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== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_55955" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_55955" /> ==
<p> [[Gallio]] governed [[Achaia]] as a proconsul of praetorian rank. His name was [[Marcus]] Annaeus Novatus; but he was adopted by L. Junius Gallio, a [[Roman]] orator, and took his name. He was the elder brother of Seneca the philosopher, to whose influence at court he may have owed his governorship. There is no other direct evidence that Gallio governed Achaia than St. Luke’s statement (&nbsp;Acts 18:12). But Seneca’s reference to Gallio’s catching fever in Achaia and taking a voyage for a change of air so far corroborates St. Luke. Gallio came to Corinth, the residence of the governor, during the time of St. Paul’s labours there (circa, about&nbsp; a.d. 50-53).*&nbsp; &nbsp;[Note: On the exact date of Gallio’s proconsulship see art. Dates, iii. 3.]&nbsp; [[Angered]] by the conversion of prominent members of the synagogue, the [[Jews]] took advantage of the new governor’s arrival to lay a charge against St. Paul which they tried to put in such a serious light as to merit a severe penalty. But Gallio was not so complaisant or inexperienced as they hoped. He elicited the true nature of their complaint, and, cutting short the trial, he abruptly dismissed the case as referring only to interpretations of [[Jewish]] law, not to any civil wrong or any moral outrage of which Roman law took cognizance. </p> <p> Two effects of this decision are noted. ( <i> a </i> ) It was a snub which gave the Greek bystanders grounds for venting their <i> animus </i> against the Jews, by seizing and beating Sosthenes, the ruler of the synagogue. This seems the true interpretation of a scene which has been supposed to describe Jews beating a Christian-or even their own leader-in revenge for their defeat. But such a savage and illegal protest against Gallio’s decision could not have passed unnoticed by him; on the other hand, a public demonstration against the unpopular and disputatious Jews whom he had just dismissed might appear to him a rough sort of justice which he could afford to overlook, especially as it put the seal of popular approval on his action (see Sosthenes). </p> <p> ( <i> b </i> ) The decision seems to have influenced St. Paul in another direction. Gallio being governor of Achaia, his judgment would become a precedent and would have far-reaching influence. It gave St. Paul a new idea of the protection he could gain from the Roman law. Although [[Judaism]] was a <i> religio licita </i> , evidently the Imperial [[Government]] did not consider [[Christian]] preaching illegal. This amounted to a declaration of freedom in religion of immense value to Christians. From this point of view Gallio’s treatment of the Jewish complaint was a landmark in St. Paul’s missionary labour, and did a great deal to confirm his confidence in Roman protection for his preaching. </p> <p> Gallio’s private character is eulogized by Seneca in glowing terms. He was very lovable and fascinating; amiable, virtuous, just, and witty. The casual glimpse we get of him in &nbsp;Acts 18:12-17 shows him in a favourable light as governor. The clause ‘Gallio cared for none of these things’ does not bear in the least the interpretation put upon it by proverbial Christian philosophy. No doubt he had more than a touch of the Roman aristocrat’s contempt for religious quarrels and for all Jews. But he appears as an astute judge, seeing quickly into the heart of things, firm in his decisions, and not too pompous or punctilious to turn a blind eye to a bit of rough popular horseplay. He seems to have shared the fortunes of his more famous brother, and was put to death by Nero. </p> <p> Literature.- <i> Hasting's Dictionary of the [[Bible]] (5 vols) </i> &nbsp; , article&nbsp; ‘Gallio,’ <i> ib. </i> article&nbsp; ‘Corinth,’ i. 481; W. M. Ramsay, <i> St. Paul the [[Traveller]] </i> , 1895, pp. 257-261, <i> The Church in the Roman [[Empire]] </i> , 1893, pp. 250, 346-349; R. J. Knowling, <i> Expositor’s Greek [[Testament]] </i> &nbsp; , ‘Acts,’ 1900, <i> ad loc. </i> ; F. W. Farrar, <i> [[Seekers]] after God </i> , ed. 1879, pp. 16-21. </p> <p> J. E. Roberts. </p>
