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== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_36089" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_36089" /> ==
<p> From &nbsp;yarad "to descend," Arab. "the watering place." Always with the [[Hebrew]] article "the Jordan," except &nbsp;Job 40:23; &nbsp;Psalms 42:6. 200 miles long from its source at Antilebanon to the head of the [[Dead]] Sea. It is not navigable, nor has it ever had a large town on its banks. The cities [[Bethshan]] and [[Jericho]] on the W., and Gerasa, Pella, and [[Gadara]] to the E. of Jordan, produced intercourse between the two sides of the river. Yet it is remarkable as the river of the great plain (ha Arabah, now el Ghor) of the [[Holy]] Land, flowing through the whole from N. to S. [[Lot]] from the hills on the N.W. of [[Sodom]] seeing the plain well watered by it, as [[Egypt]] is by the Nile (Lot's allusion to Egypt is apposite, [[Abram]] having just left it: &nbsp;Genesis 12:10-20), chose that district as his home, in spite of the notorious wickedness of the people (&nbsp;Genesis 13:10). Its sources are three. The northernmost near Hasbeya between Hermon and Lebanon; the stream is called Hasbany. </p> <p> The second is best known, near Banias, i.e. [[Caesarea]] [[Philippi]] (the scene of Peter's confession, &nbsp;Matthew 16:16); a large pool beneath a high cliff, fed by gushing streamlets, rising at the mouth of a deep cave; thence the [[Jordan]] flows, a considerable stream. The third is at Dan, or Tel el Kady (Daphne); from the N.W. corner of a green eminence a spring bursts forth into a clear wide pool, which sends a broad stream into the valley. The three streams unite at Tel Dafneh, and flow sluggishly through marsh land into lake [[Merom]] (Huleh). Capt. Newbold adds a fourth, wady el [[Kid]] on the S.E. of the slope, flowing from the springs Esh Shar. Indeed [[Anti-Lebanon]] abounds in gushing streams, which all make their way into the swamp between Bahias and [[Huleh]] and become part of the Jordan. The traditional site of Jacob's crossing Jordan (Jisr Benat Yacobe) at his first leaving [[Beersheba]] for [[Padan]] [[Aram]] is a mile and a half from Merom, and six from the sea of Galilee; in those six its descent with roaring cataracts over the basaltic rocks is 1,050 ft. </p> <p> This, the part known to [[Naaman]] in his invasions, is the least attractive part of its course, and unfavorably contrasted with [[Abana]] and [[Pharpar]] of his native land (&nbsp;2 Kings 5:12). From the sea of [[Galilee]] it winds 200 miles in the 60 miles of actual distance to the Dead Sea. Its tortuous course is the secret of the great depression (the Dead Sea being 663 ft. below the lake of Galilee) in this distance. On Jacob's return from Padan Aram he crossed near where the [[Jabbok]] (Zerka) enters the Jordan (&nbsp;Genesis 32:10; &nbsp;Genesis 32:22). The next crossing recorded is that of Joshua over against Jericho, the river being then flooded, in harvest time in April, in consequence of the rainy season and the melting of the snow of Hermon (&nbsp;Joshua 3:15-16; &nbsp;Joshua 4:12-13; &nbsp;Joshua 5:10-12). The men of Jericho had pursued the spies to the fords there (&nbsp;Joshua 2:7), the same as those "toward Moab" where the [[Moabites]] were slain (&nbsp;Judges 3:28). </p> <p> [[Higher]] up were the fords [[Bethbarah]] or [[Bethabara]] (house of passage), where [[Gideon]] intercepted the fleeing [[Midianites]] (&nbsp;Judges 7:24) and the [[Gileadites]] slew the Ephraimites (&nbsp;Judges 12:6), probably the place also of Jacob's crossing. Near was "the clay ground between [[Succoth]] and Zarthan" used for Solomon's foundry (&nbsp;1 Kings 7:46). Three banks may be noted in the Ghor or Jordan valley, the upper or first slope (the abrupt edge of a wide table land reaching to the [[Hauran]] mountains on the E. and the high hills on the W. side), the lower or middle terrace embracing the strip of land with vegetation, and the true banks of the river bed, with a jungle of &nbsp;agnus castus , tamarisks, and willows and reed and cane at the edge, the stream being ordinarily 30 yards wide. At the flood the river cannot be forded, being 10 or 12 ft. deep E. of Jericho; but in summer it can, the water being low. To cross it in the flood by swimming was an extraordinary feat, performed by the [[Gadites]] who joined David (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 12:15); this was impossible for [[Israel]] under Joshua with wives and children. </p> <p> The Lord of the whole earth made the descending waters stand in a heap very far from their place of crossing, namely, by the town of Adam, that is beside [[Zarthan]] or Zaretan, the moment that the feet of the priests bearing the ark dipped in the water. The priests then stood in the midst of the dry river bed until all Israel crossed over. Joshua erected a monument of 12 large stones in the river bed where the priests had stood, near the E. bank of the river. This would remain at least for a time as a memorial to the existing generation, besides the monument erected at [[Gilgal]] (&nbsp;Joshua 4:3; &nbsp;Joshua 4:6-7; &nbsp;Joshua 4:9; &nbsp;Joshua 4:20). By this lower ford David passed to fight [[Syria]] (&nbsp;2 Samuel 10:17), and afterwards in his flight from [[Absalom]] to [[Mahanaim]] E. of Jordan. There [[Judah]] escorted him, and he crossed in a ferry boat (&nbsp;2 Samuel 17:22; &nbsp;2 Samuel 19:15; &nbsp;2 Samuel 19:18). Here [[Elijah]] and [[Elisha]] divided the waters with the prophet's mantle (&nbsp;2 Kings 2:4; &nbsp;2 Kings 2:8; &nbsp;2 Kings 2:14). </p> <p> At the upper fords Naaman washed off his leprosy. Here too the [[Syrians]] fled, when panic struck by the Lord (&nbsp;2 Kings 7:15). John the [[Baptist]] "first" baptized at the lower ford near Jericho, where all [[Jerusalem]] and [[Judea]] resorted, being near; where too our Lord took refuge from Jerusalem, and where many converts joined Him, and from from whence He went to [[Bethany]] to raise [[Lazarus]] (&nbsp;John 10:39-40; &nbsp;John 11:1). John's next baptisms were (&nbsp;John 1:29-34) at Bethabara (or "Bethany") the upper ford, within reach of the N.; there out of Galilee the Lord Jesus and Andrew repaired after the baptisms in the S. (&nbsp;Luke 3:21), and were baptized. (See &nbsp;BETHABARA.) His third place of baptism was near [[Aenon]] and Salim, still further to the N., where the water was still deep though it was summer, after the [[Passover]] (&nbsp;John 2:13-23), for there was no ford there (&nbsp;John 3:23); he had to go there, the water being too shallow at the ordinary fords. John moved gradually northwards toward Herod's province where ultimately he was beheaded; Jesus coming from the N. southwards met John half way. </p> <p> The overflow of Jordan dislodged the lion from its lair on the wooded banks (&nbsp;Jeremiah 49:19); in &nbsp;Jeremiah 12:5 some translated "the pride of Jordan," (compare &nbsp;2 Kings 6:2,) "if in the champaign country alone thou art secure, how wilt thou do when thou fallest into the wooded haunts of wild beasts?" (&nbsp;Proverbs 24:10.) Between Merom and lake [[Tiberias]] the banks are so thickly wooded as often to shut out the view of the water. Four fifths of Israel, nine tribes and a half, dwelt W., and one fifth, two and a half, dwelt E. of Jordan. The great altar built by the latter was the witness of the oneness of the two sections (&nbsp;Joshua 22:10-29). Of the six cities of refuge three were E., three W. of Jordan, at equal distances. Jordan enters [[Gennesareth]] two miles below the ancient city [[Julias]] or [[Bethsaida]] of [[Gaulonitis]] on the E. bank. It is 70 ft. wide at its mouth, a sluggish turbid stream. The lake of Tiberias is 653 ft. below the [[Mediterranean]] level. </p> <p> The Dead Sea is 1,316 ft. below the Mediterranean, the springs of Hasbeiya are 1,700 above the Mediterranean, so that the valley falls more than 3,000 ft. in reaching the N. end of the Dead Sea. The bottom descends 1,308 ft. lower, in all 2,600 below the Mediterranean. The Jordan, well called "the Descender," descends 11 ft. every mile. Its sinuosity is less in its upper course. Besides the Jabbok it receives the [[Hieromax]] (Yarmuk) below Gennesareth. From Jerusalem to Jordan is only a distance of 20 miles; in that distance the descent is 3,500 ft., one of the greatest chasms in the earth; Jerusalem is 2,581 ft. above the Mediterranean. [[Bitumen]] wells are not far from the Hasbeya in the N. [[Hot]] springs abound about Tiberias; and other tokens of volcanic action, tufa, etc., occur near the Yarmuk's mouth and elsewhere. Only on the E. border of lake Huleh the land is now well cultivated, and yields largely wheat, maize, rice, etc. Horses, cattle, and sheep, and black buffaloes (the "bulls of Bashan") pasture around. W. of Gennesareth are seen grain, palms, vines, figs, melons, and pomegranates. </p> <p> Cultivation is rare along the lower Jordan, but pink oleanders, arbutus, rose hollyhocks, the purple thistle, marigold, and anemone abound. Tracks of tigers and wild boars, flocks of wild ducks, cranes, and pigeons have been seen by various explorers. Conder considers the tells in the Jordan valley and the [[Esdraelon]] plain as artificial, and probably the site of the stronghold of ancient towns; the slopes are steep; good water is always near; they are often where no natural elevation afforded a site for a fortress. There are no bridges earlier than the Roman. The [[Saracens]] added or restored some. The [[Roman]] bridge of 10 arches, Jisr Semakh, was on the route from Tiberias to Gadara. In coincidence with Scripture, the American survey sets down three fords: that at Tarichaea, the second at the Jabbok's confluence with' Jordan, and that at Jericho. The Jordan seldom now overflows its banks; but [[Lieutenant]] Lynch noticed sedge and driftwood high up in the overhanging trees on the banks, showing it still at times overflows the plain. </p> <p> Anciently, when forests abounded more than now, Mount Hermon had more snow and rain falling on it, and Jordan was therefore flooded to overflow. It is plain from &nbsp;Joshua 3:15; &nbsp;Joshua 4:18 compare with &nbsp;Isaiah 8:7, that Jordan was not merely full to the brim, but overflowed its banks. The flood never reaches beyond the lower line of the Ghor, which is covered with vegetation. The plain of the Jordan between the sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea is generally eight miles broad, but at the N. end of the Dead Sea the hills recede so that the width is 12 miles, of which the W. part is named "the plains of Jericho." The upper terrace immediately under the hills is covered with vegetation; under that is the [[Arabah]] or desert plain, barren in its southern part except where springs fertilize it, but fertile in its northern part and cultivated by irrigation. </p> <p> [[Grove]] remarks of the Jordan: "so rapid that its course is one continued cataract, so crooked that in its whole lower and main course it has hardly a half mile straight, so broken with rapids that no boat can swim any distance continuously, so deep below the adjacent country that it is invisible and can only be with difficulty approached; refusing all communication with the ocean, and ending in a lake where navigation is impossible useless for irrigation, it is in fact what its Arabic name signifies, nothing but a 'great watering place,' Sheriat el Khebir." Geologists find that the Jordan valley was caused by a sudden violent depression after the late cretaceous period, having a chain of lakes at three levels. The level is gradually lowering, and the area of the lakes diminishing by denudation and evaporation. </p>
