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== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_76925" /> ==
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_76925" /> ==
Beget. <div> 1: Βαστάζω (Strong'S #941 — [[Verb]] — bastazo — bas-tad'-zo ) </div> <p> signifies "to support as a burden." It is used with the meaning (a) "to take up," as in picking up anything, stones, John 10:31; (b) "to carry" something, Matthew 3:11; Mark 14:13; Luke 7:14; 22:10; Acts 3:2; 21:35; Revelation 17:7; "to carry" on one's person, Luke 10:4; Galatians 6:17; in one's body, Luke 11:27; "to bear" a name in testimony, Acts 9:15; metaphorically, of a root "bearing" branches, Romans 11:18; (c) "to bear" a burden, whether physically, as of the cross, John 19:17 , or metaphorically in respect of sufferings endured in the cause of Christ, Luke 14:27; Revelation 2:3; it is said of physical endurance, Matthew 20:12; of sufferings "borne" on behalf of others, Matthew 8:17; Romans 15:1; Galatians 6:2; of spiritual truths not able to be "borne," John 16:12; of the refusal to endure evil men, Revelation 2:2; of religious regulations imposed on others, Acts 15:10; of the burden of the sentence of [[God]] to be executed in due time, Galatians 5:10; of the effect at the judgment seat of Christ, to be "borne" by the believer for failure in the matter of discharging the obligations of discipleship, Galatians 6:5; (d) to "bear" by way of carrying off, John 12:6; 20:15 . See [[Carry]] , Take. </p> <div> 2: Φέρω (Strong'S #5342 — verb — phero — fer'-o ) </div> <p> "to bring or bear," is translated in the RV by the latter verb in Luke 23:26; John 2:8 (twice); 12:24; 15:2 (twice); Hebrews 13:13 . See [[Bring]] , No. 1 and words there. </p> <div> 3: Ἀναφέρω (Strong'S #399 — Verb — anaphero — an-af-er'-o ) </div> <p> No. 2, with ana, up, is used of "leading persons up to a higher place," and, in this respect, of the Lord's ascension, Luke 24:51 . It is used twice of the Lord's propitiatory sacrifice, in His bearing sins on the cross, Hebrews 9:28; 1 Peter 2:24; the AV margin, "to the tree," is to be rejected. The AV text, "on," and the RV "upon" express the phrase rightly. See [[Bring]] , [[Carry]] , [[Lead]] , Offer. </p> <div> 4: Ἐκφέρω (Strong'S #1627 — Verb — ekphero — ek-fer'o ) </div> <p> No. 2, with ek, "out," is used, literally, "of carrying something forth, or out," e.g., a garment, Luke 15:22; sick folk, Acts 5:15; a corpse, Acts 5:6,9,10; of the impossibility of "carrying" anything out from this world at death, 1 Timothy 6:7 . The most authentic mss. have this word in Mark 8:23 , of the blind man, whom the Lord brought out of the village (RV). It is also used of the earth, in "bringing forth" produce, Hebrews 6:8 . See [[Bring]] , Carry. </p> <div> 5: Περιφέρω (Strong'S #4064 — Verb — periphero — per-ee-fer'-o ) </div> <p> No. 2, with peri, "about," signifies "to carry about, or bear about," and is used literally, of carrying the sick, Mark 6:55 , or of physical sufferings endured in fellowship with Christ, 2 Corinthians 4:10; metaphorically, of being "carried" about by different evil doctrines, Ephesians 4:14; Hebrews 13:9; Jude 1:12 . See Carry. </p> <div> 6: Ὑποφέρω (Strong'S #5297 — Verb — hupophero — hoop-of-er'-o ) </div> <p> lit., "to bear up under," is best rendered by "endure," as 1 Corinthians 10:13 , RV, of enduring temptations; of "enduring" persecutions, 2 Timothy 3:11; grief 1 Peter 2:19 . See Endure. </p> <div> 7: Φορέω (Strong'S #5409 — Verb — phoreo — for-eh'-o ) </div> <p> a frequentative form of phero, is to be distinguished from it as denoting, not a simple act of bearing, but a continuous or habitual condition, e.g., of the civil authority in "bearing" the sword as symbolic of execution, Romans 13:4; of the natural state of bodily existence in this life, spoken of as "the image of the earthy," and the spiritual body of the believer hereafter, "the image of the heavenly," 1 Corinthians 15:49 , the word "image" denoting the actual form and not a mere similitude. See Wear. </p> <div> 8: Τροποφορέω (Strong'S #5159 — Verb — tropophoreo — trop-of-or-eh'-o ) </div> <p> from tropos, "a manner," and phoreo, "to endure," is found in Acts 13:18 , where some ancient authorities have the verb trophophoreo, "He bare them as a nursing father," (from trophos, "a feeder, a nurse," and phoreo, "to carry"). </p> <div> 9: Αἴρω (Strong'S #142 — Verb — airo — ah'ee-ro ) </div> <p> signifies (a) "to raise up, to lift, to take upon oneself and carry what has been raised, physically" (its most frequent use), or as applied to the mind, "to suspend, to keep in suspense," as in John 10:24 , lit., "How long doth thou suspend our souls?;" (b) "to take away what is attached to anything, to remove," as of Christ, in taking (or "bearing," marg.) away the sin of the world, John 1:29; [[Christ]] "was manifested to take away sins," 1 John 3:5 , where, not the nature of the [[Atonement]] is in view, but its effect in the believer's life. See [[Carry]] , [[Doubt]] , No. 6, LIFT, LOOSE, PUT, No. 17, REMOVE, SUSPENSE, TAKE. </p> <div> 10: Ποιέω (Strong'S #4160 — Verb — poieo — poy-eh'-o ) </div> <p> "to do," sometimes means "to produce, bear," Luke 8:8; 13:9; James 3:12 (AV, "bear," RV, "yield"); Revelation 22:2 . See [[Commit]] , Do. </p> <div> 11: Στέγω (Strong'S #4722 — Verb — stego — steg'-o ) </div> <p> primarily "to protect, or preserve by covering," hence means "to keep off something which threatens, to bear up against, to hold out against, and so to endure, bear, forbear," 1 Corinthians 9:12 . The idea of supporting what is placed upon a thing is prominent in 1 Thessalonians 3:1,5 ("forbear"), and 1 Corinthians 13:7 . See FORBEAR AND SUFFER. </p> <div> 12: Ἀνέχω (Strong'S #430 — Verb — anechomai — an-ekh'-om-ahee ) </div> <p> signifies "to hold up against a thing and so to bear with" (ana, "up," and echomai, the [[Middle]] [[Voice]] of echo, "to have, to hold"), e.g., Matthew 17:7; 1 Corinthians 4:12; 2 Corinthians 11:1,4,19,20; Hebrews 13:22 , etc. See [[Endure]] , [[Forbear]] , Suffer. </p> <div> 13: Μετριοπαθέω (Strong'S #3356 — Verb — metriopatheo — met-ree-op-ath-eh'-o ) </div> <p> "to treat with mildness, or moderation, to bear gently with" (metrios, "moderate," and pascho, "to suffer"), is used in Hebrews 5:2 (RV and AV marg.). The idea is that of not being unduly disturbed by the faults and ignorance of others; or rather perhaps of feeling in some measure, in contrast to the full feeling with expressed in the verb sumpatheo in Hebrews 4:15 , with reference to Christ as the High Priest. See [[Patient]] , Suffer. </p> Witness.Acts 27:15Face.1 Corinthians 10:13Mark 4:20Fruit.Acts 20:9Give.