<p> [[Gallio]] governed [[Achaia]] as a proconsul of praetorian rank. His name was [[Marcus]] Annaeus Novatus; but he was adopted by L. Junius Gallio, a [[Roman]] orator, and took his name. He was the elder brother of Seneca the philosopher, to whose influence at court he may have owed his governorship. There is no other direct evidence that Gallio governed Achaia than St. Luke’s statement (&nbsp;Acts 18:12). But Seneca’s reference to Gallio’s catching fever in Achaia and taking a voyage for a change of air so far corroborates St. Luke. Gallio came to Corinth, the residence of the governor, during the time of St. Paul’s labours there (circa, abouta.d. 50-53).*[Note: On the exact date of Gallio’s proconsulship see art. Dates, iii. 3.]Angered by the conversion of prominent members of the synagogue, the Jews took advantage of the new governor’s arrival to lay a charge against St. Paul which they tried to put in such a serious light as to merit a severe penalty. But Gallio was not so complaisant or inexperienced as they hoped. He elicited the true nature of their complaint, and, cutting short the trial, he abruptly dismissed the case as referring only to interpretations of [[Jewish]] law, not to any civil wrong or any moral outrage of which Roman law took cognizance. </p> <p> Two effects of this decision are noted. ( <i> a </i> ) It was a snub which gave the Greek bystanders grounds for venting their <i> animus </i> against the Jews, by seizing and beating Sosthenes, the ruler of the synagogue. This seems the true interpretation of a scene which has been supposed to describe Jews beating a Christian-or even their own leader-in revenge for their defeat. But such a savage and illegal protest against Gallio’s decision could not have passed unnoticed by him; on the other hand, a public demonstration against the unpopular and disputatious Jews whom he had just dismissed might appear to him a rough sort of justice which he could afford to overlook, especially as it put the seal of popular approval on his action (see Sosthenes). </p> <p> ( <i> b </i> ) The decision seems to have influenced St. Paul in another direction. Gallio being governor of Achaia, his judgment would become a precedent and would have far-reaching influence. It gave St. Paul a new idea of the protection he could gain from the Roman law. Although [[Judaism]] was a <i> religio licita </i> , evidently the Imperial [[Government]] did not consider [[Christian]] preaching illegal. This amounted to a declaration of freedom in religion of immense value to Christians. From this point of view Gallio’s treatment of the Jewish complaint was a landmark in St. Paul’s missionary labour, and did a great deal to confirm his confidence in Roman protection for his preaching. </p> <p> Gallio’s private character is eulogized by Seneca in glowing terms. He was very lovable and fascinating; amiable, virtuous, just, and witty. The casual glimpse we get of him in &nbsp;Acts 18:12-17 shows him in a favourable light as governor. The clause ‘Gallio cared for none of these things’ does not bear in the least the interpretation put upon it by proverbial Christian philosophy. No doubt he had more than a touch of the Roman aristocrat’s contempt for religious quarrels and for all Jews. But he appears as an astute judge, seeing quickly into the heart of things, firm in his decisions, and not too pompous or punctilious to turn a blind eye to a bit of rough popular horseplay. He seems to have shared the fortunes of his more famous brother, and was put to death by Nero. </p> <p> Literature.- <i> Hasting's Dictionary of the [[Bible]] (5 vols) </i> , article‘Gallio,’ <i> ib. </i> article‘Corinth,’ i. 481; W. M. Ramsay, <i> St. Paul the [[Traveller]] </i> , 1895, pp. 257-261, <i> The Church in the Roman Empire </i> , 1893, pp. 250, 346-349; R. J. Knowling, <i> Expositor’s Greek [[Testament]] </i> , ‘Acts,’ 1900, <i> ad loc. </i> ; F. W. Farrar, <i> [[Seekers]] after God </i> , ed. 1879, pp. 16-21. </p> <p> J. E. Roberts. </p>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35479" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35479" /> ==
<p> Junius Annaeus Gallio, Roman proconsul (Greek, KJV, "deputy ") of Achaia when Paul was at [[Corinth]] A.D. 53, under the emperor Claudius. [[Brother]] of L. Annaeus Seneca, the philosopher. Adopted into the family, and so took the name, of the rhetorician L. Junins Gallis. His birth name was Marcus Annaeus Novatus (Pliny H. N., 31:33; Tacitus Ann., 15:73, 16:17). He left Achaia "when he began in a fever, often exclaiming that it was not his body, but the place, that had the disease" (Seneca, Ep. 104). "No mortal was ever so sweet to one as Gallio was to all," says his brother, adding: "there is none who does not love Gallio a little, even if he cannot love him more"; "there is such an amount of innate good in him without any savor of art or dissimulation"; "a person proof against plottings." How exactly and undesignedly this independent testimony coincides with &nbsp;Acts 18:12-17! </p> <p> The Jews plotted