Carl Haas

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Carl Haas [1]

a German convert to the Church of Rome, was born October 18, 1804. He studied theology at Tubingen, and became a Protestant minister. In 1843 he was dismissed from the ministry, having the year before published Die Glaubensgegensatze des Protestantismus und Katholicismus. He joined the Church of Rome at Augsburg, in 1844, and published on that occasion Offenes Sendschreiben an seine liebe Genmeinde, etc., and Protestantismus und Katholicismus. He now set himself to write in the interest of the Church of Rome, and published Josephs und Konrads Feierstunden (Augsburg, 1845): Populare Kirchengeschichte, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Reformationsgeschichte (2d ed. 1846): Beleuchtung girosser Vorurtheile gegen die Katholische Kirche (1857): Geschichte der Papste (1860): Die zwei Hauptfeinde des Christenthums- (1866): Natur und Gnade (1867). After the Vatican council, daas renounced again the Church of Rome, without returning to the Evangelical Church, and to justify himself, he published Nach Ronm und von Rom zuruck nach Wittenberg (Barmen, 1882). In 1881 he published Der ungefalschte Luther nach den Urdrucken der konigl. offentl, Bibliothek in Stuttgart hergestellt. Haas died December 21, 1883. See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 1:484. (B.P.)
