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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

JAAR . A Heb. name for a wood, forest, thicket, occurring about fifty times in the OT. It occurs once as a proper name, namely in   Psalms 132:6 , where, speaking of the ark, the Psalmist says that it was heard of at Ephrathah and found at Jaar. The parallelism of Hebrew poetry requires that Jaar shall be regarded here as set over against Ephrathah. The ark was brought from the region of Bethlehem (Ephrathah), yea, from the woody heights of Kiriath-jearim.

W. F. Cobb.

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]

 Psalm 132:6Kiriath-Jearim 1 Samuel 7:2 2 Samuel 6:1 1 Chronicles 13:5

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

jā´ar ( יער , ya‛ar , "forest" or "wood"): Is only once taken as a proper name (  Psalm 132:6 the Revised Version margin), "We found it in the field of Jaar." It may be a shortened form of the name Kiriath-jearim, where the ark had rested 20 years. See Kiriath-Jearim .