to destroy Paul by bringing him before Gallio's judgment seat. But he was not to be entrapped into persecuting [[Christians]] by the Jews' spiteful maneuver: "if it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness, [[O]] ye Jews," said he without waiting even to hear Paul's defense, just as the apostle was about to open his mouth, "reason would that I should bear with you; but since it is (Greek) a question of word and names (namely, whether Jesus is the Christ) and your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters. And he drove them from the judgment seat." So the Greeks, sympathizing with the deputy's disgust at the Jews' intolerance, beat [[Sosthenes]] the chief ruler of the Jews' synagogue "before the judgment seat." And Gallio winked at it, as the Jewish persecutor was only getting himself what he had intended for Paul. Thus God fulfilled His promise (&nbsp;Acts 18:10), "Be not afraid, but speak, for I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee, for I have much people in this city." </p> <p> "Gallio cared for none of these things" does not mean he was careless about the thirsts of God (that probably he was from his easy Epicurean-like temper), but with characteristic indifference to an outbreak provoked by the spite of the Jews he took no notice of the assault. Sosthenes himself seems, by Paul's sympathy in trouble, to have been won to Christ, like [[Crispus]] (&nbsp;1 Corinthians 1:1). Seneca's execution by [[Nero]] made Gallio trembling suppliant for his own life (Tacitus Ann., 15:73). [[Jerome]] says he committed suicide A.D. 65. Seneca dedicated to him his treatises On [[Anger]] and On a [[Happy]] Life. The accuracy of [[Scripture]] appears in the title "proconsul" (deputy), for Achaia was made a senatorial province by [[Claudius]] seven or eight years before Paul's visit, having been previously an imperial province governed by a legate; and the senatorial provinces alone had "proconsuls." </p>
<p> Junius Annaeus Gallio, Roman proconsul (Greek, KJV, "deputy ") of Achaia when Paul was at [[Corinth]] A.D. 53, under the emperor Claudius. [[Brother]] of L. Annaeus Seneca, the philosopher. Adopted into the family, and so took the name, of the rhetorician L. Junins Gallis. His birth name was Marcus Annaeus Novatus (Pliny H. N., 31:33; Tacitus Ann., 15:73, 16:17). He left Achaia "when he began in a fever, often exclaiming that it was not his body, but the place, that had the disease" (Seneca, Ep. 104). "No mortal was ever so sweet to one as Gallio was to all," says his brother, adding: "there is none who does not love Gallio a little, even if he cannot love him more"; "there is such an amount of innate good in him without any savor of art or dissimulation"; "a person proof against plottings." How exactly and undesignedly this independent testimony coincides with &nbsp;Acts 18:12-17! </p> <p> The Jews plotted to destroy Paul by bringing him before Gallio's judgment seat. But he was not to be entrapped into persecuting [[Christians]] by the Jews' spiteful maneuver: "if it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness, O ye Jews," said he without waiting even to hear Paul's defense, just as the apostle was about to open his mouth, "reason would that I should bear with you; but since it is (Greek) a question of word and names (namely, whether Jesus is the Christ) and your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters. And he drove them from the judgment seat." So the Greeks, sympathizing with the deputy's disgust at the Jews' intolerance, beat [[Sosthenes]] the chief ruler of the Jews' synagogue "before the judgment seat." And Gallio winked at it, as the Jewish persecutor was only getting himself what he had intended for Paul. Thus God fulfilled His promise (&nbsp;Acts 18:10), "Be not afraid, but speak, for I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee, for I have much people in this city." </p> <p> "Gallio cared for none of these things" does not mean he was careless about the thirsts of God (that probably he was from his easy Epicurean-like temper), but with characteristic indifference to an outbreak provoked by the spite of the Jews he took no notice of the assault. Sosthenes himself seems, by Paul's sympathy in trouble, to have been won to Christ, like [[Crispus]] (&nbsp;1 Corinthians 1:1). Seneca's execution by [[Nero]] made Gallio trembling suppliant for his own life (Tacitus Ann., 15:73). [[Jerome]] says he committed suicide A.D. 65. Seneca dedicated to him his treatises On [[Anger]] and On a Happy Life. The accuracy of [[Scripture]] appears in the title "proconsul" (deputy), for Achaia was made a senatorial province by [[Claudius]] seven or eight years before Paul's visit, having been previously an imperial province governed by a legate; and the senatorial provinces alone had "proconsuls." </p>
