Jean De La Placette

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Jean De La Placette [1]

a noted French Protestant divine, whose religious convictions caused his exile, was born at Pontac in 1639. His father was himself a minister, and trained Jean with great care for the preaching of the glad tidings. In 1660 he was ordained, and continued faithfully to discharge the obligations of his sacred ministry until after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, when he was obliged to seek refuge from persecution in Denmark. He was there brought to the notice of the queen, who recognized in him great worth, and determined to enjoy his associations and teachings. After her death in 1711 he went over to Holland, residing for a while at the Hague, and then at Utrecht, where he died in 1718. He was the author of many works on practical religion and morals, which are highly esteemed. He also wrote several works in the department of Protestant polemics, and his influence was much dreaded by the Romanists. See Hook, Eccles. Biog. 8, 97. (J. H. W.)
