James Dougherty

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James Dougherty [1]

a Congregational minister, was born at Park, near Lairmount, County. Londonderry, Ireland, April 9, 1796. In 1819 he came to South Hero, Vermont. After studying with Reverend Asa Lyon, and in St. Albans Academy, he entered the University of Vermont, graduating in 1830. He subsequently studied theology, and was ordained January 18, 1832, as an evangelist, and for some time served in the employ of the Colonial Missionary Society, performing duty also as teacher in Frost Village and Shefford, Quebec. After preaching a year, he was installed pastor at Milton, Vermont, September 28, 1836, and served until July 5, 1848. About this time, for one year, he was agent for the Foreign. Evangelical Society. From 1849 to 1851 he preached in Fairfax, Vermont. From November 1857, to March 1867, he was pastor in Johnson, where he resided subsequently without charge, until his death, June 10, 1878. For some time he served as superintendent of schools in Milton and Johnson, and was also trustee of the Bakersfieli and Johnson academies. See Cong, Year-book, 1879, page 41.
