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== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_129603" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' v. t.) [[Persons]] in the early church who had received baptism; in which ceremony a lighted taper was given them, as a symbol of the spiritual illumination they has received by that sacrament. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' v. t.) An obscure sect of French Familists; </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' v. t.) Literally, those who are enlightened </p> <p> '''(4):''' ''' (''' v. t.) [[Members]] of certain associations in Modern Europe, who combined to promote social reforms, by which they expected to raise men and society to perfection, esp. of one originated in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingolstadt, which spread rapidly for a time, but ceased after a few years. </p> <p> '''(5):''' ''' (''' v. t.) Members of a sect which sprung up in Spain about the year 1575. Their principal doctrine was, that, by means of prayer, they had attained to so perfect a state as to have no need of ordinances, sacraments, good works, etc.; - called also Alumbrados, Perfectibilists, etc. </p> <p> '''(6):''' ''' (''' v. t.) Any persons who profess special spiritual or intellectual enlightenment. </p> <p> '''(7):''' ''' (''' v. t.) The Hesychasts, Mystics, and Quietists; </p> <p> '''(8):''' ''' (''' v. t.) The Rosicrucians. </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_45220" /> ==
<p> a name assumed at different periods by sects of [[Mystics]] or [[Enthusiasts]] and Theosophs, who claim a greater degree of illumination or perfection than other men. </p> <p> '''1.''' The first sect known under this name was a party of mystic enthusiasts who made their appearance in Spain about 1575, and who also bore the name of ''Alumbrados'' or ''Alombrados.'' They considered prayer as such an efficacious means of union with God that the soul of man could by it become entirely identified with the nature of God, so that its actions would therefore be really the actions of God himself; and they further held that for such persons good works, the sacraments, etc., are superfluous as a means of sanctification. (We invite here to a comparison of the doctrines of this sect with the Jesuits, when first instituted by [[Ignatius]] Loyola. See Ranke, ''History of the Popes,'' transl. by Mrs. Austin, 1, 190.) They were persecuted by the Inquisition, and then disappeared from Spain; but in 1623 they reappeared in France, under the name of Guerinets, a sect very similar to the [[Alombrados]] of Spain, a sort of Illuminati, but who, in addition to the mystic belief of the Alombrados, believed in a special revelation of perfectibility, made to one of their number, a friar, whose name was Bouquet. But they also soon became extinct, and were no longer known in [[France]] in 1605. </p> <p> Another very similar sect arose in Belgium. </p> <p> '''2.''' But the name of "Illuminati" was really first given to an association of [[Deists]] and Republicans which was founded May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. This "order," which, by its founder, was first called the ''Order of the Perfectibilists,'' was established on a masonic foundation like that of the organization of the Jesuits. They announced as their aim to elevate mankind to the highest possible degree of moral purity, and to lay the foundation for the reformation of the world by organizing an association of the best men to oppose the progress of moral evil. Practically, however, the "order" soon evinced tendencies dangerous alike to Church and State. In their opposition to religious and political Jesuitism, Which at that time, in Roman [[Catholic]] Germany, imposed unbearable restraints on the human mind, they aimed at nothing less than revolutionizing religion, abolishing [[Christianity]] in order to substitute reason in its place, deposing all civil powers, and establishing a nominal republican government. Weishaupt himself, however, was a very honorable man, actuated by the purest motives, and zealous for the religious and political improvement of mankind. The most active disciple, through whose influence the society increased with extraordinary rapidity, was the baron Adolph von Knigge, who joined the [[Illuminati]] in 1780. The baron maintained that Christianity was not so much a popular religion as a system exclusively applicable to the elect, and that, introduced by the Mystics; it had found its form