Deeds Deed

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Deeds Deed [1]

1: ἔργον (Strong'S #2041 — Noun Neuter — ergon — er'-gon )

denotes "a work" (Eng., "work" is etymologically akin), "deed, act." When used in the sense of a "deed or act," the idea of "working" is stressed, e.g.,  Romans 15:18; it frequently occurs in an ethical sense of human actions, good or bad, e.g.,  Matthew 23:3;  26:10;  John 3:20,21;  Romans 2:7,15;  1 Thessalonians 1:3;  2 Thessalonians 1:11 , etc; sometimes in a less concrete sense, e.g.,  Titus 1:16;  James 1:25 (Rv, "that worketh," lit., "of work"). See Labor , Work.

2: πρᾶξις (Strong'S #4234 — Noun Feminine — praxis — prax'-is )

denotes "a doing, transaction, a deed the action of which is looked upon as incomplete and in progress" (cp. prasso, "to practice"); in  Matthew 16:27 , Rv, "deeds," for Av, "works;" in  Luke 23:51 , "deed;" in ver. 41, the verb is used [see Note (2) below];  Acts 19:18;  Romans 8:13;  Colossians 3:9 . In  Romans 12:4 it denotes an "action," business, or function translated "office." See Office , Work.

 James 3:16

3: ποίησις (Strong'S #4162 — Noun Feminine — poiesis — poy'-ay-sis )

"a doing" (akin to poieo, "to do"), is translated "deed" in  James 1:25 , Av, (Rv, "doing").

 Romans 1:20 Ephesians 2:10

4: εὐεργεσία (Strong'S #2108 — Noun Feminine — euergesia — yoo-erg-es-ee'-ah )

see Benefit , No. 1.

 1 Corinthians 5:3 Luke 23:41 2 Corinthians 12:12Work. Acts 24:2Correction
