Angelo Nardi

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Angelo Nardi [1]

an Italian painter of religious subjects, who, according to Palomino, passed the greater part of his life in Spain, flourished about 1645. He studied under Paolo Veronese, and imitated the style of that master in all his works. It is probable that Nardi attained a good degree of excellence, as Philip IV appointed him painter to the court. There are a number of his pictures in the churches at Madrid, among which the most esteemed are the Annunciation, of the Society of S. Justo; the Nativity and Conception in the church of the Franciscans; the Guardian Angel, and St. Michcel the Archangel, in the church of the Barefooted Carmelites. Nardi died at Madrid in 1660. See Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts, 2:608.