of highest development in Freemasonry. Only a small number of the elect were allowed an insight into the ultimate object of the new organization, but the whole system was made profusely attractive to a certain class of minds by mysterious ceremonies and forms. The order aimed steadfastly at obtaining the control of the higher offices in Church and State; and, although liberty and equality were proclaimed as its fundamental principles, it sought absolute supremacy. With a view to reach that end, Weishaupt, who had himself been a Jesuit, finally made use of the same means by which the [[Jesuits]] had been so successful. </p> <p> Thus he sought to win over to his side all persons of any influence; to surround rilers with members of the order; to make proselytes of men weak in mind but strong of purse, while at the same time he excluded such as, on account of their pride or their strength of character, would be unlikely to prove pliant subjects, or whose want of discretion might injure the order. Strict, unquestioning, and blind obedience was made the first duty of every member; every one was under the direct control of his immediate superiors, and knew in fact no other members of the order. [[Aside]] from this, each member was subject to a private supervision, which extended to the head of the society; "and the Illuminati were soon involved in a system of mutual espionage, confession, and the like, essentially inconsistent with true freedom, but calculated to place the threads all in one hand, by which the holy legion was to be led on, as it was imagined, to the benefaction of mankind." Only such persons as were distinguished for prudence, wisdom, complete abnegation for self, and zeal for the interest of the society, were admitted to the higher degrees, wherein the mysteries of the higher order were revealed to them, while those of the lower degrees hardly suspected their existence. </p> <p> These mysteries related to religion, on which subject they were of the character of naturalism and freethinking; and to politics, in regard to which the aim was to replace monarchy by republicanism and socialism. An active correspondence was kept up between the chiefs and the members of the order in the different districts where lodges were established. It was carried on by means of a cipher, generally of the usual figures; but the higher orders also made use of other signs. The months were designated by particular names; thus January became Dineh, February Benmeh; and [[Germany]] was called the Orient, [[Bavaria]] Achaia, Munich Athens. The order was represented by (symbol [[O)]] a lodge by (symbol) The letters addressed to a superior were marked [[Q.]] [[L.,]] i.e. Qzuibus licet, to open the letter; if the letter was addressed to one of the higher chiefs, it was marked Soli; and if to one still superior, Prinzo. Each one of the Illuminati was, besides, known in the order by some particular name. Thus the founder went by the ominous appellation of Spartacus; Knigge by that of Philo, etc. The attractions which the order presented by its mysterious secret forms, and the extraordinary energy and Jesuitical acumen which the leaders brought to bear on their undertaking, soon swelled its numbers, and, during its most prosperous period, the association consisted of over 2000 members, among them some of the most prominent names of Germany, and even princes, who, however, could only be initiated into the lower orders, as the higher mysteries of the order inculcated republicanism. The headquarters of the order were in Bavaria, which, with Suabia and Franconia, formed the first province of the association in Germany, and it was not only established in all the principal cities of Germany, but also gained a foothold in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy. </p> <p> As regards its interior organization, the order was established on the basis of the Society of Jesus, of which, as we have already observed, Weishaupt had once been a member. In 1777 he had joined the freemasons. From the first it had been his aim to connect his new society with freemasonry, for the purpose of giving it a firmer foundation, and with the ultimate object of finally absorbing the latter in the former. Knigge's activity and enterprise finally succeeded in bringing the Illuminati to be considered as freemasons by the craft, bat this step made new enemies for the Illuminati, and ultimately caused their overthrow. Knigge modeled the material organization of the society after that of freemasonry, dividing