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(Created page with "Mary Bevan (Nee Plumsted) <ref name="term_25050" /> <p> Bevan (nee Plumsted), Mary </p> <p> an English minister of the Society of Friends, was born in London in 1751. Her...")
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Mary Bevan (Nee Plumsted) <ref name="term_25050" />  
<p> Bevan (nee Plumsted), Mary </p> <p> an English minister of the [[Society]] of Friends, was born in London in 1751. Her father was an acknowledged minister among the Quakers. In her childhood she gave her heart to the Saviour. When thirty-three years of age she felt it her duty to "appear as a minister, in which service she was acceptably engaged while ability remained.'' In 1810 she had an apoplectic fit, and died May 23, 1813. See [[Piety]] Promoted, 4, 46, 48. (J. C. S.) </p>
Mary Bevan (Nee Plumsted) <ref name="term_25050" />
==References ==
<p> Bevan (nee Plumsted), Mary </p> <p> an English minister of the Society of Friends, was born in London in 1751. Her father was an acknowledged minister among the Quakers. In her childhood she gave her heart to the Saviour. When thirty-three years of age she felt it her duty to "appear as a minister, in which service she was acceptably engaged while ability remained.'' In 1810 she had an apoplectic fit, and died May 23, 1813. See [[Piety]] Promoted, 4, 46, 48. (J. C. S.) </p>
== References ==
<ref name="term_25050"> [,+mary Mary Bevan (Nee Plumsted) from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_25050"> [,+mary Mary Bevan (Nee Plumsted) from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>