1:591). The connection of this city with Egypt is shown by the character of its ruins. There, is a temple of [[Osiris]] and another of Ammon; and there is a necropolis on whose gateway Osiris is figured receiving gifts as the god of the lower world. Two lions of red granite of beautiful workmanship were found here, and brought to [[England]] by lord Prudhoe, afterwards duke of Northumberland. They are at present in the British Museum (Hoskins, Travels, pages 161, 288; Lavard, Nin. and Bab. page 157; Kalisch, On Genesis, page 265; Smith, Dict. of Gr. and Rom. Geog. 2:396)." </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_6686" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_6686" /> ==
<p> ''''' naf ''''' - ''''' tū´him ''''' ( נפתּחים , <i> ''''' naphtūḥı̄m ''''' </i> ; [[Septuagint]] Νεφθαλείμ , <i> ''''' Nephthaleı́m ''''' </i> ): [[A]] son of Mizraim (&nbsp; Genesis 10:13; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:11 ); but, according to most modern authorities, a district or a dependency of Egypt. Among the many efforts at identification the following deserve notice: Naphtuhim = (1) <i> '''''Nephthys''''' </i> (Νέφθυς , <i> '''''Néphthus''''' </i> ) in the Northeast of Egypt; (2) <i> '''''Na''''' </i> - <i> '''''ptah''''' </i> , i.e. the people of Ptah, the dwellers in the neighborhood of Memphis; (3) <i> '''''Nathu''''' </i> (according to Herodotus, Ναθῶ , <i> '''''Nathṓ''''' </i> ), which occurs in Assurbanipal's Annals as the name of a part of Lower Egypt; (4) Erman ( <i> [[Zatw]] </i> , [[X,]] 118), by the change of a letter, reads Petemhim, which signifies "The Northland"; (5) Spiegelberg sees in the word an old designation of the Delta, and would therefore render the name, "the people of the Delta" (compare Johns, <i> [[Hdb]] </i> ; Skinner and Holzinger on <i> Genesis </i> ). </p>
<p> ''''' naf ''''' - ''''' tū´him ''''' ( נפתּחים , <i> ''''' naphtūḥı̄m ''''' </i> ; [[Septuagint]] Νεφθαλείμ , <i> ''''' Nephthaleı́m ''''' </i> ): A son of Mizraim (&nbsp; Genesis 10:13; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:11 ); but, according to most modern authorities, a district or a dependency of Egypt. Among the many efforts at identification the following deserve notice: Naphtuhim = (1) <i> '''''Nephthys''''' </i> (Νέφθυς , <i> '''''Néphthus''''' </i> ) in the Northeast of Egypt; (2) <i> '''''Na''''' </i> - <i> '''''ptah''''' </i> , i.e. the people of Ptah, the dwellers in the neighborhood of Memphis; (3) <i> '''''Nathu''''' </i> (according to Herodotus, Ναθῶ , <i> '''''Nathṓ''''' </i> ), which occurs in Assurbanipal's Annals as the name of a part of Lower Egypt; (4) Erman ( <i> ZATW </i> , X, 118), by the change of a letter, reads Petemhim, which signifies "The Northland"; (5) Spiegelberg sees in the word an old designation of the Delta, and would therefore render the name, "the people of the Delta" (compare Johns, <i> HDB </i> ; Skinner and Holzinger on <i> Genesis </i> ). </p>
==References ==
==References ==

Revision as of 10:32, 13 October 2021

Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [1]

a son, or rather the descendant of a son, of Mizraim, whose proper name is Naphtuch. Naphtuch is supposed to have given his name to Naph, Noph, or Memphis, and to have been the first king of that division of Egypt. He is, however, placed by Bochart in Lybia; and is conjectured to be the Aphtuchus, or Autuchus, who had a temple somewhere here. He is farther conjectured, and not without reason, to be the original of the Heathen god Neptune; who is represented to have been a Lybian, and whose temples were generally built near the sea coast. By others, he is supposed to have peopled that part of Ethiopia between Syene and Meroe, the capital of which was called Napata.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

NAPHTUHIM. Fourth son of MizraimGenesis 10:13 ,   1 Chronicles 1:11 ). Many suggestions have been made to account for the name, which does not appear exactly in Egyptian or Assyrian inscriptions, but in Ashurhanipal’s Annals (col. 1. 94, 99) a district Nathu , probably in Lower Egypt, occurs, which may be the same. An Egyptian n-idhw , ‘the marshes,’ used in contrast to Pathros, may be intended; but the discovery of Caphtor, so long a puzzle, may warn us to wait for further evidence.

