Levi Herzfeld

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Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

a Jewish writer of Germany was born in 1810 at Ellrich, Saxony. He studied at Berlin, took the degree as doctor of philosophy in 1836, was appointed land-rabbi of Brunswick in 1842, and died in 1884. He published, Chronologia Judicusm et Primorum Regunt Hebraeorum (Berlin, 1836): קהלת Das Buch Koheleth (Brunswick, 1838): Geschikhte Des Volkes Israel (1847; 2d ed. 1863): Meteorologische Untersuchungen, etc. (1863-65): Handelsgeschichte Der Juden Des Alterthums (1879): Predigten (1858; 2d ed. 1863), etc. See Furst, Bibl. Jud. 1:388; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 1:547; Kayserling, Bibl. Judischer Kanzelredner, 2:206 sq.; Morals, Eminent Israelites of the XIXth Century, page 133 sq. (B.P.)
