Lelio Della Torre

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Lelio Della Torre [1]

professor in the Rabbinic College at Padua, was born in the year 1804. When sixteen years of age he was teacher in Turin, and in 1826 he was appointed preacher there. When, in 1827, the Rabbinical school was opened at Padua, he was appointed one of its professors. He died July 9, 1872. Torre wrote in German, Italian, French, and Hebrew. Of his publications we mention, Specchio, ossia Tavola Senottica delle Conjugazioni Ebraiche secondo le Regole dell' Analogia, etc. (Padua, 1828): Cinique Discorsi detti in Padova, con Annotazioni (ibid. 1834): Della Socialita della Legge Mosaica (ibid. 1836): Della Condizione degli Ebrei sotto l' Imlperio Germanico nel Medio Evo (ibid. 1842): ס תהלים , I Salmi Volgarizzati Sui Testo Massoretico, Ed Illustrati Con Aryomenti e Note (Vienna, 1845): פרקי אבות , Sentenze Dei Padre. Nuovo Traduzione, etc. (2d ed. Padua, 1862). See F Ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 435 sq.; Kayserling, Bibliothek Jiidischer Kanzelredner, in Homiletisches U. Literarisches Beiblatt To the second vol. (Berlin, 1872), p. 58; Servi, in Educae Tore Israelitico, July 15, 1872. (B. P.)