<p> From yarad "to descend," Arab. "the watering place." Always with the [[Hebrew]] article "the Jordan," except &nbsp;Job 40:23; &nbsp;Psalms 42:6. 200 miles long from its source at Antilebanon to the head of the [[Dead]] Sea. It is not navigable, nor has it ever had a large town on its banks. The cities [[Bethshan]] and [[Jericho]] on the W., and Gerasa, Pella, and [[Gadara]] to the E. of Jordan, produced intercourse between the two sides of the river. Yet it is remarkable as the river of the great plain (ha Arabah, now el Ghor) of the Holy Land, flowing through the whole from N. to S. [[Lot]] from the hills on the N.W. of [[Sodom]] seeing the plain well watered by it, as [[Egypt]] is by the Nile (Lot's allusion to Egypt is apposite, [[Abram]] having just left it: &nbsp;Genesis 12:10-20), chose that district as his home, in spite of the notorious wickedness of the people (&nbsp;Genesis 13:10). Its sources are three. The northernmost near Hasbeya between Hermon and Lebanon; the stream is called Hasbany. </p> <p> The second is best known, near Banias, i.e. [[Caesarea]] [[Philippi]] (the scene of Peter's confession, &nbsp;Matthew 16:16); a large pool beneath a high cliff, fed by gushing streamlets, rising at the mouth of a deep cave; thence the [[Jordan]] flows, a considerable stream. The third is at Dan, or Tel el Kady (Daphne); from the N.W. corner of a green eminence a spring bursts forth into a clear wide pool, which sends a broad stream into the valley. The three streams unite at Tel Dafneh, and flow sluggishly through marsh land into lake [[Merom]] (Huleh). Capt. Newbold adds a fourth, wady el [[Kid]] on the S.E. of the slope, flowing from the springs Esh Shar. Indeed [[Anti-Lebanon]] abounds in gushing streams, which all make their way into the swamp between Bahias and Huleh and become part of the Jordan. The traditional site of Jacob's crossing Jordan (Jisr Benat Yacobe) at his first leaving [[Beersheba]] for [[Padan]] [[Aram]] is a mile and a half from Merom, and six from the sea of Galilee; in those six its descent with roaring cataracts over the basaltic rocks is 1,050 ft. </p> <p> This, the part known to [[Naaman]] in his invasions, is the least attractive part of its course, and unfavorably contrasted with [[Abana]] and [[Pharpar]] of his native land (&nbsp;2 Kings 5:12). From the sea of [[Galilee]] it winds 200 miles in the 60 miles of actual distance to the Dead Sea. Its tortuous course is the secret of the great depression (the Dead Sea being 663 ft. below the lake of Galilee) in this distance. On Jacob's return from Padan Aram he crossed near where the [[Jabbok]] (Zerka) enters the Jordan (&nbsp;Genesis 32:10; &nbsp;Genesis 32:22). The next crossing recorded is that of Joshua over against Jericho, the river being then flooded, in harvest time in April, in consequence of the rainy season and the melting of the snow of Hermon (&nbsp;Joshua 3:15-16; &nbsp;Joshua 4:12-13; &nbsp;Joshua 5:10-12). The men of Jericho had pursued the spies to the fords there (&nbsp;Joshua 2:7), the same as those "toward Moab" where the [[Moabites]] were slain (&nbsp;Judges 3:28). </p> <p> Higher up were the fords [[Bethbarah]] or [[Bethabara]] (house of passage), where [[Gideon]] intercepted the fleeing [[Midianites]] (&nbsp;Judges 7:24) and the [[Gileadites]] slew the Ephraimites (&nbsp;Judges 12:6), probably the place also of Jacob's crossing. Near was "the clay ground between [[Succoth]] and Zarthan" used for Solomon's foundry (&nbsp;1 Kings 7:46). Three banks may be noted in the Ghor or Jordan valley, the upper or first slope (the abrupt edge of a wide table land reaching to the [[Hauran]] mountains on the E. and the high hills on the W. side), the lower or middle terrace embracing the strip of land with vegetation, and the true banks of the river bed, with a jungle of agnus castus , tamarisks, and willows and reed and cane at the edge, the stream being ordinarily 30 yards wide. At the flood the river cannot be forded, being 10 or 12 ft. deep E. of Jericho; but in summer it can, the water being low. To cross it in the flood by swimming was an extraordinary feat, performed by the [[Gadites]] who joined David (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 12:15); this was impossible for [[Israel]] under Joshua with wives and children. </p> <p> The Lord of the whole earth made the descending waters stand in a heap very far from their place of crossing, namely, by the town of Adam, that is beside [[Zarthan]] or Zaretan, the moment that the feet of the priests bearing the ark dipped in the water. The priests then stood in the midst of the dry river bed until all Israel crossed over. Joshua erected a monument of 12 large stones in the river bed where the priests had stood, near the E. bank of the river. This would remain at least for a time as a memorial to the existing generation, besides the monument erected at [[Gilgal]] (&nbsp;Joshua 4:3; &nbsp;Joshua 4:6-7; &nbsp;Joshua 4:9; &nbsp;Joshua 4:20). By this lower ford David passed to fight [[Syria]] (&nbsp;2 Samuel 10:17), and afterwards in his flight from [[Absalom]] to [[Mahanaim]] E. of Jordan. There [[Judah]] escorted him, and he crossed in a ferry boat (&nbsp;2 Samuel 17:22; &nbsp;2 Samuel 19:15; &nbsp;2 Samuel 19:18). Here [[Elijah]] and [[Elisha]] divided the waters with the prophet's mantle (&nbsp;2 Kings 2:4; &nbsp;2 Kings 2:8; &nbsp;2 Kings 2:14). </p> <p> At the upper fords Naaman washed off his leprosy. Here too the [[Syrians]] fled, when panic struck by the Lord (&nbsp;2 Kings 7:15). John the [[Baptist]] "first" baptized at the lower ford near Jericho, where all [[Jerusalem]] and [[Judea]] resorted, being near; where too our Lord took refuge from Jerusalem, and where many converts joined Him, and from from whence He went to [[Bethany]] to raise [[Lazarus]] (&nbsp;John 10:39-40; &nbsp;John 11:1). John's next baptisms were (&nbsp;John 1:29-34) at Bethabara (or "Bethany") the upper ford, within reach of the N.; there out of Galilee the Lord Jesus and Andrew repaired after the baptisms in the S. (&nbsp;Luke 3:21), and were baptized. (See BETHABARA.) His third place of baptism was near [[Aenon]] and Salim, still further to the N., where the water was still deep though it was summer, after the [[Passover]] (&nbsp;John 2:13-23), for there was no ford there (&nbsp;John 3:23); he had to go there, the water being too shallow at the ordinary fords. John moved gradually northwards toward Herod's province where ultimately he was beheaded; Jesus coming from the N. southwards met John half way. </p> <p> The overflow of Jordan dislodged the lion from its lair on the wooded banks (&nbsp;Jeremiah 49:19); in &nbsp;Jeremiah 12:5 some translated "the pride of Jordan," (compare &nbsp;2 Kings 6:2,) "if in the champaign country alone thou art secure, how wilt thou do when thou fallest into the wooded haunts of wild beasts?" (&nbsp;Proverbs 24:10.) Between Merom and lake [[Tiberias]] the banks are so thickly wooded as often to shut out the view of the water. Four fifths of Israel, nine tribes and a half, dwelt W., and one fifth, two and a half, dwelt E. of Jordan. The great altar built by the latter was the witness of the oneness of the two sections (&nbsp;Joshua 22:10-29). Of the six cities of refuge three were E., three W. of Jordan, at equal distances. Jordan enters [[Gennesareth]] two miles below the ancient city [[Julias]] or [[Bethsaida]] of [[Gaulonitis]] on the E. bank. It is 70 ft. wide at its mouth, a sluggish turbid stream. The lake of Tiberias is 653 ft. below the [[Mediterranean]] level. </p> <p> The Dead Sea is 1,316 ft. below the Mediterranean, the springs of Hasbeiya are 1,700 above the Mediterranean, so that the valley falls more than 3,000 ft. in reaching the N. end of the Dead Sea. The bottom descends 1,308 ft. lower, in all 2,600 below the Mediterranean. The Jordan, well called "the Descender," descends 11 ft. every mile. Its sinuosity is less in its upper course. Besides the Jabbok it receives the [[Hieromax]] (Yarmuk) below Gennesareth. From Jerusalem to Jordan is only a distance of 20 miles; in that distance the descent is 3,500 ft., one of the greatest chasms in the earth; Jerusalem is 2,581 ft. above the Mediterranean. [[Bitumen]] wells are not far from the Hasbeya in the N. Hot springs abound about Tiberias; and other tokens of volcanic action, tufa, etc., occur near the Yarmuk's mouth and elsewhere. Only on the E. border of lake Huleh the land is now well cultivated, and yields largely wheat, maize, rice, etc. Horses, cattle, and sheep, and black buffaloes (the "bulls of Bashan") pasture around. W. of Gennesareth are seen grain, palms, vines, figs, melons, and pomegranates. </p> <p> Cultivation is rare along the lower Jordan, but pink oleanders, arbutus, rose hollyhocks, the purple thistle, marigold, and anemone abound. Tracks of tigers and wild boars, flocks of wild ducks, cranes, and pigeons have been seen by various explorers. Conder considers the tells in the Jordan valley and the [[Esdraelon]] plain as artificial, and probably the site of the stronghold of ancient towns; the slopes are steep; good water is always near; they are often where no natural elevation afforded a site for a fortress. There are no bridges earlier than the Roman. The [[Saracens]] added or restored some. The [[Roman]] bridge of 10 arches, Jisr Semakh, was on the route from Tiberias to Gadara. In coincidence with Scripture, the American survey sets down three fords: that at Tarichaea, the second at the Jabbok's confluence with' Jordan, and that at Jericho. The Jordan seldom now overflows its banks; but [[Lieutenant]] Lynch noticed sedge and driftwood high up in the overhanging trees on the banks, showing it still at times overflows the plain. </p> <p> Anciently, when forests abounded more than now, Mount Hermon had more snow and rain falling on it, and Jordan was therefore flooded to overflow. It is plain from &nbsp;Joshua 3:15; &nbsp;Joshua 4:18 compare with &nbsp;Isaiah 8:7, that Jordan was not merely full to the brim, but overflowed its banks. The flood never reaches beyond the lower line of the Ghor, which is covered with vegetation. The plain of the Jordan between the sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea is generally eight miles broad, but at the N. end of the Dead Sea the hills recede so that the width is 12 miles, of which the W. part is named "the plains of Jericho." The upper terrace immediately under the hills is covered with vegetation; under that is the [[Arabah]] or desert plain, barren in its southern part except where springs fertilize it, but fertile in its northern part and cultivated by irrigation. </p> <p> [[Grove]] remarks of the Jordan: "so rapid that its course is one continued cataract, so crooked that in its whole lower and main course it has hardly a half mile straight, so broken with rapids that no boat can swim any distance continuously, so deep below the adjacent country that it is invisible and can only be with difficulty approached; refusing all communication with the ocean, and ending in a lake where navigation is impossible useless for irrigation, it is in fact what its Arabic name signifies, nothing but a 'great watering place,' Sheriat el Khebir." Geologists find that the Jordan valley was caused by a sudden violent depression after the late cretaceous period, having a chain of lakes at three levels. The level is gradually lowering, and the area of the lakes diminishing by denudation and evaporation. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_52141" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_52141" /> ==