the members into three classes, each of which was again composed of several degrees. The first, a preparatory class, was composed of novices, Minervites, and Illuninati minores. Any man eighteen years of age could become a novice, and on his conduct depended his promotion to the next degree, which could be effected after one, two, or three years. The second class, or that of freemasons, embraced apprentices, masons, and master-masons, besides the two higher grades of Illuminatus major and of Illuminatus dirigens, of Scottish knights. These latter had the control of the Minervite lodges. The third class, or that of the "Mysteries," was divided into higher and lesser mysteries; the latter embraced the priests and the regents, or members to whom had been imparted the mysterious aims of the society in regard to religion and politics. The initiation to the degree of regent was conducted with great solemnity, and was very impressive. The adepts of the higher mysteries were also of two degrees, the Magneus and the Rex, to whom the principles of naturalism, republicanism, and socialism were further developed. These were the Areopagites of the order, and had no superiors but the secret council, presided over by the general of the order (Weishaupt), which composed the highest court of appeal for all members of the order. </p> <p> [[A]] jealous feeling and contention for leadership, which sprang up between Weishaupt and Knigge, and a difference of opinion of the two greatest heads of the society on many points of organization and discipline, hastened the decline of the order, especially after Knigge had left it (July 1, 1784). As soon as the State and Church disturbing tendency, which for a time had remained hidden, became known, the order was vehemently denounced. June 22, 1784, the elector of Bavaria issued an edict for its suppression. But the society continued to exist in secret. When, however, the authorities had succeeded in obtaining further evidences of the dangerous tendency of the order by securing some of the papers of the association (which they published), they punished the members by fine, imprisonment, and exile. Many quit the country, among them Weishaupt (Feb. 16, 1785), on whose head a price had been set. He fled to [[Gotha]] (some say Halle), and resided there until his death, Nov. 18,1830. Edicts were again published by the elector of Bavaria, March 2 and August 16, 1785, which, by the severe punishment which it threatened to members, caused the rapid decline of the order, and they disappeared altogether towards the close of the last century (eighteenth). "Great importance was at one time attached to the order of the Illuminati, whose secret influence was regarded as. a principal cause of many of the political events of the time of the French Revolution, and the works of [[Abbe]] Barruel and of Professor Kobison of [[Edinburgh]] upon this subject were eagerly read, but the highly exaggerated character of their views is now generally acknowledged." See Herzog, Real- Encyklop. 6, 636; Chambers, Cyclop. 5, 519; Grosse Absichten d. Ordens d. Illuminaten, etc., von vier ehemaligen Mitgliedern (Munich, 1786); Nachtrag z. d. grossen Absichten (Mun. 1786); Grundsatze, Verfassung u. Schicksale d. Illuminatenordens in Bayern (1786); Weishaupt, Apologie d. Illuminaten (Frank. 1786); same, Einleitung z. meiner Apologie (Frank. 1787); same, Das verbesserte System d. illominaten, etc. (Frank. 1787); Philo's (Knigge's) Endliche Erklarung und Antwort, etc. (Hannov. 1788).; Die neuen Arbeiten d. [[Spartacus]] u. [[Philo]] in d. Illuminatenorden, etc. (1794); Voss, Ueber d. Illuminatenorden (1799); Einige Originalschrijfen d. IIluminatenordens, etc., auf hochsten Bejehl z. Druck befordert (Munich. 1787); Natchtragv. weiteren Originalschriften, und der Illusminatensekte berhaupt, etc. (Munch. 1787); Henke, Kirchengesch. 7, 206 sq.; Zeitschriftf hist. Theol. 6, art. 2; Ersch und Gruber, Allgemo. Encyklop. sect. 2, 16:206 sq.; Kahnis, Germans Protestantisms, p. 59 sq. (See [[Mystics]]). [[(J.]] [[H.]] [[W.)]] </p>
== The Nuttall Encyclopedia <ref name="term_75060" /> ==
<p> [[A]] class or fraternity of people who affect superior enlightenment, particularly on religious and social matters, tending of late in the one to Deism, and in the other to Republicanism, in France forming a body of materialists, and in Germany a body of idealists; the former to the disparagement of ideas, and the latter to the disparagement of reason, and both hostile to the Church. </p>
==References ==

