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== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_52389" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_52389" /> ==
<p> <strong> [[Lightning.]] </strong> Our colloquial use of ‘fire’ for ‘lightning’ had its counterpart in Heb., <em> e.g </em> . in such a phrase as ‘fire ( <em> ’çsh </em> ) and hail’ (&nbsp; Exodus 9:23 etc.; cf. &nbsp; [[Genesis]] 19:24 , &nbsp; 1 Kings 18:38 etc.). The Heb. <em> ’ôr </em> (&nbsp; Job 37:3 ) is lit. ‘light’; <em> bâzâq </em> (&nbsp; Ezekiel 1:14 ) should probably read <em> bârâq; lappîd </em> , lit. ‘torch,’ is used in the plur. for ‘lightnings’ (&nbsp; Exodus 20:18 ); a word of uncertain meaning, <em> châzÄ­z </em> (&nbsp; Job 28:26; &nbsp; Job 38:35 , &nbsp; Zechariah 10:1 ), is evidently related to <strong> thunder </strong> , and should probably in each case be tr. [Note: translate or translation.] ‘thunder-cloud.’ The usual Heb. word is <em> bârâq </em> , Gr. <em> astrapç </em> (&nbsp; 2 Samuel 22:16 etc., &nbsp; Matthew 24:27 etc.). It is used fig. for the glitter of bright metal (&nbsp; Deuteronomy 32:41 , lit. ‘the lightning of my sword’; cf. &nbsp; Ezekiel 21:10 , &nbsp; Nahum 3:3 , &nbsp; Habakkuk 3:11 ), and for the glittering weapon itself (&nbsp; Job 20:25 ). It is suggested, either by the flash of polished metal, or by the speed of the chariot (&nbsp; Nahum 2:4 ). [[Lightning]] is associated with the appearance of God (&nbsp; Exodus 19:16 etc.), and He alone can control it (&nbsp; Job 38:33 , &nbsp; Psalms 18:14 ). With lightnings as with arrows, God scatters His enemies (&nbsp; Psalms 144:5 etc.). [[A]] radiant face (&nbsp; Daniel 10:8 ), and gleaming garments (&nbsp; Matthew 28:3 ), are like lightning. There is vivid suggestiveness in the comparison of Satan’s overthrow with the descent of lightning (&nbsp; Luke 10:18 ). Cf. the name <em> [[Barak]] </em> (&nbsp; Judges 4:6 ), with the Carthaginian <em> [[Barca]] </em> . </p> <p> [[W.]] Ewing. </p>
<p> <strong> LIGHTNING. </strong> Our colloquial use of ‘fire’ for ‘lightning’ had its counterpart in Heb., <em> e.g </em> . in such a phrase as ‘fire ( <em> ’çsh </em> ) and hail’ (&nbsp; Exodus 9:23 etc.; cf. &nbsp; [[Genesis]] 19:24 , &nbsp; 1 Kings 18:38 etc.). The Heb. <em> ’ôr </em> (&nbsp; Job 37:3 ) is lit. ‘light’; <em> bâzâq </em> (&nbsp; Ezekiel 1:14 ) should probably read <em> bârâq; lappîd </em> , lit. ‘torch,’ is used in the plur. for ‘lightnings’ (&nbsp; Exodus 20:18 ); a word of uncertain meaning, <em> châzÄ­z </em> (&nbsp; Job 28:26; &nbsp; Job 38:35 , &nbsp; Zechariah 10:1 ), is evidently related to <strong> thunder </strong> , and should probably in each case be tr. [Note: translate or translation.] ‘thunder-cloud.’ The usual Heb. word is <em> bârâq </em> , Gr. <em> astrapç </em> (&nbsp; 2 Samuel 22:16 etc., &nbsp; Matthew 24:27 etc.). It is used fig. for the glitter of bright metal (&nbsp; Deuteronomy 32:41 , lit. ‘the lightning of my sword’; cf. &nbsp; Ezekiel 21:10 , &nbsp; Nahum 3:3 , &nbsp; Habakkuk 3:11 ), and for the glittering weapon itself (&nbsp; Job 20:25 ). It is suggested, either by the flash of polished metal, or by the speed of the chariot (&nbsp; Nahum 2:4 ). [[Lightning]] is associated with the appearance of God (&nbsp; Exodus 19:16 etc.), and He alone can control it (&nbsp; Job 38:33 , &nbsp; Psalms 18:14 ). With lightnings as with arrows, God scatters His enemies (&nbsp; Psalms 144:5 etc.). A radiant face (&nbsp; Daniel 10:8 ), and gleaming garments (&nbsp; Matthew 28:3 ), are like lightning. There is vivid suggestiveness in the comparison of Satan’s overthrow with the descent of lightning (&nbsp; Luke 10:18 ). Cf. the name <em> [[Barak]] </em> (&nbsp; Judges 4:6 ), with the Carthaginian <em> [[Barca]] </em> . </p> <p> W. Ewing. </p>
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_78237" /> ==
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_78237" /> ==
<div> '''1: ἀστραπή ''' (Strong'S #796 — Noun [[Feminine]] — astrape — as-trap-ay' ) </div> <p> denotes (a) "lightning" (akin to [[Light,]] [[B,]] No. 7), &nbsp;Matthew 24:27; &nbsp;28:3; &nbsp;Luke 10:18; &nbsp;17:24; in the plural, &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;8:5; &nbsp;11:19; &nbsp;16:18; (b) "bright shining," or "shining brightness," &nbsp;Luke 11:36 . See Shining. </p>
