Friedrich P. Procopius

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Friedrich P. Procopius [1]

a Roman Catholic monastic noted especially for his valuable contributions to Christian song, was born in the year 1608, of Protestant parents, at Templin, in Brandenburg. At a very early age he joined the Roman Catholic Church, and when eighteen years old he entered the Order of the Capuchins of the Austro-Bohemian province. Having completed his studies. he visited many cities as a preacher and missionary. He soon became known as a famous pulltit orator, but more so by his poetical productions, which gave him the name of "Catholic Meistersinger." Procopius (died at Linz in 1680. He wrote, Der Gross Wunderthdtigen Mutter Gottes Marite Hulf'Lob-Gesang (Passow, 1659): Iertzen-Freud unid Seelen- Trost (ibid. 1660, 1661): Mariale Concizanotorium rythmlo-nelodicum (2d ed. Salzburg, 1667), a collection of sermons oni St. Mary: Triemale Donminicale primum (ibid. 1676), sermons for the Christian year: Catechismale (ibid. 1674). Comp. Bernardus a Bononia, Bibliotheca Script. Capucinorun, p. 217-219; Brihl, Geschichte der Literatur des Kathol. Deutschlands, p. 20 sq.; Kehrein, Geschichte der Kathol. Kanzelberedsunikeit der Deutscihe1 (Regensburg, 1843), vol. i, § 36; Schletterer, Uebersichtliche Darstellung der Geschichte der kirclchiche Dichtunqg . geistlichen Musik (Nordlingen, 1866), p. 217 sq.; and the notice of the latter work in Hauck's Theolog. Jahrmesbericht, ii, 1866, p. 191 sq. (B. P.)
