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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]
1: Κῆρυξ (Strong'S #2783 — Noun Masculine — kerux — kay'-roox )
"a herald" (akin to A, No. 2 and B, above), is used (a) of the "preacher" of the Gospel, 1—Timothy 2:7; 2—Timothy 1:11; (b) of Noah, as a "preacher" of righteousness, 2—Peter 2:5 .
Webster's Dictionary [2]
(1): ( n.) One who inculcates anything with earnestness.
(2): ( n.) One who preaches; one who discourses publicly on religious subjects.
King James Dictionary [3]
PRE'ACHER, n. One who discourses publicly on religious subjects.
1. One that inculcates any thing with earnestness.
No preacher is listened to but time.
Charles Buck Theological Dictionary [4]
One who discourses publicly on religious subjects.
See articles Declamation, Eloquence, Minister and Sermon