<p> <strong> JORDAN. </strong> The longest and most important river in Palestine. </p> <p> <strong> 1. Name </strong> . The name ‘Jordan’ is best derived from Heb. <em> yârad </em> ‘to descend,’ the noun <em> Yardçn </em> formed from it signifying ‘the descender’; it is used almost invariably with the article. In Arabic the name is <em> esh-Sheri‘ah </em> , or ‘the watering-place,’ though Arabic writers before the [[Crusades]] called it <em> el-Urdun </em> . [[Quite]] fanciful is Jerome’s derivation of the name from <em> Jor </em> and <em> Dan </em> , the two main sources of the river, as no source by the name of Jor is known. </p> <p> <strong> 2. [[Geology]] </strong> . The geology of the Jordan is unique. [[Rising]] high up among the foothills of Mt. Hermon, it flows almost due south by a most tortuous course, through the two lakes of Huleh and Galilee, following the bottom of a rapidly descending and most remarkable geological fissure, and finally emptying itself into the Dead Sea, which is 1292 feet below the level of the Mediterranean. In its short course of a little more than 100 miles it falls about 3000 feet, and for the greater portion of the journey runs below the level of the ocean. No other part of the earth’s surface, uncovered by water, sinks to a depth of even 300 feet below sea-level, except the great Sahara. Professor Hull, the eminent Irish geologist, accounts for this great natural cleft by supposing that towards the end of the Eocene period a great ‘fault’ or fracture was caused by the contraction from east to west of the limestone crust of the earth. Later, during the Pliocene period, the whole Jordan valley probably formed an inland lake more than 200 miles long, but at the close of the Glacial period the waters decreased until they reached their present state. Traces of water, at heights 1180 feet above the Dead Sea’s present level, are found on the lateral slopes of the Jordan valley. </p> <p> <strong> 3. Sources </strong> . The principal sources of the Jordan are three: (1) the river <em> Hasbani </em> , which rises in a large fountain on the western slopes of Mt. Hermon, near <em> Hasbeiya </em> , at an altitude of 1700 feet; (2) the <em> Leddan </em> , which gushes forth from the celebrated fountain under Tell el-Qadl, or Dan, at an altitude of 1500 feet the most copious source of the Jordan; and (3) the river <em> [[Banias]] </em> , which issues from an immense cavern below Banias or Cæsarea Philippi, having an altitude of 1200 feet. These last two meet about five miles below their fountain-heads at an altitude of 148 feet, and are joined about a half-mile farther on by the Hasbani. Their commingled waters flow on across a dismal marsh of papyrus, and, after seven miles, empty into Lake Huleh, which is identified by some with ‘the waters of Merom’ (&nbsp; Joshua 11:5; &nbsp; Joshua 11:7 ). The lake is four miles long, its surface being but 7 feet above sea-level. </p> <p> <strong> 4. The Upper Jordan </strong> is a convenient designation for that portion of the river between Lake Huleh and the Sea of Galilee. Emerging from Lake Huleh, the river flows placidly for a space of two miles, and then dashes down over a rocky and tortuous bed until it enters the Sea of Galilee, whose altitude is 682 feet below the level of the Mediterranean. It falls, in this short stretch of 10 1 / 2 miles, 689 feet. At certain seasons its turbid waters can be traced for quite a considerable distance into the sea, which is 12 1 /2 miles long. </p> <p> <strong> 5. The Lower Jordan </strong> is an appropriate designation for that portion of the river between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. The distance in a straight line between these two seas is but 65 miles, yet it is estimated that the river’s actual course covers not less than 200, due to its sinuosity. In this stretch it falls 610 feet, the rate at first being 40 feet per mile. Its width varies from 90 to 200 feet. Along its banks grow thickets of tamarisks, poplars, oleanders, and bushes of different varieties, which are described by the prophets of the OT as ‘the pride of Jordan’ (&nbsp; Jeremiah 12:5; &nbsp; Jeremiah 49:19; &nbsp; Jeremiah 50:44 , &nbsp; Zechariah 11:3 ). Numerous rapids, whirlpools, and islets characterize this portion of the Jordan. The river’s entire length from Banias to the Dead Sea is 104 miles, measured in a straight line. </p> <p> <strong> 6. Tributaries </strong> . Its most important tributaries flow into the Lower Jordan and from the East. The largest is the <em> Yarmuk </em> of the Rabbis, the <em> Hieromax </em> of the Greeks, and the <em> Sheri‘at el-Manadireh </em> of the Arabs, which drains [[Gilead]] and [[Bashan]] in part. It enters the Jordan 5 miles south of the Sea of Galilee. The [[Bible]] never mentions it. The only other tributary of considerable importance is the Jabbok of the OT, called by the natives <em> Nahr ez-Zerka </em> or <em> [[Wady]] el-‘Arab </em> . It rises near ‘Amman (Philadelphia), describes a semicircle, and flows into the Jordan at a point about equidistant from the two seas. On the west are the <em> Nahr el-Jatûd </em> , which rises in the spring of [[Harod]] at the base of Mt. [[Gilboa]] and drains the valley of Jezreel; <em> Wady Fârah </em> , which rises near Mt. [[Ebal]] and drains the district east of Shechem; and the <em> Wady el-Kelt </em> , by Jericho, which is sometimes identified with the brook Cherith. </p> <p> <strong> 7. [[Fords]] </strong> . The fords of the Jordan are numerous. The most celebrated is that opposite Jericho known as <em> Makhadet el-Hajlah </em> , where modern pilgrims are accustomed to bathe. There is another called <em> el-Ghôranïyeh </em> near the mouth of <em> Wady Nimrin </em> . North of the Jabbok there are at least a score. In ancient times the Jordan seems to have been crossed almost exclusively by fords (&nbsp; 1 Samuel 13:7 , &nbsp; 2 Samuel 10:17 ); but David and his household were possibly conveyed across in a ‘ferry-boat’ (&nbsp; 2 Samuel 19:18; the rendering is doubtful). </p> <p> <strong> 8. Bridges </strong> are not mentioned in the Bible. Those which once spanned the Jordan were built by the Romans, or by their successors. The ruins of one, with a single arch, may be seen at <em> Jisr ed-Damieh </em> near the mouth of the Jabbok. Since its construction the river bed has changed so that it no longer spans the real channel. This bridge is on the direct route from [[Shechem]] to Ramoth-gilead. There is another called <em> Jisr el-Mujamîyeh </em> , close by that of the new railroad from [[Haifa]] to Damascus, or about 7 miles south of the Sea of Galilee. A third, built of black basalt and having three arches, is known as the <em> Jisr ‘Benat-Yâ‘gub </em> , or ‘bridge of the daughters of Jacob,’ situated about two miles south of Lake Huleh on the direct caravan route from [[Acre]] to Damascus. A temporary wooden bridge, erected by the Arabs, stands opposite Jericho. </p> <p> <strong> 9. The Jordan valley </strong> . The broad and ever-descending valley through which the Jordan flows is called by the Arabs the <em> Ghôr </em> or ‘bottom’; to the Hebrews it was known as the ‘ <strong> Arabah. </strong> It is a long plain, sloping uniformly at the rate of 9 feet to the mile, being at the northern end 3, and at the southern end 12 miles broad. For the most part the valley is fertile, especially in the vicinity of Beisan, where the grass and grain grow freely. Near the Dead Sea, however, the soil is saline and barren. The ruins of ancient aqueducts here and there all over the plain give evidence of its having been at one time highly cultivated. By irrigation the entire region could easily be brought under cultivation once more and converted into a veritable garden. In the vicinity of Jericho, once the ‘city of palms,’ a large variety of fruits, vegetables, and other products is grown. The most fertile portion under cultivation at the present time is the comparatively narrow floor-bed of the river known as the <em> Zôr </em> , varying from a quarter to two miles in width, and from 20 to 200 feet in depth below the <em> Ghôr </em> proper. This is the area which was overflowed every year ‘all the time of harvest’ (&nbsp; Joshua 3:15 ). It has been formed, doubtless, by the changing of the river bed from one side of the valley to the other. </p> <p> <strong> 10. The climate </strong> of the Jordan valley is hot. The Lower Jordan in particular, being shut in by two great walls of mountain, the one on the east, and the other on the west, is decidedly tropical. Even in winter the days are uncomfortably warm, though the nights are cool; in summer both days and nights are torrid, especially at Jericho, where the thermometer has been known to register 130 Fahr. by day, and 110 after sunset. This accounts largely for the unpeopled condition of the Lower Jordan valley both to-day and in former times. </p> <p> <strong> 11. [[Flora]] and fauna </strong> . The trees and shrubs of the Jordan valley are both numerous and varied. The <em> retem </em> or broom plant, thorns, oleanders, flowering bamboos, castor-oil plants, tamarisks, poplars, acacias, Dead Sea ‘apples of Sodom,’ and many other species of bush, all grow in the valley. The papyrus is especially luxuriant about Lake Huleh. </p> <p> [[Animals]] such as the leopard, jackal, boar, hyæna, ibex, porcupine, and fox live in the thickets which border the banks. The lion has completely disappeared. The river abounds in fish of numerous species, many of them resembling those found in the Nile and the lakes of tropical Africa. Of the 35 species, however, known to exist, 16 are peculiar to the Jordan. </p> <p> <strong> 12. The Jordan as a boundary </strong> . In view of what has been said, it is obvious that the Jordan forms a natural boundary to [[Palestine]] proper. In the earlier books of the OT we frequently meet with the expressions ‘on this side Jordan,’ and ‘on the other side of the Jordan,’ which suggest that the Jordan was a dividing line and a natural boundary. In &nbsp; Numbers 34:12 , indeed, it is treated as the original eastern boundary of the [[Promised]] Land (cf. &nbsp; Joshua 22:25 ). Yet, as Lucien Gautier suggests (art. ‘Jordan’ in Hastings’ <em> DCG </em> <em> [Note: CG Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels.] </em> ), it was not so much the Jordan that constituted the boundary as the depressed <em> Ghôr </em> valley as a whole. </p> <p> <strong> 13. [[Scripture]] references </strong> . The Jordan is frequently mentioned in both the OT and the NT. Lot, for example, is said to have chosen ‘all the circle of the Jordan’ because ‘it was well watered everywhere’ (&nbsp; [[Genesis]] 13:10 ); Joshua and all Israel crossed over the Jordan on dry ground (&nbsp; Joshua 3:17 ); [[Ehud]] seized the fords of the Jordan against the Moabites, cutting off their retreat (&nbsp; Judges 3:28 ); Gideon, Jephthah, David, Elijah, and Elisha were all well acquainted with the Jordan; Naaman the [[Syrian]] was directed to go wash in the Jordan seven times, that his leprosy might depart from him (&nbsp; 2 Kings 5:10 ). And it was at the Jordan that John the Baptist preached and baptized, our Lord being among those who were here sacramentally consecrated (&nbsp; Matthew 3:1-17 and parallels). To-day thousands of pilgrims from all parts of the civilized world visit the Jordan; so that, as G. A. Smith ( <em> HGHL </em> <em> [Note: GHL [[Historical]] [[Geography]] of Holy Land.] </em> , p. 496) reminds us, ‘what was never a great [[Jewish]] river has become a very great [[Christian]] one.’ </p> <p> [[George]] L. Robinson. </p>
