Geronimo Franchi De Conestaggio

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Geronimo Franchi De Conestaggio [1]

a Genoese historian, was first secretary to cardinal Sforza, next chaplain to Philip III, and eventually bishop of Nardo, and archbishop of Capua. He died in 1635, leaving Dell' Unione del Regno di Portogello olla Corona di Castiqlia (Genoa, 1585; transl. into French by Th. Nardin, Besangon, 1596; into Latin, Frankfort, 1602; into Spanish, by L. de Bania, Barcelona, 1610: Historie delle Guerre delle Germania Inferiore (Venice, 1614; Holland, 1634): also An Expedition against Tunis, various Italian poems, and the Life of Sforza, Count of Santa Flore. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
