Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]
Whence gold was brought for Solomon's temple ( 2 Chronicles 3:6). From Sanskrit Paru "hill," the two hills in Arabia mentioned by Ptolemy (vi. 7, section 11, Hitzig). Abbreviated front Sepharvaim, which stands in Syriac version and the targum of Jonathan for Sephar (Zaphar A Seaport On The Coast Of Hadramaut; Genesis 10:30 , Knobel) . From Sanskrit Purva , "eastern" (Gesenius, Thessalonians 2:1125).
Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]
Parvaim A region whence, according to 2 Chronicles 3:6 , the gold was obtained which was used for ornamenting the Temple of Solomon. The name is most plausibly identified with Farwa in Yemen, or S. W. Arabia. It was possibly from this place that the ‘gold of Sheba’ ( Psalms 72:15; cf. Isaiah 60:6 ) was in part derived.
J. F. M‘Curdy.
Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]
Parva'im. (Oriental Regions). The name of an unknown place or country, whence the gold was procured for the decoration of Solomon's Temple. 2 Chronicles 3:6. We may notice the conjecture that it is derived from the Sanscrit purva , "Eastern", and is a general term for the east.
Morrish Bible Dictionary [4]
An unknown gold region. 2 Chronicles 3:6 . Supposed by some to be a general term from the Sanscrit for the East.
American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [5]
2 Chronicles 3:6 , the region of fine gold; probably Ophir; according to Gesenius, the East.
Holman Bible Dictionary [6]
Easton's Bible Dictionary [7]
Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]
(Heb. Parva'yim, פִּרְוִיַם , a dual form from some unknown פִּרְוִי ; Sept. Φαρουίμ ) , a region producing gold used in adorning, Solomon's Temple ( 2 Chronicles 3:6). There is very strong reason to conclude with Bochart (Can. 1:46) that it is the same with Ophir. Castell, however (Lexic. Heptagl. col. 3062), identifies it with Barbatia on the Tigris, which is named by Pliny (Hist. Nat. 6:32); and Gesenius, seeking the root of the name in the Sanscrit puriva, "before," i.e. "eastern," concludes it to be a general term, corresponding to our Levant, meaning east country; so that "gold of Parvaim" means Eastern gold (Thesaur. 2:25; so Wilford in the Asiat. Research. 8:276). Knobel conjectures (Volkert. p. 191) that it is an abbreviated form of Sepharvaim, which stands in the Syriac version and the Targum of Jonathan for the Sephar of Genesis 10:30. Hitzig maintains (on Daniel 10:5) that the name is derived from the Sanscrit Parna, "hill," and betokens the Δίδυμα Ὄρη in Arabia mentioned by Ptolemy (6:7, § 11).
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [9]
par - vā´im ( פּרוים , parwāyim ; Septuagint Pharouaim ): The word occurs only in 2 Chronicles 3:6 , as the place from which Solomon obtained gold for the decoration of his Temple. A derivation is given from the Sanskrit pūrva , "eastern," so that the name might be a vague term for the East (Gesenius, Thesaurus , 1125). Whether there was such a place in arabia is doubtful. Farwa in Yemen has been suggested, and also Sāḳ el Farwain in Yemamah. Some have considered the name a shortened form of Ṣepharvāyim which occurs in the Syriac and Targum Jonathan for the "Sephar" of Genesis 10:30 .
Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [10]
Parva´im, a region producing the finest gold . There is very strong reason to conclude, with Bochart, that it is the same with Ophir.
- ↑ Parvaim from Fausset's Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Parvaim from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible
- ↑ Parvaim from Smith's Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Parvaim from Morrish Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Parvaim from American Tract Society Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Parvaim from Holman Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Parvaim from Easton's Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Parvaim from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
- ↑ Parvaim from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
- ↑ Parvaim from Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature