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King James Dictionary [1]

Consult, L to consult, to ask counsel.

1. To seek the opinion or advice of another by, by a statement of facts, and suitable inquiries, for the purpose of directing ones own judgment followed by with.

Rehoboam consulted with the old men.  1 Kings 12 .

David consulted with the captains of thousands.  1 Chronicles 13 .

2. To take counsel together to seek opinions and advice by mutual statements, enquiries and reasonings to deliberate in common.

The chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus to death.  John 12 .

3. To consider with deliberation.  Luke 14 .


1. To ask advice of to seek the opinion of another, as a guide to ones own judgment as, to consult a friend or parent. 2. To seek information, or facts, in something as by examining books or papers, Thus, I consulted several authors on the subject I consulted the official documents. 3. To regard to have reference or respect to, in judging or acting to decide or to act in favor of. We are to consult the necessities, rather than the pleasures of life. We are to consult public as well as private interest. He consulted his own safety in flight.

Ere fancy you consult, consult your purse.

4. To plan, devise or contrive.

Thou hast consulted shame to thy house, by cutting off many people.  Habakkuk 2 . This sense is unusual and not to be countenanced.

CONSULT, n. The act of consulting the effect of consultation determination a council, or deliberating assembly. This word is, I believe, entirely obsolete, except in poetry. It would be naturally accented on the first syllable, but the poets accent the last.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): (v. t.) To bring about by counsel or contrivance; to devise; to contrive.

(2): (n.) Agreement; concert

(3): (n.) The act of consulting or deliberating; consultation; also, the result of consulation; determination; decision.

(4): (v. t.) To ask advice of; to seek the opinion of; to apply to for information or instruction; to refer to; as, to consult a physician; to consult a dictionary.

(5): (v. i.) To seek the opinion or advice of another; to take counsel; to deliberate together; to confer.

(6): (v. t.) To deliberate upon; to take for.

(7): (n.) A council; a meeting for consultation.

(8): (v. t.) To have reference to, in judging or acting; to have regard to; to consider; as, to consult one's wishes.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

kon - sult ´ (שׁאל , shā'al , מלך , mālakh , יעץ , yā‛ac , יעט; (Aramaic) ye‛aṭ  ; συμβουλεύομαι , sumbouleúomai ):

(1) "To ask," "inquire," "seek advice." Ezekiel speaks of the king of Babylonian consulting the teraphim ( Ezekiel 21:21 ) and the Israelites were admonished to have noting to do with "a consulter with a familiar spirit" ( Deuteronomy 18:11 ). See Astrology; Communion With Demons; Divination .

(2) "To take counsel," "devise," "plan." The various officials of Babylon "consulted together to establish a royal statute" ( Daniel 6:7; compare  Matthew 26:4 ).

(3) "To deliberate with one's self," "make up one's mind." Nehemiah consulted with himself as to what might be done for Jerusalem ( Nehemiah 5:7 ). Jesus spoke of a king "consulting" (the King James Version) whether he be able to wage a war ( Luke 14:31; the Revised Version (British and American) "take counsel").