Illuminati <ref name="term_19920" />
<ref name="term_129603"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/illuminati Illuminati from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<p> [[A]] name assumed by a secret society, founded on the first of May, 1776, by Dr. Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law in the university of Ingoldstadt. The avowed object of this order was, "to diffuse from secret societies, as from so many centres, the light of science over the world; to propagate the purest principles of virtue; and to reinstate mankind in the happiness which they enjoyed during the golden age fabled by the poets." Such a philanthropic object was doubtless well adapted to make a deep impression on the minds of ingenious young men; and to such alone did Dr. Weishaupt at first address himself. But "the real object, " we are assured by Professor Robison and [[Abbe]] Barruel, "was, by clandestine arts, to overturn every government and every religion; to bring the sciences of civil life into contempt; and to reduce mankind to that imaginary state of nature, when they lived independent of each other on the spontaneous productions of the earth." Free Masonry being the high reputation all over Europe when Weishaupt first formed the plan of his society, he availed himself of its secrecy to introduce his new order; of which he constituted himself general, after initiating some of his pupils, whom he styled Areopagites, in its mysteries. And when report spread the news throughout [[Germany]] of the institution of the Order of Illuminees, it was generally considered as a mere college lodge, which could interest the students no longer than during the period of their studies. </p> <p> Weishaupt's character, too, which at this time was respectable for morality as well as erudition, prevented all suspicion of his harbouring any such dark designs as have since come to light. But it would far exceed the limits to which this work is restricted, to give even an outline of the nature and constitution of this extraordinary society; of its secrets and mysteries; of the deep dissimulation, consummate hypocrisy, and shocking impiety of its founder and his associates; of their Jesuitical art in concealing their real objects, and their incredible industry and astonishing exertions in making converts; of the absolute despotism and complete system of espionnage established throughout the order; of its different degrees of Novices, Minervals, Minor and Major Illuminees; Epopts, or Priests, Regents, Magi, and Mankings; of the Recruiters or Insinuators, with their various subtle methods of insinuating into all characters and companies; of the blind obedience exacted of the Novices, and the absolute power of life and death assumed by the order, and conceded by the Novices; of the dictionary, geography, kalendar, and cipher of the order; of the new names assumed by the members, such as [[Spartacus]] by Weishaupt, because he pretended to wage war against oppressors; Cato by Zwack; Ajax by Massenhausen, &c. of the Minerval [[Academy]] and Library; of the questions proposed to the candidates for degrees, and the various ceremonies of admission to each; and of the pretended morality, real blasphemies, and absolute atheism, of the founder and his tried friends. </p> <p> Such of our readers as wish to be fully informed of these matters, we must refer to the Abbe Barruel's works, and to Prof. Robison's Proofs of a [[Conspiracy]] against all the Religions and [[Governments]] of Europe. But while credit may be given to the general facts related in these works, some doubts respecting the ultimate objects of Dr. Weishaupt and his associates in this conspiracy may be expressed: as, That men of their principles should secretly conspire to overthrow all the religions and governments at present in Europe, is by no means incredible; that they should even prevail on many well-meaning philanthropists, who are no enemies to rational religion or good government, to join them, is also very credible. But that a set of men of learning and abilities, such as Weishaupt and his associates are allowed to be, should form a conspiracy to overturn, and with more than Gothic rage utterly abolish the arts and sciences, and to restore the supposed original savage state of man, appears to us a phenomenon in the history of the human heart totally unaccountable. </p> <p> That "the heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, " is a melancholy truth, which not [[Scripture]] alone, but the history of mankind in all ages and nations, affords full proof of, as well as the shocking history of the Illuminati; but while pride and vanity have a place in the human heart, to say nothing of our other passions, which are more or less interested in the preservation of the discoveries and improvements in arts, sciences, and their inseparable concomitant luxury, we are persuaded no man, or body of men, who have enjoyed the sweets of civilized life, ever formed a serious wish for the total abolition of the arts and sciences. In the fury and rage of war, Goths, Vandals, and Turks, may burn and destroy monuments of art and repositories of science; but when the wars are over, instead of returning to the savage state, the barbarous conquerors miss and amalgamate with the conquered, and become themselves more or less civilized. Dr. Weishaupt is allowed to be influenced by a high degree of vanity; as an evidence of which he communicates as the last secret to his most favoured adepts, that the mysteries of Illuminism, which, in going through the inferior degrees, had been successively attributed to the most ancient patriarchs and philosophers, and even to Christ himself, owed its origin to no other than Adam Weishaupt, known in the order by the name of Spartacus. the same vanity which leads the doctor to take this traditional method, while secrecy is deemed necessary, of securing to himself the honour of having founded the society, would lead him, were the [[Illuminati]] actually victorious over all religions and governments, to wish to have his memory recorded in a more durable manner by writing or printing. </p> <p> But if these and all the other arts were to perish in a mass, then the memory of the doctor, and the important services he had done to the order and to savagism, must, within a century at the utmost, perish along with them. But if, in fact, the total annihilation of the arts and sciences, as well as of all religion and government, be really the object of Weishaupt and his Illuminees, then we may agree with the celebrated Mandeville, that "human nature is the true [[Libyan]] desert, daily producing new monsters, " and that of these monsters the doctor and his associates are beyond a doubt the most extraordinary. Professor Robison informs us, that "the order of the Illuminati was abolished in 1786 by the elector of Bavaria, but revived immediately after, under another name, and in a different form, all over Germany. It was again detected and seemingly broken up; but it had by this time taken so deep root, that it still subsists without being detected, and has spread, we are told, into all the countries of Europe. </p>
<ref name="term_45220"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/illuminati Illuminati from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
== References ==
<ref name="term_75060"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/the-nuttall-encyclopedia/illuminati Illuminati from The Nuttall Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_19920"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/charles-buck-theological-dictionary/illuminati+(3) Illuminati from Charles Buck Theological Dictionary]</ref>