Beget. <div> 1: Βαστάζω (Strong'S #941 — Verb — bastazo — bas-tad'-zo ) </div> <p> signifies "to support as a burden." It is used with the meaning (a) "to take up," as in picking up anything, stones, John 10:31; (b) "to carry" something, Matthew 3:11; Mark 14:13; Luke 7:14; 22:10; Acts 3:2; 21:35; Revelation 17:7; "to carry" on one's person, Luke 10:4; Galatians 6:17; in one's body, Luke 11:27; "to bear" a name in testimony, Acts 9:15; metaphorically, of a root "bearing" branches, Romans 11:18; (c) "to bear" a burden, whether physically, as of the cross, John 19:17 , or metaphorically in respect of sufferings endured in the cause of Christ, Luke 14:27; Revelation 2:3; it is said of physical endurance, Matthew 20:12; of sufferings "borne" on behalf of others, Matthew 8:17; Romans 15:1; Galatians 6:2; of spiritual truths not able to be "borne," John 16:12; of the refusal to endure evil men, Revelation 2:2; of religious regulations imposed on others, Acts 15:10; of the burden of the sentence of God to be executed in due time, Galatians 5:10; of the effect at the judgment seat of Christ, to be "borne" by the believer for failure in the matter of discharging the obligations of discipleship, Galatians 6:5; (d) to "bear" by way of carrying off, John 12:6; 20:15 . See [[Carry]] , Take. </p> <div> 2: Φέρω (Strong'S #5342 — verb — phero — fer'-o ) </div> <p> "to bring or bear," is translated in the RV by the latter verb in Luke 23:26; John 2:8 (twice); 12:24; 15:2 (twice); Hebrews 13:13 . See [[Bring]] , No. 1 and words there. </p> <div> 3: Ἀναφέρω (Strong'S #399 — Verb — anaphero — an-af-er'-o ) </div> <p> No. 2, with ana, up, is used of "leading persons up to a higher place," and, in this respect, of the Lord's ascension, Luke 24:51 . It is used twice of the Lord's propitiatory sacrifice, in His bearing sins on the cross, Hebrews 9:28; 1 Peter 2:24; the AV margin, "to the tree," is to be rejected. The AV text, "on," and the RV "upon" express the phrase rightly. See [[Bring]] , [[Carry]] , [[Lead]] , Offer. </p> <div> 4: Ἐκφέρω (Strong'S #1627 — Verb — ekphero — ek-fer'o ) </div> <p> No. 2, with ek, "out," is used, literally, "of carrying something forth, or out," e.g., a garment, Luke 15:22; sick folk, Acts 5:15; a corpse, Acts 5:6,9,10; of the impossibility of "carrying" anything out from this world at death, 1 Timothy 6:7 . The most authentic mss. have this word in Mark 8:23 , of the blind man, whom the Lord brought out of the village (RV). It is also used of the earth, in "bringing forth" produce, Hebrews 6:8 . See [[Bring]] , Carry. </p> <div> 5: Περιφέρω (Strong'S #4064 — Verb — periphero — per-ee-fer'-o ) </div> <p> No. 2, with peri, "about," signifies "to carry about, or bear about," and is used literally, of carrying the sick, Mark 6:55 , or of physical sufferings endured in fellowship with Christ, 2 Corinthians 4:10; metaphorically, of being "carried" about by different evil doctrines, Ephesians 4:14; Hebrews 13:9; Jude 1:12 . See Carry. </p> <div> 6: Ὑποφέρω (Strong'S #5297 — Verb — hupophero — hoop-of-er'-o ) </div> <p> lit., "to bear up under," is best rendered by "endure," as 1 Corinthians 10:13 , RV, of enduring temptations; of "enduring" persecutions, 2 Timothy 3:11; grief 1 Peter 2:19 . See Endure. </p> <div> 7: Φορέω (Strong'S #5409 — Verb — phoreo — for-eh'-o ) </div> <p> a frequentative form of phero, is to be distinguished from it as denoting, not a simple act of bearing, but a continuous or habitual condition, e.g., of the civil authority in "bearing" the sword as symbolic of execution, Romans 13:4; of the natural state of bodily existence in this life, spoken of as "the image of the earthy," and the spiritual body of the believer hereafter, "the image of the heavenly," 1 Corinthians 15:49 , the word "image" denoting the actual form and not a mere similitude. See Wear. </p> <div> 8: Τροποφορέω (Strong'S #5159 — Verb — tropophoreo — trop-of-or-eh'-o ) </div> <p> from tropos, "a manner," and phoreo, "to endure," is found in Acts 13:18 , where some ancient authorities have the verb trophophoreo, "He bare them as a nursing father," (from trophos, "a feeder, a nurse," and phoreo, "to carry"). </p> <div> 9: Αἴρω (Strong'S #142 — Verb — airo — ah'ee-ro ) </div> <p> signifies (a) "to raise up, to lift, to take upon oneself and carry what has been raised, physically" (its most frequent use), or as applied to the mind, "to suspend, to keep in suspense," as in John 10:24 , lit., "How long doth thou suspend our souls?;" (b) "to take away what is attached to anything, to remove," as of Christ, in taking (or "bearing," marg.) away the sin of the world, John 1:29; Christ "was manifested to take away sins," 1 John 3:5 , where, not the nature of the [[Atonement]] is in view, but its effect in the believer's life. See [[Carry]] , [[Doubt]] , No. 6, LIFT, LOOSE, PUT, No. 17, REMOVE, SUSPENSE, TAKE. </p> <div> 10: Ποιέω (Strong'S #4160 — Verb — poieo — poy-eh'-o ) </div> <p> "to do," sometimes means "to produce, bear," Luke 8:8; 13:9; James 3:12 (AV, "bear," RV, "yield"); Revelation 22:2 . See [[Commit]] , Do. </p> <div> 