
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

 Isaiah 28:21, "Jehovah shall rise up as in Mount Perazim," namely, as He broke forth as waters do, and made a "breach" (Ρerazim ) on David's foes at Baal Perazim by the valley of' Rephaim2 Samuel 5:20). (See Baal PERAZIM.) So utter and sudden was the rout that the Philistines left their idols behind, and David burned them ( 1 Chronicles 14:11). "Mount" thus connected with "Baal" implies it was an idolatrous high place. Isaiah's reference to it as type of Jehovah's most sudden and overwhelming judgments shows how much heavier a blow it was than would appear from the incidental notice of it in 1 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. Josephus (Ant. 7:4, section 1) says not only the Philistines but "all Syria and Phoenicia, and many other warlike nations beside," made the attack on David.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Per'azim. (A Breach). Mount Perazim . A name which occurs in  Isaiah 28:21 only - unless the place which it designates is identical with the Baal-perazim mentioned as the scene of one of David's victories over the Philistines, which was in the valley of Rephaim, south of Jerusalem, on the road to Bethlehem.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [3]

PERAZIM Isaiah 28:21 ) prob. = Baal-perazim .

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

