At Home Home

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At Home Home [1]

'''A — 1: οἶκος (Strong'S #3624 — Noun Masculine — oikos — oy'-kos )

"a house, dwelling," is used (a) with the preposition eis, "unto," with the meaning "to home," lit., "to a house," in  Mark 8:3 , Rv, "to (their) home," Av, "to (their own) houses;" so  Mark 8:26 , "to (his) home;"  Luke 15:6 , "home," lit., "into the house;" (b) with the preposition en, "in,"  1 Corinthians 11:34 , "(let him eat) at home;"  1 Corinthians 14:35 , "(let them ask ...) at home;" (c) with the preposition kata, "down,"  Acts 2:46 , "(breaking bread) at home," Rv (Av, "from house to house"); so in  Acts 5:42 (Av, "in every house").

 Mark 3:19House. 1 Timothy 5:4 Acts 21:6 John 19:27 John 16:32 John 1:11 Matthew 8:6House. Luke 24:12  John 20:10

'''B — 1: οἰκουργός (Strong'S #3626 — Adjective — oikourgos — oy-koo-ros' )

"working at home" (oikos, and a root of ergon, "work"), is used in  Titus 2:5 , "workers at home," Rv, in the injunction given to elder women regarding the training of the young women. Some mss. have oikouros, "watching" or "keeping the home" (oikos, and ouros, "a keeper"), Av, "keepers at home."

'''C — 1: ἐνδημέω (Strong'S #1736 — Verb — endemeo — en-day-meh'-o )

lit., "to be among one's people" (en, "in," demos, "people;" endemos, "one who is in his own place or land"), is used metaphorically of the life on earth of believers,  2 Corinthians 5:6 , "at home (in the body);" in  2 Corinthians 5:8 of the life in Heaven of the spirits of believers, after their decease, "at home (with the Lord)," Rv (Av, "present"); in   2 Corinthians 5:9 , "at home" (Av, "present") refers again to the life on earth. In each verse the verb is contrasted with ekdemeo, "to be away from home, to be absent;" in ver. 6, "we are absent," i.e., away from "home" (from the Lord); in ver. 8, "to be absent" (i.e., away from the "home" of the body); so in ver. 9, "absent." The implication in being "at home with the Lord" after death is a testimony against the doctrine of the unconsciousness of the spirit, when freed from the natural body.
