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== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_36929" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_36929" /> ==
<p> (See [[Dress]] ; EARRINGS; NOSE JEWEL; ANKLET; FOREHEAD.) &nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 1:10-11; "thy cheeks are comely with rows" (of pearls), torim , alluding to torah the law (&nbsp;Ezekiel 16:11). [[Jehovah]] adorns His bride with His ordinances (&nbsp;Proverbs 1:8-9). See &nbsp;Song of Solomon 7:1, "the rounding ("graceful curve") of thy thighs is like (the rounding of) the knobs of a necklace." </p>
<p> (See [[Dress]] ; [[Earrings; Nose Jewel; Anklet; Forehead]] ) &nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 1:10-11; "thy cheeks are comely with rows" (of pearls), '''''Torim''''' , alluding to torah the law (&nbsp;Ezekiel 16:11). [[Jehovah]] adorns His bride with His ordinances (&nbsp;Proverbs 1:8-9). See &nbsp;Song of Solomon 7:1, "the rounding ("graceful curve") of thy thighs is like (the rounding of) the knobs of a necklace." </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_151117" /> ==
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_151117" /> ==
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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_53859" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_53859" /> ==
<p> is the usual and proper rendering in the O.T. of the [[Hebrew]] עֲדַי, [[Adi]] (Sept. usually κόσμος ). The Israelites, like other Oriental nations, have always been remarkable for their love of ornament (&nbsp;Genesis 24:47; &nbsp;Exodus 32:2; &nbsp;Exodus 33:4, etc.), not only in costly garments and braiding the hair (&nbsp;1 Peter 3:3 (See [[Hair]]) ), but also in jewelry and gold (&nbsp;Ezekiel 28:13 sq.). The men were usually content to wear simply seal-rings, (See [[Seal]]), and indulged in expensive attire only on solemn or public occasions; unless their position, as in the case of princes, required more display (&nbsp;Psalms 45:5; &nbsp;2 Samuel 12:30; &nbsp;2 [[Maccabees]] 4:38, etc.). But the women, especially young damsels and brides, wore many and very valuable ornaments (&nbsp;2 Samuel 1:24; &nbsp;Jeremiah 2:32; &nbsp;Isaiah 3:17 sq.; &nbsp;Isaiah 61:10; &nbsp;Judges 10:4; Judges 12:16; comp. &nbsp;Esther 2:12), generally in the form of rings, chains, and bracelets. Sometimes the young women purposely made themselves publicly conspicuous by their adornments (&nbsp;Baruch 6:8; ''I.E.'' Epist. Jeremiah 8). During times of mourning, in obedience to a natural impulse, all ornaments were laid aside (&nbsp;Exodus 33:4 sq.; &nbsp;2 Samuel 1:24; &nbsp;Ezekiel 24:17; &nbsp;Ezekiel 24:22). [[Ornaments]] are enumerated in various passages (see &nbsp;Isaiah 3:18 sq.; &nbsp;Hosea 2:12; &nbsp;Ezekiel 16:11). Among the ornaments peculiar to females was the golden head-dress in the form of the holy city (see Mishna, ''Edujoth,'' 2:7, עיר של זחב, so explained by the rabbins). [[Idols]] were also adorned with gold and jewels (&nbsp;Jeremiah 10:4; &nbsp;Baruch 6:10; &nbsp;Baruch 6:23; &nbsp;2 Maccabees 2:2), as now the images of the [[Virgin]] in the Roman churches. (See [[Attire]]); (See [[Ephod]]). </p> <p> The number, variety, and weight of the ornaments ordinarily worn upon the person form one of the characteristic features of Oriental costume, both in ancient and modern times (see Thomson, Land and Book, 1:184 sq.; [[Van]] Lennep, Bible Lands, p. 531 sq.). The monuments of ancient Egypt exhibit the hands of ladies loaded with rings, earrings of very great size, anklets. armlets, bracelets of the most varied character and frequently inlaid with precious stones or enamel, handsome and richly ornamented necklaces, either of gold or of beads, and chains of various kinds (Wilkinson, 2:335- 341). The