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== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_60450" /> ==
<p> ( הלך , <i> '''''hālakh''''' </i> , ילך , <i> '''''yālakh''''' </i> , בּוא , <i> '''''bō'''''' </i> , יצא , <i> '''''yācā'''''' </i> ; ἄγω , <i> '''''ágō''''' </i> , ὑπάγω , <i> '''''hupágō''''' </i> , ἀναβαίνω , <i> '''''anabaı́nō''''' </i> , ἔρχομαι , <i> '''''érchomai''''' </i> , ἀπέρχομαι , <i> '''''apérchomai''''' </i> , πορεύομαι , <i> '''''poreúomai''''' </i> ): "Go" ("went," etc.) occurs very frequently in the English Bible, and is the translation of a great many different [[Hebrew]] and [[Greek]] terms. As the word implies <i> movement </i> of all kinds, physical and mental, it has naturally many applications. </p> <h4> 1. In the Old [[Testament]] </h4> <p> In the Old Testament <i> ''''' hālakh ''''' </i> and <i> ''''' yālakh ''''' </i> are among the commonest words, meaning "to go" in its original sense of "to walk," but also in the most varied senses, according to the verbal conjugations, etc., the preposition attached, and the words in connection with which the terms stand; <i> ''''' hālakh ''''' </i> and <i> ''''' yālakh ''''' </i> are often used figuratively (translated "to walk," etc.) for to <i> live </i> , to pursue a way of life, e.g. "to walk ever in his ways" ( Deuteronomy 19:9; compare [[Psalm]] 15:2; Psalm 89:30; 1 Kings 2:3 f; 1 Kings 3:3 , etc.); <i> to die </i> , "He departed (Hebrew "went") without being desired" ( 2 Chronicles 21:20 ); <i> '''''bō'''''' </i> , properly "to go in," "to enter" (e.g. [[Genesis]] 7:9 ), is very common, and <i> '''''yācā'''''' </i> , "to go or come out," also occurs frequently; <i> '''''yācā'''''' </i> , has frequently the meaning "to go forth," e.g. Genesis 8:7 , "He sent forth a raven, and it went forth." Other frequent words are <i> '''''yāradh''''' </i> , "to go down" ( Genesis 11:7 , etc.); <i> '''''‛ālah''''' </i> , "to go or come up" ( Genesis 2:6 , etc.; Isaiah 15:5 , "go it up," the King James Version); used also figuratively , e.g. "to rise up or excel" "Thou excellest them all" ( Proverbs 31:29 ), "to come up on the nears," to be remembered, "The former things shall not be remembered, nor come into mind" ( Isaiah 65:17; compare Jeremiah 3:16 ); <i> '''''‛ābhar''''' </i> , "to go or pass over," "to cross" ( Genesis 41:46 , etc.), also used figuratively "to pass away," e.g. "as chaff that passeth away" ( Isaiah 29:5 ), 'passeth by transgression' ( Micah 7:18 ); <i> '''''shūbh''''' </i> , "to go again" ( Genesis 43:2 , etc.); <i> '''''sāṭāh''''' </i> and ר , <i> '''''ṣūr''''' </i> , "to go aside," occur several times with the meaning of wrongdoing (e.g. Numbers 5:12; Deuteronomy 28:14 , the Revised Version (British and American) "turn aside"); <i> '''''nāsā'''''' </i> , "to remove" ( Exodus 14:15 ), "Speak unto the children of [[Israel]] that they <i> go forward </i> " ( Exodus 14:19 "removed"; Numbers 2:24 etc.); <i> ''''''ăzal''''' </i> (Aramaic), "to go away or about" ( Ezra 4:23; Daniel 2:17 , etc.). Many other words occur only once or twice, e.g. <i> ''''''āraḥ''''' </i> , "to travel" Job ( Job 34:8 ); <i> ''''''āshar''''' </i> , "to go straight or right" ( Proverbs 4:14; Proverbs 9:6 , the Revised Version (British and American) "walk"); <i> '''''dārakh''''' </i> , "to tread" ( Isaiah 59:8 ); <i> '''''dādhāh''''' </i> , "to go softly" ( Psalm 42:4; Isaiah 38:15 , the Revised Version, margin "as in solemn procession"); <i> '''''rāghal''''' </i> , "to stir" "to move" "I taught Enhraim to go" ( Hosea 11:3 , the Revised Version (British and American) "to walk"). </p> <p> The obsolete expression "go to" (derived from Tyndale) is the translation of <i> ''''' yāhabh ''''' </i> in Genesis 11:3 , Genesis 11:4 , Genesis 11:7; Genesis 38:16; Exodus 1:10 , "come on," the Revised Version (British and American) "come"; of <i> '''''bō'''''' </i> ( 2 Kings 5:5 the Revised Version (British and American)), "go now"; <i> '''''nā'''''' </i> ( Judges 7:3; Isaiah 5:5; Jeremiah 18:11 , omitted in the Revised Version (British and American)). </p> <h4> 2. In the New Testament </h4> <p> In the New Testament <i> ''''' anabainō ''''' </i> is "to go up" ( Matthew 3:16; Matthew 5:1 , etc.); <i> '''''erchomai''''' </i> , "to go on" ( Matthew 12:9 , etc.); <i> '''''apercḥomai''''' </i> , "to go off or away" ( Matthew 2:22; Matthew 4:24 , etc.); <i> '''''poreuomai''''' </i> , "to go or pass on" ( Matthew 2:8 , Matthew 2:20 , etc.); <i> '''''hupagō''''' </i> , "to go away" ( Matthew 5:41; Matthew 8:32 , etc.). We have also other combinations with different shades of meaning, e.g. <i> '''''huperbaı́nō''''' </i> , "to go over or beyond" ( 1 Thessalonians 4:6 ); <i> '''''eisérchomai''''' </i> , "to go into" ( Matthew 7:13; Matthew 15:11 , etc.); <i> '''''proporeúomai''''' </i> , "to go before" ( Luke 1:76; Acts 7:40 ), and other forms; <i> '''''agō''''' </i> ( <i> '''''ágōmen''''' </i> ), "Let us go" ( Matthew 26:46; John 