11: Στέγω (Strong'S #4722 — Verb — stego — steg'-o ) </div> <p> primarily "to protect, or preserve by covering," hence means "to keep off something which threatens, to bear up against, to hold out against, and so to endure, bear, forbear," 1 Corinthians 9:12 . The idea of supporting what is placed upon a thing is prominent in 1 Thessalonians 3:1,5 ("forbear"), and 1 Corinthians 13:7 . See FORBEAR AND SUFFER. </p> <div> 12: Ἀνέχω (Strong'S #430 — Verb — anechomai — an-ekh'-om-ahee ) </div> <p> signifies "to hold up against a thing and so to bear with" (ana, "up," and echomai, the Middle Voice of echo, "to have, to hold"), e.g., Matthew 17:7; 1 Corinthians 4:12; 2 Corinthians 11:1,4,19,20; Hebrews 13:22 , etc. See [[Endure]] , [[Forbear]] , Suffer. </p> <div> 13: Μετριοπαθέω (Strong'S #3356 — Verb — metriopatheo — met-ree-op-ath-eh'-o ) </div> <p> "to treat with mildness, or moderation, to bear gently with" (metrios, "moderate," and pascho, "to suffer"), is used in Hebrews 5:2 (RV and AV marg.). The idea is that of not being unduly disturbed by the faults and ignorance of others; or rather perhaps of feeling in some measure, in contrast to the full feeling with expressed in the verb sumpatheo in Hebrews 4:15 , with reference to Christ as the High Priest. See [[Patient]] , Suffer. </p> Witness.Acts 27:15Face.1 Corinthians 10:13Mark 4:20Fruit.Acts 20:9Give.
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_58650" /> ==
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_58650" /> ==
<p> BEAR, pret.bore pp. born,borne. L. fero, pario, porto. The primary sense is to throw out, to bring forth, or in general, to thrust or drive along. </p> 1. To support to sustain as, to bear a weight or burden. 2. To carry to convey to support and remove from place to place as, "they bear him upon the shoulder ", "the eagle beareth them on her wings." 3. To wear to bear as a mark of authority or distinction as, to bear a sword, a badge, a name to bear arms in a coat. 4. To keep afloat as, the water bears a ship. 5. To support or sustain without sinking or yielding to endure as, a man can bear severe pain or calamity or to sustain with proportionate strength, and without injury as, a man may bear stronger food or drink. 6. To entertain to carry in the mind as, to bear a great love for a friend to bear inveterate hatred to gaming. 7. To suffer to undergo as, to bear punishment. 8. To suffer without resentment, or interference to prevent to have patience as, to bear neglect or indignities. 9. To admit or be capable of that is, to suffer or sustain without violence,injury,or change as, to give words the most favorable interpretation they will bear. 10. To bring forth or produce, as the fruit of plants, or the young of animals as, to bear apples to bear children. 11. To give birth to, or be the native place of. <p> Here dwelt the man divine whom [[Samos]] bore. </p> 12. To possess and use as power to exercise as, to bear sway. 13. To gain or win. <p> Some think to bear it by speaking a great word. Not now used. The phrase now used is, to bear away. </p> 14. To carry on, or maintain to have as, to bear a part in conversation. 15. To show or exhibit to relate as, to bear testimony or witness. This seems to imply utterance, like the [[Latin]] fero, to relate or utter. 16. To sustain the effect, or be answerable for as, to bear the blame. 17. To sustain, as expense to supply the means of paying as, to bear the charges, that is, to pay the expenses. 18. To be the object of. <p> [[Let]] me but bear your love, and I'll bear your cares. </p> 19. To behave to act in any character as,"hath he borne himself penitent?" 20. To remove, or to endure the effects of and hence to give satisfaction for. <p> He shall bear their iniquities. Isaiah 53 . Hebrews 9 </p> <p> To bear the infirmities of the weak, to bear one another's burdens, is to be charitable towards their faults, to sympathize with them, and to aid them in distress. </p> <p> To bear off, is to restrain to keep from approach and in seamanship, to remove to a distance to keep clear from rubbing against any thing as, to bear off a blow to bear off a boat also, to carry away as, to bear off stolen goods. </p> <p> To bear down, is to impel or urge to overthrow or crush by force as, to bear down an enemy. </p> <p> To bear down upon, to press to overtake to make all sail to come up with. </p> <p> To bear hard, is to press or urge. </p> <p> [[Cesar]] doth bear me hard. </p> <p> To bear on, is to press against also to carry forward, to press, incite or animate. </p> <p> [[Confidence]] hath borne thee on. </p> <p> To bear through, is to conduct or manage as,"to bear through the consulship." B.Jonson. Also, to maintain or support to the end as, religion will bear us through the evils of life. </p> <p> To bear out, is to maintain and support to the end to defend to the last. </p> <p> [[Company]] only can bear a man out in an thing. </p> <p> To bear up, to support to keep from falling. </p> <p> [[Religious]] hope bears up the mind under sufferings. </p> <p> To bear up, to keep afloat. </p> <p> To bear a body. A color is said to bear a body in painting, when it is capable of being ground so fine, and mixed so entirely with the oil, as to seem only a very thick oil of the same color. To bear date, is to have the mark of time when written or executed as, a letter or bond bears date, Jan.6,1811. </p> <p> To bear a price,is to have a certain price. In common mercantile language,it often signifies or implies, to bear a good or high price. </p> <p> To bear in hand, to amuse with false pretenses to deceive. </p> <p> I believe this phrase is obsolete, or never used in America. </p> <p> To bear a hand, in seamanship, is to make haste, be quick. </p>
