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People's Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Dyeing. The art of coloring fabrics, and the threads forming them, was known in early times. The ancient Egyptians excelled in the brilliancy of their dyed fabrics; and from them the Hebrews, while dwelling among them, probably learnt the art of dyeing. The Phœnicians, Greeks and Romans had much skill in this art also. We read of the Scarlet thread at the birth of Zarah,  Genesis 38:28;  Genesis 38:30, and of the colored or dyed curtains of the tabernacle and the sacerdotal robes which were manufactured in the desert.  Exodus 26:1;  Exodus 26:14;  Exodus 28:5-8. The chemical skill of the Egyptian linen manufacturers in employing the metallic oxides and acids or mordants, is placed beyond dispute by ocular proof. The various processes of dyeing and printing, or imparting the pattern, by blocks—the origin of calico printing—are exhibited on the monuments in all their minute details. Even the printing blocks, engraved with phonetic letters, and with the dye upon them, may be now seen in the British Museum. The purple dyes were highly valued and in great repute. Lydia was a seller of this famous purple,  Acts 16:14, made probably from a dye procured from a shellfish of the sea. It still abounds in the Bed Sea.

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]

 Exodus 25:4 Exodus 36:8 36:35 36:37 Judges 5:30 1 Chronicles 4:21 2 Chronicles 2:7 2 Chronicles 3:14 Job 38:14  Acts 16:14

The dyeing process involved soaking the material to be dyed in vats of dye then drying it. This process was repeated until the dyed stuff was the desired color. The process was concluded by soaking in a fixing agent which rendered the cloth colorfast. Blue dye was made from the rind of pomegranates, crimson from grubs or worms that fed on oaks, and purple from the shell of the murex shellfish. Since this shellfish was found only in the vicinity of Acre on the Phoenician coast and since only a small amount of a dye material could be extracted from each shell, this dye was especially valued. Archeological evidence suggests that in Palestine of biblical times thread was dyed rather than whole cloth.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

This art must have been acquired early. When the Tabernacle was erected the rams' skins were dyed red.  Exodus 25:5;  Exodus 26:14 . The tombs in Egypt show that the art was well understood there by the various colours yet visible. The word rendered "dyed attire" in  Ezekiel 23:15 signifies head-bands, tiaras, turbans, of different colours. In   Isaiah 63:1 the Lord Jesus is represented as coming from Edom and Bozrah with His garments dyed with the blood of His enemies, as one that treadeth in a wine-press is stained with the juice of the grape.

Webster's Dictionary [4]

(1): ( n.) The process or art of fixing coloring matters permanently and uniformly in the fibers of wool, cotton, etc.

(2): ( p. pr. & vb. n.) of Dye

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [5]

Dyeing . See Arts and Crafts, 6; Colours, 6.