modern [[Egyptians]] retain to the full the same taste, and vie with their progenitors in the number and beauty of their ornaments (Lane, vol. iii, Appendix A). Nor is the display confined, as with us, to the upper classes; we are told that "even most of the women of the lower orders wear a variety of trumpery ornaments, such as ear-rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc., and sometimes a nose-ring" (Lane, 1:78). There is sufficient evidence in the Bible that the inhabitants of [[Palestine]] were equally devoted to finery. In the Old Testament, Isaiah (&nbsp;Isaiah 3:18-23) supplies us with a detailed description of the articles with which the luxurious women of his day were decorated, and the picture is filled up by incidental notices in other places; in the New [[Testament]] the apostles lead us to infer the prevalence of the same habit when they recommend the women to adorn themselves, "not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array, but with good works" (&nbsp;1 Timothy 2:9-10), — even with "the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price" (&nbsp;1 Peter 3:4). Ornaments were most lavishly displayed at festivals, whether of a public (&nbsp;Hosea 2:13) or a private character, particularly on the occasion of a wedding (&nbsp;Isaiah 61:10; &nbsp;Jeremiah 2:32). In times of public mourning they were, on the other hand, laid aside (&nbsp;Exodus 33:4-6). </p> <p> With regard to the particular articles noticed in the Old Testament, it is sometimes difficult to explain their form or use, as the name is the only source of information open to us. Much illustration may, however, be gleaned both from the monuments of Egypt and [[Assyria]] and from the statements of modern travelers; and we are in all respects in a better position to explain the meaning of the Hebrew terms than were the learned men of the [[Reformation]] mera. We propose, therefore, to review the passages in which the personal ornaments are described, substituting, where necessary, for the readings of the A. V. the more correct sense in italics, and referring for more detailed descriptions of the articles to the various heads under which they may be found. The notices which occur in the early books of the Bible imply the weight and abundance of the ornaments worn at that period. [[Eliezer]] decorated [[Rebekah]] with "a golden ''Nose-Ring'' ( נֶזֶם, nezem) of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets (צָמַיד, ''Tsamid'' ) for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold" (&nbsp;Genesis 24:22); and he afterwards added "''Trinkets'' (כְּלַי., keli, articles in general) of silver and ''Trinkets'' of gold" (&nbsp;Genesis 24:53). [[Earrings]] ( נֶזֵם בְּאָזְנֵיהֶם "''Nezemn'' in their ears") were worn by Jacob's wives, apparently as charms, for they are mentioned in connection with idols: "They gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand, and their ear-rings which were in their ears" (&nbsp;Genesis 35:4). </p> <p> The ornaments worn by the patriarch Judah were a "signet" (חוֹתָם, ''Chotham'' )'','' which was suspended by a [[String]] (פָּתַיל,pathil) round the neck, and a "staff" (&nbsp;Genesis 37:18): the staff itself was probably ornamented, and thus the practice of the [[Israelites]] would be exactly similar to that of the Babylonians, who, according to [[Herodotus]] (1:195), "each carried a seal, and a walking-stick, carved at the top into the form of an apple, a rose, an eagle, or something similar." The first notice of the ring occurs in reference to Joseph: when he was made ruler of Egypt, [[Pharaoh]] "took off his ''Signet-Ring'' (טִבִּעִת, ''Tabbdath;'' in this, as in other cases [&nbsp;Esther 3:10; &nbsp;Esther 8:2; &nbsp;1 Maccabees 6:15], not merely an ornament, but the symbol of authority) from his