<p> BEAR, pret.bore pp. born,borne. L. fero, pario, porto. The primary sense is to throw out, to bring forth, or in general, to thrust or drive along. </p> 1. To support to sustain as, to bear a weight or burden. 2. To carry to convey to support and remove from place to place as, "they bear him upon the shoulder ", "the eagle beareth them on her wings." 3. To wear to bear as a mark of authority or distinction as, to bear a sword, a badge, a name to bear arms in a coat. 4. To keep afloat as, the water bears a ship. 5. To support or sustain without sinking or yielding to endure as, a man can bear severe pain or calamity or to sustain with proportionate strength, and without injury as, a man may bear stronger food or drink. 6. To entertain to carry in the mind as, to bear a great love for a friend to bear inveterate hatred to gaming. 7. To suffer to undergo as, to bear punishment. 8. To suffer without resentment, or interference to prevent to have patience as, to bear neglect or indignities. 9. To admit or be capable of that is, to suffer or sustain without violence,injury,or change as, to give words the most favorable interpretation they will bear. 10. To bring forth or produce, as the fruit of plants, or the young of animals as, to bear apples to bear children. 11. To give birth to, or be the native place of. <p> Here dwelt the man divine whom [[Samos]] bore. </p> 12. To possess and use as power to exercise as, to bear sway. 13. To gain or win. <p> Some think to bear it by speaking a great word. Not now used. The phrase now used is, to bear away. </p> 14. To carry on, or maintain to have as, to bear a part in conversation. 15. To show or exhibit to relate as, to bear testimony or witness. This seems to imply utterance, like the Latin fero, to relate or utter. 16. To sustain the effect, or be answerable for as, to bear the blame. 17. To sustain, as expense to supply the means of paying as, to bear the charges, that is, to pay the expenses. 18. To be the object of. <p> Let me but bear your love, and I'll bear your cares. </p> 19. To behave to act in any character as,"hath he borne himself penitent?" 20. To remove, or to endure the effects of and hence to give satisfaction for. <p> He shall bear their iniquities. Isaiah 53 . Hebrews 9 </p> <p> To bear the infirmities of the weak, to bear one another's burdens, is to be charitable towards their faults, to sympathize with them, and to aid them in distress. </p> <p> To bear off, is to restrain to keep from approach and in seamanship, to remove to a distance to keep clear from rubbing against any thing as, to bear off a blow to bear off a boat also, to carry away as, to bear off stolen goods. </p> <p> To bear down, is to impel or urge to overthrow or crush by force as, to bear down an enemy. </p> <p> To bear down upon, to press to overtake to make all sail to come up with. </p> <p> To bear hard, is to press or urge. </p> <p> [[Cesar]] doth bear me hard. </p> <p> To bear on, is to press against also to carry forward, to press, incite or animate. </p> <p> [[Confidence]] hath borne thee on. </p> <p> To bear through, is to conduct or manage as,"to bear through the consulship." B.Jonson. Also, to maintain or support to the end as, religion will bear us through the evils of life. </p> <p> To bear out, is to maintain and support to the end to defend to the last. </p> <p> [[Company]] only can bear a man out in an thing. </p> <p> To bear up, to support to keep from falling. </p> <p> [[Religious]] hope bears up the mind under sufferings. </p> <p> To bear up, to keep afloat. </p> <p> To bear a body. A color is said to bear a body in painting, when it is capable of being ground so fine, and mixed so entirely with the oil, as to seem only a very thick oil of the same color. To bear date, is to have the mark of time when written or executed as, a letter or bond bears date, Jan.6,1811. </p> <p> To bear a price,is to have a certain price. In common mercantile language,it often signifies or implies, to bear a good or high price. </p> <p> To bear in hand, to amuse with false pretenses to deceive. </p> <p> I believe this phrase is obsolete, or never used in America. </p> <p> To bear a hand, in seamanship, is to make haste, be quick. </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_92059" /> ==
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_92059" /> ==
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== Vine's Expository Dictionary of OT Words <ref name="term_76202" /> ==
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of OT Words <ref name="term_76202" /> ==
<p> A. Verb. </p> <p> <em> Yâlad </em> (יָלַד, Strong'S #3205), “to bear, bring forth, beget, be delivered.” This verb occurs in all Semitic languages and in nearly all verbal forms. The noteworthy exception is biblical Aramaic. However, the [[Aramaic]] verb is well attested outside the Bible. The verb <em> yâlad </em> occurs about 490 times in the Bible. </p> <p> Essentially, the word refers to the action of “giving birth” and its result, “bearing children.” [[God]] cursed woman by multiplying her pain in “bringing forth” children (cf. Gen. 3:16, the first occurrence of <em> yâlad </em> ). The second meaning is exemplified by Gen. 4:18, which reports that [[Irad]] “begat” (“became the father of”) Mehujael. This verb can also be used in reference to animals; in Gen. 30:39, the strong among Laban’s flocks “birthed” striped, speckled, and spotted offspring. </p> <p> One recurring theme in biblical history is typified by [[Abram]] and Sarah. They had no heirs, but God made them a promise and gave them a son (Gen. 16:1, 16). This demonstrates that God controls the opening of the womb (Gen. 20:17-18) and bestows children as an indication of His blessing. The prophets use the image of childbirth to illustrate the terror to overcome men in the day of the Lord (Isa. 13:8). Hosea uses the image of marriage and childbearing to describe God’s relationship to [[Israel]] (1:3, 6, 8). One of the most hotly debated passages