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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Χωρέω (Strong'S #5562 — Verb — choreo — kho-reh'-o )

signifies (a), lit., "to give space, make room" (chora, "a place"); hence, transitively, "to have space or room for a thing, to contain," said of the waterpots as "containing" a certain quantity,  John 2:6; of a space large enough to hold a number of people,  Mark 2:2; of the world as not possible of "containing" certain books,  John 21:25; (b) "to go,"  Matthew 15:17; "to have place,"  John 8:37; "to come,"  2—Peter 3:9; (c) metaphorically, "of receiving with the mind,"  Matthew 19:11,12; or "into the heart,"  2—Corinthians 7:2 . See COME (No. 24), GO, Place, Receive, Room

2: Περιέχω (Strong'S #4023 — Verb — periecho — per-ee-ekh'-o )

lit., "to have round" (peri, "around," echo, "to have"), means "to encompass, enclose, contain," as a writing contains details,  1—Peter 2:6 . Some mss. have it in  Acts 23:25 , lit., "having this form" (the most authentic have echo, "to have"). For the secondary meaning, "amazed" (AV, "astonished"),  Luke 5:9 (lit., "amazement encompassed," i.e., seized, him).

 Galatians 4:24 Ephesians 2:15  Romans 2:14 1—Corinthians 7:9Continency.

King James Dictionary [2]

Contain, L to hold. See Tenet, Tenure.

1. To hold, as a vessel as, the vessel contains a gallon. Hence, to have capacity to be able to hold applied to an empty vessel. 2. To comprehend to hold within specified limits.

Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee.  1 Kings 8 .

3. To comprehend to comprise. The history of Livy contains a hundred and forty books. 4. To hold within limits prescribed to restrain to withhold from trespass or disorder.

The Kings person contains the unruly people from evil occasions.

Fear not, my Lord, we can contain ourselves.

5. To include. This article is not contained in the account. This number does not contain the article specified. 6. To inclose as, this cover or envelop contains a letter.

Contain To live in continence or chastity. Arbuthnot and Pope.  1 Corinthians 7 .

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): (v. t.) To hold within fixed limits; to comprise; to include; to inclose; to hold.

(2): (v. t.) To have capacity for; to be able to hold; to hold; to be equivalent to; as, a bushel contains four pecks.

(3): (v. t.) To put constraint upon; to restrain; to confine; to keep within bounds.

(4): (v. i.) To restrain desire; to live in continence or chastity.