14:31 , etc.); <i> '''''áge''''' </i> is rendered "go to" ( James 4:13; James 5:1 ), the Revised Version (British and American) "come." </p> <p> "Go about (to)" the King James Version is the translation of <i> ''''' zētéō ''''' </i> , "to seek," in John 7:19 , "Why go ye about to kill me?" the Revised Version (British and American) "Why seek ye?" and Romans 10:3; of <i> '''''peirázō''''' </i> , "to try," "attempt" ( Acts 24:6 , the Revised Version (British and American) "assayed"), and of <i> '''''peiráomai''''' </i> ( Acts 26:21 , the Revised Version (British and American) "assayed"), of <i> '''''epicheiréō''''' </i> "to lay hands on" ( Acts 9:29 ), which remains in the English Revised Version unchanged, the American Standard Revised Version "seeking"; "to let go" is the translation of <i> '''''apolúō''''' </i> "to loose off" or "away" ( Luke 14:4 , etc.), "to go astray," of <i> '''''planáō''''' </i> ( Matthew 18:12 , etc.). </p> <p> Various other words occurring singly are translated by forms of "go," e.g. <i> ''''' phérō ''''' </i> , "to bear on," the King James Version "Let us go on unto perfection" ( Hebrews 6:1 , see below); <i> '''''epidúō''''' </i> , "to go in upon," "Let not the sun go down upon your Wrath" ( Ephesians 4:26 ). </p> <p> Among the many changes in the Revised Version (British and American) are the following: For "go," Exodus 4:26 , "alone"; Leviticus 9:7 , "draw near"; Numbers 2:31 , "set forth"; Numbers 16:46 , "carry it"; Isaiah 11:15; Isaiah 27:4 , "march"; Matthew 11:4; John 8:11 , "Go your way"; Luke 17:7 , "Come straightway"; Luke 18:25 , "enter in"; <i> John 21:3 </i> , "come." "Go" is substituted for "pass" ( Exodus 12:12 ), "came" ( Exodus 13:4 ), "away" ( Exodus 19:24 ), "be put" ( Leviticus 6:12 ), "enter" ( Job 34:23 ), "return" ( Ecclesiastes 1:7 ), "come" ( Micah 4:2; compare <i> Zechariah 14:18 </i> , Zechariah 14:19 ), "should be cast" ( Matthew 5:30 ); "if I go up" for "I will come up" ( Exodus 33:5 ); "make to go forth" for "bring forth" ( Psalm 37:6 ); "let them go" for "gave them up" ( Psalm 81:12 ). For the phrase, "go a whoring," the American Standard Revised Version has "play the harlot" ( Exodus 34:15 f, etc., "commit fornication"); for "go about even now" ( Deuteronomy 31:21 , the American Standard Revised Version), "frame this day"; for "go well" ( Proverbs 30:29 ), "are stately in their march"; for "suffer us to go" ( Matthew 8:31 ), "send us" (a different text); for "not to think of men above that which is written" ( 1 Corinthians 4:6 ), "not (to go) beyond the things which are written"; for "that no man go beyond" ( 1 Thessalonians 4:6 ), "transgress," margin "overreach"; for "Let us go on unto perfection" ( Hebrews 6:1 ), the English Revised Version "and press," the American Standard Revised Version "Let us press on unto perfection." </p>
<p> GO, pret. went pp. gone. </p> 1. In a general sense, to move to pass to proceed from one place, state or station to another opposed to resting. A mill goes by water or by steam a ship goes at the rate of five knots an hour a clock goes fast or slow a horse goes lame a fowl or a ball goes with velocity through the air. <p> The mourners go about the streets. &nbsp;Ecclesiastes 12 </p> 2. To walk to move on the feet or step by step. The child begins to go alone at a year old. <p> You know that love </p> <p> Will creep in service where it cannot go. </p> 3. To walk leisurely not to run. <p> Thou must run to him for thou hast staid so long that going will scarce serve the turn. </p> 4. To travel to journey by land or water. I must go to Boston. He has gone to Philadelphia. The minister is going to France. 5. To depart to move from a place opposed to come. The mail goes and comes every day, or twice a week. <p> I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice. &nbsp;Exodus 8 </p> 6. To proceed to pass. <p> And so the jest goes round. </p> 7. To move to pass in any manner or to any end as, to go to bed to go to dinner to go to war. 8. To move or pass customarily from place to place, denoting custom or practice. The child goes to school. A ship goes regularly to London. We go to church. 9. To proceed from one state or opinion to another to change. He goes from one opinion to another. His estate is going to ruin. 10. To proceed in mental operations to advance to penetrate. We can go but a very little way in developing the causes of things. 11. To proceed or advance in accomplishing an end. This sun will not go far towards full payment of the debt. 12. To apply to be applicable. The argument goes to this point only it goes to prove too much. 13. To apply one's self. <p> [[Seeing]] himself confronted by so many, like a resolute orator, he went not to denial, but to justify his cruel falsehood. </p> 14. To have recourse to as, to go to law. 15. To be about to do as, I was going to say. I am going to begin harvest. This use is chiefly confined to the participle. 