of Scripture, Isa. 7:14, uses this verb to predict the “birth” of Immanuel. Finally, the prophets sometimes mourn the day of their “birth” (Jer. 15:10). </p> <p> <em> Yâlad </em> describes the relationship between God and Israel at other places in the [[Bible]] as well. This relationship is especially relevant to the king who typifies the Messiah, the [[Son]] whom God “begot” (Ps. 2:7). God also says He “begot” the nation of Israel as a whole (Deut. 32:18). This statement is in noticeable contrast to Moses’ disclaimer that he did not “birth” them (Num. 11:12) and, therefore, does not want to be responsible for them any longer. </p> <p> The motif that God “gave birth” to Israel is picked up by Jeremiah. In Jer. 31:20, God states that His heart yearns for [[Ephraim]] His son ( <em> yâlad </em> ). Ezekiel develops this motif in the form of an allegory, giving the names [[Aholah]] and [[Aholibah]] to [[Samaria]] and [[Jerusalem]] respectively, to those whom He “bore” (Ezek. 23:4, 37). </p> <p> The [[Septuagint]] renders <em> yâlad </em> with words connoting “giving birth” ( <em> tinknein </em> ) and “begetting” ( <em> gennao </em> ). </p> <p> B. Noun. </p> <p> Yeled (יֶלֶד, Strong'S #3206), “boy; child.” The noun <em> yeled </em> differs from <em> ben </em> (“son”), which more exactly specifies the parental relationship. For example, the child that [[Naomi]] nursed was a “boy” (Ruth 4:16). </p> <p> <em> Yeled </em> , which appears 89 times in the Bible, is rendered by several different [[Greek]] words. Other nouns built on the verb <em> yalad </em> include <em> yaldah </em> (“girl”; 3 times), <em> yalid </em> (“son” or “slave”; 3 times), <em> yillod </em> (“newborn”; 5 times), <em> walad </em> (“child”; once), <em> ledah </em> (“bringing forth” or “birth”; 4 times), <em> moledet </em> (“offspring, kindred, parentage”; 22 times), and <em> toledot </em> (“descendants, contemporaries, generation, genealogy, record of the family”; 39 times). </p>
<p> A. Verb. </p> <p> <em> Yâlad </em> (יָלַד, Strong'S #3205), “to bear, bring forth, beget, be delivered.” This verb occurs in all Semitic languages and in nearly all verbal forms. The noteworthy exception is biblical Aramaic. However, the [[Aramaic]] verb is well attested outside the Bible. The verb <em> yâlad </em> occurs about 490 times in the Bible. </p> <p> Essentially, the word refers to the action of “giving birth” and its result, “bearing children.” God cursed woman by multiplying her pain in “bringing forth” children (cf. Gen. 3:16, the first occurrence of <em> yâlad </em> ). The second meaning is exemplified by Gen. 4:18, which reports that [[Irad]] “begat” (“became the father of”) Mehujael. This verb can also be used in reference to animals; in Gen. 30:39, the strong among Laban’s flocks “birthed” striped, speckled, and spotted offspring. </p> <p> One recurring theme in biblical history is typified by [[Abram]] and Sarah. They had no heirs, but God made them a promise and gave them a son (Gen. 16:1, 16). This demonstrates that God controls the opening of the womb (Gen. 20:17-18) and bestows children as an indication of His blessing. The prophets use the image of childbirth to illustrate the terror to overcome men in the day of the Lord (Isa. 13:8). Hosea uses the image of marriage and childbearing to describe God’s relationship to [[Israel]] (1:3, 6, 8). One of the most hotly debated passages of Scripture, Isa. 7:14, uses this verb to predict the “birth” of Immanuel. Finally, the prophets sometimes mourn the day of their “birth” (Jer. 15:10). </p> <p> <em> Yâlad </em> describes the relationship between God and Israel at other places in the [[Bible]] as well. This relationship is especially relevant to the king who typifies the Messiah, the Son whom God “begot” (Ps. 2:7). God also says He “begot” the nation of Israel as a whole (Deut. 32:18). This statement is in noticeable contrast to Moses’ disclaimer that he did not “birth” them (Num. 11:12) and, therefore, does not want to be responsible for them any longer. </p> <p> The motif that God “gave birth” to Israel is picked up by Jeremiah. In Jer. 31:20, God states that His heart yearns for [[Ephraim]] His son ( <em> yâlad </em> ). Ezekiel develops this motif in the form of an allegory, giving the names [[Aholah]] and [[Aholibah]] to [[Samaria]] and [[Jerusalem]] respectively, to those whom He “bore” (Ezek. 23:4, 37). </p> <p> The [[Septuagint]] renders <em> yâlad </em> with words connoting “giving birth” ( <em> tinknein </em> ) and “begetting” ( <em> gennao </em> ). </p> <p> B. Noun. </p> <p> Yeled (יֶלֶד, Strong'S #3206), “boy; child.” The noun <em> yeled </em> differs from <em> ben </em> (“son”), which more exactly specifies the parental relationship. For example, the child that [[Naomi]] nursed was a “boy” (Ruth 4:16). </p> <p> <em> Yeled </em> , which appears 89 times in the Bible, is rendered by several different Greek words. Other nouns built on the verb <em> yalad </em> include <em> yaldah </em> (“girl”; 3 times), <em> yalid </em> (“son” or “slave”; 3 times), <em> yillod </em> (“newborn”; 5 times), <em> walad </em> (“child”; once), <em> ledah </em> (“bringing forth” or “birth”; 4 times), <em> moledet </em> (“offspring, kindred, parentage”; 22 times), and <em> toledot </em> (“descendants, contemporaries, generation, genealogy, record of the family”; 39 times). </p>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_34590" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_34590" /> ==