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80726" /> ==
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80726" /> ==
<p> was the name of the brother of Seneca, the philosopher. He was at first named Marcus Annaeus Novatus; but, being adopted by [[Lucius]] Junius Gallio, he took the name of his adoptive father. The [[Emperor]] Claudius made him proconsul of Achaia. He was of a mild and agreeable temper. To him his brother Seneca dedicated his books, "Of Anger." He shared in the fortunes of his brothers, as well when out of favour as in their prosperity at court. At length, Nero put him, as well as them, to death. The Jews were enraged at St. Paul for converting many Gentiles, and dragged him to the tribunal of Gallio, who, as proconsul, generally resided at Corinth, &nbsp;Acts 18:12-13 . They accused him of teaching "men to worship God contrary to the law." St. Paul being about to speak, Gallio told the Jews, that if the matter in question were a breach of justice, or an action of a criminal nature, he should think himself obliged to hear them; but, as the dispute was only concerning their law, he would not determine such differences, nor judge them. Sosthenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, was beaten by the [[Greeks]] before Gallio's seat of justice; but this governor did not concern himself about it. His abstaining from interfering in a religious controversy did credit to his prudence; nevertheless, his name has oddly passed into a reproachful proverb; and a man regardless of all piety is called "a Gallio," and is said "Gallio-like to care for none of these things." Little did this Roman anticipate that his name would be so immortalized. </p>
<p> was the name of the brother of Seneca, the philosopher. He was at first named Marcus Annaeus Novatus; but, being adopted by [[Lucius]] Junius Gallio, he took the name of his adoptive father. The [[Emperor]] Claudius made him proconsul of Achaia. He was of a mild and agreeable temper. To him his brother Seneca dedicated his books, "Of Anger." He shared in the fortunes of his brothers, as well when out of favour as in their prosperity at court. At length, Nero put him, as well as them, to death. The Jews were enraged at St. Paul for converting many Gentiles, and dragged him to the tribunal of Gallio, who, as proconsul, generally resided at Corinth, &nbsp;Acts 18:12-13 . They accused him of teaching "men to worship God contrary to the law." St. Paul being about to speak, Gallio told the Jews, that if the matter in question were a breach of justice, or an action of a criminal nature, he should think himself obliged to hear them; but, as the dispute was only concerning their law, he would not determine such differences, nor judge them. Sosthenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, was beaten by the Greeks before Gallio's seat of justice; but this governor did not concern himself about it. His abstaining from interfering in a religious controversy did credit to his prudence; nevertheless, his name has oddly passed into a reproachful proverb; and a man regardless of all piety is called "a Gallio," and is said "Gallio-like to care for none of these things." Little did this Roman anticipate that his name would be so immortalized. </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_51202" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_51202" /> ==
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== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_70108" /> ==
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_70108" /> ==
<p> &nbsp;Gallio (&nbsp;găl'li-o). Marcus Annans Novatus, brother of the eminent philosopher, Lucius Annæus Seneca, was adopted into the family of the rhetorician, Lucius Junius Gallio, and was thenceforth designated Junius Annæus Gallio. To him his brother Seneca dedicated one of his works, De Ira. He was proconsul of Achaia, under the Emperor Claudius, about 53 and 54 a.d.; when Paul was accused before him. &nbsp;Acts 18:12-16. </p>
<p> '''Gallio''' (găl'li-o). Marcus Annans Novatus, brother of the eminent philosopher, Lucius Annæus Seneca, was adopted into the family of the rhetorician, Lucius Junius Gallio, and was thenceforth designated Junius Annæus Gallio. To him his brother Seneca dedicated one of his works, De Ira. He was proconsul of Achaia, under the Emperor Claudius, about 53 and 54 a.d.; when Paul was accused before him. &nbsp;Acts 18:12-16. </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31613" /> ==