16. To pass to be accounted in value. All this goes for nothing. This coin goes for a crown. 17. To circulate to pass in report. The story goes. 18. To pass to be received to be accounted or understood to be. <p> And the man went among men for an old man in the days of Saul. &nbsp;1 Samuel 17 </p> 19. To move, or be in motion as a machine. See No 1 20. To move as fluid to flow. <p> The god I am, whose yellow water flows </p> <p> Around these fields, and fattens as it goes, </p> <p> [[Tiber]] my name. </p> 21. To have a tendency. <p> Against right reason all your counsels go. </p> 22. To be in compact or partnership. <p> They were to go equal shares in the booty. </p> 23. To be guided or regulated to proceed by some principle or rule. We are to go by the rules of law, or according to the precepts of scripture. <p> We are to go by another measure. </p> 24. To be pregnant. The females of different animals go some a longer, some a shorter time. 25. To pass to be alienated in payment or exchange. If our exports are of less value than our imports, our money must go to pay the balance. 26. To be loosed or released to be freed from restraint. Let me go let go the hand. 27. To be expended. His estate goes or has gone for spirituous liquors. See No. 24. 28. To extend to reach. The line goes from one end to the other. His land goes to the bank of the Hudson. 29. to extend or lead in any direction. This road goes to Albany. 30. To proceed to extend. This argument goes far towards proving the point. It goes a great way towards establishing the innocence of the accused. 31. To have effect to extend in effect to avail to be of force or value. Money goes farther now than it did during the war. 32. To extend in meaning or purport. <p> His amorous expressions go no further than virtue may allow. </p> <p> In the three last examples, the sense of go depends on far, farther, further. </p> 33. To have a currency or use, as custom, opinion or manners. <p> I think, as the world goes,he was a good sort of man enough. </p> 34. To contribute to conduce to concur to be an ingredient with to or into. The substances which go into this composition. Many qualifications go to make up the well bred man. 35. To proceed to be carried on. The business goes on well. 36. To proceed to final issue to terminate to succeed. <p> Whether the cause goes for me or against me, you must pay me the reward. </p> 37. To proceed in a train, or in consequences. <p> How goes the night, boy? </p> 38. To fare to be in a good or state. <p> How goes it, comrade? </p> 39. To have a tendency or effect to operate. <p> These cases go to show that the court will vary the construction of instruments. </p> <p> To go about, to set one's self to a business to attempt to endeavor. </p> <p> They never go about to hide or palliate their vices. </p> 1. In seamen's language, to tack to turn the head of a ship. <p> To go abroad, to walk out of a house. </p> 1. To be uttered, disclosed or published. <p> To go against, to invade to march to attack. </p> 1. To be in opposition to be disagreeable. <p> To go aside, to withdraw to retire into a private situation. </p> 1. To err to deviate from the right way. <p> To go astray, to wander to break from an inclosure also, to leave the right course to depart from law or rule to sin to transgress. </p> <p> To go away, to depart to go to a distance. </p> <p> To go between, to interpose to mediate to attempt to reconcile or to adjust differences. </p> <p> To go by, to pass near and beyond. </p> 1. To pass away unnoticed to omit. 2. To fine or get in the conclusion. <p> In argument with men, a woman ever </p> <p> Goes by the worse, whatever be her cause. </p> <p> A phrase now little used. </p> <p> To go down, to descend in any manner. </p> 1. To fail to come to nothing. 2. To be swallowed or received, not rejected. The doctrine of the divine right of kings will not go down in this period of the world. <p> To go forth to issue or depart out of a place. </p> <p> To go forward, to advance. </p> <p> To go hard with, to be in danger of a fatal issue to have difficulty to escape. </p> <p> To go in, to enter. </p> <p> To go in to, to have sexual commerce with. </p> <p> To go in and out, to do the business of life. </p> 1. To go freely to be at liberty. &nbsp;John 10 . <p> To go off, to depart to a distance to leave a place or station. </p> 1. To die to decease. 2. To be discharged, as fire arms to explode. <p> To go on, to proceed to advance forward. </p> 1. To be put on, as a garment. The coat will not go on. <p> To go out, to issue forth to depart from. </p> 1. To go on an expedition. 2. To become extinct, as light or life to expire. A candle goes out fire goes out. <p> And life itself goes out at thy displeasure. </p> 3. To become public. This story goes out to the world. <p> To go over, to read to peruse to study. </p> 1. To examine to view or review as, to go over an account. <p> If we go over the laws of christianity-- </p> 2. To think over to proceed or pass in mental operation. 