Deborah Bell (Nee Wynn)
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Deborah Bell (Nee Wynn) [1]
Bell (Nee Wynn), Deborah
an English minister of the Society of Friends, was born at Bradford, York shire, in 1689. She became a Christian when quite young, and at the age of nineteen began her ministerial work with modesty and timidity, but grew strong by experience. She visited many parts of England, Sacotland, and Wales, and was twice in Ireland. In 1738 she made her last visit to several places in Hertfordshire, where, though very feeble in body, she "was strong in spirit, and proved a great comfort to the Friends where she went." She died Sept. 2, 1738. See Piety Promoted, ii, 258, 259. (J. C. S.)