Revision as of 04:06, 13 October 2021

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( v. t.) Persons in the early church who had received baptism; in which ceremony a lighted taper was given them, as a symbol of the spiritual illumination they has received by that sacrament.

(2): ( v. t.) An obscure sect of French Familists;

(3): ( v. t.) Literally, those who are enlightened

(4): ( v. t.) Members of certain associations in Modern Europe, who combined to promote social reforms, by which they expected to raise men and society to perfection, esp. of one originated in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingolstadt, which spread rapidly for a time, but ceased after a few years.

(5): ( v. t.) Members of a sect which sprung up in Spain about the year 1575. Their principal doctrine was, that, by means of prayer, they had attained to so perfect a state as to have no need of ordinances, sacraments, good works, etc.; - called also Alumbrados, Perfectibilists, etc.

(6): ( v. t.) Any persons who profess special spiritual or intellectual enlightenment.

(7): ( v. t.) The Hesychasts, Mystics, and Quietists;

(8): ( v. t.) The Rosicrucians.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [2]

a name assumed at different periods by sects of Mystics or Enthusiasts and Theosophs, who claim a greater degree of illumination or perfection than other men.

1. The first sect known under this name was a party of mystic enthusiasts who made their appearance in Spain about 1575, and who also bore the name of Alumbrados or Alombrados. They considered prayer as such an efficacious means of union with God that the soul of man could by it become entirely identified with the nature of God, so that its actions would therefore be really the actions of God himself; and they further held that for such persons good works, the sacraments, etc., are superfluous as a means of sanctification. (We invite here to a comparison of the doctrines of this sect with the Jesuits, when first instituted by Ignatius Loyola. See Ranke, History of the Popes, transl. by Mrs. Austin, 1, 190.) They were persecuted by the Inquisition, and then disappeared from Spain; but in 1623 they reappeared in France, under the name of Guerinets, a sect very similar to the Alombrados of Spain, a sort of Illuminati, but who, in addition to the mystic belief of the Alombrados, believed in a special revelation of perfectibility, made to one of their number, a friar, whose name was Bouquet. But they also soon became extinct, and were no longer known in France in 1605.

Another very similar sect arose in Belgium.