3. To change sides to pass from one party to another. 4. To revolt. 5. To pass from one side to the other, as of a river. <p> To go through, to pass in a substance as, to go through water. </p> 1. To execute to accomplish to perform thoroughly to finish as, to go through an undertaking. 2. To suffer to bear to undergo to sustain to the end as, to go through a long sickness to go through an operation. <p> To go through with, to execute effectually. </p> <p> To go under, to be talked of or known, as by a title or name as, to go under the name of reformers.go up, to ascend to rise. </p> <p> To go upon, to proceed as on a foundation to take as a principle supposed or settled as, to go upon a supposition. </p> <p> To go with, to accompany to pass with others. </p> 1. To side with to be in party or design with. <p> To go with, to have fortune not to prosper. </p> <p> To go well with, to have good fortune to prosper. </p> <p> To go without, to be or remain destitute. </p> <p> Go to, come, move, begin a phrase of exhortation also a phrase of scornful exhortation. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_3955" /> ==
<p> (הלך , <i> ''''' hālakh ''''' </i> , ילך , <i> ''''' yālakh ''''' </i> , בּוא , <i> ''''' bō' ''''' </i> , יצא , <i> ''''' yācā' ''''' </i> ; ἄγω , <i> ''''' ágō ''''' </i> , ὑπάγω , <i> ''''' hupágō ''''' </i> , ἀναβαίνω , <i> ''''' anabaı́nō ''''' </i> , ἔρχομαι , <i> ''''' érchomai ''''' </i> , ἀπέρχομαι , <i> ''''' apérchomai ''''' </i> , πορεύομαι , <i> ''''' poreúomai ''''' </i> ): "Go" ("went," etc.) occurs very frequently in the English Bible, and is the translation of a great many different [[Hebrew]] and Greek terms. As the word implies <i> movement </i> of all kinds, physical and mental, it has naturally many applications. </p> 1. In the Old [[Testament]] <p> In the Old Testament <i> ''''' hālakh ''''' </i> and <i> ''''' yālakh ''''' </i> are among the commonest words, meaning "to go" in its original sense of "to walk," but also in the most varied senses, according to the verbal conjugations, etc., the preposition attached, and the words in connection with which the terms stand; <i> ''''' hālakh ''''' </i> and <i> ''''' yālakh ''''' </i> are often used figuratively (translated "to walk," etc.) for to <i> live </i> , to pursue a way of life, e.g. "to walk ever in his ways" (&nbsp; Deuteronomy 19:9; compare &nbsp;Psalm 15:2; &nbsp;Psalm 89:30; &nbsp;1 Kings 2:3 f; &nbsp; 1 Kings 3:3 , etc.); <i> to die </i> , "He departed (Hebrew "went") without being desired" (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 21:20 ); <i> ''''' bō' ''''' </i> , properly "to go in," "to enter" (e.g. &nbsp;Genesis 7:9 ), is very common, and <i> ''''' yācā' ''''' </i> , "to go or come out," also occurs frequently; <i> ''''' yācā' ''''' </i> , has frequently the meaning "to go forth," e.g. &nbsp;Genesis 8:7 , "He sent forth a raven, and it went forth." Other frequent words are <i> ''''' yāradh ''''' </i> , "to go down" (&nbsp;Genesis 11:7 , etc.); <i> ''''' ‛ālah ''''' </i> , "to go or come up" (&nbsp;Genesis 2:6 , etc.; &nbsp;Isaiah 15:5 , "go it up," the King James Version); used also figuratively , e.g. "to rise up or excel" "Thou excellest them all" (&nbsp;Proverbs 31:29 ), "to come up on the nears," to be remembered, "The former things shall not be remembered, nor come into mind" (&nbsp;Isaiah 65:17; compare &nbsp;Jeremiah 3:16 ); <i> ''''' ‛ābhar ''''' </i> , "to go or pass over," "to cross" (&nbsp;Genesis 41:46 , etc.), also used figuratively "to pass away," e.g. "as chaff that passeth away" (&nbsp; Isaiah 29:5 ), 'passeth by transgression' (&nbsp;Micah 7:18 ); <i> ''''' shūbh ''''' </i> , "to go again" (&nbsp;Genesis 43:2 , etc.); <i> ''''' sāṭāh ''''' </i> and ר , <i> ''''' ṣūr ''''' </i> , "to go aside," occur several times with the meaning of wrongdoing (e.g. &nbsp;Numbers 5:12; &nbsp;Deuteronomy 28:14 , the Revised Version (British and American) "turn aside"); <i> ''''' nāsā' ''''' </i> , "to remove" (&nbsp;Exodus 14:15 ), "Speak unto the children of [[Israel]] that they <i> go forward </i> " (&nbsp;Exodus 14:19 "removed"; &nbsp; Numbers 2:24 etc.); <i> ''''' 'ăzal ''''' </i> (Aramaic), "to go away or about" (&nbsp;Ezra 4:23; &nbsp;Daniel 2:17 , etc.). Many other words occur only once or twice, e.g. <i> ''''' 'āraḥ ''''' </i> , "to travel" Job (&nbsp;Job 34:8 ); <i> ''''' 'āshar ''''' </i> , "to go straight or right" (&nbsp;Proverbs 4:14; &nbsp;Proverbs 9:6 , the Revised Version (British and American) "walk"); <i> ''''' dārakh ''''' </i> , "to tread" (&nbsp;Isaiah 59:8 ); <i> ''''' dādhāh ''''' </i> , "to go softly" (&nbsp;Psalm 42:4; &nbsp;Isaiah 38:15 , the Revised Version, margin "as in solemn procession"); <i> ''''' rāghal ''''' </i> , "to stir" "to move" "I taught Enhraim to go" (&nbsp;Hosea 11:3 , the Revised Version (British and American) "to walk"). </p> <p> The obsolete expression "go to" (derived from Tyndale) is