hand and put it upon Joseph's hand, and put a gold chain (רָבַיד, rabid; also a chain worn by a woman [Esther 16:11]) about his neck" (&nbsp;Genesis 41:42), the latter being probably a "simple gold chain in imitation of string, to which a stone scarabseus, set in the same precious metal, was appended" (Wilkinson, 2:339). The number of personal ornaments worn by the Egyptians, particularly by the females, is incidentally noticed in &nbsp;Exodus 3:22 : "Every woman shall [[Ask]] (A. V. "borrow") of her neighbor ''Trinkets'' (כְּלַי, keli, as above) of silver and ''Trinkets'' of gold. and ye shall spoil the Egyptians." In &nbsp;Exodus 11:2, the order is extended to the males, and from this time we may perhaps date the more frequent use of trinkets among men, for while it is said in the former passage, — "Ye shall put them nupon your ''Sons'' and upon your daughters," we find subsequent notices of ear-rings being worn at all events by young men (&nbsp;Exodus 32:2), and again of offerings both from ''Men'' and women of "''Nose-Rings'' (חָח, chach, A. V, "bracelets;" some authorities prefer the sense "buckle;" in other passages the same word signifies the ring placed through the nose of an animal, such as a bull, to lead him by) and ear-rings, and rings, and ''Riicklaes'' (כּוּמָז, ''Kuuma,'' A.V. . "tablets;" a necklace formed of perforated gold drops strung together), all articles of gold" (&nbsp;Exodus 35:22). The profusion of these ornaments was such as to supply sufficient gold for making the sacred utensils for the tabernacle, while the laver of brass was constructed out of the brazen mirrors (מִרְאוֹת, [[Maroth]] ) which the women carried about with them (&nbsp;Exodus 38:8). </p> <p> The [[Midianites]] appear to have been as prodigal as the Egyptians in the use of ornaments; for the Israelites are described as having captured "''Trinkets'' of gold," ''Armlets'' ( אֶצְעָדָה, etsadah, A. V. "chains;" cognate term, used in &nbsp;Isaiah 3:20, means "stepchain;" but the word is used both here and in &nbsp;2 Samuel 1:10 without reference to its etymological sense) and bracelets, rings, ear-rings (עָגַיל, ''Agil,'' a circular ear-ring of a solid character), and necklaces" (כּוּמָז, kumaz, as above), the value of which amounted to 16,750 shekels (&nbsp;Numbers 31:50; &nbsp;Numbers 31:52). [[Equally]] valuable were the ornaments obtained from the same people after their defeat by Gideon: "The weight of the golden ''Nose-Rings'' (נֶזֶם, nezem, as above; the term is here undefined; but, as ear-rings are subsequently noticed in the verse, we think it probable that the nose-ring is intended) was a thousand and seven hundred shekels of gold; besides ''Collars'' ( שִׂהֲרֹנַים, saharonim, A. V. "ornaments;" the word specifies ''Moon-'' shaped disks of metal, strung on a cord, and placed around the necks either of men or of camels) and ear-pendants (נְטַיפוֹת, ''Netiphoth,'' A. V. "collars" or "sweet-jewels;" the etymological sense of the word is ''Pendants,'' which were no doubt attached to ear-rings) (&nbsp;Judges 8:26). </p> <p> The poetical portions of the O.T. contain numerous references to the ornaments worn by the Israelites in the time of their highest prosperity. The appearance of the bride is thus described in the book of the Canticles: "Thy cheeks are comely with beads (תּוֹרַים '', Torim,'' A. V. "rows;"' the term means, according to [[Gesenius]] [''Thes.'' p. 1499], ''Rows'' of pearls or beads; but as the etymological sense is connected with ''Circle,'' it may rather mean the individual beads, which might be strung together, and so make a row, encircling the cheeks. In the next verse the same word is rendered in the A. V. "borders." The sense must, however, be the same in both verses, and the point of contrast may perchance consist in the difference of the