Ann Brewster (Nee Shewell)

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Ann Brewster (Nee Shewell) [1]

Brewster (Nee Shewell), Ann

an English minister of the Society of Friends, was born in London in 1762. She was converted in early life, was married to Thomas Brewster in 1784, and took up her residence in Clapham in 1800. For many years she was impressed with the duty of becoming a minister, and was recognized as such in 1821, at the somewhat advanced age of fifty-nine years. She labored very diligently in her own meeting, and in some of the neighboring quarterly meetings. She seems to have been especially blessed in family visitations, for which she had a rare gift. Her last years were attended with great physical sufferings from chronic rheumatism, which she bore with Christian patience. She died April 21, 1835. See Testimonies of Deceased Ministers, 1836, pages 17-23. (J.C.S.)