C. H. W. Johns.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [3]

A Mizraite tribe ( Genesis 10:13;  1 Chronicles 1:11) coming in order after the Lehabim or Libyans. Niphaiat is Coptic for the country W. of the Nile. on Egypt's N.W. borders, about the Mareotic lake. The Na-petu. the people called "the Nine Bows," are mentioned in the Egyptian monuments (G. Rawlinson). Gesenius from Plutarch (de Isaiah 355) thinks the Naphtuhim were on the W. coast of the Red Sea, sacred to the goddess Nepthys wife of Typhon. Knobel derives Naphtuhim from the deity Phthah.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [4]

Naph'tuhim. (Border-People). A Mizraite, (Egyptian), nation or tribe mentioned only in the account of the descendants of Noah.  Genesis 10:13;  1 Chronicles 1:11. If we may judge from their position in the list of the Mizraites, the Naphtuhim were possibly settled, at first, either in Egypt or immediately to the west of it.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [5]

Descendants of Mizraim, supposed to have settled in some part of Egypt, but where is unknown.  Genesis 10:13;  1 Chronicles 1:11 .

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [6]

The son of Mizriam. ( Genesis 10:13) His name means openings.

Holman Bible Dictionary [7]

 Genesis 10:13 1 Chronicles 1:11

Easton's Bible Dictionary [8]

 Genesis 10:13 Acts 8:27

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

(Heb. Naphtuhim', נִפְתֻּהַים, prob. of Egyptian origin, but of uncertain meaning [see below]; Sept. Νεφθαλείμ ,  Genesis 10:13; Νεφθαλίμ  1 Chronicles 1:11, v.r. Νεφθωσεείμ, Νεφθουείμ; Vulg. Nephtheim and Nephthuim), a Hamitic tribe of Mizraim's descendants ( Genesis 10:13;  1 Chronicles 10:11). The plural form of the name seems to indicate a tribe sprung from Nalphteh. Jonathan (Chald. Chron.) interprets it פנטסכנאי, Pentaschoeni, i.e., inhabitants of Pentaschoenum, a city in Lower Egypt, twenty Roman miles from Pelusium. Saadias renders it Curamanii. Bochart (Phal. 4:29) compares Nephthys, the name of an Egyptian goddess, sister and wife of Typhon; which, according to Plutarch (De Iside, c. 38), means Τῆς γῆς τὰ ἔσχατα καὶ παρόρια, the ends of'the earth or Land, i.e., the sea-shore; and so the Coptic interprets Naphtuhim. Michaelis (Spicileg. 1:268 sq.) understands the name to belong to the desert between Egypt and Asia. near the Sirbonian lake, which the Egyptians call the exhalations of Typhon. See also Jablonsky, Opusc. 1:161; Schulthess, Paradies, page 152. But Miss F. Corbaux ("Rephaim," in the Journ. of Sac. Lit. 1851, page 151) identifies this tribe with the original Memphites, whose capital, "the dwelling of Ptah," Na-Ptah, is contracted in Hebrew into Naph (נָ ). "If we may judge from their position in the list of the Mizraites, according to the Masoretic text (in the Sept. in Genesis x they follow the Ludim and precede the Anamim, Ε᾿νεμετιείμ), immediately after the Lehabim, who doubtless dwelt to the west of Egypt, and before the Pathrusim, who inhabited that country, the Naphtuhim were probably settled at first, or at the time when Genesis 10 was written, either in Egypt or immediately to the west of it. In Coptic the city Marea and the neighboring territory, which probably corresponded to the older Mareotic nome, is called Piphaiat or Piphaiad, a name composed of the word Phaiat or Phaiad, of unknown meaning, with the plural definite article Pi prefixed.