<p> The Ursus Syriacus is the particular species meant in Scripture. Akin to the polar bear. As large as the European brown bear, but lower on the legs. it has a high mane of bristling hair between the shoulders. Of a buff or yellow white color. One is represented in an [[Egyptian]] picture of tribute brought to Thothmes III by Phoenicians. The crusader Godfrey of [[Bouillon]] rescued a man from its attack, at, the imminent risk of his own life, being unhorsed and severely wounded by it. The she-bear is peculiarly fierce when she has lost or is defending her cubs (2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12; Hosea 13:8). [[Almost]] as formidable as the lion (Amos 5:19). The instrument of punishing the 42 youths who mocked Elisha, in a wood between [[Jericho]] and Bethel, probably in winter when bears descend from the mountains to the lowlands (2 Kings 2:24). </p> <p> It attacks flocks and cattle (1 Samuel 17:34-37; Isaiah 11:7). Its roaring, ranging widely for food, and lying in wait for its prey, are alluded to in Isaiah 59:11, where however translate, "We moan like (hungry) bears," growling for food (Proverbs 28:15; Lamentations 3:10). It was carnivorous. Daniel 7:5; "it raised up itself on one side," lying on one of its fore feet and standing on the other; a figure still to be seen in [[Babylonian]] monuments, but see margin. [[Persia]] is meant. [[Media]] was the lower and passive side; Persia, the upper and active. It had three ribs in its mouth, namely, it seized on Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. From a [[Hebrew]] root, "to move by creeping": dob , dabab . Bochart, from Arabic," hairy." </p>
<p> The Ursus Syriacus is the particular species meant in Scripture. Akin to the polar bear. As large as the European brown bear, but lower on the legs. it has a high mane of bristling hair between the shoulders. Of a buff or yellow white color. One is represented in an [[Egyptian]] picture of tribute brought to Thothmes III by Phoenicians. The crusader Godfrey of [[Bouillon]] rescued a man from its attack, at, the imminent risk of his own life, being unhorsed and severely wounded by it. The she-bear is peculiarly fierce when she has lost or is defending her cubs (2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12; Hosea 13:8). Almost as formidable as the lion (Amos 5:19). The instrument of punishing the 42 youths who mocked Elisha, in a wood between [[Jericho]] and Bethel, probably in winter when bears descend from the mountains to the lowlands (2 Kings 2:24). </p> <p> It attacks flocks and cattle (1 Samuel 17:34-37; Isaiah 11:7). Its roaring, ranging widely for food, and lying in wait for its prey, are alluded to in Isaiah 59:11, where however translate, "We moan like (hungry) bears," growling for food (Proverbs 28:15; Lamentations 3:10). It was carnivorous. Daniel 7:5; "it raised up itself on one side," lying on one of its fore feet and standing on the other; a figure still to be seen in [[Babylonian]] monuments, but see margin. [[Persia]] is meant. Media was the lower and passive side; Persia, the upper and active. It had three ribs in its mouth, namely, it seized on Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. From a [[Hebrew]] root, "to move by creeping": dob , dabab . Bochart, from Arabic," hairy." </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_65185" /> ==
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_65185" /> ==
<p> <i> dob, </i> ἄρκτος. The species which inhabited [[Palestine]] is the [[Syrian]] [[Bear]] ( <i> Syriacus Ursus </i> ). When young its colour is a dark brown, but this colour gets lighter with age, and when old it is nearly white. They are now comparatively scarce in Palestine, but may still be seen on the mountains of Lebanon, and occasionally farther south. When vegetables and fruits are to be had the bear feeds upon them, but in the winter it lives upon animals. [[David]] slew a lion and a bear that had seized a lamb of the flock. 1 Samuel 17:34-37 . The she-bear is regarded as peculiarly fierce and dangerous when robbed of her whelps. 2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12 : cf. 2 Kings 2:24 . [[Alas]] that [[God]] should have to compare His fierce judgements on [[Israel]] to such a creature, together with the lion and leopard. Hosea 13:7,8 . In the millennium the cow and the bear shall feed together. Isaiah 11:7 . </p> <p> In Daniel 7:5 the Medo-Persian kingdom was compared to a bear, with three ribs in its mouth; and to it was said, "Arise, devour much flesh." In Revelation 13:2 the beast that represents the still future [[Roman]] empire is described as being like a leopard, with feet as the feet of a bear, showing its destructive character, for it is by the strength of its feet the bear destroys its prey by tearing it open. </p>
<p> <i> dob, </i> ἄρκτος. The species which inhabited [[Palestine]] is the [[Syrian]] Bear ( <i> Syriacus Ursus </i> ). When young its colour is a dark brown, but this colour gets lighter with age, and when old it is nearly white. They are now comparatively scarce in Palestine, but may still be seen on the mountains of Lebanon, and occasionally farther south. When vegetables and fruits are to be had the bear feeds upon them, but in the winter it lives upon animals. David slew a lion and a bear that had seized a lamb of the flock. 1 Samuel 17:34-37 . The she-bear is regarded as peculiarly fierce and dangerous when robbed of her whelps. 2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12 : cf. 2 Kings 2:24 . [[Alas]] that God should have to compare His fierce judgements on Israel to such a creature, together with the lion and leopard. Hosea 13:7,8 . In the millennium the cow and the bear shall feed together. Isaiah 11:7 . </p> <p> In Daniel 7:5 the Medo-Persian kingdom was compared to a bear, with three ribs in its mouth; and to it was said, "Arise, devour much flesh." In Revelation 13:2 the beast that represents the still future [[Roman]] empire is described as being like a leopard, with feet as the feet of a bear, showing its destructive character, for it is by the strength of its feet the bear destroys its prey by tearing it open. </p>
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80343" /> ==
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80343" /> ==