material, the beads in &nbsp;Judges 8:10 being of some ordinary metal, while those in &nbsp;Judges 8:11 were to be of gold), thy neck with perforated [pearls] (חֲרוּזַים, ''Charuzim,'' A. V. "chains;" the word would apply to any perforated articles, such as beads, pearls, coral, etc.); we will make thee ''Beads,'' of gold with studs of silver" (&nbsp;Judges 1:10-11). Her neck, rising tall and stately "like the tower of David builded for an armory," was decorated with various ornaments hanging like the "thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men, on the walls of the armory" (4:4); her hair, falling gracefully over her neck, is described (4:9) figuratively as a "chain" (עֲנָק, [[Anak]] )'','' and "the ''Roundings'' " (not as in the A. V. "the joints") of her thighs are likened to the [[Pendant]] (תְּלָאַים, "jewels;" rather this is the ''Lace-Work'' fringe of the ''Drawers'' enveloping the lower limbs) of an ear-ring, which tapers gradually downwards (7:1). So again we read of the bridegroom: "his eyes are... fitly set," as if they were gems filling the sockets of rings (v. 12): "his hands ''Are As'' gold rings (גְּלַילַים, gelilim) set with the beryl," i.e. (as explained by Gesenius, ''Thesaur.'' p. 287) the fingers when curved are like gold rings, and the nails dyed with henna resemble gems (rather the fingers had [[Rings]] literally). Lastly, the yearning after close affection is expressed thus: "Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm," whether that the seal itself was the most valuable personal ornament worn by a man, as in &nbsp;Jeremiah 22:24; &nbsp;Haggai 2:23, or whether perchance the close contiguity of the seal to the wax on which it is impressed may not rather be intended (&nbsp;Song of Solomon 8:6). We may further notice the imagery employed in the Proverbs to describe the effects of wisdom in beautifying the character; in reference to the terms used we need only explain that the "ornament" of the A. V. in 1:9; 4:9, is more specifically a [[Wreath]] (לַוְיָה, livyah)'','' or ''Garland;'' the "chains" of 1:9, the [[Drops]] (עִנָק, anak, as above) of which the necklace was formed; the "jewel of gold in a swine's snout" of 11:22, a nose-ring (נֶזֶם '', Nezem,'' as above); the "jewel" of 20:15, a ''Trinket,'' and the "ornament" of 25:12, an ear-pendant (חֲלַי, ''Chali,'' as above). </p> <p> The passage of Isaiah (&nbsp;Isaiah 3:18-23) to which we have already referred may be rendered as follows: (18) "In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their [[Anklets]] (עֲכָסַים, akasinu)'','' and their ''Lace Caps'' (שֶׁבַיסַים, shebisim,; rather, perhaps, ''Disks'' attached to the necklace), and their ''Necklaces'' (''Lunettes'' )'';'' (19) the ''Ear-Pendants,'' and the ''Bracelets,'' and the ''Light Veils;'' (20) the ''Turbans,'' and the ''Step-Chains,'' and the ''Girdles,'' and the ''Scent-Bottles,'' and the ''Amulets;'' (21) the [[Rings]] and ''Noserings;'' (22) the ''State-Dresses,'' and the ''Cloaks,'' and the ''Shawls,'' and the ''Purses;'' (23) the ''Mirrors,'' and the fine linen ''Shirts,'' and the ''Turbans,'' and the ''Light Dresses.'' " </p> <p> The following extracts from the [[Mishna]] (Sabb. cap. vi) illustrate the subject of this article, it being premised that the object of the inquiry was to ascertain what constituted a proper article of dress. and what might be regarded by rabbinical refinement as a burden "A woman must not go out (on the Sabbath) with linen or woolen laces, nor with the straps on her head; nor with a frontlet and pendants thereto, unless sewn to her cap; nor with a golden tower (i.e. an ornament in the shape of a tower); or with a tight gold chain; nor with nose-rings; nor with finger-rings on which there is no seal; nor with a needle without an eye (§ 1); nor with a needle that has an eye; nor with a finger-ring that has a seal on it; nor with a diadem; nor with a smelling-bottle or balm-flask (§ 3). A man is not to go out... with an amulet, unless it be by a distinguished sage (§ 2): knee-buckles are clean, and a man may go out with them; stepchains are liable to become unclean, and a man must not go out with them "(§ 4). See each article named in its place. </p>