In hieroglyphics mention is made of a nation or confederacy of tribes conquered by the Egyptians called 'the Nine Bows,' a name which Champollion read Naphit, or, as we should write it, NAPETU, 'the bows,' though he called them 'the Nine Bows' (or 'nine peoples,' Brugsch, Geogr. Inschr. 2:20). It seems, however, more reasonable to suppose that we should read (9) PETU, 'the Nine Bows,' literally. It is also doubtful whether the Coptic name of Marea contains the word 'bow,' which is only found in the forms pite (S. masc.) and phit (M. fern. 'a rainbow'); but it is possible that the second part of the former may have been originally the same as the latter. It is noteworthy that there should be two geographical names connected with the bow in hieroglyphics, the one of a country, MERU-PET, 'the island of the bow,' probably MEROE, and the other of a nation or confederacy, 'the Nine Bows, and that in the list of the Hamites there should be two similar names, PIhut and Naphtuhim, besides Cush, probably of like sense.

No important historical notice of the Nine Bows has been found in the Egyptian inscriptions: they are only spoken of in a general manner when the kings are said, in laudatory inscriptions, to have subdued great nations, such as the Negroes, or extensive countries, such as Kish, or Cush. Perhaps, therefore, this name is that of a confederacy or of a widely spread nation, of which the members or tribes are spoken of separately in records of a more particular character, treating of special conquests of the Pharaohs or enumerating their tributaries." "It appears more probable, however, to identify the Naphtulhim with the city of Naphata or Napata, the capital of an ancient Ethiopian kingdom, and one of the most splendid cities in Africa (Strabo, 17, page 820; Pliny, Hist. Nat. 6:35; Ptolemy, 4:7). Strabo states that Napata was the royal seat of queen Candace, a fact which may connect one of the most ancient tribes of the Old Testament with an incident in apostolic history ( Acts 8:27). The city and its territory lay upon the southern frontier of Mizraim, at the great bend of the Nile in Soudan, and having the desert of Bahiuda on the south. The ruins of the city on the banks of the river are extensive and splendid, consisting of pyramids, temples, sphinxes, and sculptures. The modern name is Meroe or Merawe; though some geographers do not adopt this view (Ritter, Erdkunde, 1:591). The connection of this city with Egypt is shown by the character of its ruins. There, is a temple of Osiris and another of Ammon; and there is a necropolis on whose gateway Osiris is figured receiving gifts as the god of the lower world. Two lions of red granite of beautiful workmanship were found here, and brought to England by lord Prudhoe, afterwards duke of Northumberland. They are at present in the British Museum (Hoskins, Travels, pages 161, 288; Lavard, Nin. and Bab. page 157; Kalisch, On Genesis, page 265; Smith, Dict. of Gr. and Rom. Geog. 2:396)."

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [10]

naf - tū´him ( נפתּחים , naphtūḥı̄m  ; Septuagint Νεφθαλείμ , Nephthaleı́m ): A son of Mizraim (  Genesis 10:13;  1 Chronicles 1:11 ); but, according to most modern authorities, a district or a dependency of Egypt. Among the many efforts at identification the following deserve notice: Naphtuhim = (1) Nephthys (Νέφθυς , Néphthus ) in the Northeast of Egypt; (2) Na - ptah , i.e. the people of Ptah, the dwellers in the neighborhood of Memphis; (3) Nathu (according to Herodotus, Ναθῶ , Nathṓ ), which occurs in Assurbanipal's Annals as the name of a part of Lower Egypt; (4) Erman ( ZATW , X, 118), by the change of a letter, reads Petemhim, which signifies "The Northland"; (5) Spiegelberg sees in the word an old designation of the Delta, and would therefore render the name, "the people of the Delta" (compare Johns, HDB  ; Skinner and Holzinger on Genesis ).