<div> '''1: '''''Ἀστραπή''''' ''' (Strong'S #796 Noun [[Feminine]] astrape as-trap-ay' ) </div> <p> denotes (a) "lightning" (akin to [[Light, B]] No. 7), &nbsp;Matthew 24:27; &nbsp;28:3; &nbsp;Luke 10:18; &nbsp;17:24; in the plural, &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;8:5; &nbsp;11:19; &nbsp;16:18; (b) "bright shining," or "shining brightness," &nbsp;Luke 11:36 . See Shining. </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_42082" /> ==
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_42082" /> ==
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== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_61306" /> ==
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_61306" /> ==
<p> [[Lightning,]] n. that is, lightening, the participle present of lighten. </p> 1. [[A]] sudden discharge of electricity from a cloud to the earth, or from the earth to a cloud, or from one cloud to another, that is, from a body positively charged to one negatively charged, producing a vivid flash of light, and usually a loud report, called thunder. Sometimes lightning is a mere instantaneous flash of light without thunder, as heat-lightning, lightning seen by reflection, the flash being beyond the limits of our horizon. 2. from lighten, to diminish weight. [[Abatement]] alleviation mitigation.
<p> LIGHTNING, n. that is, lightening, the participle present of lighten. </p> 1. A sudden discharge of electricity from a cloud to the earth, or from the earth to a cloud, or from one cloud to another, that is, from a body positively charged to one negatively charged, producing a vivid flash of light, and usually a loud report, called thunder. Sometimes lightning is a mere instantaneous flash of light without thunder, as heat-lightning, lightning seen by reflection, the flash being beyond the limits of our horizon. 2. from lighten, to diminish weight. [[Abatement]] alleviation mitigation.
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_138777" /> ==
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_138777" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' n.) The act of making bright, or the state of being made bright; enlightenment; brightening, as of the mental powers. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' n.) [[A]] discharge of atmospheric electricity, accompanied by a vivid flash of light, commonly from one cloud to another, sometimes from a cloud to the earth. The sound produced by the electricity in passing rapidly through the atmosphere constitutes thunder. </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' vb. n.) Lightening. </p>
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' n.) The act of making bright, or the state of being made bright; enlightenment; brightening, as of the mental powers. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' n.) A discharge of atmospheric electricity, accompanied by a vivid flash of light, commonly from one cloud to another, sometimes from a cloud to the earth. The sound produced by the electricity in passing rapidly through the atmosphere constitutes thunder. </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' vb. n.) Lightening. </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_32492" /> ==
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_32492" /> ==
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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_48667" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_48667" /> ==
<p> (properly בָּרָק, ''barak','' &nbsp;Daniel 10:6; collectively ''lightninqs,'' &nbsp;Psalms 144:6; &nbsp;2 Samuel 22:15; Ezra 1:13; plur. &nbsp;Job 38:35; &nbsp;Psalms 18:15; &nbsp;Psalms 77:19, etc.; trop. the brightness of a glittering sword, &nbsp;Ezekiel 21:15, &nbsp;Deuteronomy 32:41, etc.; (ἀστραπή, &nbsp;Matthew 24:27; &nbsp;Matthew 28:3; &nbsp;Luke 10:18; &nbsp;Luke 11:36; &nbsp;Luke 17:24; &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;Revelation 8:5; &nbsp;Revelation 11:19; &nbsp;Revelation 16:18; once בָּזָק, ''baza'c, a flash'' of lightning, &nbsp;Ezekiel 1:14; less properly אוֹר, ''dr, light,'' &nbsp;Job 37:3; &nbsp;Job 37:11; לִפַּיד, ''lalppid','' a burning ''torch,'' &nbsp;Exodus 20:18; fig. חָזַיז, ''chaziz','' an ''arrow,'' i.e., ''ethunder-fash,'' &nbsp;Zechariah 10:1; comp. &nbsp;Job 28:26; &nbsp;Job 38:25). Travelers state that in Syria lightnings are frequent in the autumnal months. [[Seldom]] a night passes without a great deal of lightning, which is sometimes accompanied by thunder and sometimes not. [[A]] squall of wind and clouds of (dust are the uasual forerunners of the first rains. (See [[Palestine]]). </p> <p> To these natural phenomena the sacred writers frequently allude. In directing