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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_60715" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_60715" /> ==
<p> (usually some form of חָלָה, ''To Be Worn Down; Ἀσθενέω).'' The climate of [[Palestine]] and the adjoining countries is, on the whole, conducive to health (Tacitus, ''Hist. V,'' 6, 2), and with regularity of habits the natives do not suffer much from maladies (Niebuhr, Beschr. p. 129). When these do occur they are usually of short duration. A list of the more severe diseases occurs in &nbsp;Leviticus 26:16; &nbsp;Deuteronomy 28:22. In summer dysentery prevails (&nbsp;Acts 28:8); in spring and autumn fever (&nbsp;Matthew 8:14; &nbsp;Luke 4:39; &nbsp;John 4:52; &nbsp;Acts 28:8; comp. Josephus, ''Life,'' ii; see Russel, ''Aleppo,'' ii, 137; Burckhardt, ''Arab.'' p. 615; also the ''Medic.-Hermn. Untersuchungen,'' p. 348 sq.). The latter is specially designated as דִּלֶּקֶת, ''Dalleketh, Πυρετός,'' or [[Inflammation]] (&nbsp;Deuteronomy 28:22). A peculiar name is קִדִּחִת, ''Kaddchath'' ("'burning ague," &nbsp;Leviticus 26:16; "fever," &nbsp;Deuteronomy 28:22), which the Sept. renders ἴκτερος, some acute disease (see Schleusner, Thesaur. iii, 106). [[Mention]] is also made of consumption (שִׁחֶפֶת, ''Shachepheth, Leviticus Loc. Cit.),'' apoplexy (&nbsp;1 [[Maccabees]] 9:55 sq.), sunstroke (&nbsp;Judith 8:3. [? 2. Kings 4:19]; comp. Joliffe, Trav. p. 7), hypochondria (&nbsp;1 Samuel 18:10); but epilepsy, paralysis, and especially cutaneous disorders (See [[Leprosy]]), as likewise blindness, were very common. The most destructively raging was the plague (q.v.) Mental diseases (madness, שַּׁגָּעוֹן, of a melancholy type; comp. &nbsp;1 Samuel 16:23) were prevalent in New-Test. times. (See [[Possessed]]). </p> <p> The venereal disease, which prevailed in the Old World, although in a milder type than since the [[Crusades]] (Hensler, Gesch. d. Lustseuche [Altona, 1783]; Sickler, in Augusti's Theol. Blitt. i, 193 sq.), has been thought to be indicated in the form of Gonorrhea virulenta in &nbsp;Leviticus 15:3 (see Michaelis, ''Mos. Recht, 4:'' 282 sq.; ''Oriental. Biblioth. 22:'' 2 sq.; Hebenstreit, ''Curce Sanitatis Publ. Ap. Vett. Exempla'' [Lips. 1779], ii, 15 sq.) and in &nbsp;2 Samuel 3:29; but this is a strained interpretation. (See [[Issue]]). </p> <p> Another disease of the private parts is mentioned in 1 Samuel 5 (see Beyer, De Haemorrhoidibus ex Lege Mos. Inmpur. [Lips. 1792]; Sprenge],Pathol. iii, 29). (See [[Haemorrhoids]]). </p> <p> Jehboram's disease (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 21:12 sq.) probably was a severe chronic dysentery of a bloody character. The Sept. seems to indicate the ''Cholera'' in &nbsp;Numbers 11:10 by the word זָרָא (seeWamruch, ''Disquis. Med. Cholerce, Cujus'' Mentio in Sacris Bibliis Occurrit [Vienna, 1833]); but the term denotes nausea in general. The [[Mishna]] occasionally notices various maladies, e.g. in Yoma, 8:6 the bulimmia (בולמיס), or greediness, which is a frequent concomitant of other diseases. For the bite of a rabid dog '''(כלב'' שוטה ), the caul of the liver of the animal seems sometimes to have been used as a remedy (see Cohn, ''De Medicina Talmud.'' [Vratislav. 1846]; of no account is Goldmann, Diss. de Rel. Med. V. T. [ibid. 1845]). [[Ill]] general, see Wedel, Exercitatt. Med.-philolog. Sacrce: et Profanae (Jen. 1686,.1704); Schmidt, Bibl. Moedicus (Ziillichau, 1743); Reinhard, Bibelkrankheiten (Frankf. and Leips. 1767, 3 vols. 8vo) Michaelis, Philologmata Medica (Hal. 1758); Mead, Medica [[Sacra]] (Lond. 1749); Ackermann, Erldut. d. Krankheiten im N.T. (in Weisse's Material. Gottesgel. u. Relig. [Gera, 1784], ii, 57 sq.; iii, 124 sq.; 4:73 sq.); Shapler, Short [[Exposition]] of Diseases in the [[Sacred]] Writings (Lond. 1834). (See Disease); (See [[Medicine]]). </p>
