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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]
Caphira ( 1Es 5:19 ). A town of Benj., inhabitants of which returned with Zerubbabel; called in Ezra 2:25 Chephirah; cf. Nehemiah 7:29 .
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]
ka - fı̄´ra (Codex Alexandrinus, Καφιρά , Kaphirá , Codex Vaticanus, Πειρά , Peirá ): A town whose inhabitants returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel (1 Esdras 5:19). It corresponds to Chephirah ( Ezra 2:25 ).
Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]
( Καφείρα ), a place whose inhabitants returned from Babylon ( 1 Esdras 5:19); evidently the CHEPHIRAH (See Chephirah) (q.v.) of the Hebrew text ( Ezra 2:25).