<p> is the usual and proper rendering in the O.T. of the [[Hebrew]] '''''עֲדַי''''' , [[Adi]] (Sept. usually '''''Κόσμος''''' ). The Israelites, like other Oriental nations, have always been remarkable for their love of ornament (&nbsp;Genesis 24:47; &nbsp;Exodus 32:2; &nbsp;Exodus 33:4, etc.), not only in costly garments and braiding the hair (&nbsp;1 Peter 3:3 (See [[Hair]]) ), but also in jewelry and gold (&nbsp;Ezekiel 28:13 sq.). The men were usually content to wear simply seal-rings, (See [[Seal]]), and indulged in expensive attire only on solemn or public occasions; unless their position, as in the case of princes, required more display (&nbsp;Psalms 45:5; &nbsp;2 Samuel 12:30; &nbsp;2 [[Maccabees]] 4:38, etc.). But the women, especially young damsels and brides, wore many and very valuable ornaments (&nbsp;2 Samuel 1:24; &nbsp;Jeremiah 2:32; &nbsp;Isaiah 3:17 sq.; &nbsp;Isaiah 61:10; &nbsp;Judges 10:4; Judges 12:16; comp. &nbsp;Esther 2:12), generally in the form of rings, chains, and bracelets. Sometimes the young women purposely made themselves publicly conspicuous by their adornments (&nbsp;Baruch 6:8; ''I.E.'' Epist. Jeremiah 8). During times of mourning, in obedience to a natural impulse, all ornaments were laid aside (&nbsp;Exodus 33:4 sq.; &nbsp;2 Samuel 1:24; &nbsp;Ezekiel 24:17; &nbsp;Ezekiel 24:22). [[Ornaments]] are enumerated in various passages (see &nbsp;Isaiah 3:18 sq.; &nbsp;Hosea 2:12; &nbsp;Ezekiel 16:11). Among the ornaments peculiar to females was the golden head-dress in the form of the holy city (see Mishna, ''Edujoth,'' 2:7, '''''עיר''''' '''''של''''' '''''זחב''''' , so explained by the rabbins). [[Idols]] were also adorned with gold and jewels (&nbsp;Jeremiah 10:4; &nbsp;Baruch 6:10; &nbsp;Baruch 6:23; &nbsp;2 Maccabees 2:2), as now the images of the [[Virgin]] in the Roman churches. (See [[Attire]]); (See [[Ephod]]). </p> <p> The number, variety, and weight of the ornaments ordinarily worn upon the person form one of the characteristic features of Oriental costume, both in ancient and modern times (see Thomson, Land and Book, 1:184 sq.; [[Van]] Lennep, Bible Lands, p. 531 sq.). The monuments of ancient Egypt exhibit the hands of ladies loaded with rings, earrings of very great size, anklets. armlets, bracelets of the most varied character and frequently inlaid with precious stones or enamel, handsome and richly ornamented necklaces, either of gold or of beads, and chains of various kinds (Wilkinson, 2:335- 341). The modern [[Egyptians]] retain to the full the same taste, and vie with their progenitors in the number and beauty of their ornaments (Lane, vol. iii, Appendix A). Nor is the display confined, as with us, to the upper classes; we are told that "even most of the women of the lower orders wear a variety of trumpery ornaments, such as ear-rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc., and sometimes a nose-ring" (Lane, 1:78). There is sufficient evidence in the Bible that the inhabitants of [[Palestine]] were equally devoted to finery. In the Old Testament, Isaiah (&nbsp;Isaiah 3:18-23) supplies us with a detailed description of the articles with which the luxurious women of his day were decorated, and the picture is filled up by incidental notices in other places; in the New [[Testament]] the apostles lead us to infer the prevalence of the same habit when they recommend the women to adorn