<p> That bears were common in [[Palestine]] appears from several passages of the Old Testament. Their strength, rapacity, and fierceness, furnish many expressive metaphors to the [[Hebrew]] poets. The Hebrew name of this animal is taken from his <em> g </em> r <em> owling; so </em> Varro deduces his [[Latin]] name <em> ursus </em> by an onomatopaeia from the noise which he makes; <em> "ursi Lucana origo, vel unde illi, nostri ab ipsius voce: </em> " [the origin of the term <em> ursus </em> (bear) is Lucanian, (whence also the bears themselves,) from the noise made by the animal.] [[David]] had to defend his flock against bears as well as lions, 1 Samuel 17:34 . And Dr. Shaw gives us to understand that these rugged animals are not peculiar to the bleak regions of the north, being found in Barbary; and Thevenot informs us that they inhabit the wilderness adjoining the [[Holy]] Land, and that he saw one near the northern extremities of the [[Red]] Sea. The ferocity of the bear, especially when hungry or robbed of its whelps, has been mentioned by many authors. The [[Scripture]] alludes in three places to this furious disposition. The first is, 2 Samuel 17:8 , "They be mighty men, and they be chafed in their minds as a bear robbed of her whelps in the field." The second, Proverbs 17:12 , "Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man rather than a fool in his folly." And the third, Hosea 13:8 , "I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart." </p>
<p> That bears were common in Palestine appears from several passages of the Old Testament. Their strength, rapacity, and fierceness, furnish many expressive metaphors to the Hebrew poets. The Hebrew name of this animal is taken from his <em> g </em> r <em> owling; so </em> Varro deduces his Latin name <em> ursus </em> by an onomatopaeia from the noise which he makes; <em> "ursi Lucana origo, vel unde illi, nostri ab ipsius voce: </em> " [the origin of the term <em> ursus </em> (bear) is Lucanian, (whence also the bears themselves,) from the noise made by the animal.] David had to defend his flock against bears as well as lions, 1 Samuel 17:34 . And Dr. Shaw gives us to understand that these rugged animals are not peculiar to the bleak regions of the north, being found in Barbary; and Thevenot informs us that they inhabit the wilderness adjoining the [[Holy]] Land, and that he saw one near the northern extremities of the Red Sea. The ferocity of the bear, especially when hungry or robbed of its whelps, has been mentioned by many authors. The [[Scripture]] alludes in three places to this furious disposition. The first is, 2 Samuel 17:8 , "They be mighty men, and they be chafed in their minds as a bear robbed of her whelps in the field." The second, Proverbs 17:12 , "Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man rather than a fool in his folly." And the third, Hosea 13:8 , "I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart." </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50001" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50001" /> ==
<p> <strong> BEAR </strong> ( <em> dôb </em> ). The [[Syrian]] bear ( <em> Ursus syriacus </em> , Arab. [Note: Arabic.] <em> dûbb </em> ) is still fairly common in [[Hermon]] and the Anti-Lebanon, and is occasionally found in the [[Lebanon]] and east of the Jordan; it is practically extinct in Palestine. It is smaller and of a lighter colour than the brown bear ( <em> Ursus arctos </em> ). It is a somewhat solitary animal, eating vegetables, fruit, and honey, but, when hungry, attacking sheep ( 1 Samuel 17:34-36 ) and occasionally, but very rarely, to-day at any rate, human beings ( 2 Kings 2:24 ). The fierceness of a bear robbed of her whelps ( 2 Samuel 17:8 , Proverbs 17:12 , Hosea 13:8 ) is well known. [[Next]] to the lion, the bear was considered the most dangerous of animals to encounter ( Proverbs 28:15 ), and that it should be subdued was to be one of the wonders of the Messiah’s kingdom ( Isaiah 11:7 ). </p> <p> E. W. G. Masterman. </p>
<p> <strong> BEAR </strong> ( <em> dôb </em> ). The Syrian bear ( <em> Ursus syriacus </em> , Arab. [Note: Arabic.] <em> dûbb </em> ) is still fairly common in Hermon and the Anti-Lebanon, and is occasionally found in the [[Lebanon]] and east of the Jordan; it is practically extinct in Palestine. It is smaller and of a lighter colour than the brown bear ( <em> Ursus arctos </em> ). It is a somewhat solitary animal, eating vegetables, fruit, and honey, but, when hungry, attacking sheep ( 1 Samuel 17:34-36 ) and occasionally, but very rarely, to-day at any rate, human beings ( 2 Kings 2:24 ). The fierceness of a bear robbed of her whelps ( 2 Samuel 17:8 , Proverbs 17:12 , Hosea 13:8 ) is well known. Next to the lion, the bear was considered the most dangerous of animals to encounter ( Proverbs 28:15 ), and that it should be subdued was to be one of the wonders of the Messiah’s kingdom ( Isaiah 11:7 ). </p> <p> E. W. G. Masterman. </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197506" /> ==
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197506" /> ==
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== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15641" /> ==
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15641" /> ==
<p> That bears were common in [[Palestine]] appears from several passages in the Old Testament, 1 Samuel 17:34,36,37; 2 Samuel 17:8; 2 Kings 2:24 . The species known in [[Syria]] resembles the common brown bear; it is sill met in the recesses of Lebanon. To a sullen and ferocious disposition, the bear joins immense strength, considerable sagacity, and the power of climbing trees. Her ferocity, especially when her young are injured, is proverbial. See 2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12; Isaiah 11:7; Hosea 13:8 . </p>
