Karl Anton

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Karl Anton [1]

a convert from Judaism, and lector of Jewish literature at the Helmstadt University, was born at Mitau, in Courland, Sept. 11,1722. He descended from a very learned family, to which belonged Bartetora, the Cabalist Vital, and L. Heller. His teacher was the famous Eibeschitz, whose lectures he attended at Prague, and for whom he not only preserved a grateful heart, but wrote in his favor when accused of heresy. In the year 1748 he embraced -Christianity, taking the name Karl Anton instead of his former Jewish name, Moses Gerson Kohen. The Jewish historian Dr. Gratz, in his partisan manner, especially when referring to Hebrew Christians, speaks of Anton as of having embraced Christianity out of worldly interests, without bringing any proof to make his assertion good. Anton - the date of whose death we cannot give-wrote, Nachrichten von dem falschen Messias Sabbathai Zewi (Wolfenbiittel, 1752):-Einleitung in die judischen Rechte (Brunswick, 1756): - Wahre Griinde welche einen Juden zu Jesum Christum fuhren kennen (Helmst. 1753)':-Entwvurfder Erkldrung Judischer Gebrduche (Brunswick, 17 .. 8, etc.). See First, Biblioth. Jud. i, 46 sq.; A. Furst, Karl Anton, in Saat auf Hoffnung (ed. Delitzsch, 1871), p. 214 sq. (B. P.)