<p> <strong> JORDAN. </strong> The longest and most important river in Palestine. </p> <p> <strong> 1. Name </strong> . The name ‘Jordan’ is best derived from Heb. <em> yârad </em> ‘to descend,’ the noun <em> Yardçn </em> formed from it signifying ‘the descender’; it is used almost invariably with the article. In Arabic the name is <em> esh-Sheri‘ah </em> , or ‘the watering-place,’ though Arabic writers before the [[Crusades]] called it <em> el-Urdun </em> . Quite fanciful is Jerome’s derivation of the name from <em> Jor </em> and <em> Dan </em> , the two main sources of the river, as no source by the name of Jor is known. </p> <p> <strong> 2. [[Geology]] </strong> . The geology of the Jordan is unique. [[Rising]] high up among the foothills of Mt. Hermon, it flows almost due south by a most tortuous course, through the two lakes of Huleh and Galilee, following the bottom of a rapidly descending and most remarkable geological fissure, and finally emptying itself into the Dead Sea, which is 1292 feet below the level of the Mediterranean. In its short course of a little more than 100 miles it falls about 3000 feet, and for the greater portion of the journey runs below the level of the ocean. No other part of the earth’s surface, uncovered by water, sinks to a depth of even 300 feet below sea-level, except the great Sahara. Professor Hull, the eminent Irish geologist, accounts for this great natural cleft by supposing that towards the end of the Eocene period a great ‘fault’ or fracture was caused by the contraction from east to west of the limestone crust of the earth. Later, during the Pliocene period, the whole Jordan valley probably formed an inland lake more than 200 miles long, but at the close of the Glacial period the waters decreased until they reached their present state. Traces of water, at heights 1180 feet above the Dead Sea’s present level, are found on the lateral slopes of the Jordan valley. </p> <p> <strong> 3. Sources </strong> . The principal sources of the Jordan are three: (1) the river <em> Hasbani </em> , which rises in a large fountain on the western slopes of Mt. Hermon, near <em> Hasbeiya </em> , at an altitude of 1700 feet; (2) the <em> Leddan </em> , which gushes forth from the celebrated fountain under Tell el-Qadl, or Dan, at an altitude of 1500 feet the most copious source of the Jordan; and (3) the river <em> [[Banias]] </em> , which issues from an immense cavern below Banias or Cæsarea Philippi, having an altitude of 1200 feet. These last two meet about five miles below their fountain-heads at an altitude of 148 feet, and are joined about a half-mile farther on by the Hasbani. Their commingled waters flow on across a dismal marsh of papyrus, and, after seven miles, empty into Lake Huleh, which is identified by some with ‘the waters of Merom’ (&nbsp; Joshua 11:5; &nbsp; Joshua 11:7 ). The lake is four miles long, its surface being but 7 feet above sea-level. </p> <p> <strong> 4. The Upper Jordan </strong> is a convenient designation for that portion of the river between Lake Huleh and the Sea of Galilee. Emerging from Lake Huleh, the river flows placidly for a space of two miles, and then dashes down over a rocky and tortuous bed until it enters the Sea of Galilee, whose altitude is 682 feet below the level of the Mediterranean. It falls, in this short stretch of 10 1 / 2 miles, 689 feet. At certain seasons its turbid waters can be traced for quite a considerable distance into the sea, which is 12 1 /2 miles long. </p> <p> <strong> 5. The Lower Jordan </strong> is an appropriate designation for that portion of the river between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. The distance in a straight line between these two seas is but 65 miles, yet it is estimated that the river’s actual course covers not less than 200, due to its sinuosity. In this stretch it falls 610 feet, the rate at first being 40 feet per mile. Its width varies from 90 to 200 feet. Along its banks grow thickets of tamarisks, poplars, oleanders, and bushes of different varieties, which are described by the prophets of the OT as ‘the pride of Jordan’ (&nbsp; Jeremiah 12:5; &nbsp; Jeremiah 49:19; &nbsp; Jeremiah 50:44 , &nbsp; Zechariah 11:3 ). Numerous rapids, whirlpools, and islets characterize this portion of the Jordan. The river’s entire length from Banias to the Dead Sea is 104 miles, measured in a straight line. </p> <p> <strong> 6. Tributaries </strong> . Its most important tributaries flow into the Lower Jordan and from the East. The largest is the <em> Yarmuk </em> of the Rabbis, the <em> Hieromax </em> of the Greeks, and the <em> Sheri‘at el-Manadireh </em> of the Arabs, which drains [[Gilead]] and [[Bashan]] in part. It enters the Jordan 5 miles south of the Sea of Galilee. The [[Bible]] never mentions it. The only other tributary of considerable importance is the Jabbok of the OT, called by the natives <em> Nahr ez-Zerka </em> or <em> [[Wady]] el-‘Arab </em> . It rises near ‘Amman (Philadelphia), describes a semicircle, and flows into the Jordan at a point about equidistant from the two seas. On the west are the <em> Nahr el-Jatûd </em> , which rises in the spring of [[Harod]] at the base of Mt. [[Gilboa]] and drains the valley of Jezreel; <em> Wady Fârah </em> , which rises near Mt. [[Ebal]] and drains the district east of Shechem; and the <em> Wady el-Kelt </em> , by Jericho, which is sometimes identified with the brook Cherith. </p> <p> <strong> 7. Fords </strong> . The fords of the Jordan are numerous. The most celebrated is that opposite Jericho known as <em> Makhadet el-Hajlah </em> , where modern pilgrims are accustomed to bathe. There is another called <em> el-Ghôranïyeh </em> near the mouth of <em> Wady Nimrin </em> . North of the Jabbok there are at least a score. In ancient times the Jordan seems to have been crossed almost exclusively by fords (&nbsp; 1 Samuel 13:7 , &nbsp; 2 Samuel 10:17 ); but David and his household were possibly conveyed across in a ‘ferry-boat’ (&nbsp; 2 Samuel 19:18; the rendering is doubtful). </p> <p> <strong> 8. Bridges </strong> are not mentioned in the Bible. Those which once spanned the Jordan were built by the Romans, or by their successors. The ruins of one, with a single arch, may be seen at <em> Jisr ed-Damieh </em> near the mouth of the Jabbok. Since its construction the river bed has changed so that it no longer spans the real channel. This bridge is on the direct route from [[Shechem]] to Ramoth-gilead. There is another called <em> Jisr el-Mujamîyeh </em> , close by that of the new railroad from [[Haifa]] to Damascus, or about 7 miles south of the Sea of Galilee. A third, built of black basalt and having three arches, is known as the <em> Jisr ‘Benat-Yâ‘gub </em> , or ‘bridge of the daughters of Jacob,’ situated about two miles south of Lake Huleh on the direct caravan route from [[Acre]] to Damascus. A temporary wooden bridge, erected by the Arabs, stands opposite Jericho. </p> <p> <strong> 9. The Jordan valley </strong> . The broad and ever-descending valley through which the Jordan flows is called by the Arabs the <em> Ghôr </em> or ‘bottom’; to the Hebrews it was known as the ‘ <strong> Arabah. </strong> It is a long plain, sloping uniformly at the rate of 9 feet to the mile, being at the northern end 3, and at the southern end 12 miles broad. For the most part the valley is fertile, especially in the vicinity of Beisan, where the grass and grain grow freely. Near the Dead Sea, however, the soil is saline and barren. The ruins of ancient aqueducts here and there all over the plain give evidence of its having been at one time highly cultivated. By irrigation the entire region could easily be brought under cultivation once more and converted into a veritable garden. In the vicinity of Jericho, once the ‘city of palms,’ a large variety of fruits, vegetables, and other products is grown. The most fertile portion under cultivation at the present time is the comparatively narrow floor-bed of the river known as the <em> Zôr </em> , varying from a quarter to two miles in width, and from 20 to 200 feet in depth below the <em> Ghôr </em> proper. This is the area which was overflowed every year ‘all the time of harvest’ (&nbsp; Joshua 3:15 ). It has been formed, doubtless, by the changing of the river bed from one side of the valley to the other. </p> <p> <strong> 10. The climate </strong> of the Jordan valley is hot. The Lower Jordan in particular, being shut in by two great walls of mountain, the one on the east, and the other on the west, is decidedly tropical. Even in winter the days are uncomfortably warm, though the nights are cool; in summer both days and nights are torrid, especially at Jericho, where the thermometer has been known to register 130 Fahr. by day, and 110 after sunset. This accounts largely for the unpeopled condition of the Lower Jordan valley both to-day and in former times. </p> <p> <strong> 11. [[Flora]] and fauna </strong> . The trees and shrubs of the Jordan valley are both numerous and varied. The <em> retem </em> or broom plant, thorns, oleanders, flowering bamboos, castor-oil plants, tamarisks, poplars, acacias, Dead Sea ‘apples of Sodom,’ and many other species of bush, all grow in the valley. The papyrus is especially luxuriant about Lake Huleh. </p> <p> [[Animals]] such as the leopard, jackal, boar, hyæna, ibex, porcupine, and fox live in the thickets which border the banks. The lion has completely disappeared. The river abounds in fish of numerous species, many of them resembling those found in the Nile and the lakes of tropical Africa. Of the 35 species, however, known to exist, 16 are peculiar to the Jordan. </p> <p> <strong> 12. The Jordan as a boundary </strong> . In view of what has been said, it is obvious that the Jordan forms a natural boundary to [[Palestine]] proper. In the earlier books of the OT we frequently meet with the expressions ‘on this side Jordan,’ and ‘on the other side of the Jordan,’ which suggest that the Jordan was a dividing line and a natural boundary. In &nbsp; Numbers 34:12 , indeed, it is treated as the original eastern boundary of the [[Promised]] Land (cf. &nbsp; Joshua 22:25 ). Yet, as Lucien Gautier suggests (art. ‘Jordan’ in Hastings’ <em> DCG </em> <em> [Note: CG Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels.] </em> ), it was not so much the Jordan that constituted the boundary as the depressed <em> Ghôr </em> valley as a whole. </p> <p> <strong> 13. [[Scripture]] references </strong> . The Jordan is frequently mentioned in both the OT and the NT. Lot, for example, is said to have chosen ‘all the circle of the Jordan’ because ‘it was well watered everywhere’ (&nbsp; [[Genesis]] 13:10 ); Joshua and all Israel crossed over the Jordan on dry ground (&nbsp; Joshua 3:17 ); [[Ehud]] seized the fords of the Jordan against the Moabites, cutting off their retreat (&nbsp; Judges 3:28 ); Gideon, Jephthah, David, Elijah, and Elisha were all well acquainted with the Jordan; Naaman the [[Syrian]] was directed to go wash in the Jordan seven times, that his leprosy might depart from him (&nbsp; 2 Kings 5:10 ). And it was at the Jordan that John the Baptist preached and baptized, our Lord being among those who were here sacramentally consecrated (&nbsp; Matthew 3:1-17 and parallels). To-day thousands of pilgrims from all parts of the civilized world visit the Jordan; so that, as G. A. Smith ( <em> HGHL </em> <em> [Note: GHL [[Historical]] [[Geography]] of Holy Land.] </em> , p. 496) reminds us, ‘what was never a great [[Jewish]] river has become a very great [[Christian]] one.’ </p> <p> [[George]] L. Robinson. </p>