their energies, "the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet; the mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence; his fury is poured out like fire. and the rocks are thrown down by him" (&nbsp;Nahum 1:3-6). The terrors of the divine wrath are often represented by thundler and lightning; and thunder, on account of its awful impression on the minds of mortals. is also spoken of in [[Scripture]] as the "voice of the Lord" (&nbsp;Psalms 135:7; &nbsp;Psalms 144:6; &nbsp;2 Samuel 22:15; &nbsp;Job 28:26; &nbsp;Job 37:4-5; &nbsp;Job 38:25; &nbsp;Job 40:9; &nbsp;Zechariah 9:14; &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;Revelation 16:18-21). On account of the fire attending their ''light,'' they are the symbols of edicts enforced with destruction to those who oppose them, or who hinder others from giving obedience to them (&nbsp;Psalms 144:6; &nbsp;Zechariah 9:14; &nbsp;Psalms 18:14; &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;Revelation 16:18). Thunders and lightnings, when they proceed from the throne of God (as in &nbsp;Revelation 4:5), are fit representations of God's glorious and awful majesty; but whenfire comes down from heaven upon the earth, it expresses some judgment of God on the world (as in &nbsp;Revelation 20:9). The voices, thunders, lightnings, and great hail, in &nbsp;Revelation 16:18-21, are interpreted expressly of an exceeding great plague, so that men blasphemned on account of it (see Wemyss, ''Symb. Dict.'' s.v.). (See [[Thunder]]). </p>
<p> (properly '''''בָּרָק''''' , ''Barak','' &nbsp;Daniel 10:6; collectively ''Lightninqs,'' &nbsp;Psalms 144:6; &nbsp;2 Samuel 22:15; Ezra 1:13; plur. &nbsp;Job 38:35; &nbsp;Psalms 18:15; &nbsp;Psalms 77:19, etc.; trop. the brightness of a glittering sword, &nbsp;Ezekiel 21:15, &nbsp;Deuteronomy 32:41, etc.; ( '''''Ἀστραπή''''' , &nbsp;Matthew 24:27; &nbsp;Matthew 28:3; &nbsp;Luke 10:18; &nbsp;Luke 11:36; &nbsp;Luke 17:24; &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;Revelation 8:5; &nbsp;Revelation 11:19; &nbsp;Revelation 16:18; once '''''בָּזָק''''' , ''Baza'C, A Flash'' of lightning, &nbsp;Ezekiel 1:14; less properly '''''אוֹר''''' , ''Dr, Light,'' &nbsp;Job 37:3; &nbsp;Job 37:11; '''''לִפַּיד''''' , ''Lalppid','' a burning ''Torch,'' &nbsp;Exodus 20:18; fig. '''''חָזַיז''''' , ''Chaziz','' an ''Arrow,'' i.e., ''Ethunder-Fash,'' &nbsp;Zechariah 10:1; comp. &nbsp;Job 28:26; &nbsp;Job 38:25). Travelers state that in Syria lightnings are frequent in the autumnal months. [[Seldom]] a night passes without a great deal of lightning, which is sometimes accompanied by thunder and sometimes not. A squall of wind and clouds of (dust are the uasual forerunners of the first rains. (See [[Palestine]]). </p> <p> To these natural phenomena the sacred writers frequently allude. In directing their energies, "the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet; the mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence; his fury is poured out like fire. and the rocks are thrown down by him" (&nbsp;Nahum 1:3-6). The terrors of the divine wrath are often represented by thundler and lightning; and thunder, on account of its awful impression on the minds of mortals. is also spoken of in [[Scripture]] as the "voice of the Lord" (&nbsp;Psalms 135:7; &nbsp;Psalms 144:6; &nbsp;2 Samuel 22:15; &nbsp;Job 28:26; &nbsp;Job 37:4-5; &nbsp;Job 38:25; &nbsp;Job 40:9; &nbsp;Zechariah 9:14; &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;Revelation 16:18-21). On account of the fire attending their ''Light,'' they are the symbols of edicts enforced with destruction to those who oppose them, or who hinder others from giving obedience to them (&nbsp;Psalms 144:6; &nbsp;Zechariah 9:14; &nbsp;Psalms 18:14; &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;Revelation 16:18). Thunders and lightnings, when they proceed from the throne of God (as in &nbsp;Revelation 4:5), are fit representations of God's glorious and awful majesty; but whenfire comes down from heaven upon the earth, it expresses some judgment of God on the world (as in &nbsp;Revelation 20:9). The voices, thunders, lightnings, and great hail, in &nbsp;Revelation 16:18-21, are interpreted expressly of an exceeding great plague, so that men blasphemned on account of it (see Wemyss, ''Symb. Dict.'' s.v.). (See [[Thunder]]). </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_5686" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_5686" /> ==
