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King James Dictionary [1]

HIS, pron. possessive of he,and pronounced hiz.

1. Of him. Thus in Alfred's Orosius, "Sume for his ege ne dorstan." Some for fear of his durst not literally, for his awe, for awe of him. Lib 3:8. In this instance, his does not express what belongs to the antecedent of his, Philip, but the fear which others entertained of him. 2. The present use of his is as a pronominal adjective, in any case indifferently, corresponding to the L. suus. Thus, tell John his papers are ready. I will deliver his papers to his messenger. He may take his son's books. When the noun is omitted, his stands as its substitute, either in the nominative or objective case. Tell John this book is his. He may take mine and I will take his. 3. His was formerly used for its, but improperly, and the use has ceased. 4. It was formerly used as the sign of the possessive. The man his ground, for the man's ground. This use has also ceased. 5. His is still used as a substitute for a noun, preceded by of as all ye saints of his he ministers of his.

Hisself is no longer used.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( pron.) The possessive of he; as, the book is his.

(2): ( pron.) Belonging or pertaining to him; - used as a pronominal adjective or adjective pronoun; as, tell John his papers are ready; formerly used also for its, but this use is now obsolete.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

hiz   Genesis 1:11 his   Leviticus 1:16 his   Acts 12:10 his   1 Corinthians 15:38 his