the translation of <i> ''''' yāhabh ''''' </i> in &nbsp; [[Genesis]] 11:3 , &nbsp;Genesis 11:4 , &nbsp;Genesis 11:7; &nbsp;Genesis 38:16; &nbsp;Exodus 1:10 , "come on," the Revised Version (British and American) "come"; of <i> ''''' bō' ''''' </i> (&nbsp;2 Kings 5:5 the Revised Version (British and American)), "go now"; <i> ''''' nā' ''''' </i> (&nbsp;Judges 7:3; &nbsp;Isaiah 5:5; &nbsp;Jeremiah 18:11 , omitted in the Revised Version (British and American)). </p> 2. In the New Testament <p> In the New Testament <i> ''''' anabainō ''''' </i> is "to go up" (&nbsp; Matthew 3:16; &nbsp;Matthew 5:1 , etc.); <i> ''''' erchomai ''''' </i> , "to go on" (&nbsp;Matthew 12:9 , etc.); <i> ''''' apercḥomai ''''' </i> , "to go off or away" (&nbsp;Matthew 2:22; &nbsp;Matthew 4:24 , etc.); <i> ''''' poreuomai ''''' </i> , "to go or pass on" (&nbsp;Matthew 2:8 , &nbsp;Matthew 2:20 , etc.); <i> ''''' hupagō ''''' </i> , "to go away" (&nbsp;Matthew 5:41; &nbsp;Matthew 8:32 , etc.). We have also other combinations with different shades of meaning, e.g. <i> ''''' huperbaı́nō ''''' </i> , "to go over or beyond" (&nbsp;1 Thessalonians 4:6 ); <i> ''''' eisérchomai ''''' </i> , "to go into" (&nbsp;Matthew 7:13; &nbsp;Matthew 15:11 , etc.); <i> ''''' proporeúomai ''''' </i> , "to go before" (&nbsp;Luke 1:76; &nbsp;Acts 7:40 ), and other forms; <i> ''''' agō ''''' </i> ( <i> ''''' ágōmen ''''' </i> ), "Let us go" (&nbsp;Matthew 26:46; &nbsp;John 14:31 , etc.); <i> ''''' áge ''''' </i> is rendered "go to" (&nbsp;James 4:13; &nbsp;James 5:1 ), the Revised Version (British and American) "come." </p> <p> "Go about (to)" the King James Version is the translation of <i> ''''' zētéō ''''' </i> , "to seek," in &nbsp; John 7:19 , "Why go ye about to kill me?" the Revised Version (British and American) "Why seek ye?" and &nbsp;Romans 10:3; of <i> ''''' peirázō ''''' </i> , "to try," "attempt" (&nbsp;Acts 24:6 , the Revised Version (British and American) "assayed"), and of <i> ''''' peiráomai ''''' </i> (&nbsp;Acts 26:21 , the Revised Version (British and American) "assayed"), of <i> ''''' epicheiréō ''''' </i> "to lay hands on" (&nbsp;Acts 9:29 ), which remains in the English Revised Version unchanged, the American Standard Revised Version "seeking"; "to let go" is the translation of <i> ''''' apolúō ''''' </i> "to loose off" or "away" (&nbsp;Luke 14:4 , etc.), "to go astray," of <i> ''''' planáō ''''' </i> (&nbsp;Matthew 18:12 , etc.). </p> <p> Various other words occurring singly are translated by forms of "go," e.g. <i> ''''' phérō ''''' </i> , "to bear on," the King James Version "Let us go on unto perfection" (&nbsp; Hebrews 6:1 , see below); <i> ''''' epidúō ''''' </i> , "to go in upon," "Let not the sun go down upon your Wrath" (&nbsp;Ephesians 4:26 ). </p> <p> Among the many changes in the Revised Version (British and American) are the following: For "go," &nbsp;Exodus 4:26 , "alone"; &nbsp;Leviticus 9:7 , "draw near"; &nbsp;Numbers 2:31 , "set forth"; &nbsp;Numbers 16:46 , "carry it"; &nbsp;Isaiah 11:15; &nbsp;Isaiah 27:4 , "march"; &nbsp;Matthew 11:4; &nbsp;John 8:11 , "Go your way"; &nbsp;Luke 17:7 , "Come straightway"; &nbsp;Luke 18:25 , "enter in"; <i> &nbsp;John 21:3 </i> , "come." "Go" is substituted for "pass" (&nbsp;Exodus 12:12 ), "came" (&nbsp;Exodus 13:4 ), "away" (&nbsp;Exodus 19:24 ), "be put" (&nbsp;Leviticus 6:12 ), "enter" (&nbsp;Job 34:23 ), "return" (&nbsp;Ecclesiastes 1:7 ), "come" (&nbsp;Micah 4:2; compare <i> &nbsp;Zechariah 14:18 </i> , &nbsp;Zechariah 14:19 ), "should be cast" (&nbsp;Matthew 5:30 ); "if I go up" for "I will come up" (&nbsp;Exodus 33:5 ); "make to go forth" for "bring forth" (&nbsp;Psalm 37:6 ); "let them go" for "gave them up" (&nbsp;Psalm 81:12 ). For the phrase, "go a whoring," the American Standard Revised Version has "play the harlot" (&nbsp;Exodus 34:15 f, etc., "commit fornication"); for "go about even now" (&nbsp; Deuteronomy 31:21 , the American Standard Revised Version), "frame this day"; for "go well" (&nbsp;Proverbs 30:29 ), "are stately in their march"; for "suffer us to go" (&nbsp;Matthew 8:31 ), "send us" (a different text); for "not to think of men above that which is written" (&nbsp;1 Corinthians 4:6 ), "not (to go) beyond the things which are written"; for "that no man go beyond" (&nbsp;1 Thessalonians 4:6 ), "transgress," margin "overreach"; for "Let us go on unto perfection" (&nbsp;Hebrews 6:1 ), the English Revised Version "and press," the American Standard Revised Version "Let us press on unto perfection." </p>
==References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_60450"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/go Go from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_3955"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/go Go from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_3955"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/go Go from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>