<p> ''''' lı̄t´ning ''''' ( בּרק , <i> ''''' bārāḳ ''''' </i> , חזיז , <i> ''''' ḥăzı̄z ''''' </i> ; ἀστραπή , <i> ''''' astrapḗ ''''' </i> ): Lightning is caused by the discharge of electricity between clouds or between clouds and the earth. In a thunder-storm there is a rapid gathering of particles of moisture into clouds and forming of large drops of rain. This gathers with it electric potential until the surface of the cloud (or the enlarged water particles) is insufficient to carry the charge, and a discharge takes place, producing a brilliant flash of light and the resulting thunder-clap. Thunder-storms are common in Syria and [[Palestine]] during the periods of heavy rain in the spring and fall and are often severe. Lightning is usually accompanied by heavy rainfall or by hail, as at the time of the plague of hail (&nbsp; Exodus 9:24 ). See [[Hail]] . </p> <p> In the [[Scriptures]] it is used: ( <i> a </i> ) indicating the power of God: The power of God is shown in His command of the forces of Nature, and He is the only one who knows the secrets of Nature: "He made ... a way for the lightning" (&nbsp; Job 28:26 ); "He directeth ... his lightning" (&nbsp;Job 37:3 the King James Version); "Canst thou send forth lightnings, that they may go?" (&nbsp; Job 38:35 ); "Ask ye of [[Yahweh]] ... that maketh lightnings" (&nbsp;Zechariah 10:1 ). See also &nbsp;Psalm 18:14; &nbsp;Psalm 97:4; &nbsp;Psalm 135:7; &nbsp;Job 36:32; &nbsp;Jeremiah 10:13; ( <i> b </i> ) figuratively and poetically: David sings of Yahweh, "He sent ... lightnings manifold, and discomfited them" (&nbsp;Psalm 18:14 ); used for speed: "The chariots ... run like the lightnings" (&nbsp;Nahum 2:4 ): "His arrow shall go forth as the lightning" (&nbsp;Zechariah 9:14 ); "The living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning" (&nbsp;Ezekiel 1:14 ). The coming of the kingdom is described by Jesus as the shining of the lightning from one part of heaven to another, even "from the east unto the west" (&nbsp;Matthew 24:27; &nbsp;Luke 17:24 ); ( <i> c </i> ) meaning bright or shining: Daniel in his vision saw a man and "his face (was) as the appearance of lightning" (&nbsp;Daniel 10:6 ). See also &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;Revelation 8:5; &nbsp;Revelation 16:18 . </p>
<p> ''''' lı̄t´ning ''''' ( בּרק , <i> ''''' bārāḳ ''''' </i> , חזיז , <i> ''''' ḥăzı̄z ''''' </i> ; ἀστραπή , <i> ''''' astrapḗ ''''' </i> ): Lightning is caused by the discharge of electricity between clouds or between clouds and the earth. In a thunder-storm there is a rapid gathering of particles of moisture into clouds and forming of large drops of rain. This gathers with it electric potential until the surface of the cloud (or the enlarged water particles) is insufficient to carry the charge, and a discharge takes place, producing a brilliant flash of light and the resulting thunder-clap. Thunder-storms are common in Syria and Palestine during the periods of heavy rain in the spring and fall and are often severe. Lightning is usually accompanied by heavy rainfall or by hail, as at the time of the plague of hail (&nbsp; Exodus 9:24 ). See [[Hail]] . </p> <p> In the [[Scriptures]] it is used: ( <i> a </i> ) indicating the power of God: The power of God is shown in His command of the forces of Nature, and He is the only one who knows the secrets of Nature: "He made ... a way for the lightning" (&nbsp; Job 28:26 ); "He directeth ... his lightning" (&nbsp;Job 37:3 the King James Version); "Canst thou send forth lightnings, that they may go?" (&nbsp; Job 38:35 ); "Ask ye of [[Yahweh]] ... that maketh lightnings" (&nbsp;Zechariah 10:1 ). See also &nbsp;Psalm 18:14; &nbsp;Psalm 97:4; &nbsp;Psalm 135:7; &nbsp;Job 36:32; &nbsp;Jeremiah 10:13; ( <i> b </i> ) figuratively and poetically: David sings of Yahweh, "He sent ... lightnings manifold, and discomfited them" (&nbsp;Psalm 18:14 ); used for speed: "The chariots ... run like the lightnings" (&nbsp;Nahum 2:4 ): "His arrow shall go forth as the lightning" (&nbsp;Zechariah 9:14 ); "The living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning" (&nbsp;Ezekiel 1:14 ). The coming of the kingdom is described by Jesus as the shining of the lightning from one part of heaven to another, even "from the east unto the west" (&nbsp;Matthew 24:27; &nbsp;Luke 17:24 ); ( <i> c </i> ) meaning bright or shining: Daniel in his vision saw a man and "his face (was) as the appearance of lightning" (&nbsp;Daniel 10:6 ). See also &nbsp;Revelation 4:5; &nbsp;Revelation 8:5; &nbsp;Revelation 16:18 . </p>
==References ==
==References ==

