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John Rogers <ref name="term_58363" />
John Rogers <ref name="term_58364" />
<p> Rogers, John (6), D.D., </p> <p> an English divine, was born at Ensham, Oxfordshire, in 1679, was educated at New College school, Oxford, and in 1693 was elected scholar of Corpus [[Christi]] College. After taking his degree in arts and entering orders, he waited for a fellowship, which he secured in 1706, but in the meantime had become vicar of Buckland, Berkshire. He took the degree of B.D. in 1710, was made lecturer of St. Clement's Danes in 1712, afterwards becoming lecturer of the united parishes of Christ Church and St. Leonard's, [[Foster]] Lane. In 1716 he became rector of Wrington. Somersetshire; prebend of Wells in 1718; subdean of the same in 1721; chaplain to [[George]] II, then prince of Wales; and vicar of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, London, October, 1728. He died May 1, 1729. He wrote, The [[Visible]] and [[Invisible]] Church of Christ (2d ed. Lond. 1719, 8vo): '''''—''''' [[Necessity]] of [[Divine]] Revelation (1727, 8vo): '''''—''''' Sermons (4 vols. 8vo). See Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.; Chalmers, Biog. Dict. s.v.; Darling, Cyclop. Bibliog. s.v. </p>
<p> Rogers, John (5), </p> <p> a Congregational minister, and son of the preceding, was born July 7, 1666, was graduated at Harvard College in 1684, was ordained at Ipswich, Oct. 12, 1692, and died Dec. 12, 1745. His works are: Death the [[Wages]] of [[Sin]] (1701): '''''—''''' [[Election]] [[Sermon]] (1706): '''''—''''' Sermon on the Death of J. [[Appleton]] (1739). See Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.; Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 1, 147. </p>

== References ==
== References ==
<ref name="term_58363"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/rogers,+john+(6),+d.d. John Rogers from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_58364"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/rogers,+john+(5) John Rogers from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>

Revision as of 16:53, 15 October 2021

John Rogers [1]

Rogers, John (5),

a Congregational minister, and son of the preceding, was born July 7, 1666, was graduated at Harvard College in 1684, was ordained at Ipswich, Oct. 12, 1692, and died Dec. 12, 1745. His works are: Death the Wages of Sin (1701): Election Sermon (1706): Sermon on the Death of J. Appleton (1739). See Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.; Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 1, 147.