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31613" /> ==
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== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_4138" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_4138" /> ==
<p> ''''' gal´i ''''' - ''''' ō ''''' (&nbsp; Γαλλίων , <i> ''''' Gallı́ōn ''''' </i> ): The Roman deputy or proconsul of Achaia, before whom Paul was haled by his Jewish accusers on the apostle's first visit to Corinth, during his second missionary journey (&nbsp; Acts 18:12-17 ). The trial was not of long duration. Although Gallio extended his protection to the Jewish religion as one of the religions recognized by the state, he contemptuously rejected the claim of the Jews that their law was binding upon all. In the eyes of the proconsul, the only law universally applicable was that of the Roman code and social morality: under neither was the prisoner chargeable; therefore, without even waiting to hear Paul's speech in his own defense, he summarily ordered his lictors to clear the court. Even the subsequent treatment meted out to Sosthenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, was to him a matter of indifference. The beating of Sosthenes is ascribed by different readings to "Jews" and to "Greeks," but the incident is referred to by the writer of Acts to show that the sympathies of the populace lay with Paul, and that Gallio made no attempt to suppress them. Gallio has often been instanced as typical of one who is careless or indifferent to religion, yet in the account given of him in Acts, he merely displayed an attitude characteristic of the manner in which Roman governors regarded the religious disputes of the time (compare also [[Lysias]]; [[Felix]]; [[Festus]] ). [[Trained]] by his administrative duties to practical thinking and precision of language, he refused to adjudicate the squabbles of what he regarded as an obscure religious sect, whose law was to him a subtle quibbling with "words and names." </p> <p> According to extra-canonical references, the original name of Gallio was Marcus Annaeus Novatus, but this was changed on his being adopted by the rhetorician, Lucius Junius Gallio. He was born at Cordova, but came to Rome in the reign of Tiberius. He was the brother of the philosopher Seneca, by whom, as also by Statius, reference is made to the affable nature of his character. As Achaia was reconstituted a proconsular province by Claudius in 44 ad, the accession of Gallio to office must have been subsequent to that date, and has been variously placed at 51-53 ad (compare also Knowling in <i> The Expositor's Greek Testament </i> , II, 389-92). </p>
<p> ''''' gal´i ''''' - ''''' ō ''''' ( Γαλλίων , <i> ''''' Gallı́ōn ''''' </i> ): The Roman deputy or proconsul of Achaia, before whom Paul was haled by his Jewish accusers on the apostle's first visit to Corinth, during his second missionary journey (&nbsp; Acts 18:12-17 ). The trial was not of long duration. Although Gallio extended his protection to the Jewish religion as one of the religions recognized by the state, he contemptuously rejected the claim of the Jews that their law was binding upon all. In the eyes of the proconsul, the only law universally applicable was that of the Roman code and social morality: under neither was the prisoner chargeable; therefore, without even waiting to hear Paul's speech in his own defense, he summarily ordered his lictors to clear the court. Even the subsequent treatment meted out to Sosthenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, was to him a matter of indifference. The beating of Sosthenes is ascribed by different readings to "Jews" and to "Greeks," but the incident is referred to by the writer of Acts to show that the sympathies of the populace lay with Paul, and that Gallio made no attempt to suppress them. Gallio has often been instanced as typical of one who is careless or indifferent to religion, yet in the account given of him in Acts, he merely displayed an attitude characteristic of the manner in which Roman governors regarded the religious disputes of the time (compare also [[Lysias]]; [[Felix]]; [[Festus]] ). [[Trained]] by his administrative duties to practical thinking and precision of language, he refused to adjudicate the squabbles of what he regarded as an obscure religious sect, whose law was to him a subtle quibbling with "words and names." </p> <p> According to extra-canonical references, the original name of Gallio was Marcus Annaeus Novatus, but this was changed on his being adopted by the rhetorician, Lucius Junius Gallio. He was born at Cordova, but came to Rome in the reign of Tiberius. He was the brother of the philosopher Seneca, by whom, as also by Statius, reference is made to the affable nature of his character. As Achaia was reconstituted a proconsular province by Claudius in 44 ad, the accession of Gallio to office must have been subsequent to that date, and has been variously placed at 51-53 ad (compare also Knowling in <i> The Expositor's Greek Testament </i> , II, 389-92). </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_41246" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_41246" /> ==