Latest revision as of 13:53, 14 October 2021

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

LIGHTNING. Our colloquial use of ‘fire’ for ‘lightning’ had its counterpart in Heb., e.g . in such a phrase as ‘fire ( ’çsh ) and hail’ (  Exodus 9:23 etc.; cf.   Genesis 19:24 ,   1 Kings 18:38 etc.). The Heb. ’ôr (  Job 37:3 ) is lit. ‘light’; bâzâq (  Ezekiel 1:14 ) should probably read bârâq; lappîd , lit. ‘torch,’ is used in the plur. for ‘lightnings’ (  Exodus 20:18 ); a word of uncertain meaning, châzÄ­z (  Job 28:26;   Job 38:35 ,   Zechariah 10:1 ), is evidently related to thunder , and should probably in each case be tr. [Note: translate or translation.] ‘thunder-cloud.’ The usual Heb. word is bârâq , Gr. astrapç (  2 Samuel 22:16 etc.,   Matthew 24:27 etc.). It is used fig. for the glitter of bright metal (  Deuteronomy 32:41 , lit. ‘the lightning of my sword’; cf.   Ezekiel 21:10 ,   Nahum 3:3 ,   Habakkuk 3:11 ), and for the glittering weapon itself (  Job 20:25 ). It is suggested, either by the flash of polished metal, or by the speed of the chariot (  Nahum 2:4 ). Lightning is associated with the appearance of God (  Exodus 19:16 etc.), and He alone can control it (  Job 38:33 ,   Psalms 18:14 ). With lightnings as with arrows, God scatters His enemies (  Psalms 144:5 etc.). A radiant face (  Daniel 10:8 ), and gleaming garments (  Matthew 28:3 ), are like lightning. There is vivid suggestiveness in the comparison of Satan’s overthrow with the descent of lightning (  Luke 10:18 ). Cf. the name Barak (  Judges 4:6 ), with the Carthaginian Barca .

