
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Ach'bor. (Mouse).

1. Father of Baalhanan king of Edom.  Genesis 36:38-39;  1 Chronicles 1:49.

2. Son of Michaiah, a contemporary of Josiah,  2 Kings 22:12;  2 Kings 22:14;  Jeremiah 26:22;  Jeremiah 36:12, called Abdon in  2 Chronicles 34:20. (B.C. 623).

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Achbor (‘mouse’ or ‘jerboa’). 1 . An EdomiteGenesis 36:38 ). 2 . A courtier under Josiah, son of Micaiah2 Kings 22:12;   2 Kings 22:14 ), and father of ElnathanJeremiah 26:22 om. LXX [Note: Septuagint.] ,   Jeremiah 36:12 ). Called Abdon 2 Chronicles 34:20 ).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

1. An Edomite, the father of Baal-hanan.  Genesis 36:38,39;  1 Chronicles 1:49 .

2. Son of Michaiah and servant of Josiah.   2 Kings 22:12,14;  Jeremiah 26:22;  Jeremiah 36:12 : called ABDON, the son of Micah, in  2 Chronicles 34:20 .

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [4]

1.  Genesis 36:38;  1 Chronicles 1:49.

2. Father of king Jehoiakim's ready tool in evil, Elnathan ( Jeremiah 26:22-23); Achbor was, on the contrary, an instrument of good Josiah, to inquire the Lord's will from the prophetess Huldah. Called Abdon, the son of Micah, in  2 Chronicles 34:20-21. Goodness is not always hereditary.

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

 Genesis 36:38 2 2 Kings 22:12-14 3 Jeremiah 26:22 Jeremiah 36:12

Easton's Bible Dictionary [6]

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

ak´bor ( עכבּור , ‛akhbōr , "mouse"):

(1) The father of Baal-hanan, who was the seventh of the eight kings who reigned in Edom before there were kings in IsraelGenesis 36:38 ,  Genesis 36:39;  1 Chronicles 1:49 ).

(2) The son of Micaiah (called in Chronicles Abdon the son of Micah) who went with Hilkiah the priest and other high officials, at the command of King Josiah, to consult Huldah the prophetess concerning the book that had been found ( 2 Kings 22:12 ,  2 Kings 22:14;  2 Chronicles 34:20 ).

It may be presumed that this Achbor is also the man mentioned in Jer ( Jeremiah 26:22;  Jeremiah 36:12 ) as the father of Elnathan, who went to Egypt for King Jehoiakim in order to procure the extradition of Uriah the prophet, and who protested against the burning of Baruch's roll.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(Heb. Akbor', עִכְבּוֹר , Gnawing, 1, q. Mouse; Sept. Ἀχοβώρ , v. r. in Jeremiah and Chron. Ἀχωβώρ ), the name of two men.

1. An Idumaean, father of Baal-hanan, one of the Edomitish kings

Genesis 36:38;  1 Chronicles 1:49), B.C. prob. considerably ante 1619.

2. The son of Michaiab, and one of the courtiers whom Josiah sent to Huldah to inquire the course to be pursued respecting the newly- discovered book of the law ( 2 Kings 22:12;  2 Kings 22:14), B.C. 623. In the parallel passage ( 2 Chronicles 34:20) he is called ABDON (See Abdon) , the son of Micah. His son Elnathan was a courtier of Jehoiakim ( Jeremiah 26:22;  Jeremiah 36:12).
