Jean Baptiste Montmignon

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Jean Baptiste Montmignon [1]

a French theologian, was born at Lucy in 1737, prepared in his studies for holy orders, and finally became successively secretary of the bishopric of Soissons, canon, vicar, grandvicar, and archdeacon. In 1786 he accepted the editorship of the Journal Ecclesiastique; but as early as January, 1788, abandoned this work, and took part in the publications which were preparing at the outbreak of the Revolution under the bishop of Soissons. Obliged to quit France in 1793, he went to Belgium, and remained there until the government of the Directory made his return possible. He was then nominated grand-vicar of Poitiers; in 1811 was made canon of the metropolis, and then grand-vicar of this diocese. He was also made censor of all ecclesiastical publications at Paris. He died at Paris February 21, 1824. He wrote: Crime d'apostasie; lettre d'un religieux a un de ses amis (1790, 8vo): Vie edifiante de Benoit-Joseph Labre, mort a Rome, en odeur de Saintete, Leviticus 16 Avril, 1783, composee par ordre du Saint-Siege, etc., par M. M —— (Marconi), lecteur du college Romain, confesseur du serviteur de Dieu; traduit de l'Italien (Paris, 1784, 12mo): Preservative contre le fanatisme, ou les nouveaux millenaires rappeles aux principes fondamentaux de la foi Catholique (Paris, 1806, 8vo): Exposition des predictions et des promesses faites a l'Eglise, pour les derniers temps de la Gentilite (1806, 2 volumes, 12mo): Choix de Lettres edifiantes, ecrites des missions etrangres, etc. (1808, 8 volumes, 12mo): Do la Regle de varite et des Causes dufinatisme (1808, 8vo).