<p> That bears were common in Palestine appears from several passages in the Old Testament, 1 Samuel 17:34,36,37; 2 Samuel 17:8; 2 Kings 2:24 . The species known in [[Syria]] resembles the common brown bear; it is sill met in the recesses of Lebanon. To a sullen and ferocious disposition, the bear joins immense strength, considerable sagacity, and the power of climbing trees. Her ferocity, especially when her young are injured, is proverbial. See 2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12; Isaiah 11:7; Hosea 13:8 . </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_71641" /> ==
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_71641" /> ==
<p> Bear. 1 Samuel 17:34; 2 Samuel 17:8. The [[Syrian]] bear, Ursus syriacus, which is, without doubt, the animal mentioned in the Bible, is still found on the higher mountains of Palestine. During the summer months, these bears keep to the snowy parts of Lebanon, but descend, in winter, to the villages and gardens. It is probable, also, that at this period, in former days, they extended their visits to other parts of Palestine. </p>
<p> Bear. 1 Samuel 17:34; 2 Samuel 17:8. The Syrian bear, Ursus syriacus, which is, without doubt, the animal mentioned in the Bible, is still found on the higher mountains of Palestine. During the summer months, these bears keep to the snowy parts of Lebanon, but descend, in winter, to the villages and gardens. It is probable, also, that at this period, in former days, they extended their visits to other parts of Palestine. </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_30627" /> ==
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_30627" /> ==
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== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69734" /> ==
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69734" /> ==
<p> Bear. Proverbs 17:12. The [[Syrian]] bear seems but a variety of the brown bear of [[Europe]] and Asia, though it is much lighter in color. Its food is seeds, fruits, and roots, to which it occasionally adds a goat or sheep. </p>
<p> Bear. Proverbs 17:12. The Syrian bear seems but a variety of the brown bear of Europe and Asia, though it is much lighter in color. Its food is seeds, fruits, and roots, to which it occasionally adds a goat or sheep. </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_39032" /> ==
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_39032" /> ==
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== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_1600" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_1600" /> ==
<p> '''''bâr''''' ( דּב or דּוב , <i> '''''dōbh''''' </i> ; compare Arabic <i> '''''dubb''''' </i> ): In 1 Samuel 17:34-37 , [[David]] tells [[Saul]] how as a shepherd boy he had overcome a lion and a bear. In 2 Kings 2:24 it is related that two she bears came out of the wood and tore forty-two of the children who had been mocking Elisha. All the other references to bears are figurative; compare 2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12; Proverbs 28:15; Isaiah 11:7; Isaiah 59:11; Lamentations 3:10; Daniel 7:5; Hosea 13:8; Amos 5:19; Revelation 13:2 . The [[Syrian]] bear, sometimes named as a distinct species, <i> Ursus Syriacus </i> , is better to be regarded as merely a local variety of the European and Asiatic brown bear, <i> Ursus arctos </i> . It still exists in small numbers in [[Lebanon]] and is fairly common in [[Anti-Lebanon]] and Hermon. It does not seem to occur now in [[Palestine]] proper, but may well have done so in [[Bible]] times. It inhabits caves in the high and rugged mountains and issues mainly at night to feed on roots and vegetables. It is fond of the <i> '''''ḥummuṣ''''' </i> or chick-pea which is sometimes planted in the upland meadows, and the fields have to be well guarded. The figurative re ferences to the bear take account of its ferocious nature, especially in the case of the she bear robbed of her whelps (2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12; Hosea 13:8 ). It is with this character of the bear in mind that Isaiah says (Isaiah 11:7 ), "And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together." </p>
<p> '''''bâr''''' ( דּב or דּוב , <i> '''''dōbh''''' </i> ; compare Arabic <i> '''''dubb''''' </i> ): In 1 Samuel 17:34-37 , David tells [[Saul]] how as a shepherd boy he had overcome a lion and a bear. In 2 Kings 2:24 it is related that two she bears came out of the wood and tore forty-two of the children who had been mocking Elisha. All the other references to bears are figurative; compare 2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12; Proverbs 28:15; Isaiah 11:7; Isaiah 59:11; Lamentations 3:10; Daniel 7:5; Hosea 13:8; Amos 5:19; Revelation 13:2 . The Syrian bear, sometimes named as a distinct species, <i> Ursus Syriacus </i> , is better to be regarded as merely a local variety of the European and Asiatic brown bear, <i> Ursus arctos </i> . It still exists in small numbers in Lebanon and is fairly common in [[Anti-Lebanon]] and Hermon. It does not seem to occur now in Palestine proper, but may well have done so in Bible times. It inhabits caves in the high and rugged mountains and issues mainly at night to feed on roots and vegetables. It is fond of the <i> '''''ḥummuṣ''''' </i> or chick-pea which is sometimes planted in the upland meadows, and the fields have to be well guarded. The figurative re ferences to the bear take account of its ferocious nature, especially in the case of the she bear robbed of her whelps (2 Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12; Hosea 13:8 ). It is with this character of the bear in mind that Isaiah says (Isaiah 11:7 ), "And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together." </p>
== The Nuttall Encyclopedia <ref name="term_68989" /> ==
== The Nuttall Encyclopedia <ref name="term_68989" /> ==