themselves, "not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array, but with good works" (&nbsp;1 Timothy 2:9-10), '''''''''' even with "the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price" (&nbsp;1 Peter 3:4). Ornaments were most lavishly displayed at festivals, whether of a public (&nbsp;Hosea 2:13) or a private character, particularly on the occasion of a wedding (&nbsp;Isaiah 61:10; &nbsp;Jeremiah 2:32). In times of public mourning they were, on the other hand, laid aside (&nbsp;Exodus 33:4-6). </p> <p> With regard to the particular articles noticed in the Old Testament, it is sometimes difficult to explain their form or use, as the name is the only source of information open to us. Much illustration may, however, be gleaned both from the monuments of Egypt and [[Assyria]] and from the statements of modern travelers; and we are in all respects in a better position to explain the meaning of the Hebrew terms than were the learned men of the [[Reformation]] mera. We propose, therefore, to review the passages in which the personal ornaments are described, substituting, where necessary, for the readings of the A. V. the more correct sense in italics, and referring for more detailed descriptions of the articles to the various heads under which they may be found. The notices which occur in the early books of the Bible imply the weight and abundance of the ornaments worn at that period. [[Eliezer]] decorated [[Rebekah]] with "a golden ''Nose-Ring'' ( '''''נֶזֶם''''' , nezem) of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets ( '''''צָמַיד''''' , ''Tsamid'' ) for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold" (&nbsp;Genesis 24:22); and he afterwards added " ''Trinkets'' ( '''''כְּלַי''''' ., keli, articles in general) of silver and ''Trinkets'' of gold" (&nbsp;Genesis 24:53). [[Earrings]] ( '''''נֶזֵם''''' '''''בְּאָזְנֵיהֶם''''' " ''Nezemn'' in their ears") were worn by Jacob's wives, apparently as charms, for they are mentioned in connection with idols: "They gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand, and their ear-rings which were in their ears" (&nbsp;Genesis 35:4). </p> <p> The ornaments worn by the patriarch Judah were a "signet" ( '''''חוֹתָם''''' , ''Chotham'' ) '','' which was suspended by a [[String]] ( '''''פָּתַיל''''' ,pathil) round the neck, and a "staff" (&nbsp;Genesis 37:18): the staff itself was probably ornamented, and thus the practice of the [[Israelites]] would be exactly similar to that of the Babylonians, who, according to [[Herodotus]] (1:195), "each carried a seal, and a walking-stick, carved at the top into the form of an apple, a rose, an eagle, or something similar." The first notice of the ring occurs in reference to Joseph: when he was made ruler of Egypt, [[Pharaoh]] "took off his ''Signet-Ring'' ( '''''טִבִּעִת''''' , ''Tabbdath;'' in this, as in other cases [&nbsp;Esther 3:10; &nbsp;Esther 8:2; &nbsp;1 Maccabees 6:15], not merely an ornament, but the symbol of authority) from his hand and put it upon Joseph's hand, and put a gold chain ( '''''רָבַיד''''' , rabid; also a chain worn by a woman [Esther 16:11]) about his neck" (&nbsp;Genesis 41:42), the latter being probably a "simple gold chain in imitation of string, to which a stone scarabseus, set in the same precious metal, was appended" (Wilkinson, 2:339). The number of personal ornaments worn by the Egyptians, particularly by the females, is incidentally noticed in &nbsp;Exodus 3:22 : "Every woman shall [[Ask]] (A. V. "borrow") of her neighbor ''Trinkets'' ( '''''כְּלַי''''' , keli, as above) of silver and ''Trinkets'' of gold. and ye shall spoil the Egyptians." In &nbsp;Exodus 11:2, the order is extended to the males, and from this time we may perhaps date the more frequent use of trinkets among men, for while it is said in the former passage, '''''''''' "Ye