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== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_4497" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_4498" /> ==
<p> ''''' hāl ''''' : Interjection, found only in the [[Gospels]] as the translation of χαῖρε , <i> ''''' chaı́re ''''' </i> , χαίρετε , <i> ''''' chaı́rete ''''' </i> , imp. of χαίρω , <i> ''''' chaı́rō ''''' </i> , "to rejoice," is used as a greeting or salutation. The word "Hail" is Old English and was formerly an adjective, used with the verb to be, meaning "well," "sound," "hale," e.g. "Hale be thou." Wycliff has "heil" without the verb, followed by other English Vss , except that the [[Geneva]] has "God save thee," in Matthew 26:49; Matthew 28:9 . The word occurs in Matthew 26:49; Matthew 27:29; Matthew 28:9 , "all hail"; Mark 15:18; Luke 1:28; John 19:3 . See [[Godspeed]]; [[Greeting]] . </p>
<p> ''''' hāl ''''' ( בּרד , <i> ''''' bārādh ''''' </i> ; χάλαζα , <i> ''''' chálaza ''''' </i> ): </p> 1. Its Occurrence <p> Hail usually falls in the spring or summer during severe thunder storms. [[Hailstones]] are made up of alternate layers of ice and snow, and sometimes reach considerable size, causing great damage by their fall. [[Upward]] currents of air carry up raindrops already formed to the colder regions above, where they freeze, and as they again pass through layers of cloud, their bulk increases until, too heavy to be carried by the current, they fall to the ground. Hailstorms, like thunder storms, occur in narrow belts a few miles in breadth and are of short duration. Almost without exception they occur in the daytime. If they take place before the time of harvest they do great damage to grain and fruit, and in extreme cases have injured property and endangered life. </p> 2. In Syria <p> Hailstorms, while by no means common in Syria and Palestine, are not unusual and are of great severity. They occasionally take place in Egypt. Within a few years hailstones of unusual size fell in Port Said, breaking thousands of windows. </p> 3. Biblical Instances <p> (1) The plague of hail (&nbsp;Exodus 9:23-24; &nbsp;Psalm 78:47 ), which was a local storm, as they usually are, falling on the [[Egyptians]] and not striking the children of [[Israel]] in Goshen. It was of great severity. "There was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, such as had not been in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation" (&nbsp;Exodus 9:24 ). It took place in January, for the barley "was in the ear, and the flax was in bloom" (&nbsp;Exodus 9:31 ), and caused great damage. (2) After the battle with the [[Amorites]] at Gibeon, "Yahweh cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more who died with the hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword" (&nbsp;Joshua 10:11 ). </p> 4. As [[Punishment]] <p> Hail is often spoken of as a means of punishing the wicked: "As a tempest of hail ... will he cast down" (&nbsp;Isaiah 28:2 ); "The hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies" (&nbsp;Isaiah 28:17 ); and as symbols of God's anger: "I will rain ... great hailstones, fire, and brimstone" (&nbsp;Ezekiel 38:22 ); "There shall be ... great hailstones in wrath to consume it" (&nbsp;Ezekiel 13:13; compare &nbsp;Isaiah 30:30; &nbsp;Haggai 2:17; &nbsp;Revelation 8:7; &nbsp;Revelation 11:19; &nbsp;Revelation 16:21 ). </p> 5. God's Power <p> Yahweh's power and wisdom are shown in controlling the hail: "Hast thou seen the treasuries of the hail?" (&nbsp;Job 38:22 ); "Fire and hail, snow and vapor ... fulfilling his word" (&nbsp;Psalm 148:8 ). </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_42969" /> ==
<p> (בָּרָד, barard', χάλαζα), or congealed rain, is the symbol of the divine vengeance upon kingdoms and nations, the enemies of [[God]] and of his people. As a hailstorm is generally accompanied by lightning, and seems to be produced by a certain electrical state of the atmosphere, so we find in [[Scripture]] hail and fire, i.e. lightning, mentioned together (Exodus 9:23; compare Job 38:22-23; Psalms 105:32; Psalms 78:48; Psalms 148:8; Psalms 18:13). (See [[Plagues Of Egypt]]). That hail, though uncommon, is not absolutely unknown in Egypt, we have the testimony of Mansleben and Manconys, who had heard it thunder during their stay at Alexandria, the former on the 1st of January, and the latter on the 17th and 18th of the same month; on the same day it also hailed there. Perry also remarks that it hails, though seldom, in January and February at Cairo. Pococke even saw hail mingled with rain fall at Fium in February (compare Exodus 9:34). Korte also saw hail fall. Jomard says, "I have several times seen even hail at Alexandria." [[Volney]] mentions a hail-storm which he saw crossing over Mount [[Sinai]] into that country, some of whose frozen stones he gathered; "and so," he says, "I drank iced water in Egypt." [[Hail]] was also the means made use of by God for defeating an army of the kings of [[Canaan]] (Joshua 10:11). </p> <p> In this passage it is said, "The Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them" i.e. hailstones of an extraordinary size, and capable of doing dreadful execution in their fall from heaven. Some commentators are of opinion that the miracle consisted of real stones, from the circumstance that stones only are mentioned in the preceding clause; but this is evidently erroneous, for there are many instances on record of hail-stones of enormous size and weight falling in different countries, so as to do immense injury, and to destroy the lives of animals and men. In [[Palestine]] and the neighboring regions, hailstones are frequent and severe in the mountainous districts and along the coasts; but in the plains and deserts hail scarcely ever falls. In the elevated region of [[Northern]] [[Persia]] the hailstones are frequently so violent as to destroy the cattle in the fields; and in Comm. Porter's [[Letters]] from [[Constantinople]] and its Environs (1, 44) there is an interesting account of a terrific hailstorm that occurred on the [[Bosphorus]] in the summer of 1831, which fully bears out the above and other Scripture representations. [[Many]] of the lumps picked up after the storm weighed three quarters of a pound. In Isaiah 28:2, which, denounces the approaching destruction by Shalmaneser, the same images are employed. Hail is mentioned as a divine judgment by the prophet Haggai (Haggai 2:17). The destruction of the [[Assyrian]] army is pointed out in Isaiah 30:30. Ezekiel 13:11 represents the wall daubed with untempered mortar as being destroyed by great hailstones. Also in his prophecy against [[Gog]] (Ezekiel 38:22) he employs the same symbol (compare Revelation 20:9). The hail and fire mingled with blood, mentioned in Revelation 8:7, are supposed to denote the commotions of nations. — The great hail, in Revelation 11:19, denotes great and heavy judgments on the enemies of true religion; and the grievous storm, in 16:21, represents something similar, and far more severe. So Horace (Odes, 1. 2); comp. [[Virgil]] (En. 4:120, 161; 9:669) and Livy (2, 62, and 26, 11). </p>
==References ==
==References ==