<p> (Graecized &nbsp;Γαλλίων &nbsp;), a son of the rhetorician M. Annaeus Seneca, and elder brother of Seneca the philosopher. His name was originally &nbsp;MA. Ann. Novatus, but changed to JUNIUS ANNAEUS (or ANNIENUS) GALLIO, in consequence of his adoption by L. Junius Gallio the rhetorician (Pliny, &nbsp;Hist. Nat. 31:33; Tacitus, &nbsp;Annal. 16:17; Quintil. &nbsp;Inst. Orat. 3:1, 21; 9:2, 91). Seneca dedicated to him his treatise De Vita Beata, and in the preface to the fourth book of his Naturales Quaestiones describes him as a man universally beloved (comp. Stat. Silv. 2:7, 32); and who, while exempt from all other vices, especially abhorred flattery. Dion [[Cassius]] (60:35) mentions a witty but bitter joke which he made in reference to the persons put to death by Claudius. According to Eusebius, he committed suicide before the death of Seneca (Thesaurus Temporum, page 161, Amstel. 1658), but Tacitus speaks of him as alive after that event (Annal. 15:73), and Dion Cassius states that he was put to death by order of Nero (see Antonii Bibl. Hispan. vet. 1:121 sq.). One writer (Gelpe, Defamiliarit. Pauli c. Senec. Lips. 1813, page 18) thinks that Seneca was converted through .the instrumentality of Paul. He was [[Proconsul]] (&nbsp;ἀνθυπατεύοντος, Tex. rec.; &nbsp;ἀνθυπάτου &nbsp;ὔντος &nbsp;, Tischendorf) &nbsp;of Achaia (&nbsp;Acts 18:12) under the emperor Claudius, when Paul first visited Corinth. and nobly refused to abet the persecution raised by the Jews against the apostle (see Dannhauer, &nbsp;De Gallionismo, Argent. 1664; also in his &nbsp;Disp. theol. Page 175 sq.), A.D. 49. (See [[Achaia]]). Dr. Lardner has noticed the strict accuracy of Luke in giving him this designation, which is obscured in the Auth. Vers. by the use of the term &nbsp;deputy (Credibility, part 1, book 1, chapter 1; Works, 1:34). (See Preconsul). He is said to have resigned the government of Achaia on account of the climate not agreeing with his health (see Sieieca, &nbsp;Ep. 104). (See [[Paul]]). </p>
<p> (Graecized Γαλλίων ), a son of the rhetorician M. Annaeus Seneca, and elder brother of Seneca the philosopher. His name was originally MA. Ann. Novatus, but changed to JUNIUS ANNAEUS (or ANNIENUS) GALLIO, in consequence of his adoption by L. Junius Gallio the rhetorician (Pliny, Hist. Nat. 31:33; Tacitus, Annal. 16:17; Quintil. Inst. Orat. 3:1, 21; 9:2, 91). Seneca dedicated to him his treatise De Vita Beata, and in the preface to the fourth book of his Naturales Quaestiones describes him as a man universally beloved (comp. Stat. Silv. 2:7, 32); and who, while exempt from all other vices, especially abhorred flattery. Dion [[Cassius]] (60:35) mentions a witty but bitter joke which he made in reference to the persons put to death by Claudius. According to Eusebius, he committed suicide before the death of Seneca (Thesaurus Temporum, page 161, Amstel. 1658), but Tacitus speaks of him as alive after that event (Annal. 15:73), and Dion Cassius states that he was put to death by order of Nero (see Antonii Bibl. Hispan. vet. 1:121 sq.). One writer (Gelpe, Defamiliarit. Pauli c. Senec. Lips. 1813, page 18) thinks that Seneca was converted through .the instrumentality of Paul. He was [[Proconsul]] (ἀνθυπατεύοντος, Tex. rec.; ἀνθυπάτου ὔντος , Tischendorf) of Achaia (&nbsp;Acts 18:12) under the emperor Claudius, when Paul first visited Corinth. and nobly refused to abet the persecution raised by the Jews against the apostle (see Dannhauer, De Gallionismo, Argent. 1664; also in his Disp. theol. Page 175 sq.), A.D. 49. (See [[Achaia]]). Dr. Lardner has noticed the strict accuracy of Luke in giving him this designation, which is obscured in the Auth. Vers. by the use of the term deputy (Credibility, part 1, book 1, chapter 1; Works, 1:34). (See Preconsul). He is said to have resigned the government of Achaia on account of the climate not agreeing with his health (see Sieieca, Ep. 104). (See [[Paul]]). </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15712" /> ==
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15712" /> ==