Latest revision as of 07:50, 15 October 2021

King James Dictionary [1]

GO, pret. went pp. gone.

1. In a general sense, to move to pass to proceed from one place, state or station to another opposed to resting. A mill goes by water or by steam a ship goes at the rate of five knots an hour a clock goes fast or slow a horse goes lame a fowl or a ball goes with velocity through the air.

The mourners go about the streets.  Ecclesiastes 12

2. To walk to move on the feet or step by step. The child begins to go alone at a year old.

You know that love

Will creep in service where it cannot go.

3. To walk leisurely not to run.

Thou must run to him for thou hast staid so long that going will scarce serve the turn.

4. To travel to journey by land or water. I must go to Boston. He has gone to Philadelphia. The minister is going to France. 5. To depart to move from a place opposed to come. The mail goes and comes every day, or twice a week.

I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice.  Exodus 8

6. To proceed to pass.

And so the jest goes round.

7. To move to pass in any manner or to any end as, to go to bed to go to dinner to go to war. 8. To move or pass customarily from place to place, denoting custom or practice. The child goes to school. A ship goes regularly to London. We go to church. 9. To proceed from one state or opinion to another to change. He goes from one opinion to another. His estate is going to ruin. 10. To proceed in mental operations to advance to penetrate. We can go but a very little way in developing the causes of things. 11. To proceed or advance in accomplishing an end. This sun will not go far towards full payment of the debt. 12. To apply to be applicable. The argument goes to this point only it goes to prove too much. 13. To apply one's self.

Seeing himself confronted by so many, like a resolute orator, he went not to denial, but to justify his cruel falsehood.

14. To have recourse to as, to go to law. 15. To be about to do as, I was going to say. I am going to begin harvest. This use is chiefly confined to the participle. 16. To pass to be accounted in value. All this goes for nothing. This coin goes for a crown. 17. To circulate to pass in report. The story goes. 18. To pass to be received to be accounted or understood to be.

And the man went among men for an old man in the days of Saul.  1 Samuel 17

19. To move, or be in motion as a machine. See No 1 20. To move as fluid to flow.

The god I am, whose yellow water flows

Around these fields, and fattens as it goes,

Tiber my name.

21. To have a tendency.

Against right reason all your counsels go.

22. To be in compact or partnership.

They were to go equal shares in the booty.

23. To be guided or regulated to proceed by some principle or rule. We are to go by the rules of law, or according to the precepts of scripture.

We are to go by another measure.

24. To be pregnant. The females of different animals go some a longer, some a shorter time. 25. To pass to be alienated in payment or exchange. If our exports are of less value than our imports, our money must go to pay the balance. 26. To be loosed or released to be freed from restraint. Let me go let go the hand. 27. To be expended. His estate goes or has gone for spirituous liquors. See No. 24. 28. To extend to reach. The line goes from one end to the other. His land goes to the bank of the Hudson. 29. to extend or lead in any direction. This road goes to Albany. 30. To proceed to extend. This argument goes far towards proving the point. It goes a great way towards establishing the innocence of the accused. 31. To have effect to extend in effect to avail to be of force or value. Money goes farther now than it did during the war. 32. To extend in meaning or purport.

His amorous expressions go no further than virtue may allow.

In the three last examples, the sense of go depends on far, farther, further.

33. To have a currency or use, as custom, opinion or manners.

I think, as the world goes,he was a good sort of man enough.

34. To contribute to conduce to concur to be an ingredient with to or into. The substances which go into this composition. Many qualifications go to make up the well bred man. 35. To proceed to be carried on. The business goes on well. 36. To proceed to final issue to terminate to succeed.

Whether the cause goes for me or against me, you must pay me the reward.

37. To proceed in a train, or in consequences.

How goes the night, boy?

