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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

A — 1: Ουδεν (Strong'S #3762 — pronoun — ouden — oo-dice' )

"nothing" (the neuter of oudeis, no one), is translated "nought" in  Acts 5:36 . See Nothing.

B — 1: Δωρεάν (Strong'S #1432 — Adjective — dorean — do-reh-an' )

"freely, as a gift," is translated "for nought" in  Galatians 2:21 , RV (AV, "in vain"); in  2—Thessalonians 3:8 , in a denial by the Apostle that he lived on the hospitality of others at Thessalonica. See Freely.

C — 1: Καταργέω (Strong'S #2673 — Verb — katargeo — kat-arg-eh'-o )

is used in  1—Corinthians 1:28 , "(that) He might bring to nought;"  1—Corinthians 2:6 (Passive Voice in the original);   1—Corinthians 6:13; RV, "will bring to nought" (AV "will destroy"); so  2—Thessalonians 2:8;  Hebrews 2:14 . See Abolish.

C — 2: Ἐξουθενέω (Strong'S #1848 — Verb — exoutheneo — ex-oo-then-eh'-o )

"to set at nought, treat with utter contempt, despise," is translated "set at nought" in  Luke 18:9 , RV (AV, "despised"); in  Luke 23:11 , "set (Him) at nought;" "was set at nought" in  Acts 4:11; in  Romans 14:3 , RV, "set at nought" (AV, "despise");  Romans 14:10 , "set at nought." See Account , Despise.

C — 3: Ἐξουδενέω (Strong'S #1847 — Verb — exoudeneo | exoudenoo — ex-oo-den-o'-o )

has the same meaning as No. 2, and is virtually the same word (outhen being another form of ouden, "nothing"), i.e., "to treat as nothing" (ex, intensive), and is translated "be set at nought" in  Mark 9:12 .

C — 4: Ἐκπίπτω (Strong'S #1601 — Verb — ekpipto — ek-pip'-to )

"to fall out," is used in  Romans 9:6 in the sense of falling from its place, falling, of the word of God, RV, "hath come to nought" (AV, "hath taken none effect"). See Fall.

C — 5: Ἀθετέω (Strong'S #114 — Verb — atheteo — ath-et-eh'-o )

"to set aside, reject," is translated "set at nought" in  Hebrews 10:28 , RV (AV, "despised"); so  Jude 1:8 . See Nothing , Note (4).

 Acts 5:38Destroy.  Revelation 18:17Desolate.  Acts 19:27Disrepute.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Nought See Naught; and notice, further, the phrase ‘set at nought’ (  Proverbs 1:25 ,   Mark 9:12 ). ‘To set’ is ‘to value,’ and ‘nought’ is ‘nothing,’ so the phrase means to reckon of no value.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(n. & adv.) See Naught.

King James Dictionary [4]

NOUGHT. See Naught.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]

nôt ( חנּם , ḥinnam  ; καταργέω , katargéō ) "Nought" is to be distinguished from "naught" implying "badness" (see Naught ). "Nought" in the sense of "nothing," etc., is the translation of ḥinnām , "gratis" (  Genesis 29:15 ), and of various other words occurring once only, e.g. 'āwen , "vanity" ( Amos 5:5 ); tōhū , "vacancy," "ruin" ( Isaiah 49:4 ); 'epha‛ , "nothing" ( Isaiah 41:24 ); nābhēl , "to fade" ( Job 14:18 , margin "fadeth away"); pūr , "to make void" ( Psalm 33:10 ); katargeō , "to make without effect" ( 1 Corinthians 1:28;  1 Corinthians 2:6 ); oudeı́s , "not even one" ( Acts 5:36 ); apelegmós , "refutation" ( Acts 19:27 , the Revised Version (British and American) "come into disrepute"); dōreán , "without payment" ( 2 Thessalonians 3:8 , the Revised Version (British and American) "for nought"); erēmóō , "to desolate" ( Revelation 18:17 , the Revised Version (British and American) "made desolate"); katalúō , "to loose down" ( Acts 5:38 , the Revised Version (British and American) "be overthrown"). In Apocrypha we have "set at nought" and "come to nought," etc. (1 Esdras 1:56; 2 Esdras 2:33; 8:59).

For "nought" the Revised Version (British and American) has "perish" ( Deuteronomy 28:63 ); for "come to nought" ( Job 8:22 ), "be no more"; "nought" for "not ought" ( Exodus 5:11 ), for "no might" ( Deuteronomy 28:32 ); for "brought to silence," twice ( Isaiah 15:1 ), "brought to nought"; the American Standard Revised Version "bring to nought" ( 1 Corinthians 1:19 ) for "bring to nothing" (the English Revised Version "reject"); "nought but terror" ( Isaiah 28:19 ) for "a vexation only"; "brought to nought" ( Isaiah 16:4 ) for "is at an end"; "come to nought" for "taken none effect" ( Romans 9:6 ); "set at nought" for "despise" ( Romans 14:3 ).