W. Ewing.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [2]

1: Ἀστραπή (Strong'S #796 — Noun Feminine — astrape — as-trap-ay' )

denotes (a) "lightning" (akin to Light, B No. 7),  Matthew 24:27;  28:3;  Luke 10:18;  17:24; in the plural,  Revelation 4:5;  8:5;  11:19;  16:18; (b) "bright shining," or "shining brightness,"  Luke 11:36 . See Shining.

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

 Job 28:26 Jeremiah 10:13 Psalm 77:18 Psalm 97:4 Exodus 19:16 Exodus 20:18 Ezekiel 1:13-14 Job 37:3-5 2 Samuel 22:15 Psalm 18:14 Psalm 77:17 Psalm 144:6 Psalm 97:3 Job 36:32 Job 4:5 Job 11:19 Job 8:5 Job 16:18 Matthew 24:26-27 Luke 10:18

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [4]

(ἀστραπή).-Lightning, the visible discharge of atmospheric electricity from one cloud to another, or from a cloud to the earth, is now known to be essentially the same as the electric flashes produced in the laboratory. To the ancients it seemed supernatural. Terrible in its dazzling beauty and power to destroy, it was associated with theophanies ( Exodus 19:16;  Exodus 20:18,  Ezekiel 1:13-14), and became one of the categories of Jewish and Christian apocalyptic ( Revelation 4:5;  Revelation 8:5;  Revelation 11:19;  Revelation 16:18). See Thunder.

James Strahan.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [5]

 Zechariah 9:14 (b) This is a severe picture of GOD's avenging wrath and righteous judgment on His enemies. No one knows where it will strike, nor when, nor what damage will be the result.

 Luke 10:18 (a) The disciples thought they had conquered Satan. Our Lord is assuring them that this is not the case. Satan occupies heavenly places. He strikes in people's lives wherever and whenever he pleases. No one can put Satan down nor conquer him. He daily attacks people where and when he pleases. This passage does not refer to Satan's fall from Heaven, but rather to his daily attacks on the people on earth.

King James Dictionary [6]

LIGHTNING, n. that is, lightening, the participle present of lighten.

1. A sudden discharge of electricity from a cloud to the earth, or from the earth to a cloud, or from one cloud to another, that is, from a body positively charged to one negatively charged, producing a vivid flash of light, and usually a loud report, called thunder. Sometimes lightning is a mere instantaneous flash of light without thunder, as heat-lightning, lightning seen by reflection, the flash being beyond the limits of our horizon. 2. from lighten, to diminish weight. Abatement alleviation mitigation.

Webster's Dictionary [7]

(1): ( n.) The act of making bright, or the state of being made bright; enlightenment; brightening, as of the mental powers.

(2): ( n.) A discharge of atmospheric electricity, accompanied by a vivid flash of light, commonly from one cloud to another, sometimes from a cloud to the earth. The sound produced by the electricity in passing rapidly through the atmosphere constitutes thunder.

(3): ( vb. n.) Lightening.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [8]

 Nahum 1:3-6 2 Samuel 22:15 Job 28:26 37:4 Psalm 135:7 144:6 Zechariah 9:14 Revelation 4:5