38. To fare to be in a good or state.

How goes it, comrade?

39. To have a tendency or effect to operate.

These cases go to show that the court will vary the construction of instruments.

To go about, to set one's self to a business to attempt to endeavor.

They never go about to hide or palliate their vices.

1. In seamen's language, to tack to turn the head of a ship.

To go abroad, to walk out of a house.

1. To be uttered, disclosed or published.

To go against, to invade to march to attack.

1. To be in opposition to be disagreeable.

To go aside, to withdraw to retire into a private situation.

1. To err to deviate from the right way.

To go astray, to wander to break from an inclosure also, to leave the right course to depart from law or rule to sin to transgress.

To go away, to depart to go to a distance.

To go between, to interpose to mediate to attempt to reconcile or to adjust differences.

To go by, to pass near and beyond.

1. To pass away unnoticed to omit. 2. To fine or get in the conclusion.

In argument with men, a woman ever

Goes by the worse, whatever be her cause.

A phrase now little used.

To go down, to descend in any manner.

1. To fail to come to nothing. 2. To be swallowed or received, not rejected. The doctrine of the divine right of kings will not go down in this period of the world.

To go forth to issue or depart out of a place.

To go forward, to advance.

To go hard with, to be in danger of a fatal issue to have difficulty to escape.

To go in, to enter.

To go in to, to have sexual commerce with.

To go in and out, to do the business of life.

1. To go freely to be at liberty.  John 10 .

To go off, to depart to a distance to leave a place or station.

1. To die to decease. 2. To be discharged, as fire arms to explode.

To go on, to proceed to advance forward.

1. To be put on, as a garment. The coat will not go on.

To go out, to issue forth to depart from.

1. To go on an expedition. 2. To become extinct, as light or life to expire. A candle goes out fire goes out.

And life itself goes out at thy displeasure.

3. To become public. This story goes out to the world.

To go over, to read to peruse to study.

1. To examine to view or review as, to go over an account.

If we go over the laws of christianity--

2. To think over to proceed or pass in mental operation. 3. To change sides to pass from one party to another. 4. To revolt. 5. To pass from one side to the other, as of a river.

To go through, to pass in a substance as, to go through water.

1. To execute to accomplish to perform thoroughly to finish as, to go through an undertaking. 2. To suffer to bear to undergo to sustain to the end as, to go through a long sickness to go through an operation.

To go through with, to execute effectually.

To go under, to be talked of or known, as by a title or name as, to go under the name of reformers.go up, to ascend to rise.

To go upon, to proceed as on a foundation to take as a principle supposed or settled as, to go upon a supposition.

To go with, to accompany to pass with others.

1. To side with to be in party or design with.

To go with, to have fortune not to prosper.

To go well with, to have good fortune to prosper.

To go without, to be or remain destitute.

Go to, come, move, begin a phrase of exhortation also a phrase of scornful exhortation.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

(הלך , hālakh , ילך , yālakh , בּוא , bō' , יצא , yācā'  ; ἄγω , ágō , ὑπάγω , hupágō , ἀναβαίνω , anabaı́nō , ἔρχομαι , érchomai , ἀπέρχομαι , apérchomai , πορεύομαι , poreúomai ): "Go" ("went," etc.) occurs very frequently in the English Bible, and is the translation of a great many different Hebrew and Greek terms. As the word implies movement of all kinds, physical and mental, it has naturally many applications.

1. In the Old Testament

In the Old Testament hālakh and yālakh are among the commonest words, meaning "to go" in its original sense of "to walk," but also in the most varied senses, according to the verbal conjugations, etc., the preposition attached, and the words in connection with which the terms stand; hālakh and yālakh are often used figuratively (translated "to walk," etc.) for to live , to pursue a way of life, e.g. "to walk ever in his ways" (  Deuteronomy 19:9; compare  Psalm 15:2;  Psalm 89:30;  1 Kings 2:3 f;   1 Kings 3:3 , etc.); to die , "He departed (Hebrew "went") without being desired" ( 2 Chronicles 21:20 ); bō' , properly "to go in," "to enter" (e.g.  Genesis 7:9 ), is very common, and yācā' , "to go or come out," also occurs frequently; yācā' , has frequently the meaning "to go forth," e.g.  Genesis 8:7 , "He sent forth a raven, and it went forth." Other frequent words are yāradh , "to go down" ( Genesis 11:7 , etc.); ‛ālah , "to go or come up" ( Genesis 2:6 , etc.;  Isaiah 15:5 , "go it up," the King James Version); used also figuratively , e.g. "to rise up or excel" "Thou excellest them all" ( Proverbs 31:29 ), "to come up on the nears," to be remembered, "The former things shall not be remembered, nor come into mind" ( Isaiah 65:17; compare  Jeremiah 3:16 ); ‛ābhar , "to go or pass over," "to cross" ( Genesis 41:46 , etc.), also used figuratively "to pass away," e.g. "as chaff that passeth away" (  Isaiah 29:5 ), 'passeth by transgression' ( Micah 7:18 ); shūbh , "to go again" ( Genesis 43:2 , etc.); sāṭāh and ר , ṣūr , "to go aside," occur several times with the meaning of wrongdoing (e.g.  Numbers 5:12;  Deuteronomy 28:14 , the Revised Version (British and American) "turn aside"); nāsā' , "to remove" ( Exodus 14:15 ), "Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward " ( Exodus 14:19 "removed";   Numbers 2:24 etc.); 'ăzal (Aramaic), "to go away or about" ( Ezra 4:23;  Daniel 2:17 , etc.). Many other words occur only once or twice, e.g. 'āraḥ , "to travel" Job ( Job 34:8 ); 'āshar , "to go straight or right" ( Proverbs 4:14;  Proverbs 9:6 , the Revised Version (British and American) "walk"); dārakh , "to tread" ( Isaiah 59:8 ); dādhāh , "to go softly" ( Psalm 42:4;  Isaiah 38:15 , the Revised Version, margin "as in solemn procession"); rāghal , "to stir" "to move" "I taught Enhraim to go" ( Hosea 11:3 , the Revised Version (British and American) "to walk").

