Juan De Olotzaga

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Juan De Olotzaga [1]

an eminent Spanish architect, was a native of Biscay, and flourished during the latter part of the 15th centutry. His instructor is not mentioned, but he attained great excellence in the art. He erected the cathedral at Huesca, in Aragon, on the site of the celebrated mosque Mislegda. This work gained him great reputation, and is much admired for its fine proportions. Milizia says: "The principal fagade is grand, with fourteen statues larger than life on each side of the entrance, placed on pedestals within niches; above these are forty-eight smaller statues, a foot in height." Under the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Grecian-style of architecture became prevalent in Spain, and was adopted by Olotzaga. Among his principal works in that manner were the great college of Santa Cruz at. Valladolid, commenced in 1480 and completed in 1492; also the Foundling Hospital at Toledo, and the great college of St. Ildefonso, founded by cardinal Ximenes.