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80960" /> ==
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80960" /> ==
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== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_73444" /> ==
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_73444" /> ==
<p> &nbsp;Jor'dan. &nbsp;(the descender). The one river of Palestine, has a course of little more than 200 miles, from the roots of Anti-Lebanon to the head of the Dead Sea. (136 miles in a straight line. - Schaff). It is the river of the "great plain" of Palestine - the "descender," if not "the river of God," in the book of Psalms, at least, that of his chosen people throughout their history. </p> <p> There were fords over the Jordan against Jericho, to which point the men of Jericho pursued the spies. &nbsp;Joshua 2:7. Compare &nbsp;Judges 3:28. </p> <p> Higher up, were the fords or passages of Bethbarah, where Gideon lay in wait for the Midianites, &nbsp;Judges 7:24 and where the men of Gilead slew the Ephraimites. &nbsp;Judges 12:6. These fords, undoubtedly, witnessed the first recorded passage, of the Jordan in the Old Testament. &nbsp;Genesis 32:10. </p> <p> Jordan was next crossed, over against Jericho, by Joshua. &nbsp;Joshua 4:12-13. From their vicinity to Jerusalem, the lower fords were much used. David, it is probable, passed over them, in one instance, to fight the Syrians. &nbsp;2 Samuel 10:17; &nbsp;2 Samuel 17:22. </p> <p> Thus, there were two customary places, at which the Jordan was fordable; and it must have been at one of these, if not at both, that baptism was afterward administered by St. John, and by the disciples of our Lord. Where our Lord was baptized is not stated expressly, but it was probably at the upper ford. </p> <p> These fords were rendered so much more precious, in those days from two circumstances. First, it does not appear that there were, then, any bridges thrown over or boats, regularly established on the Jordan; and secondly, because "Jordan overflowed all his banks all the time of harvest." &nbsp;Joshua 3:15. The channel or bed of the river became brimful, so that the level of the water and of the banks was then the same. (Dr. [[Selah]] Merrill, in his book "Galilee in the Time of &nbsp;Christ" (1881), says, "Near Tarichaea, just below the point where the Jordan leaves the lake (of Galilee), there was (in &nbsp;Christ's time) a splendid bridge across the river, supported by ten piers." - Editor). </p> <p> The last feature which remains to be noticed in the scriptural account of the Jordan is its frequent mention as a boundary: "over Jordan," "this" and "the other side," or "beyond Jordan," were expressions as familiar to the Israelites as "across the water," "this" and "the other side of the Channel" are to English ears. In one sense indeed, that is, in so far as it was the eastern boundary of the land of Canaan, it was the eastern boundary of the Promised Land. &nbsp;Numbers 34:12. </p> <p> The Jordan rises from several sources near Panium (&nbsp;Banias), and passes through the lakes of Merom (&nbsp;Huleh) and Gennesaret. The two principal features in its course are its descent and its windings. From its fountain heads to the Dead Sea, it rushes down one continuous inclined plane, only broken by a series of rapids or precipitous falls. </p> <p> Between the Lake of Gennesaret and the Dead Sea, there are 27 rapids. The depression of the Lake of Gennesaret below the level of the Mediterranean is 653 feet, and that of the Dead Sea, 1316 feet. (The whole descent from its source to the Dead Sea is 3000 feet. Its width varies form 45 to 180 feet, and it is from 3 to 12 feet deep. - Schaff). </p> <p> Its sinuosity is not so remarkable in the upper part of its course. The only tributaries to the Jordan below Gennesaret are the &nbsp;Yarmuk (Hieromax) and the &nbsp;Zerka (Jabbok). Not a single city ever crowned the banks of the Jordan. Still Bethshan and Jericho to the west, Gerasa, [[Pella]] and Gadara to the east of it were important cities, and caused a good deal of traffic between the two opposite banks. The physical features of the Ghor, through which the Jordan flows, are treated of under &nbsp;Palestine. </p>
<p> '''Jor'dan.''' (the descender). The one river of Palestine, has a course of little more than 200 miles, from the roots of Anti-Lebanon to the head of the Dead Sea. (136 miles in a straight line. - Schaff). It is the river of the "great plain" of Palestine - the "descender," if not "the river of God," in the book of Psalms, at least, that of his chosen people throughout their history. </p> <p> There were fords over the Jordan against Jericho, to which point the men of Jericho pursued the spies. &nbsp;Joshua 2:7. Compare &nbsp;Judges 3:28. </p> <p> Higher up, were the fords or passages of Bethbarah, where Gideon lay in wait for the Midianites, &nbsp;Judges 7:24 and where the men of Gilead slew the Ephraimites. &nbsp;Judges 12:6. These fords, undoubtedly, witnessed the first recorded passage, of the Jordan in the Old Testament. &nbsp;Genesis 32:10. </p> <p> Jordan was next crossed, over against Jericho, by Joshua. &nbsp;Joshua 4:12-13. From their vicinity to Jerusalem, the lower fords were much used. David, it is probable, passed over them, in one instance, to fight the Syrians. &nbsp;2 Samuel 10:17; &nbsp;2 Samuel 17:22. </p> <p> Thus, there were two customary places, at which the Jordan was fordable; and it must have been at one of these, if not at both, that baptism was afterward administered by St. John, and by the disciples of our Lord. Where our Lord was baptized is not stated expressly, but it was probably at the upper ford. </p> <p> These fords were rendered so much more precious, in those days from two circumstances. First, it does not appear that there were, then, any bridges thrown over or boats, regularly established on the Jordan; and secondly, because "Jordan overflowed all his banks all the time of harvest." &nbsp;Joshua 3:15. The channel or bed of the river became brimful, so that the level of the water and of the banks was then the same. (Dr. [[Selah]] Merrill, in his book "Galilee in the Time of '''Christ''' " (1881), says, "Near Tarichaea, just below the point where the Jordan leaves the lake (of Galilee), there was (in '''Christ's''' time) a splendid bridge across the river, supported by ten piers." - Editor). </p> <p> The last feature which remains to be noticed in the scriptural account of the Jordan is its frequent mention as a boundary: "over Jordan," "this" and "the other side," or "beyond Jordan," were expressions as familiar to the Israelites as "across the water," "this" and "the other side of the Channel" are to English ears. In one sense indeed, that is, in so far as it was the eastern boundary of the land of Canaan, it was the eastern boundary of the Promised Land. &nbsp;Numbers 34:12. </p> <p> The Jordan rises from several sources near Panium (Banias), and passes through the lakes of Merom (Huleh) and Gennesaret. The two principal features in its course are its descent and its windings. From its fountain heads to the Dead Sea, it rushes down one continuous inclined plane, only broken by a series of rapids or precipitous falls. </p> <p> Between the Lake of Gennesaret and the Dead Sea, there are 27 rapids. The depression of the Lake of Gennesaret below the level of the Mediterranean is 653 feet, and that of the Dead Sea, 1316 feet. (The whole descent from its source to the Dead Sea is 3000 feet. Its width varies form 45 to 180 feet, and it is from 3 to 12 feet deep. - Schaff). </p> <p> Its sinuosity is not so remarkable in the upper part of its course. The only tributaries to the Jordan below Gennesaret are the Yarmuk (Hieromax) and the Zerka (Jabbok). Not a single city ever crowned the banks of the Jordan. Still Bethshan and Jericho to the west, Gerasa, [[Pella]] and Gadara to the east of it were important cities, and caused a good deal of traffic between the two opposite banks. The physical features of the Ghor, through which the Jordan flows, are treated of under '''Palestine''' . </p>
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_70336" /> ==
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_70336" /> ==
<p> &nbsp;Jordan (&nbsp;jôr'dan), &nbsp;the descender, called "the river," &nbsp;Genesis 31:21; &nbsp;Joshua 1:11, has a course of little more than 200 miles, from the foot of Anti-Lebanon to the head of the Dead sea—136 miles in a straight line. It is the river of the great depressed valley of Palestine—the "descender," if not "the river of God" in the book of Psalms. There were fords opposite Jericho, to which the men of Jericho pursued the spies. &nbsp;Joshua 2:7; compare &nbsp;Judges 3:28. Higher up were the fords or passages of Bethbarah, where Gideon lay in wait for the Midianites, &nbsp;Judges 7:24, and where the men of Gilead slew the Ephraimites. &nbsp;Judges 12:6. At one of these fords was made the first recorded passage of the Jordan in the Old Testament. &nbsp;Genesis 32:10. Jordan was next crossed, over against Jericho, by Joshua. &nbsp;Joshua 4:12-13. From their nearness to Jerusalem the lower fords were much used. David, it is probable, passed over them in one instance to fight the Syrians. &nbsp;2 Samuel 10:17; &nbsp;2 Samuel 17:22. Thus there were two or more places at which the Jordan was usually forded; and it must have been at one of these, if not at both, that baptism was afterwards administered by John the Baptist, and by the disciples of our Lord. Our Lord was baptized probably at the ford near Bethabara or Bethany. The rains and the melting of the snows on [[Lebanon]] caused it to rise and flood the valley. "The Jordan overflowed all his banks all the time of harvest." &nbsp;Joshua 3:15. The channel or bed of the river became brimful, so that the level of the water and of the banks was then the same. The bridges over the river did not exist in early times, although there are evidences of one near the lake of Galilee in the Roman period, and perhaps in the time of Christ. See &nbsp;Galilee, by S. Merrill. In the scriptural accounts of the Jordan it is frequently mentioned as a boundary: "over Jordan," "this" and "the other side," or "beyond Jordan," were expressions familiar to the Israelites. In one sense, indeed, that is, in so far as it was the eastern boundary of the land of Canaan, it was the eastern boundary of the promised land. &nbsp;Numbers 34:12. The Jordan rises from several sources near Panium (&nbsp;Bâniâs), and passes through the lakes of Merom (&nbsp;Hûleh) and Gennesaret. The two principal features in its course are its descent and its windings. From its fountain heads to the Dead sea it rushes down one continuous inclined plane, only broken by a series of rapids or precipitous falls. Between the Lake of Gennesaret and the Dead sea there are 27 rapids. The depression of the Lake of Gennesaret below the level of the Mediterranean is 653 feet, and that of the Dead sea 1316 feet. The whole descent from its source to the Dead Sea is 3000 feet. Its width varies from 45 to 180 feet, and it is from 3 to 12 feet deep.—&nbsp;Schaff. The only tributaries to the Jordan below Gennesaret are the &nbsp;Yarmûk (Hieromax) and the &nbsp;Zerka (Jabbok). </p>