The obsolete expression "go to" (derived from Tyndale) is the translation of yāhabh in   Genesis 11:3 ,  Genesis 11:4 ,  Genesis 11:7;  Genesis 38:16;  Exodus 1:10 , "come on," the Revised Version (British and American) "come"; of bō' ( 2 Kings 5:5 the Revised Version (British and American)), "go now"; nā' ( Judges 7:3;  Isaiah 5:5;  Jeremiah 18:11 , omitted in the Revised Version (British and American)).

2. In the New Testament

In the New Testament anabainō is "to go up" (  Matthew 3:16;  Matthew 5:1 , etc.); erchomai , "to go on" ( Matthew 12:9 , etc.); apercḥomai , "to go off or away" ( Matthew 2:22;  Matthew 4:24 , etc.); poreuomai , "to go or pass on" ( Matthew 2:8 ,  Matthew 2:20 , etc.); hupagō , "to go away" ( Matthew 5:41;  Matthew 8:32 , etc.). We have also other combinations with different shades of meaning, e.g. huperbaı́nō , "to go over or beyond" ( 1 Thessalonians 4:6 ); eisérchomai , "to go into" ( Matthew 7:13;  Matthew 15:11 , etc.); proporeúomai , "to go before" ( Luke 1:76;  Acts 7:40 ), and other forms; agō ( ágōmen ), "Let us go" ( Matthew 26:46;  John 14:31 , etc.); áge is rendered "go to" ( James 4:13;  James 5:1 ), the Revised Version (British and American) "come."

"Go about (to)" the King James Version is the translation of zētéō , "to seek," in   John 7:19 , "Why go ye about to kill me?" the Revised Version (British and American) "Why seek ye?" and  Romans 10:3; of peirázō , "to try," "attempt" ( Acts 24:6 , the Revised Version (British and American) "assayed"), and of peiráomai ( Acts 26:21 , the Revised Version (British and American) "assayed"), of epicheiréō "to lay hands on" ( Acts 9:29 ), which remains in the English Revised Version unchanged, the American Standard Revised Version "seeking"; "to let go" is the translation of apolúō "to loose off" or "away" ( Luke 14:4 , etc.), "to go astray," of planáō ( Matthew 18:12 , etc.).

Various other words occurring singly are translated by forms of "go," e.g. phérō , "to bear on," the King James Version "Let us go on unto perfection" (  Hebrews 6:1 , see below); epidúō , "to go in upon," "Let not the sun go down upon your Wrath" ( Ephesians 4:26 ).

Among the many changes in the Revised Version (British and American) are the following: For "go,"  Exodus 4:26 , "alone";  Leviticus 9:7 , "draw near";  Numbers 2:31 , "set forth";  Numbers 16:46 , "carry it";  Isaiah 11:15;  Isaiah 27:4 , "march";  Matthew 11:4;  John 8:11 , "Go your way";  Luke 17:7 , "Come straightway";  Luke 18:25 , "enter in";  John 21:3 , "come." "Go" is substituted for "pass" ( Exodus 12:12 ), "came" ( Exodus 13:4 ), "away" ( Exodus 19:24 ), "be put" ( Leviticus 6:12 ), "enter" ( Job 34:23 ), "return" ( Ecclesiastes 1:7 ), "come" ( Micah 4:2; compare  Zechariah 14:18 ,  Zechariah 14:19 ), "should be cast" ( Matthew 5:30 ); "if I go up" for "I will come up" ( Exodus 33:5 ); "make to go forth" for "bring forth" ( Psalm 37:6 ); "let them go" for "gave them up" ( Psalm 81:12 ). For the phrase, "go a whoring," the American Standard Revised Version has "play the harlot" ( Exodus 34:15 f, etc., "commit fornication"); for "go about even now" (  Deuteronomy 31:21 , the American Standard Revised Version), "frame this day"; for "go well" ( Proverbs 30:29 ), "are stately in their march"; for "suffer us to go" ( Matthew 8:31 ), "send us" (a different text); for "not to think of men above that which is written" ( 1 Corinthians 4:6 ), "not (to go) beyond the things which are written"; for "that no man go beyond" ( 1 Thessalonians 4:6 ), "transgress," margin "overreach"; for "Let us go on unto perfection" ( Hebrews 6:1 ), the English Revised Version "and press," the American Standard Revised Version "Let us press on unto perfection."