2. But the name of "Illuminati" was really first given to an association of Deists and Republicans which was founded May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. This "order," which, by its founder, was first called the Order of the Perfectibilists, was established on a masonic foundation like that of the organization of the Jesuits. They announced as their aim to elevate mankind to the highest possible degree of moral purity, and to lay the foundation for the reformation of the world by organizing an association of the best men to oppose the progress of moral evil. Practically, however, the "order" soon evinced tendencies dangerous alike to Church and State. In their opposition to religious and political Jesuitism, Which at that time, in Roman Catholic Germany, imposed unbearable restraints on the human mind, they aimed at nothing less than revolutionizing religion, abolishing Christianity in order to substitute reason in its place, deposing all civil powers, and establishing a nominal republican government. Weishaupt himself, however, was a very honorable man, actuated by the purest motives, and zealous for the religious and political improvement of mankind. The most active disciple, through whose influence the society increased with extraordinary rapidity, was the baron Adolph von Knigge, who joined the Illuminati in 1780. The baron maintained that Christianity was not so much a popular religion as a system exclusively applicable to the elect, and that, introduced by the Mystics; it had found its form of highest development in Freemasonry. Only a small number of the elect were allowed an insight into the ultimate object of the new organization, but the whole system was made profusely attractive to a certain class of minds by mysterious ceremonies and forms. The order aimed steadfastly at obtaining the control of the higher offices in Church and State; and, although liberty and equality were proclaimed as its fundamental principles, it sought absolute supremacy. With a view to reach that end, Weishaupt, who had himself been a Jesuit, finally made use of the same means by which the Jesuits had been so successful.

Thus he sought to win over to his side all persons of any influence; to surround rilers with members of the order; to make proselytes of men weak in mind but strong of purse, while at the same time he excluded such as, on account of their pride or their strength of character, would be unlikely to prove pliant subjects, or whose want of discretion might injure the order. Strict, unquestioning, and blind obedience was made the first duty of every member; every one was under the direct control of his immediate superiors, and knew in fact no other members of the order. Aside from this, each member was subject to a private supervision, which extended to the head of the society; "and the Illuminati were soon involved in a system of mutual espionage, confession, and the like, essentially inconsistent with true freedom, but calculated to place the threads all in one hand, by which the holy legion was to be led on, as it was imagined, to the benefaction of mankind." Only such persons as were distinguished for prudence, wisdom, complete abnegation for self, and zeal for the interest of the society, were admitted to the higher degrees, wherein the mysteries of the higher order were revealed to them, while those of the lower degrees hardly suspected their existence.

These mysteries related to religion, on which subject they were of the character of naturalism and freethinking; and to politics, in regard to which the aim was to replace monarchy by republicanism and socialism. An active correspondence was kept up between the chiefs and the members of the order in the different districts where lodges were established. It was carried on by means of a cipher, generally of the usual figures; but the higher orders also made use of other signs. The months were designated by particular names; thus January became Dineh, February Benmeh; and Germany was called the Orient, Bavaria Achaia, Munich Athens. The order was represented by (symbol O) a lodge by (symbol) The letters addressed to a superior were marked Q. L., i.e. Qzuibus licet, to open the letter; if the letter was addressed to one of the higher chiefs, it was marked Soli; and if to one still superior, Prinzo. Each one of the Illuminati was, besides, known in the order by some particular name. Thus the founder went by the ominous appellation of Spartacus; Knigge by that of Philo, etc. The attractions which the order presented by its mysterious secret forms, and the extraordinary energy and Jesuitical acumen which the leaders brought to bear on their undertaking, soon swelled its numbers, and, during its most prosperous period, the association consisted of over 2000 members, among them some of the most prominent names of Germany, and even princes, who, however, could only be initiated into the lower orders, as the higher mysteries of the order inculcated republicanism. The headquarters of the order were in Bavaria, which, with Suabia and Franconia, formed the first province of the association in Germany, and it was not only established in all the principal cities of Germany, but also gained a foothold in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy.

