
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Te'bah. (Slaughter). Eldest of the sons of Nahor, by his concubine, Reumah.  Genesis 22:24. (B.C. 1872).

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Tebah . A ‘son’ of NahorGenesis 22:24 ). See Tibhath.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

Son of Nahor, the brother of Abraham.  Genesis 22:24 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

 Genesis 22:24

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [5]

 Genesis 22:24.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

(Heb. Te'bach, טֵבִח , Slaughter, as often; Sept. Ταβέκ ; Josephus, Ταβαῖος , Ant. 1, 6, 5; Vulg. Tebee), the oldest of the four sons of Nahor by his concubine ReumahGenesis 22:24). B.C. cir. 2050.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

tē´ba ( טבח , ṭebhaḥ ): A son of Nahor, the brother of AbrahamGenesis 22:24 ).