shall put them nupon your ''Sons'' and upon your daughters," we find subsequent notices of ear-rings being worn at all events by young men (&nbsp;Exodus 32:2), and again of offerings both from ''Men'' and women of " ''Nose-Rings'' ( '''''חָח''''' , chach, A. V, "bracelets;" some authorities prefer the sense "buckle;" in other passages the same word signifies the ring placed through the nose of an animal, such as a bull, to lead him by) and ear-rings, and rings, and ''Riicklaes'' ( '''''כּוּמָז''''' , ''Kuuma,'' A.V. . "tablets;" a necklace formed of perforated gold drops strung together), all articles of gold" (&nbsp;Exodus 35:22). The profusion of these ornaments was such as to supply sufficient gold for making the sacred utensils for the tabernacle, while the laver of brass was constructed out of the brazen mirrors ( '''''מִרְאוֹת''''' , [[Maroth]] ) which the women carried about with them (&nbsp;Exodus 38:8). </p> <p> The [[Midianites]] appear to have been as prodigal as the Egyptians in the use of ornaments; for the Israelites are described as having captured " ''Trinkets'' of gold," ''Armlets'' ( '''''אֶצְעָדָה''''' , etsadah, A. V. "chains;" cognate term, used in &nbsp;Isaiah 3:20, means "stepchain;" but the word is used both here and in &nbsp;2 Samuel 1:10 without reference to its etymological sense) and bracelets, rings, ear-rings ( '''''עָגַיל''''' , ''Agil,'' a circular ear-ring of a solid character), and necklaces" ( '''''כּוּמָז''''' , kumaz, as above), the value of which amounted to 16,750 shekels (&nbsp;Numbers 31:50; &nbsp;Numbers 31:52). [[Equally]] valuable were the ornaments obtained from the same people after their defeat by Gideon: "The weight of the golden ''Nose-Rings'' ( '''''נֶזֶם''''' , nezem, as above; the term is here undefined; but, as ear-rings are subsequently noticed in the verse, we think it probable that the nose-ring is intended) was a thousand and seven hundred shekels of gold; besides ''Collars'' ( '''''שִׂהֲרֹנַים''''' , saharonim, A. V. "ornaments;" the word specifies ''Moon-'' shaped disks of metal, strung on a cord, and placed around the necks either of men or of camels) and ear-pendants ( '''''נְטַיפוֹת''''' , ''Netiphoth,'' A. V. "collars" or "sweet-jewels;" the etymological sense of the word is ''Pendants,'' which were no doubt attached to ear-rings) (&nbsp;Judges 8:26). </p> <p> The poetical portions of the O.T. contain numerous references to the ornaments worn by the Israelites in the time of their highest prosperity. The appearance of the bride is thus described in the book of the Canticles: "Thy cheeks are comely with beads ( '''''תּוֹרַים''''' '', Torim,'' A. V. "rows;"' the term means, according to [[Gesenius]] [ ''Thes.'' p. 1499], ''Rows'' of pearls or beads; but as the etymological sense is connected with ''Circle,'' it may rather mean the individual beads, which might be strung together, and so make a row, encircling the cheeks. In the next verse the same word is rendered in the A. V. "borders." The sense must, however, be the same in both verses, and the point of contrast may perchance consist in the difference of the material, the beads in &nbsp;Judges 8:10 being of some ordinary metal, while those in &nbsp;Judges 8:11 were to be of gold), thy neck with perforated [pearls] ( '''''חֲרוּזַים''''' , ''Charuzim,'' A. V. "chains;" the word would apply to any perforated articles, such as beads, pearls, coral, etc.); we will make thee ''Beads,'' of gold with studs of silver" (&nbsp;Judges 1:10-11). Her neck, rising tall and stately "like the tower of David builded for an armory," was decorated with various ornaments hanging like the "thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men, on the walls of the armory" (4:4); her hair, falling gracefully over her neck, is described (4:9) figuratively