Aijeleth Shahar

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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

Hebrew Ayyeleth Hasshachar , "the hind of the morning dawn" (title of Psalm 22). Aben Ezra explains as the name of the melody to which the psalm was to be sung, equivalent to tide rising sun, some well known tune. Rather, allegorical allusion to the subject. The hind symbolizes a lovely and innocent one hounded to death, as the bulls, lions, dogs in the psalm are the persecutors. The unusual Heb.,  Psalms 22:19, Ejulathi , "my strength," alludes to Aijeleth , "the hind," weak in itself but having Jehovah for its strength. The morning dawn represents joy bursting forth after affliction; Messiah is alluded to, His deep sorrow ( Psalms 22:1-21) passes to triumphant joy ( Psalms 22:21-31).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]

This occurs in the title of  Psalm 22 : and signifies 'the hind of the morning,' margin. May not its reference be to the resurrection of the Lord after the cross? The Targum explains it as signifying 'the morning oblation of the lamb.' If this is correct, the offering of the lamb stands in strong contrast to the 'bulls of Bashan ' roaring like a lion, and 'the dogs' that compassed the patient victim in the Psalm. Modern critics see nothing more in the words than the name of some tune to which the Psalm was set.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]

Aij'eleth Sha'har. (The Hind Of The Morning Dawn). Found once only in the Bible, in the title of  Psalms 22:1. It probably describes to the musician, the melody to which the psalm was to be played.

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

 Psalm 22:1

Easton's Bible Dictionary [5]

 Psalm 22

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

(Hebrew Aye'leth, hash-Shach'ar, איְֶּלֶת השְּׁחְרְ , Hind Of The Dawn, in which signification the terms often occur separately; Sept. Ἀντίληψις Ἑωθινή , Vulg. Susceptio Matutina) occurs in the title of Psalms 22, and is apparently the name of some other poem os song, to the measure of which this ode was to be performed or chanted (Aben Ezra, in loc.; Bochart, Hieroz. 1, 888; Eichhorn, Proef. Ad Jonesium, De Poesi Asiat. p. 323; Rosenmuller, De Wette, in loc.); like the similar terms, e.g. AL- TASCHITH (See Al-Taschith) (q.v.), which occur in the inscriptions of other Psalms (57, 58, 59, 75), after the manner of Syriac poets (Assemani, Bibl. Orient. 1, 80). The phrase, however, is not necessarily taken from the Initial Words of a song (as Aben Ezra maintains, comp.  Proverbs 5:19), much less an amatory effusion (comp. the opening of a poem of Ibn Doreid, "O gazelle!"); but the title may be borrowed, according to Oriental custom, from some prominent expression or theme in it, like David's "Song of the Bow" (2 Samuel 1; comp. Gesenius, Comment. in  Isaiah 22:1). It may in this case allude either to the hunting of the deer by the early daylight, as the most favorable time for the chase; or, as more agreeable to the Arabic similes (Schultens, Ad Meidan. Proverbs p. 39), as well as rabbinical usage (Talmud. Hieros. Berakoth, 2, 30, 1. 30, 35, ed. Cracon.), it may refer to the rays of the rising sun under the metaphor of a stag's horns (comp. Schultens and De Sacy, Ap. Haririum Cons. 32). The interpretation of Faber (in Harmar's Observ. 2, 172) as signifying the Beginning Of Dawn, is less agreeable to the etymology. Some (as Hare in the Bibl. Brem. Class. 1, pt. 2) understand some instrument of music; and others (e.g. Kimchi and the Talmudists) the morning star. Gesenius, Thes. Heb. p. 45. (See Psalms).