<ref name="term_4497"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/hail+(2) Hail from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_4498"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/hail+(1) Hail from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_42969"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/hail+(2) Hail from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>

Latest revision as of 15:17, 16 October 2021

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [1]

hāl ( בּרד , bārādh  ; χάλαζα , chálaza ):

1. Its Occurrence

Hail usually falls in the spring or summer during severe thunder storms. Hailstones are made up of alternate layers of ice and snow, and sometimes reach considerable size, causing great damage by their fall. Upward currents of air carry up raindrops already formed to the colder regions above, where they freeze, and as they again pass through layers of cloud, their bulk increases until, too heavy to be carried by the current, they fall to the ground. Hailstorms, like thunder storms, occur in narrow belts a few miles in breadth and are of short duration. Almost without exception they occur in the daytime. If they take place before the time of harvest they do great damage to grain and fruit, and in extreme cases have injured property and endangered life.

2. In Syria

Hailstorms, while by no means common in Syria and Palestine, are not unusual and are of great severity. They occasionally take place in Egypt. Within a few years hailstones of unusual size fell in Port Said, breaking thousands of windows.

3. Biblical Instances

(1) The plague of hail ( Exodus 9:23-24;  Psalm 78:47 ), which was a local storm, as they usually are, falling on the Egyptians and not striking the children of Israel in Goshen. It was of great severity. "There was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, such as had not been in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation" ( Exodus 9:24 ). It took place in January, for the barley "was in the ear, and the flax was in bloom" ( Exodus 9:31 ), and caused great damage. (2) After the battle with the Amorites at Gibeon, "Yahweh cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more who died with the hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword" ( Joshua 10:11 ).

4. As Punishment

Hail is often spoken of as a means of punishing the wicked: "As a tempest of hail ... will he cast down" ( Isaiah 28:2 ); "The hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies" ( Isaiah 28:17 ); and as symbols of God's anger: "I will rain ... great hailstones, fire, and brimstone" ( Ezekiel 38:22 ); "There shall be ... great hailstones in wrath to consume it" ( Ezekiel 13:13; compare  Isaiah 30:30;  Haggai 2:17;  Revelation 8:7;  Revelation 11:19;  Revelation 16:21 ).

5. God's Power

Yahweh's power and wisdom are shown in controlling the hail: "Hast thou seen the treasuries of the hail?" ( Job 38:22 ); "Fire and hail, snow and vapor ... fulfilling his word" ( Psalm 148:8 ).
