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Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

U'ri. (Fiery).

1. The father of Bezaleel, one of the architects of the Tabernacle.  Exodus 31:2;  Exodus 35:30;  Exodus 38:22;  1 Chronicles 2:20;  2 Chronicles 1:5. He was of the tribe of Judah, and grandson of Caleb ben-Hezron. (B.C. 1491).

2. The father of Geber, Solomon's commissariat officer in Gilead.  1 Kings 4:19. (B.C. before 1010).

3. One of the gatekeepers of the Temple in the time of Ezra.  Ezra 10:24. (B.C. 458).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]

1. Son of Hur and father of Bezaleel who had skill given him for the construction of the tabernacle.   Exodus 31:2;  Exodus 35:30;  Exodus 38:22;  1 Chronicles 2:20;  2 Chronicles 1:5 .

2. Father of Geber, one of Solomon's commissariat officers.   1 Kings 4:19 .

3. Levite who had married a strange wife.   Ezra 10:24 .

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [3]

1. Of Judah ( Exodus 31:2;  Exodus 35:30;  2 Chronicles 1:5). Son of Hur, and father of Bezaleel.

2. Father of Geber, Solomon's commissariat officer in Gilead1 Kings 4:19).

3. A temple gatekeeper; married a foreign wife ( Ezra 10:24)

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

URI . 1. The father of BezalelExodus 31:2;   Exodus 35:30; Exo 38:22 ,   1 Chronicles 2:20 ,   2 Chronicles 1:5 ). 2 . Father of Geber1 Kings 4:19 ). 3. A porter (  Ezra 10:24 ).

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

 Exodus 31:2 Exodus 35:30 2 1 Kings 4:19 3 Ezra 10:24

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [6]

ū´rı̄ , ōō´ri ( אוּרי , uwrı̄ ( ארי , 'ūrı̄ in   1 Kings 4:19 ), "fiery," unless the word be contracted for אוּריּה , 'ūrı̄yāh , "Uriah"):

(1) Son of Hur, and father of Bezalel ( Exodus 31:2;  Exodus 35:30;  Exodus 38:22;  1 Chronicles 2:20;  2 Chronicles 1:5 ).

(2) Father of Geber, one of Solomon's 12 provision officers ( 1 Kings 4:19; the Septuagint's Codex Vaticanus and Codex Alexandrinus, Ἀδαί , Adaı́ ).

(3) A porter who had married a foreign wife ( Ezra 10:24; the Septuagint's Ωδούθ , Ōdoúth  ; Codex Alexandrinus Ωδουέ , Ōdoué  ; Lucian Οὐρίας , Ourı́as ).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [7]

(Heb. Uri', אוּרַי , Fiery [comp. ( Φωτινός ]), the name of three Israelites.

1. (Sept. Οὐρί or Οὐρίας . ) The father of Bezaleel, one of the architects of the tabernacle ( Exodus 31:2;  Exodus 35:30;  Exodus 38:22; 1 Chronicles 2, 20;  2 Chronicles 1:5). B.C. ante 1657. He was of the tribe of Judah, and grandson of Caleb ben-Hezron, his father being Hur, who, according to tradition, was the husband of Miriam.

2. (Sept. Ἀδαϊ v .) The father of Geber, Solomon's commissariat officer in Gilead ( 1 Kings 4:19) B.C. ante 1010.

3. (Sept. ᾿Ωδού ' v.r. ᾿Ωδουέ .) One of the gate-keepers of the Temple; who divorced his wife after the exile ( Ezra 10:24). B.C. 458.

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [8]

A Swiss canton N. of Unterwalden; is almost entirely pastoral; is overlooked by Mount St. Gothard; Altdorf is the capital.