<p> '''Jordan''' (jôr'dan), the descender, called "the river," &nbsp;Genesis 31:21; &nbsp;Joshua 1:11, has a course of little more than 200 miles, from the foot of Anti-Lebanon to the head of the Dead sea—136 miles in a straight line. It is the river of the great depressed valley of Palestine—the "descender," if not "the river of God" in the book of Psalms. There were fords opposite Jericho, to which the men of Jericho pursued the spies. &nbsp;Joshua 2:7; compare &nbsp;Judges 3:28. Higher up were the fords or passages of Bethbarah, where Gideon lay in wait for the Midianites, &nbsp;Judges 7:24, and where the men of Gilead slew the Ephraimites. &nbsp;Judges 12:6. At one of these fords was made the first recorded passage of the Jordan in the Old Testament. &nbsp;Genesis 32:10. Jordan was next crossed, over against Jericho, by Joshua. &nbsp;Joshua 4:12-13. From their nearness to Jerusalem the lower fords were much used. David, it is probable, passed over them in one instance to fight the Syrians. &nbsp;2 Samuel 10:17; &nbsp;2 Samuel 17:22. Thus there were two or more places at which the Jordan was usually forded; and it must have been at one of these, if not at both, that baptism was afterwards administered by John the Baptist, and by the disciples of our Lord. Our Lord was baptized probably at the ford near Bethabara or Bethany. The rains and the melting of the snows on [[Lebanon]] caused it to rise and flood the valley. "The Jordan overflowed all his banks all the time of harvest." &nbsp;Joshua 3:15. The channel or bed of the river became brimful, so that the level of the water and of the banks was then the same. The bridges over the river did not exist in early times, although there are evidences of one near the lake of Galilee in the Roman period, and perhaps in the time of Christ. See Galilee, by S. Merrill. In the scriptural accounts of the Jordan it is frequently mentioned as a boundary: "over Jordan," "this" and "the other side," or "beyond Jordan," were expressions familiar to the Israelites. In one sense, indeed, that is, in so far as it was the eastern boundary of the land of Canaan, it was the eastern boundary of the promised land. &nbsp;Numbers 34:12. The Jordan rises from several sources near Panium (Bâniâs), and passes through the lakes of Merom (Hûleh) and Gennesaret. The two principal features in its course are its descent and its windings. From its fountain heads to the Dead sea it rushes down one continuous inclined plane, only broken by a series of rapids or precipitous falls. Between the Lake of Gennesaret and the Dead sea there are 27 rapids. The depression of the Lake of Gennesaret below the level of the Mediterranean is 653 feet, and that of the Dead sea 1316 feet. The whole descent from its source to the Dead Sea is 3000 feet. Its width varies from 45 to 180 feet, and it is from 3 to 12 feet deep.—Schaff. The only tributaries to the Jordan below Gennesaret are the Yarmûk (Hieromax) and the Zerka (Jabbok). </p>
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_48011" /> ==
== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_48011" /> ==
<p> That sacred river where the Lord Jesus Christ was baptized. It takes its name from Jor, a spring, and Dan, a small town near the source of Jor. Some have called it Jordan: and they say it means the river of judgment, from Dun, judgment. Every thing tends to endear this river to the believer. Numberless are the meditations it affords to the regenerate, in the many sacred events which have taken place at and on the banks of Jordan. (See &nbsp;&nbsp;Genesis 13:11; &nbsp;&nbsp;Numbers 34:12; &nbsp;&nbsp;Joshua 3:8; Jos 3:11; Jos 4:3; Jos 4:17; Jos 4:23; &nbsp;&nbsp;1 Kings 17:3; &nbsp;&nbsp;2 Kings 2:6-7; 2Ki 5:10; 2Ki 5:14; &nbsp;&nbsp;Matthew 3:6; Mat 3:17. etc.) </p>
<p> That sacred river where the Lord Jesus Christ was baptized. It takes its name from Jor, a spring, and Dan, a small town near the source of Jor. Some have called it Jordan: and they say it means the river of judgment, from Dun, judgment. Every thing tends to endear this river to the believer. Numberless are the meditations it affords to the regenerate, in the many sacred events which have taken place at and on the banks of Jordan. (See &nbsp;Genesis 13:11; &nbsp;Numbers 34:12; &nbsp;Joshua 3:8; Jos 3:11; Jos 4:3; Jos 4:17; Jos 4:23; &nbsp;1 Kings 17:3; &nbsp;2 Kings 2:6-7; 2Ki 5:10; 2Ki 5:14; &nbsp;Matthew 3:6; Mat 3:17. etc.) </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197971" /> ==
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197971" /> ==
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== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_32203" /> ==
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_32203" /> ==
<li> Jesus also "was baptized of John in Jordan" (&nbsp;Mark 1:9 ). <div> <p> &nbsp;Copyright StatementThese dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> &nbsp;Bibliography InformationEaston, Matthew George. Entry for 'Jordan'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/j/jordan.html. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
<li> Jesus also "was baptized of John in Jordan" (&nbsp;Mark 1:9 ). <div> <p> '''Copyright Statement''' These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> '''Bibliography Information''' Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Jordan'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/j/jordan.html. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
== Bridgeway Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_18755" /> ==
== Bridgeway Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_18755" /> ==
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== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_5402" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_5402" /> ==
<p> ''''' jôr´dan ''''' (&nbsp; ירדּן , <i> ''''' yardēn ''''' </i> , "flowing downward"; &nbsp; Ἰορδάνης , <i> ''''' Iordánēs ''''' </i> ): </p> 1. Source: <p> The Jordan river proper begins at the junction of four streams (the <i> ''''' Bareighit ''''' </i> , the <i> ''''' Hâsbâny ''''' </i> , the <i> ''''' Leddan ''''' </i> , and the <i> ''''' Banias ''''' </i> ), in the upper part of the plain of Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> . The <i> ''''' Bareighit ''''' </i> receives its supply of water from the hills on the West, which separate the valley from the river <i> ''''' Lı̂tâny ''''' </i> , and is the least important of the four. The <i> ''''' Hâsbâny ''''' </i> is the longest of the four (40 miles), issuing from a great fountain at the western foot of Mt. Hermon near <i> ''''' Hasbeiya ''''' </i> , 1,700 ft. above the sea, and descends 1,500 ft. in its course to the plain. The <i> ''''' Leddan ''''' </i> is the largest of the four streams, issuing in several fountains at the foot of the mound <i> ''''' Tell ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' kady ''''' </i> (Dan, or Laish) at an elevation of 505 ft. above the sea. The <i> ''''' Bânias ''''' </i> issues from a celebrated fountain near the town of <i> ''''' Bânias ''''' </i> , which is identified as the Caesarea Philippi associated with the transfiguration. The ancient name was Paneas, originating from a grotto consecrated to the god Pan. At this place [[Herod]] erected a temple of white marble dedicated to [[Augustus]] Caesar. This is probably the Baal-gad of &nbsp; Joshua 11:17 and &nbsp; Joshua 12:7 . Its altitude is 1,100 ft. above tide, and the stream falls about 600 ft. in the 5 miles of its course to the head of the Jordan. </p> 2. Lake Huleh: <p> The valley of Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> , through which the Jordan wends its way, is about 20 miles long and 5 miles wide, bordered on either side by hills and mountains attaining elevations of 3,000 ft. After flowing 4 or 5 miles through a fertile plain, the Jordan enters a morass of marshy land which nearly fills the valley, with the exception of 1 or 2 miles between it and the base of the mountains upon the western side. This morass is almost impenetrable by reason of bushes and papyrus reeds, which in places also render navigation of the channel difficult even with a canoe. Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> , into which the river here expands, is but 7 ft. above tide, and is slowly contracting its size by reason of the accumulation of the decaying vegetation of the surrounding morass, and of the sediment brought in by the river and three tributary mountain torrents. Its continued existence is evidence of the limited period through which present conditions have been maintained. It will not be many thousand years before it will be entirely filled and the morass be changed into a fertile plain. When the spies visited the region, the lake must have been much larger than it is now. </p> <p> At the southern end of Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> , the valley narrows up to a width of a few hundred yards, and the river begins its descent into levels below the Mediterranean. The river is here only about 60 ft. broad, and in less than 9 miles descends 689 ft. through a narrow rocky gorge, where it meets the delta which it has deposited at the head of the Sea of Galilee, and slowly winds its way to meet its waters. Throughout this delta the river is easily fordable during a great part of the year. </p> 3. Sea of Galilee: <p> The Sea of Galilee occupies an expansion of the Jordan valley 12 miles long and from 3 to 6 miles wide. The hills, reaching, in general, 1,200 or 1,500 ft. above the lake, come down close to its margin on every side. On the East and South they are mainly of volcanic origin, and to some extent of the same character on the Northwest side above Tiberias. In the time of Christ the mouth of the river may have been a half-mile or more farther up the delta than now. </p> 4. The Yarmuk: <p> As all the sediment of the upper Jordan settles in the vicinity of the delta near Capernaum, a stream of pellucid water issues from the southern end of the lake, at the modern town of <i> ''''' Kerak ''''' </i> . Before it reaches the Dead Sea, however, it becomes overloaded with sediment. From <i> ''''' Kerak ''''' </i> the opening of the valley is grand in the extreme. A great plain on the East stretches to the hills of Decapolis, and to the South, as far as the eye can reach, through the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> which descends to the Dead Sea, bordered by mountain walls on either side. Four or five miles below, it is joined on the East by the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> , the ancient Hieromax the largest of all its tributaries. The debris brought down by this stream has formed a fertile delta terrace 3 or 4 miles in diameter, which now, as in ancient times, is an attractive place for herdsmen and agriculturists. The valley of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> now furnishes a natural grade for the Acre and [[Damascus]] Railroad, as it did for the caravan routes of early times. The town of Gadara lies upon an elevation just South of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> and 4 or 5 miles East of the Jordan. </p> <p> Ten miles below the