Samuel Stearns Day

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Samuel Stearns Day [1]

a Baptist minister, was born in Leeds County, Ontario, in 1808. He joined the Baptists in 1825; graduated from the theological institution at Hamilton, N.Y., in 1835; was appointed by the Missionary Union to labor in the East in August of the same year, and arrived in Calcutta the February following; in 1837 went to Madras for purposes of study, and in due time entered upon his work among the Teloogoos. In 1840 he went to Bellore, and, with the exception of a short visit to his native country in 1845, labored most faithfully for eighteen years among the native tribes, after which he once more returned in broken health to the United States, and died at Cortlandville, N.Y., in October 1871. See Baptist Missionary Magazine, November 1871. (J.C.S.)