As regards its interior organization, the order was established on the basis of the Society of Jesus, of which, as we have already observed, Weishaupt had once been a member. In 1777 he had joined the freemasons. From the first it had been his aim to connect his new society with freemasonry, for the purpose of giving it a firmer foundation, and with the ultimate object of finally absorbing the latter in the former. Knigge's activity and enterprise finally succeeded in bringing the Illuminati to be considered as freemasons by the craft, bat this step made new enemies for the Illuminati, and ultimately caused their overthrow. Knigge modeled the material organization of the society after that of freemasonry, dividing the members into three classes, each of which was again composed of several degrees. The first, a preparatory class, was composed of novices, Minervites, and Illuninati minores. Any man eighteen years of age could become a novice, and on his conduct depended his promotion to the next degree, which could be effected after one, two, or three years. The second class, or that of freemasons, embraced apprentices, masons, and master-masons, besides the two higher grades of Illuminatus major and of Illuminatus dirigens, of Scottish knights. These latter had the control of the Minervite lodges. The third class, or that of the "Mysteries," was divided into higher and lesser mysteries; the latter embraced the priests and the regents, or members to whom had been imparted the mysterious aims of the society in regard to religion and politics. The initiation to the degree of regent was conducted with great solemnity, and was very impressive. The adepts of the higher mysteries were also of two degrees, the Magneus and the Rex, to whom the principles of naturalism, republicanism, and socialism were further developed. These were the Areopagites of the order, and had no superiors but the secret council, presided over by the general of the order (Weishaupt), which composed the highest court of appeal for all members of the order.

A jealous feeling and contention for leadership, which sprang up between Weishaupt and Knigge, and a difference of opinion of the two greatest heads of the society on many points of organization and discipline, hastened the decline of the order, especially after Knigge had left it (July 1, 1784). As soon as the State and Church disturbing tendency, which for a time had remained hidden, became known, the order was vehemently denounced. June 22, 1784, the elector of Bavaria issued an edict for its suppression. But the society continued to exist in secret. When, however, the authorities had succeeded in obtaining further evidences of the dangerous tendency of the order by securing some of the papers of the association (which they published), they punished the members by fine, imprisonment, and exile. Many quit the country, among them Weishaupt (Feb. 16, 1785), on whose head a price had been set. He fled to Gotha (some say Halle), and resided there until his death, Nov. 18,1830. Edicts were again published by the elector of Bavaria, March 2 and August 16, 1785, which, by the severe punishment which it threatened to members, caused the rapid decline of the order, and they disappeared altogether towards the close of the last century (eighteenth). "Great importance was at one time attached to the order of the Illuminati, whose secret influence was regarded as. a principal cause of many of the political events of the time of the French Revolution, and the works of Abbe Barruel and of Professor Kobison of Edinburgh upon this subject were eagerly read, but the highly exaggerated character of their views is now generally acknowledged." See Herzog, Real- Encyklop. 6, 636; Chambers, Cyclop. 5, 519; Grosse Absichten d. Ordens d. Illuminaten, etc., von vier ehemaligen Mitgliedern (Munich, 1786); Nachtrag z. d. grossen Absichten (Mun. 1786); Grundsatze, Verfassung u. Schicksale d. Illuminatenordens in Bayern (1786); Weishaupt, Apologie d. Illuminaten (Frank. 1786); same, Einleitung z. meiner Apologie (Frank. 1787); same, Das verbesserte System d. illominaten, etc. (Frank. 1787); Philo's (Knigge's) Endliche Erklarung und Antwort, etc. (Hannov. 1788).; Die neuen Arbeiten d. Spartacus u. Philo in d. Illuminatenorden, etc. (1794); Voss, Ueber d. Illuminatenorden (1799); Einige Originalschrijfen d. IIluminatenordens, etc., auf hochsten Bejehl z. Druck befordert (Munich. 1787); Natchtragv. weiteren Originalschriften, und der Illusminatensekte berhaupt, etc. (Munch. 1787); Henke, Kirchengesch. 7, 206 sq.; Zeitschriftf hist. Theol. 6, art. 2; Ersch und Gruber, Allgemo. Encyklop. sect. 2, 16:206 sq.; Kahnis, Germans Protestantisms, p. 59 sq. (See Mystics). (J. H. W.)

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [3]

A class or fraternity of people who affect superior enlightenment, particularly on religious and social matters, tending of late in the one to Deism, and in the other to Republicanism, in France forming a body of materialists, and in Germany a body of idealists; the former to the disparagement of ideas, and the latter to the disparagement of reason, and both hostile to the Church.
