Jewish Mission At Tunis

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Jewish Mission At Tunis [1]

As early as the year 1833, the London Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews commenced missionary operations in Tunis. The first missionary to that place was the late Rev. Dr. F. C. Ewald, who arrived there June 30. He found a Jewish population from 30,000 to 40,000, all living in their own quarter. There was also a large number of Roman Catholics, who had their own church and convent, a Greek community with church and priest, and about fifty Protestants without the means of grace. Mr. Ewald at once commenced divine service, which was attended by almost every Protestant. The Jews being accessible in that place, opportunities were afforded to the missionary to preach unto them the word of God. The Bible in Hebrew' was eagerly sought after and bought by them, and thus the work could be carried on. In 1855 Mr. Page, who succeeded Dr. Ewald, established a school there, which proved a great success. Owing, however, to the removal by cholera of Mr. Page from the scene of his labors, missionary operations had to be suspended for a time, to be resumed again in 1860 by the Rev. Mr. Fenner. In July, 1861, a school was opened for Jewish boys with six scholars, whose number had increased by the close of the year to ninety-nine, all Jewish youths from seven to eighteen years of age. In 1862 a girls school was established through the benevolence of a Christian lady in the north of England. Since that time missionary operations have been carried on there regularly, and in spite of the efforts made by the Israelitish Alliance to counterbalance the work of the mission, there were 160 boys and 305 girls in attendance at the mission schools during the year 1878-79. Since 1862, 1600 girls and 960 boys have passed through the schools. The popularity of these schools may be best seen from the fact that a notice of the opening of the mission schools after the summer vacation was put up in the principal synagogues of Tunis. In connection with the two-day schools, Sunday schools have also been opened there of late, besides a night school which seems very promising. Some years ago the society built a chapel, where the Protestant community of Tunis is now gathered regularly for divine service, and where the sacraments are administered. According to the last report for the year 1879, there were fourteen persons engaged at this station, viz. two ordained ministers, a colporteur and depositary, a schoolmaster, four assistants, a schoolmistress and four assistants. (B. P.)
