Ammonites The

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Ammonites The [1]

Am'monites, The. (children of Ammon). A people descended from Ben-ammi, the son of Lot, by his younger daughter.  Genesis 19:38. Compare  Psalms 83:7-8. The Ammonites are frequently mentioned with the Moabites (descendants of Ben-ammi's half-brother), and sometimes under the same name. Compare  Judges 10:6;  2 Chronicles 20:1;  Zephaniah 2:8 etc.

The precise position of the territory of the Ammonites is not ascertainable. In the earliest mention of them,  Deuteronomy 2:20, they are said to have dwelt in their place, Jabbok being their border,  Numbers 21:24;  Numbers 2:37;  Numbers 3:16,

(That is, Land or country is, however, but rarely ascribed to them. Their capital city was Rabbath , called also Rabbath Ammon on the Jabbok. We find everywhere traces of the fierce habits of maranders in their incursions).  1 Samuel 11:2;  Amos 1:13 and a very high degree of crafty cruelty to their toes.  Jeremiah 41:6-7;  Judges 17:11-12.

Moab was the settled and civilized half of the nation of Lot, and Ammon formed its predatory and Bedouin section. On the west of Jordan, they never obtained a footing. The hatred in which the Ammonites were held by Israel is stated to have arisen partly from their denial of assistance,  Deuteronomy 23:4, to the Israelites on their approach to Canaan.

But whatever its origin the animosity continued in force to the latest date. The tribe was governed by a king,  Judges 11:12 etc.;  1 Samuel 12:12;  2 Samuel 10:1;  Jeremiah 40:14 and by "princes."  2 Samuel 10:3;  1 Chronicles 19:3. The divinity of the tribe was Molech, See Molech , and they were gross idolaters.
