Union To Christ

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Charles Buck Theological Dictionary [1]

That act of divine grace by which we are joined to Christ; and is considered,

1. As virtual, or that which was formed from all eternity,  Ephesians 1:4 .

2. Vital, or spiritual, formed in the moment of our regeneration,  John 17:26 ,  1 John 4:13 . It is represented in the Scripture by the strongest expressions language can admit of, and even compared to the union between the Father and the Son,  John 17:11;  John 17:21 , &c. It is also compared to the union of a vine and its branches,  John 15:4-5 . To the union of our food with our bodies,  John 6:56-57 . To the union of the body with the head,  Ephesians 4:15-16 .

To the conjugal union,  Ephesians 5:23;  Ephesians 5:30 . To the union of a king and his subjects,  Matthew 25:34;  Matthew 25:40 . To a building,  1 Peter 2:4-5 ,  Ephesians 2:21-22 . It is also represented by an identity or sameness of spirit,  1 Corinthians 6:17 . By an identity of body,  1 Corinthians 12:12;  1 Corinthians 12:27 . By an identity of interest,  Matthew 25:40 .  John 20:17 . This union must be considered not as a mere mental union only in comfort or notion; nor a physical union as between the head and the members; nor as an essential union, or union with the divine nature; but as a mystical union,  Ephesians 5:32 . Honourable union,  1 John 3:1-2 . Supernatural union,  1 Corinthians 1:30 . Holy,  1 John 3:1-24 . Necessary,  John 15:4 . Inviolable,  Romans 8:38-39 . Some state it thus:

1. An union of natures,  Hebrews 2:11 .

2. Of actions, his obedience being imputed to us, and our sins reckoned to him,  2 Corinthians 5:21 .

3. Of life,  Colossians 3:4 .

4. Of sentiment,  2 Corinthians 5:17 .

5. Of interest,  Matthew 25:34 , &c.

6. Of affection,  2 Corinthians 5:14 .

7. Of residence,  John 17:24 . The advantages of it are knowledge,  Ephesians 1:18 . Fellowship,  1 Corinthians 1:9 . Security,  John 15:1-27 : Felicity,   1 Peter 1:8 . Spirituality,  John 15:8 . and indeed, all the rich communications of spiritual blessings here and hereafter,  Colossians 1:22 . The evidences of union to Christ are, light in the understanding,  1 Peter 2:9 . Affection to him,  John 14:21 . Frequent communion with him,  1 John 1:3 . Delight in his word, ordinances, and people,  Psalms 27:4;  Psalms 119:1-176 : Submission to his will, and conformity to his image,   1 John 2:5 . Dickinson's Letters, let. 17; Flavel's Method of Grace, ser. 2; Polhill on Union; Brown's compend. b. 5. ch. 1.

Charles Spurgeon's Illustration Collection [2]

Two friends are said to come into Vulcan's shop, and to beg a boon of him: it was granted. What was it? that be would either beat them on his anvil, or melt them in his furnace, both into one. But without fiction, here is a far greater love in Christ; for he would be melted in the furnace of wrath, and beaten on the anvil of death, to be made one with us. And to declare the exceeding love, here were not both to be beaten on the anvil, or melted in the furnace; but without us, he alone would be beaten on the anvil, he alone melted that we might be spared.: Thomas Adams.
