
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Morrish Bible Dictionary [1]

Designation of Eliahba as belonging to the city of Shaalbim.  2 Samuel 23:32;  1 Chronicles 11:33 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]


International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

shā - al - bō´nı̄t , shā - al´bṓ - nı̄t ( השּׁעלבּני , ha - sha‛albōnı̄  ; ὁ Σαλαβωνείτης , ho Salabōnéitēs (  2 Samuel 23:32 ) Codex Vaticanus ὁ Ὁμεί , ho Homeı́  ; Codex Alexandrinus ὁ Σαλαβωνί , ho Salabōnı́ ): Eliahba, one of David's heroes, a native of Shaalbon. See Shaalbim .

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [4]

(Heb. Shaalboni', שִׁעֲלְבֹנַי ; Sept. Σαλαβωνίτης , v.r. Σαλαβωνί , Σωμεί , and even Ο᾿Μεί ; Vulg. Salabonites, De Salboni ) , an epithet of Eliahba (q.v.), one of David's thirty-seven chief heroes ( 2 Samuel 23:32;  1 Chronicles 11:33); evidently as being a native of Shaalbon. a place otherwise unknown, unless identical with Shaalbim (q, v.)..