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

(properly בָּרָק , Barak',  Daniel 10:6; collectively Lightninqs,  Psalms 144:6;  2 Samuel 22:15; Ezra 1:13; plur.  Job 38:35;  Psalms 18:15;  Psalms 77:19, etc.; trop. the brightness of a glittering sword,  Ezekiel 21:15,  Deuteronomy 32:41, etc.; ( Ἀστραπή ,  Matthew 24:27;  Matthew 28:3;  Luke 10:18;  Luke 11:36;  Luke 17:24;  Revelation 4:5;  Revelation 8:5;  Revelation 11:19;  Revelation 16:18; once בָּזָק , Baza'C, A Flash of lightning,  Ezekiel 1:14; less properly אוֹר , Dr, Light,  Job 37:3;  Job 37:11; לִפַּיד , Lalppid', a burning Torch,  Exodus 20:18; fig. חָזַיז , Chaziz', an Arrow, i.e., Ethunder-Fash,  Zechariah 10:1; comp.  Job 28:26;  Job 38:25). Travelers state that in Syria lightnings are frequent in the autumnal months. Seldom a night passes without a great deal of lightning, which is sometimes accompanied by thunder and sometimes not. A squall of wind and clouds of (dust are the uasual forerunners of the first rains. (See Palestine).

To these natural phenomena the sacred writers frequently allude. In directing their energies, "the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet; the mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence; his fury is poured out like fire. and the rocks are thrown down by him" ( Nahum 1:3-6). The terrors of the divine wrath are often represented by thundler and lightning; and thunder, on account of its awful impression on the minds of mortals. is also spoken of in Scripture as the "voice of the Lord" ( Psalms 135:7;  Psalms 144:6;  2 Samuel 22:15;  Job 28:26;  Job 37:4-5;  Job 38:25;  Job 40:9;  Zechariah 9:14;  Revelation 4:5;  Revelation 16:18-21). On account of the fire attending their Light, they are the symbols of edicts enforced with destruction to those who oppose them, or who hinder others from giving obedience to them ( Psalms 144:6;  Zechariah 9:14;  Psalms 18:14;  Revelation 4:5;  Revelation 16:18). Thunders and lightnings, when they proceed from the throne of God (as in  Revelation 4:5), are fit representations of God's glorious and awful majesty; but whenfire comes down from heaven upon the earth, it expresses some judgment of God on the world (as in  Revelation 20:9). The voices, thunders, lightnings, and great hail, in  Revelation 16:18-21, are interpreted expressly of an exceeding great plague, so that men blasphemned on account of it (see Wemyss, Symb. Dict. s.v.). (See Thunder).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [10]

lı̄t´ning ( בּרק , bārāḳ , חזיז , ḥăzı̄z  ; ἀστραπή , astrapḗ ): Lightning is caused by the discharge of electricity between clouds or between clouds and the earth. In a thunder-storm there is a rapid gathering of particles of moisture into clouds and forming of large drops of rain. This gathers with it electric potential until the surface of the cloud (or the enlarged water particles) is insufficient to carry the charge, and a discharge takes place, producing a brilliant flash of light and the resulting thunder-clap. Thunder-storms are common in Syria and Palestine during the periods of heavy rain in the spring and fall and are often severe. Lightning is usually accompanied by heavy rainfall or by hail, as at the time of the plague of hail (  Exodus 9:24 ). See Hail .

In the Scriptures it is used: ( a ) indicating the power of God: The power of God is shown in His command of the forces of Nature, and He is the only one who knows the secrets of Nature: "He made ... a way for the lightning" (  Job 28:26 ); "He directeth ... his lightning" ( Job 37:3 the King James Version); "Canst thou send forth lightnings, that they may go?" (  Job 38:35 ); "Ask ye of Yahweh ... that maketh lightnings" ( Zechariah 10:1 ). See also  Psalm 18:14;  Psalm 97:4;  Psalm 135:7;  Job 36:32;  Jeremiah 10:13; ( b ) figuratively and poetically: David sings of Yahweh, "He sent ... lightnings manifold, and discomfited them" ( Psalm 18:14 ); used for speed: "The chariots ... run like the lightnings" ( Nahum 2:4 ): "His arrow shall go forth as the lightning" ( Zechariah 9:14 ); "The living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning" ( Ezekiel 1:14 ). The coming of the kingdom is described by Jesus as the shining of the lightning from one part of heaven to another, even "from the east unto the west" ( Matthew 24:27;  Luke 17:24 ); ( c ) meaning bright or shining: Daniel in his vision saw a man and "his face (was) as the appearance of lightning" ( Daniel 10:6 ). See also  Revelation 4:5;  Revelation 8:5;  Revelation 16:18 .
