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== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_70131" /> ==
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_70131" /> ==
<p> [[Gibbethon]] (''Gĭb'Be-Thŏn'' ), ''Height.'' A town of Dan; given to the Kohathites, &nbsp;Joshua 19:44; &nbsp;Joshua 21:23; held by the [[Philistines]] in the reigns of Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, and Omri. &nbsp;1 Kings 15:27; &nbsp;1 Kings 16:17. The siege lasted 27 years. </p>
<p> [[Gibbethon]] ( ''Gĭb'Be-Thŏn'' ), ''Height.'' A town of Dan; given to the Kohathites, &nbsp;Joshua 19:44; &nbsp;Joshua 21:23; held by the [[Philistines]] in the reigns of Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, and Omri. &nbsp;1 Kings 15:27; &nbsp;1 Kings 16:17. The siege lasted 27 years. </p>
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_16194" /> ==
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_16194" /> ==
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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_41396" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_41396" /> ==
<p> (Hebrew Gibbethon', גִּבִַּתוֹן a height; Sept. Γαβαθών v.r. Γαβεθών, Γαβαων, Γεθεδάν and Βεγεθων ), a city of the Philistines, which was included in thee territories of the tribe of Dan (&nbsp;Joshua 19:44), and was assigned, with its "suburbs," to the Kohatbite Levites (&nbsp;Joshua 21:23). It was still in the hands of the Philistines in the time of Nadab king of Israel, who besieged it, and was slain under its walls by Baasha, one of his own officers (&nbsp;1 Kings 15:27). B.C. 950. The effort to expel the Philistines seems to have been continued by the forces. of the northern kingdom, till the siege was finally raised by Omri in consequence of the necessity of pursuing the usurper [[Zimri]] (&nbsp;1 Kings 16:15). B.C. 926. It is said by Essebius and Jesome (apparently even to their time) to be inhabited by [[Gentiles]] (τῶν Ἀλλοφύλων Γαβαθών ), but they expressly distinguish this from the [[Danite]] towns, and they seem uncertain whether to identify it with a village (πολίχνη ) called [[Gabe]] (Γαβέ ''),'' about 16 R. miles froeis Caesarea, sear the great plain of Legio, or with one of two or three other places named Gabbbatha (Onomast. s.v. Γαβαθών, Gabathon). [[Josephus]] (''Ant.'' 8:12, 5) calls it Gabathone (Γαβαθώνη ). The signification oif the name and the great strength of the plaice seem to fix it upon the hills west of [[Gibeah]] of [[Benjamin]] (with which M.D. Saulcy confounds its locality, Narrative, 1:98). It is possibly the modern large village Saidon, a short distance beyond the well S.E. of Ramleh (Robinson, Researches, 3:21). [[Van]] de Velde calls it also [[Sheik]] Musa (Memoir, page 114). </p>
<p> (Hebrew Gibbethon', '''''גִּבִַּתוֹן''''' a height; Sept. '''''Γαβαθών''''' v.r. '''''Γαβεθών''''' , '''''Γαβαων''''' , '''''Γεθεδάν''''' and '''''Βεγεθων''''' ), a city of the Philistines, which was included in thee territories of the tribe of Dan (&nbsp;Joshua 19:44), and was assigned, with its "suburbs," to the Kohatbite Levites (&nbsp;Joshua 21:23). It was still in the hands of the Philistines in the time of Nadab king of Israel, who besieged it, and was slain under its walls by Baasha, one of his own officers (&nbsp;1 Kings 15:27). B.C. 950. The effort to expel the Philistines seems to have been continued by the forces. of the northern kingdom, till the siege was finally raised by Omri in consequence of the necessity of pursuing the usurper [[Zimri]] (&nbsp;1 Kings 16:15). B.C. 926. It is said by Essebius and Jesome (apparently even to their time) to be inhabited by [[Gentiles]] ( '''''Τῶν''''' '''''Ἀλλοφύλων''''' '''''Γαβαθών''''' ), but they expressly distinguish this from the [[Danite]] towns, and they seem uncertain whether to identify it with a village ( '''''Πολίχνη''''' ) called [[Gabe]] ( '''''Γαβέ''''' ''),'' about 16 R. miles froeis Caesarea, sear the great plain of Legio, or with one of two or three other places named Gabbbatha (Onomast. s.v. '''''Γαβαθών''''' , Gabathon). [[Josephus]] ( ''Ant.'' 8:12, 5) calls it Gabathone ( '''''Γαβαθώνη''''' ). The signification oif the name and the great strength of the plaice seem to fix it upon the hills west of [[Gibeah]] of [[Benjamin]] (with which M.D. Saulcy confounds its locality, Narrative, 1:98). It is possibly the modern large village Saidon, a short distance beyond the well S.E. of Ramleh (Robinson, Researches, 3:21). [[Van]] de Velde calls it also [[Sheik]] Musa (Memoir, page 114). </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_4036" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_4036" /> ==
<p> '''''gib´e''''' -'''''thon''''' ( גּבּתון , <i> '''''gibbethōn''''' </i> ): A city in the territory of Dan in the plain named with [[Eltekeh]] and [[Baalath]] (&nbsp;Joshua 19:44 ), and assigned to the Kohathite Levites (&nbsp;Joshua 21:23 ). Later we find it in the hands of the Philistines; and it was while besieging the city that Nadab was slain by Baasha (&nbsp;1 Kings 15:27 ). After 25 years Omri, the general of Baasha, was here made king of the army when news reached them of Zimri s regicide (&nbsp;1 Kings 16:15 ). It may possibly be identified with <i> '''''Kibbiah''''' </i> , which lies about 16 miles Southeast of Jaffa; but no certain identification is possible. </p>
<p> ''''' gib´e ''''' - ''''' thon ''''' ( גּבּתון , <i> ''''' gibbethōn ''''' </i> ): A city in the territory of Dan in the plain named with [[Eltekeh]] and [[Baalath]] (&nbsp;Joshua 19:44 ), and assigned to the Kohathite Levites (&nbsp;Joshua 21:23 ). Later we find it in the hands of the Philistines; and it was while besieging the city that Nadab was slain by Baasha (&nbsp;1 Kings 15:27 ). After 25 years Omri, the general of Baasha, was here made king of the army when news reached them of Zimri s regicide (&nbsp;1 Kings 16:15 ). It may possibly be identified with <i> ''''' Kibbiah ''''' </i> , which lies about 16 miles Southeast of Jaffa; but no certain identification is possible. </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15751" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15751" /> ==