<p> (usually some form of '''''חָלָה''''' , ''To Be Worn Down; '''''Ἀσθενέω''''' ).'' The climate of [[Palestine]] and the adjoining countries is, on the whole, conducive to health (Tacitus, ''Hist. V,'' 6, 2), and with regularity of habits the natives do not suffer much from maladies (Niebuhr, Beschr. p. 129). When these do occur they are usually of short duration. A list of the more severe diseases occurs in &nbsp;Leviticus 26:16; &nbsp;Deuteronomy 28:22. In summer dysentery prevails (&nbsp;Acts 28:8); in spring and autumn fever (&nbsp;Matthew 8:14; &nbsp;Luke 4:39; &nbsp;John 4:52; &nbsp;Acts 28:8; comp. Josephus, ''Life,'' ii; see Russel, ''Aleppo,'' ii, 137; Burckhardt, ''Arab.'' p. 615; also the ''Medic.-Hermn. Untersuchungen,'' p. 348 sq.). The latter is specially designated as '''''דִּלֶּקֶת''''' , ''Dalleketh, '''''Πυρετός''''' ,'' or [[Inflammation]] (&nbsp;Deuteronomy 28:22). A peculiar name is '''''קִדִּחִת''''' , ''Kaddchath'' ("'burning ague," &nbsp;Leviticus 26:16; "fever," &nbsp;Deuteronomy 28:22), which the Sept. renders '''''Ἴκτερος''''' , some acute disease (see Schleusner, Thesaur. iii, 106). [[Mention]] is also made of consumption ( '''''שִׁחֶפֶת''''' , ''Shachepheth, Leviticus Loc. Cit.),'' apoplexy (&nbsp;1 [[Maccabees]] 9:55 sq.), sunstroke (&nbsp;Judith 8:3. [? 2. Kings 4:19]; comp. Joliffe, Trav. p. 7), hypochondria (&nbsp;1 Samuel 18:10); but epilepsy, paralysis, and especially cutaneous disorders (See [[Leprosy]]), as likewise blindness, were very common. The most destructively raging was the plague (q.v.) Mental diseases (madness, '''''שַּׁגָּעוֹן''''' , of a melancholy type; comp. &nbsp;1 Samuel 16:23) were prevalent in New-Test. times. (See [[Possessed]]). </p> <p> The venereal disease, which prevailed in the Old World, although in a milder type than since the [[Crusades]] (Hensler, Gesch. d. Lustseuche [Altona, 1783]; Sickler, in Augusti's Theol. Blitt. i, 193 sq.), has been thought to be indicated in the form of Gonorrhea virulenta in &nbsp;Leviticus 15:3 (see Michaelis, ''Mos. Recht, 4:'' 282 sq.; ''Oriental. Biblioth. 22:'' 2 sq.; Hebenstreit, ''Curce Sanitatis Publ. Ap. Vett. Exempla'' [Lips. 1779], ii, 15 sq.) and in &nbsp;2 Samuel 3:29; but this is a strained interpretation. (See [[Issue]]). </p> <p> Another disease of the private parts is mentioned in 1 Samuel 5 (see Beyer, De Haemorrhoidibus ex Lege Mos. Inmpur. [Lips. 1792]; Sprenge],Pathol. iii, 29). (See [[Haemorrhoids]]). </p> <p> Jehboram's disease (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 21:12 sq.) probably was a severe chronic dysentery of a bloody character. The Sept. seems to indicate the ''Cholera'' in &nbsp;Numbers 11:10 by the word '''''זָרָא''''' (seeWamruch, ''Disquis. Med. Cholerce, Cujus'' Mentio in Sacris Bibliis Occurrit [Vienna, 1833]); but the term denotes nausea in general. The [[Mishna]] occasionally notices various maladies, e.g. in Yoma, 8:6 the bulimmia ( '''''בולמיס''''' ), or greediness, which is a frequent concomitant of other diseases. For the bite of a rabid dog '''( '''''כלב''''' '' '''''שוטה''''' ), the caul of the liver of the animal seems sometimes to have been used as a remedy (see Cohn, ''De Medicina Talmud.'' [Vratislav. 1846]; of no account is Goldmann, Diss. de Rel. Med. V. T. [ibid. 1845]). [[Ill]] general, see Wedel, Exercitatt. Med.-philolog. Sacrce: et Profanae (Jen. 1686,.1704); Schmidt, Bibl. Moedicus (Ziillichau, 1743); Reinhard, Bibelkrankheiten (Frankf. and Leips. 1767, 3 vols. 8vo) Michaelis, Philologmata Medica (Hal. 1758); Mead, Medica [[Sacra]] (Lond. 1749); Ackermann, Erldut. d. Krankheiten im N.T. (in Weisse's Material. Gottesgel. u. Relig. [Gera, 1784], ii, 57 sq.; iii, 124 sq.; 4:73 sq.); Shapler, Short [[Exposition]] of Diseases in the [[Sacred]] Writings (Lond. 1834). (See Disease); (See [[Medicine]]). </p>
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