as a "chain" ( '''''עֲנָק''''' , [[Anak]] ) '','' and "the ''Roundings'' " (not as in the A. V. "the joints") of her thighs are likened to the [[Pendant]] ( '''''תְּלָאַים''''' , "jewels;" rather this is the ''Lace-Work'' fringe of the ''Drawers'' enveloping the lower limbs) of an ear-ring, which tapers gradually downwards (7:1). So again we read of the bridegroom: "his eyes are... fitly set," as if they were gems filling the sockets of rings (v. 12): "his hands ''Are As'' gold rings ( '''''גְּלַילַים''''' , gelilim) set with the beryl," i.e. (as explained by Gesenius, ''Thesaur.'' p. 287) the fingers when curved are like gold rings, and the nails dyed with henna resemble gems (rather the fingers had [[Rings]] literally). Lastly, the yearning after close affection is expressed thus: "Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm," whether that the seal itself was the most valuable personal ornament worn by a man, as in &nbsp;Jeremiah 22:24; &nbsp;Haggai 2:23, or whether perchance the close contiguity of the seal to the wax on which it is impressed may not rather be intended (&nbsp;Song of Solomon 8:6). We may further notice the imagery employed in the Proverbs to describe the effects of wisdom in beautifying the character; in reference to the terms used we need only explain that the "ornament" of the A. V. in 1:9; 4:9, is more specifically a [[Wreath]] ( '''''לַוְיָה''''' , livyah) '','' or ''Garland;'' the "chains" of 1:9, the [[Drops]] ( '''''עִנָק''''' , anak, as above) of which the necklace was formed; the "jewel of gold in a swine's snout" of 11:22, a nose-ring ( '''''נֶזֶם''''' '', Nezem,'' as above); the "jewel" of 20:15, a ''Trinket,'' and the "ornament" of 25:12, an ear-pendant ( '''''חֲלַי''''' , ''Chali,'' as above). </p> <p> The passage of Isaiah (&nbsp;Isaiah 3:18-23) to which we have already referred may be rendered as follows: (18) "In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their [[Anklets]] ( '''''עֲכָסַים''''' , akasinu) '','' and their ''Lace Caps'' ( '''''שֶׁבַיסַים''''' , shebisim,; rather, perhaps, ''Disks'' attached to the necklace), and their ''Necklaces'' ( ''Lunettes'' ) '';'' (19) the ''Ear-Pendants,'' and the ''Bracelets,'' and the ''Light Veils;'' (20) the ''Turbans,'' and the ''Step-Chains,'' and the ''Girdles,'' and the ''Scent-Bottles,'' and the ''Amulets;'' (21) the [[Rings]] and ''Noserings;'' (22) the ''State-Dresses,'' and the ''Cloaks,'' and the ''Shawls,'' and the ''Purses;'' (23) the ''Mirrors,'' and the fine linen ''Shirts,'' and the ''Turbans,'' and the ''Light Dresses.'' " </p> <p> The following extracts from the [[Mishna]] (Sabb. cap. vi) illustrate the subject of this article, it being premised that the object of the inquiry was to ascertain what constituted a proper article of dress. and what might be regarded by rabbinical refinement as a burden "A woman must not go out (on the Sabbath) with linen or woolen laces, nor with the straps on her head; nor with a frontlet and pendants thereto, unless sewn to her cap; nor with a golden tower (i.e. an ornament in the shape of a tower); or with a tight gold chain; nor with nose-rings; nor with finger-rings on which there is no seal; nor with a needle without an eye ( '''''§''''' 1); nor with a needle that has an eye; nor with a finger-ring that has a seal on it; nor with a diadem; nor with a smelling-bottle or balm-flask ( '''''§''''' 3). A man is not to go out... with an amulet, unless it be by a distinguished sage ( '''''§''''' 2): knee-buckles are clean, and a man may go out with them; stepchains are liable to become unclean, and a man must not go out with them "( '''''§''''' 4). See each article named in its place. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_6894" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_6894" /> ==