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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Ἰσχύω (Strong'S #2480 — Verb — ischuo — is-khoo'-o )

"to be strong, powerful," is translated "to prevail" in  Acts 19:16,20;  Revelation 12:8 . See Able , B, No. 4.

2: Κατισχύω (Strong'S #2729 — Verb — katischuo — kat-is-khoo'-o )

"to be strong against" (kata, "against," and No. 1), is used in  Matthew 16:18 , negatively of the gates of hades; in  Luke 21:36 (in the most authentic ms.; some have kataxioo, "to count worthy;" see AV), of "prevailing" to escape judgments at the close of this age; in   Luke 23:23 , of the voices of the chief priests, rulers and people against Pilate regarding the crucifixion of Christ.

3: Ὠφελέω (Strong'S #5623 — Verb — opheleo — o-fel-eh'-o )

"to benefit, do good, profit," is translated "prevailed" in  Matthew 27:24 , RV (AV, "could prevail"), of the conclusion formed by Pilate concerning the determination of the chief priests, elders and people. The meaning of the verb with the negative is better expressed by the phrase "he would do no good;" so in  John 12:19 , "ye prevail (nothing)," lit., "ye are doing no good." See Advantage , Bettered , Profit.

4: Νικάω (Strong'S #3528 — Verb — nikao — nik-ah'-o )

"to conquer, prevail," is used as a law term in  Romans 3:4 , "(that) Thou ... mightest prevail [AV, 'overcome'] (when Thou comest into judgment);" that the righteousness of the judge's verdict compels an acknowledgement on the part of the accused, is inevitable where God is the judge. God's promises to Israel provided no guarantee that an unrepentant Jew would escape doom. In  Revelation 5:5 , AV, "hath prevailed" (RV, "hath overcome"). See Conquer , No. 1.

King James Dictionary [2]

Preva'Il, L proevaleo proe, before, and valeo, to be strong or well. Valeo seems to be from the same root as the Eng. well. The primary sense is to stretch or strain forward, to advance.

1. To overcome to gain the victory or superiority to gain the advantage.

When Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.  Exodus 17

With over or against.

David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone.  1 Samuel 17

This kingdom could never prevail against the united power of England.

2. To be in force to have effect power or influence.

This custom makes the short-sighted bigots and the warier skeptics, as far as ir prevails.

3. To be predominant to extend over with force or effect. The fever prevailed in a great part of the city. 4. To gain or have predominant influence to operate with effect. These reasons, arguments or motives ought to prevail with all candid men. In this sense, it is followed by with. 5. To persuade or induce with on or upon. They prevailed on the president to ratify the treaty. It is also followed by with. They could not prevail with the king to pardon the offender. But on is more common in modern practice. 6. To succeed. The general attempted to take the fort by assault, but did not prevail. The most powerful arguments were employed,but they did not prevail.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( v. i.) To persuade or induce; - with on, upon, or with; as, I prevailedon him to wait.

(2): ( v. i.) To be in force; to have effect, power, or influence; to be predominant; to have currency or prevalence; to obtain; as, the practice prevails this day.

(3): ( v. i.) To overcome; to gain the victory or superiority; to gain the advantage; to have the upper hand, or the mastery; to succeed; - sometimes with over or against.