lake, the river is joined on the West by <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Bireh ''''' </i> , which descends from the vicinity of Nazareth, between Mt. [[Tabor]] and Endor, and furnishes a natural entrance from the Jordan to Central Galilee. An aqueduct here still furnishes water for the upper terrace of the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> . <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' [[Arab]] ''''' </i> , with a small perennial stream, comes in here also from the East. </p> 5. El-Ghor: <p> [[Twenty]] miles below Lake Galilee the river is joined by the important <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Jâlûd ''''' </i> , which descends through the valley of [[Jezreel]] between Mt. Gilboa and the range of the Little Hermon (the hill [[Moreh]] of &nbsp; Judges 7:1 ). This valley leads up from the Jordan to the valley of Esdrelon and thence to Nazareth, and furnished the usual route for [[Jews]] going from Jerusalem to [[Nazareth]] when they wished to avoid the Samaritans. This route naturally takes one past <i> '''''Beisān''''' </i> (Bethshean), where the bodies of [[Saul]] and [[Jonathan]] were exposed by the Philistines, and past [[Shunem]] and Nain. There is a marked expansion of the <i> '''''Ghôr''''' </i> opposite Beisan, constituting an important agricultural district. The town of Pella, to which the Christians fled at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, lies upon the East side of the Ghor; while Jabesh-gilead, where the bodies of Saul and Jonathan were finally taken by their friends and cremated, is a little farther up the slope of Gilead. Twenty miles farther down, the <i> '''''Ghôr''''' </i> , on the East, is joined by <i> '''''Wādy''''' </i> <i> '''''Zerka''''' </i> (the brook Jabbok), the second largest tributary, separating [[Ammon]] from Gilead, its upper tributaries flowing past Ammon, Mizpeh, and Ramoth-gilead. It was down this valley that Jacob descended to Succoth. </p> <p> A few miles below, the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Farah ''''' </i> , whose head is at [[Sychar]] between Mts. Ebal and Gerizim, descends from the West, furnishing the natural route for Jacob's entrance to the promised land. </p> <p> At <i> ''''' Damieh ''''' </i> (probably the [[Adam]] of &nbsp; Joshua 3:16 ), the <i> '''''Ghôr''''' </i> is narrowed up by the projection, from the West, of the mountain ridge terminating in <i> '''''Kurn''''' </i> <i> '''''Sûrtûbeh''''' </i> , which rises abruptly to a height of 2,000 ft. above the river. </p> <p> The section of the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> between <i> ''''' Damieh ''''' </i> and the Dead Sea is of a pretty uniform width of 10 to 12 miles and is of a much more uniform level than the upper portions, but its fertility is interfered with by the lack of water and the difficulty of irrigation. From the vicinity of Jericho, an old Roman road follows up the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Nāwaimeh ''''' </i> , which furnished Joshua a natural line of approach to Ai, while through the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Kelt ''''' </i> is opened the natural road to Jerusalem. Both [[Ai]] and the Mount of [[Olives]] are visible from this point of the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> . </p> 6. The Zor: <p> In a direct line it is only 70 miles from Lake Galilee to the Dead Sea, and this is the total length of the lower plain (the <i> ''''' Zôr ''''' </i> ); but so numerous are the windings of the river across the flood plain from one bluff to the other that the length of the river is fully 200 miles. Col. Lynch reported the occurrence of 27 rapids, which wholly interrupted navigation, and many others which rendered it difficult. The major part of the descent below Lake Galilee takes place before reaching <i> ''''' Damieh ''''' </i> , 1,140 ft. below the Mediterranean. While the bluffs of the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> upon either side of the <i> ''''' Zôr ''''' </i> , are nearly continuous and uniform below <i> ''''' Damieh ''''' </i> , above this point they are much dissected by the erosion of tributary streams. Still, nearly everywhere, an extended view brings to light the original uniform level of the sedimentary deposits formed when the valley was filled with water to a height of 650 ft. (see [[Arabah]]; [[Dead Sea]] ). </p> <p> The river itself averages about 100 ft. in width when confined strictly within its channel, but in the early spring months the flood plain of the <i> ''''' Zôr ''''' </i> is completely overflowed, bringing into its thickets a great amount of driftwood which increases the difficulty of penetrating it, and temporarily drives out ferocious animals to infest the neighboring country. </p> 7. The Fords of Jordan: <p> According to Conder, there are no less than 60 fording-places between Lake Galilee and the Dead Sea. For the most part it will be seen that these occur at rapids, or over bars deposited by the streams which descend from one side or the other, as, for example, below the mouths of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> , <i> ''''' Jabbok ''''' </i> , <i> ''''' Jâlûd ''''' </i> and <i> ''''' Kelt ''''' </i> . These fords are, however, impassable during the high water of the winter and spring months. Until the occupation by the Romans, no bridges were built; but they and their successors erected them at various places, notably below the mouth of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> , and the <i> ''''' Jabbok ''''' </i> , and nearly opposite Jericho. </p> <p> [[Notwithstanding]] the great number of fords where it is possible to cross at low water, those which were so related to the lines of travel as to be of much avail were few. Beginning near the mouth of the Jordan and proceeding northward, there was a ford at <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Henu ''''' </i> leading directly from Jericho to the highlands Northeast of the Dead Sea. Two or three miles farther to the North is the ford of the pilgrims, best known of all, at the mouth of <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Kelt ''''' </i> . A few miles farther up the river on the road leading from Jericho to <i> ''''' es ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Salt ''''' </i> , near the mouth of the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Nimrin ''''' </i> , there is now a bridge where the dependence was formerly upon the ford. Just below the mouth of the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Zerka ''''' </i> ( <i> ''''' Jabbok ''''' </i> ) is the ford of Damieh, where the road from Shechem comes down to the river. A bridge was at one time built over the river at this point; but owing to a change in the course of the stream this is now over a dry water-course. The next important crossing-place is at the opening of the valley of Jezreel coming in from the West, where probably the Bethabara of the New [[Testament]] should be located. Upon this ford a number of caravan routes from East to West converge. The next important crossing-place is at <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Mujamia ''''' </i> , 2 or 3 miles below the mouth of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> . Here, also, there was a Roman bridge. There are also some traces of an ancient bridge remaining just below the exit of the river from Lake Galilee, where there was a ford of special importance to the people residing on the shores of this lake who could not afford to cross in boats. Between Lake Galilee and Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> , an easy ford leads across the delta of the stream a little above its junction with the lake; while 2 or 3 miles below Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> is found "the bridge of Jacob's daughters" on the line of one of the principal routes between Damascus and Galilee. Above Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> the various tributaries are easily crossed at several places, though a bridge is required to cross the Bareighit near its mouth, and another on the <i> ''''' Hâsbâny ''''' </i> on the main road from Caesarea Philippi to Sidon, at <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Ghagar ''''' </i> . </p>
<p> ''''' jôr´dan ''''' ( ירדּן , <i> ''''' yardēn ''''' </i> , "flowing downward"; Ἰορδάνης , <i> ''''' Iordánēs ''''' </i> ): </p> 1. Source: <p> The Jordan river proper begins at the junction of four streams (the <i> ''''' Bareighit ''''' </i> , the <i> ''''' Hâsbâny ''''' </i> , the <i> ''''' Leddan ''''' </i> , and the <i> ''''' Banias ''''' </i> ), in the upper part of the plain of Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> . The <i> ''''' Bareighit ''''' </i> receives its supply of water from the hills on the West, which separate the valley from the river <i> ''''' Lı̂tâny ''''' </i> , and is the least important of the four. The <i> ''''' Hâsbâny ''''' </i> is the longest of the four (40 miles), issuing from a great fountain at the western foot of Mt. Hermon near <i> ''''' Hasbeiya ''''' </i> , 1,700 ft. above the sea, and descends 1,500 ft. in its course to the plain. The <i> ''''' Leddan ''''' </i> is the largest of the four streams, issuing in several fountains at the foot of the mound <i> ''''' Tell ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' kady ''''' </i> (Dan, or Laish) at an elevation of 505 ft. above the sea. The <i> ''''' Bânias ''''' </i> issues from a celebrated fountain near the town of <i> ''''' Bânias ''''' </i> , which is identified as the Caesarea Philippi associated with the transfiguration. The ancient name was Paneas, originating from a grotto consecrated to the god Pan. At this place [[Herod]] erected a temple of white marble dedicated to [[Augustus]] Caesar. This is probably the Baal-gad of &nbsp; Joshua 11:17 and &nbsp; Joshua 12:7 . Its altitude is 1,100 ft. above tide, and the stream falls about 600 ft. in the 5 miles of its course to the head of the Jordan. </p> 2. Lake Huleh: <p> The valley of Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> , through which the Jordan wends its way, is about 20 miles long and 5 miles wide, bordered on either side by hills and mountains attaining elevations of 3,000 ft. After flowing 4 or 5 miles through a fertile plain, the Jordan enters a morass of marshy land which nearly fills the valley, with the exception of 1 or 2 miles between it and the base of the mountains upon the western side. This morass is almost impenetrable by reason of bushes and papyrus reeds, which in places also render navigation of the channel difficult even with a canoe. Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> , into which the river here expands, is but 7 ft. above tide, and is slowly contracting its size by reason of the accumulation of the decaying vegetation of the surrounding morass, and of the sediment brought in by the river and three tributary mountain torrents. Its continued existence is evidence of the limited period through which present conditions have been maintained. It will not be many thousand years before it will be entirely filled and the morass be changed into a fertile plain. When the spies visited the region, the lake must have been much larger than it is now. </p> <p> At the southern end of Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> , the valley narrows up to a width of a few hundred yards, and the river begins its descent into levels below the Mediterranean. The river is here only about 60 ft. broad, and in less than 9 miles descends 689 ft. through a narrow rocky gorge, where it meets the delta which it has deposited at the head of the Sea of Galilee, and slowly winds its way to meet its waters. Throughout this delta the river is easily fordable during a great part of the year. </p> 3. Sea of Galilee: <p> The Sea of Galilee occupies an expansion of the Jordan valley 12 miles long and from 3 to 6 miles wide. The hills, reaching, in general, 1,200 or 1,500 ft. above the lake, come down close to its margin on every side. On the East and South they are mainly of volcanic origin, and to some extent of the same character on the Northwest side above Tiberias. In the time of Christ the mouth of the river may have been a half-mile or more farther up the delta than now. </p> 4. The Yarmuk: <p> As all the sediment of the upper Jordan settles in the vicinity of the delta near Capernaum, a stream of pellucid water issues from the southern end of the lake, at the modern town of <i> ''''' Kerak ''''' </i> . Before it reaches the Dead Sea, however, it becomes overloaded with sediment. From <i> ''''' Kerak ''''' </i> the opening of the valley is grand in the extreme. A great plain on the East stretches to the hills of Decapolis, and to the South, as far as the eye can reach, through the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> which descends to the Dead Sea, bordered by mountain walls on either side. Four or five miles below, it is joined on the East by the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> , the ancient Hieromax the largest of all its tributaries. The debris brought down by this stream has formed a fertile delta terrace 3 or 4 miles in diameter, which now, as in ancient times, is an attractive place for herdsmen and agriculturists. The valley of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> now furnishes a natural grade for the Acre and [[Damascus]] Railroad, as it did for the caravan routes of early times. The town of Gadara lies upon an elevation just South of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> and 4 or 5 miles East of the Jordan. </p> <p> Ten miles below the lake, the river is joined on the West by <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Bireh ''''' </i> , which descends from the vicinity of Nazareth, between Mt. [[Tabor]] and Endor, and furnishes a natural entrance from the Jordan to Central Galilee. An aqueduct here still furnishes water for the upper terrace of the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> . <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' [[Arab]] ''''' </i> , with a small perennial stream, comes in here also from the East. </p> 5. El-Ghor: <p> Twenty miles below Lake Galilee the river is joined by the important <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Jâlûd ''''' </i> , which descends through the valley of [[Jezreel]] between Mt. Gilboa and the range of the Little Hermon (the hill [[Moreh]] of &nbsp; Judges 7:1 ). This valley leads up from the Jordan to the valley of Esdrelon and thence to Nazareth, and furnished the usual route for Jews going from Jerusalem to [[Nazareth]] when they wished to avoid the Samaritans. This route naturally takes one past <i> '''''Beisān''''' </i> (Bethshean), where the bodies of [[Saul]] and [[Jonathan]] were exposed by the Philistines, and past [[Shunem]] and Nain. There is a marked expansion of the <i> '''''Ghôr''''' </i> opposite Beisan, constituting an important agricultural district. The town of Pella, to which the Christians fled at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, lies upon the East side of the Ghor; while Jabesh-gilead, where the bodies of Saul and Jonathan were finally taken by their friends and cremated, is a little farther up the slope of Gilead. Twenty miles farther down, the <i> '''''Ghôr''''' </i> , on the East, is joined by <i> '''''Wādy''''' </i> <i> '''''Zerka''''' </i> (the brook Jabbok), the second largest tributary, separating [[Ammon]] from Gilead, its upper tributaries flowing past Ammon, Mizpeh, and Ramoth-gilead. It was down this valley that Jacob descended to Succoth. </p> <p> A few miles below, the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Farah ''''' </i> , whose head is at [[Sychar]] between Mts. Ebal and Gerizim, descends from the West, furnishing the natural route for Jacob's entrance to the promised land. </p> <p> At <i> ''''' Damieh ''''' </i> (probably the [[Adam]] of &nbsp; Joshua 3:16 ), the <i> '''''Ghôr''''' </i> is narrowed up by the projection, from the West, of the mountain ridge terminating in <i> '''''Kurn''''' </i> <i> '''''Sûrtûbeh''''' </i> , which rises abruptly to a height of 2,000 ft. above the river. </p> <p> The section of the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> between <i> ''''' Damieh ''''' </i> and the Dead Sea is of a pretty uniform width of 10 to 12 miles and is of a much more uniform level than the upper portions, but its fertility is interfered with by the lack of water and the difficulty of irrigation. From the vicinity of Jericho, an old Roman road follows up the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Nāwaimeh ''''' </i> , which furnished Joshua a natural line of approach to Ai, while through the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Kelt ''''' </i> is opened the natural road to Jerusalem. Both [[Ai]] and the Mount of Olives are visible from this point of the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> . </p> 6. The Zor: <p> In a direct line it is only 70 miles from Lake Galilee to the Dead Sea, and this is the total length of the lower plain (the <i> ''''' Zôr ''''' </i> ); but so numerous are the windings of the river across the flood plain from one bluff to the other that the length of the river is fully 200 miles. Col. Lynch reported the occurrence of 27 rapids, which wholly interrupted navigation, and many others which rendered it difficult. The major part of the descent below Lake Galilee takes place before reaching <i> ''''' Damieh ''''' </i> , 1,140 ft. below the Mediterranean. While the bluffs of the <i> ''''' Ghôr ''''' </i> upon either side of the <i> ''''' Zôr ''''' </i> , are nearly continuous and uniform below <i> ''''' Damieh ''''' </i> , above this point they are much dissected by the erosion of tributary streams. Still, nearly everywhere, an extended view brings to light the original uniform level of the sedimentary deposits formed when the valley was filled with water to a height of 650 ft. (see [[Arabah]]; [[Dead Sea]] ). </p> <p> The river itself averages about 100 ft. in width when confined strictly within its channel, but in the early spring months the flood plain of the <i> ''''' Zôr ''''' </i> is completely overflowed, bringing into its thickets a great amount of driftwood which increases the difficulty of penetrating it, and temporarily drives out ferocious animals to infest the neighboring country. </p> 7. The Fords of Jordan: <p> According to Conder, there are no less than 60 fording-places between Lake Galilee and the Dead Sea. For the most part it will be seen that these occur at rapids, or over bars deposited by the streams which descend from one side or the other, as, for example, below the mouths of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> , <i> ''''' Jabbok ''''' </i> , <i> ''''' Jâlûd ''''' </i> and <i> ''''' Kelt ''''' </i> . These fords are, however, impassable during the high water of the winter and spring months. Until the occupation by the Romans, no bridges were built; but they and their successors erected them at various places, notably below the mouth of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> , and the <i> ''''' Jabbok ''''' </i> , and nearly opposite Jericho. </p> <p> [[Notwithstanding]] the great number of fords where it is possible to cross at low water, those which were so related to the lines of travel as to be of much avail were few. Beginning near the mouth of the Jordan and proceeding northward, there was a ford at <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Henu ''''' </i> leading directly from Jericho to the highlands Northeast of the Dead Sea. Two or three miles farther to the North is the ford of the pilgrims, best known of all, at the mouth of <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Kelt ''''' </i> . A few miles farther up the river on the road leading from Jericho to <i> ''''' es ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Salt ''''' </i> , near the mouth of the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Nimrin ''''' </i> , there is now a bridge where the dependence was formerly upon the ford. Just below the mouth of the <i> ''''' Wādy ''''' </i> <i> ''''' Zerka ''''' </i> ( <i> ''''' Jabbok ''''' </i> ) is the ford of Damieh, where the road from Shechem comes down to the river. A bridge was at one time built over the river at this point; but owing to a change in the course of the stream this is now over a dry water-course. The next important crossing-place is at the opening of the valley of Jezreel coming in from the West, where probably the Bethabara of the New [[Testament]] should be located. Upon this ford a number of caravan routes from East to West converge. The next important crossing-place is at <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Mujamia ''''' </i> , 2 or 3 miles below the mouth of the <i> ''''' Yarmûk ''''' </i> . Here, also, there was a Roman bridge. There are also some traces of an ancient bridge remaining just below the exit of the river from Lake Galilee, where there was a ford of special importance to the people residing on the shores of this lake who could not afford to cross in boats. Between Lake Galilee and Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> , an easy ford leads across the delta of the stream a little above its junction with the lake; while 2 or 3 miles below Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> is found "the bridge of Jacob's daughters" on the line of one of the principal routes between Damascus and Galilee. Above Lake <i> ''''' Hûleh ''''' </i> the various tributaries are easily crossed at several places, though a bridge is required to cross the Bareighit near its mouth, and another on the <i> ''''' Hâsbâny ''''' </i> on the main road from Caesarea Philippi to Sidon, at <i> ''''' el ''''' </i> - <i> ''''' Ghagar ''''' </i> . </p>
== The Nuttall Encyclopedia <ref name="term_75321" /> ==
== The Nuttall Encyclopedia <ref name="term_75321" /> ==
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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_46430" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_46430" /> ==
<p> &nbsp;Bibliography InformationMcClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Jordan'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and [[Ecclesiastical]] Literature. https://www.studylight.org/encyclopedias/eng/tce/j/jordan.html. [[Harper]] & Brothers. New York. 1870. </p>
<p> '''Bibliography Information''' McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Jordan'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and [[Ecclesiastical]] Literature. https://www.studylight.org/encyclopedias/eng/tce/j/jordan.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870. </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_16013" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_16013" /> ==